A collection of theses submitted and approved for a Master's degree at Loyola University Chicago.
Theses/Dissertations from 1969
A Preliminary Study to Determine the Feasability of the Use of Tritiated Cortisol for Autoradiographic Examination of A/Jax Mouse Fetuses, Allen D. Marks
The Interaction of Fe(III) and Fe(II) with Deoxyribonucleic Acid, William Warren Martz
Intentional and Incidental Concept Formation as a Function of Conceptual Structure, Information, Intelligence, and Authoritarianism, David J. Marx
A Study of the Relationship between Children's Verbal Ability and Social Class, Ronald P. McDermott
The Loyola Seminarian Sentence Completion Test: A Cross Validation Study, Edward J. McLaughlin
The Effects of ECS, Ether, and Pentobarbital on Single Trial Passive Avoidance Learning, Stephen Charles Milliser
Gandhian Ideology and India'S Foreign Policy, Jagannathan. Muthusamy
Effect on Glutamate on the Incorporation of Cystine Into the Plasma Proteins, Robert Orman
School and Society According to John Dewey and Mahatma Gandhi: A Retrospective Critique, Asirvatham Periaswamy
Education Towards Self-Awareness: The Role of the Small Group Within the School Setting, Eduardo Pinzon-Umana
The Effects of an Intake Interview in an Out-Patient Clinic on the Client's Anxiety and "Maladjustment", Chacko K. Poovathumkal
Some Adaptations of "Rational-Emotive" Techniques to School Counseling, Edward F. Ramesh
Hemerythrin Dissociation-Association Studies by Sephadex Chromatography, Ayyagari Laxminarasimha Rao
The Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine and the Santo Domingan Receivership of 1905: Big Stick Or Big Brother?, Ronald Francis Reter
A Study of Acidogenesis by the Microflora of Dental Plaque in Orthodontic Patients, John R. Riggs
Skeletal Maturation in Orthodontic Patients, James Spiros Rozes
The Royal Hospital of Saint Joseph of the Indians of Mexico City, James Richard Samec
Three Models Predicting Group Productivity from Initial Individual Knowledge Certainty and Familiarity, John A. Scileppi
The Metabolism of D-Glucaric Acid in Bacillus Megaterium, Brahma Shanker Sharma
Metatarsal Transplantations Following Mandibular Unilateral Condylectomies in Macaca Mulata Monkeys, Richard C. Shukes
Motivational Factors of the Alcoholic Priest in Seeking Treatment, Aloysius Sinsky
A Cephalometric Assessment of the Dentoskeletal Relationship of the Anterior Cranial Base and Mandibular Body Length in the North American Negro and Caucasian Child with a Class II Division I Malocclusion, Gregory Michael Smoron
Tikvah Institute for Childhood Learning Disabilities: Evaluation of a Curriculum for the Perceptually Handicapped Child, Alan Gordon Spector
Acuity of Dimension Proprioception and Difference in Arc of Incision for the Various Occlusal Types, David Paul Stangl