A collection of theses submitted and approved for a Master's degree at Loyola University Chicago.
Theses/Dissertations from 1970
The Political and Religious Thought of James I., John Joseph Kerrigan
A Study of the Karyotype of the Corixid, Krizousacorixa Femorata GUERIN (Hemiptera-Corixidae), Maureen Marie. Kleba
The Effects of Group Interaction on the Ratings of Physical Attractiveness, Anthony A. Kopera
A Preliminary Growth Study of Embryonic a/Jax Mouse Palatal Shelves in Vitro, Gerald A. Lamberti
A Preliminary Study of the Effect of Methotrexate on the Labeling Index of the Tongue and Palate Epithelium in the Mouse, Jack S. Litz
A Study of the National Alliance of Businessmen in Columbus, Ohio : (Spring - Summer, 1968), Hubert T. McDonald
An Evaluation of Collegians' Ethics and the Implications of This Evaluation for Personnel Selection by Business Firms, John P. McHale
The Uptake of ₋p3₋s₋p5₋sSO₋b₋b4₋s₋p-- ₋sin the Proximal End of the Tibia in Normal and Rachitic Rats, Philip John Milanovich
The Lipid Composition of the Egg Shell of the Tick Rhipicephalus sanguineus, Anthony F. Molinari
The Anaerobic Actinomyces in Endodontics, Orlando Mun¿¿oz-Noya
A Study of Growth and Enzymatic Characteristics of Endodontic, Salivary and Fecal Isolates of Streptococcus Faecalis, Roy M. Naito
The "Detotalization" of a Teaching Sisterhood and Some Analogous Processes of Change, Brendan. O'Dowd
The Factorial Structure of the Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence, Gerald S. O'Keefe
Changes in the Maxillary Arch Length Accompanying Rapid Palatal Expansion, Kenneth H. Peterson
A Tool and Die Test Validation Study, John Henry Petlicki
The Common Sense Philosophy of G. E. Moore, Mark A. Phillips
Herpes Simplex Virus in Rabbit Central Nervous System, Anan Phuangsab
A Study of the Experimenter Modeling Effect on the Manifest Anxiety Scale, Jerome S. Pietrzak
Insulin Complexes and the Radioimmunoassay of Insulin, Ronald Joseph Przybyla
An Analysis of a Human Relations Laboratory Experience by the Focal Conflict Method, Denis E. Quinlan
Aspects of the Homosexual Personality and Counseling, Ronald John Reckamp
A Histologic Study of Two Technics of Autogenous Bone Grafts on Monkeys, Aime F. Rivault
The Extraction of Mucopolysaccharides from the Oral Mucosa of the Hamster Buccal Pouch, Joseph Wayne Rossa