A collection of theses submitted and approved for a Master's degree at Loyola University Chicago.
Theses/Dissertations from 1969
An Approach to Imagery in the Poetry of Theodore Roethke, Barbara Bubon Steinbeigle
Some Implications of the Latin American Social Context for Bolivian Education, Joseph M. Subirats
Philipp G. Frank: Critic of Modern Science, Justin. Synnestvedt
The Comparison of Class I and Class II Non-Extraction Cases to Class I and Class II Extraction Orthodontic Treated Cases by Evaluation of Cephalometric and Cast Analysis, William E. Toolson
The Effect of Orthodontic Forces on Gnathostatic Proprioception, Donald Richard Toso
An Analysis of the Factors Contributing to School Building Construction in the Chicago Public Schools During the Years 1933-1938, Victor Louis Vant
The Effectiveness of Para-Chlorophenol as a Possible Antimicrobial Agent in Endodontia: An in Vitro Study, Christian Vikari
An Investigation of the Relationship between Difficulty of Drawing and Rated Disturbance Based on Human Figure Drawings, William Joseph White
Nuclear Ribonucleic Acid Metabolism in Regenerating Wound Tissue, Leong-Ging Wong
The Metabolism of D-Glucaric Acid by Aspergillus Niger, Barbara L. Zakes
The Effect of Cortical Steroids on the Rate of Eruption of the First Maxillary Molar in the Albino Rat, Stephanie Jean Zayachek
Theses/Dissertations from 1968
Localization by Electron Microscopy of Succinic Dehydrogenase in Metabolically Altered Bacillus Cereus During Outgrowth, Mohammed Israr Ali
Analisis Literario de el Gesticulador de Rodolfo Usigli, Luz Maria Alvarez
Effects of Varying Amounts of Discussions on Concept Attainment Strategies and Interproblem Transfer, Jon Anthony Anderson
Human and Divine Knowledge in the Oedipus Tyrannus, James Carroll Arimond
A Study of Dental Plaque in Orthodontic Patients, Jack W. Balenseifen
The Effect of Diethylstilbestrol on the Growth and Virulence of Staphyloccoccus aureus, Sudhaker I. Baman
A Prediction Study of High School Dropouts, Using Story Sequence Analysis, Michael Charles Berthold
Resumen de Caracteristicas de Romulo Gallegos, Hilda del Blanco
An Evaluation of the Psychophysical Phenomenon upon Application of Sensory Stimuli to the Periodontal Ligaments of Mandibular Teeth, John George Bonaguro
The New England Company of 1649: A Study in Philanthropy, Paul J. Borgmann
A Method of Analysis and Triadic Performance on a Complementary Task, Laurence G. Branch
El Amor Divino en la Obra Maestra De Santa Teresa de Jesus: Las Moradas, Ann Bulovas
Characteristics of the Normative Group on the Edwards Personal Preference Schedule in a Midwestern Minor Seminary Population, Luke James Callahan