A collection of theses submitted and approved for a Master's degree at Loyola University Chicago.
Theses/Dissertations from 1972
An Ultrastructural Study of Palatal Fusion in Rat Embryos, William Michael Kelly
Preservation of Human Gingiva, Michael Harry Korman
A Comparative Study of Three Mycobacteriophages, James P. Kraiss
Preliminary Investigation of Negative Emotion and Insight Function in the Counseling Process, Robert C. Kramer
Peter Semenenko and His Triologism as a Basis for a Resurrection Philosophy of Education, Lenore V. Kusek
Some Linguistic Correlations in the Demographic Distributions of the Italians in the Near West Side Community of Chicago, Sandra Louise Lazarz
A Comparison of Clinical Versus Statistical Judgment of Asocial Psychopathy, Ernest John Lenz
A New Allotypic Specificity Found on Rabbit Aa Locus Negative IgG-immunoglobulins, Michael I. Luster
The Development of a Test for the Measurement of Drug Information Gained from Practical Experience by Undergraduate Students in Pharmacy, Henri R. Manasse
Consequences of Commitment and the Relevance of Cognitively Bonded Values on Initial Attitude and Resistance to Attitude Change, Kenneth A. Marciniak
Changes in Masticatory Performance Before and During Early Orthodontic Treatment, Philip Sheldon Markin
Effect of Masker Duration on the Detectability of Pulsed Diotic and Dichotic Tonal Signals, Theodore H. Miller
Certainty as Regards the Existence of Physical Objects in the Later Philosophy of Ludwig Wittgenstein, Robert Mishlove
A New Look at the Old Errand: A Radical Strain in American Thought, Richard F. Moore
The Relationship between Self-Actualization and Adjustment Among American Catholic Priests, Thomas John Murphy
A Comparison of Nerve Fibers and Nerve Endings in the Sutures of the Cranial-Facial Complex and the Periodontal Ligament, Roger Craig Nettune
The Relationship between Cultural Background Factors and Cultural Influences Within Intelligence Tests, William Ernest Nordbrock
Electronic Auscultation and Sonagraphic Audio-Spectral Analysis of the Temporomandibular Joint, Paul L. Ouellette
Comparative Healing of Electrosurgical and Scalpel Inflicted Incisional Wounds, James Theodore Ozimek
Biochemical Maturation Changes in Developing Lung Surfactant in Rabbits, Peter Pagast
The Black Migrant: An Analysis of Family Dependency Within the Migration Process, Edward J. Peklo
Description and Analysis of the Structural Symbolism of a Buddhist Ritual, Benedict Perrino
Response Attributes and Anxiety (Drive) in Paired-Associate Learning, Sue van Oosten Petzel
Copulation in Two Species of Tetraopes: Behavior, Mechanics and Morphology (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae), Thomas John Pilat