A collection of theses submitted and approved for a Master's degree at Loyola University Chicago.
Theses/Dissertations from 1971
An Investigation of the Effects of Externally and Intrapsychically Induced Stress on Projective Drawings, Robert L. Duncan
The Development in the Concept of Counseling of Dean Edmund Griffith Williamson from 1937 to 1969, Herbert J. Farias
The Implications of the Foreign Studies Apostolate for American Jesuit Higher Education in the 1970's, John Felice
The Philosophy of Education in Selected Ancient and Contemporary Judaic Sources in Relation to Main Values in Four Secular Philosophies, Elliott Finkel
Attitudes Toward the Policeman Among First Grade Children, Rose Mary Zacharia Finnegan
Beliefs About Death and Immortality Observed by Opinion Scaling in Students at Two Midwestern Catholic Medical Schools, Jean Frances Gagan
The Logical Problems That Prevented David Hume from Refuting the Argument from Design, Jeffery L. Grove
The Intracanal Diffusion of Camphorated Para-mono-chlorophenol in Endodontics: An Autoradiographic Study, Gerald R. Heiman
Some Adaptations of the Theory and Techniques of Value Counseling to Secondary Education, David J. Jakubiec
The Effects of Some Oral Hypoglycemic Agents on Hexokinase Activity, Geoffrey A. Karasek
A Study of the Relationship between Olfaction and Puberty in the Laboratory Rat: Rattus norvegicus, Robert F. Locke
A Physiologic Study of the Anxiety and Apprehension of Children in the Dental Situation, Wayne E. Milos
Antigenicity of Buccal Hamster Carcinoma: A Preliminary Study, Arnold S. Morof
The In Vitro Synthesis of Melanin in the Avian Pineal When Treated with D, L-Dopa, Bernadette Ann Nowicki
Defining Presidential Powers Under the Commander In-Chief Clause, Phyllis M. Oman
A Follow-Up Study of Interest Scores and Personality Traits of Persevering and Non-Persevering High School Minor Seminarians Nine Years Later , William Lawrence O'Neill
An Evaluation of Occlusal Force Discrimination by Denture Wearers, Fred James Pacer
La Influencia Existencialista en Algunos Autores Espanoles del Siglo XX, Dulce Maria Perea
The Effects of Various Cation Concentrations on Salivary Amylase Activity, William MacDonald Reeves
An Investigation Into the Relationship between Exploratory Behavior and Affective Rating, Joseph P. Reser
Correlations between Behavioral Changes and Drug Induced Variations of the Levels of Mouse Brain Catecholamines and Serotonin, Daniel Leo Richardson
Glutaraldehyde as a Cold Sterilizing Agent for Endodontic Instruments, Gary Max Ritchie
Seasonal Changes in Morphology of the Gonads of the Bluegill Lepomis macrochirus, Alan C. Roman