A collection of theses submitted and approved for a Master's degree at Loyola University Chicago.
Theses/Dissertations from 1968
An Inquiry Into the Relationship of an Adaptation of Kephart's Perceptual Survey Rating Scale to Reading Performance in the Ninth Grade, Mario Campanaro
A Cephalometric Study of Cranial Base Morphology, Laurence I. Carlsen Jr.
La Labor Critica de Azorin, Myrtha. Castellvi
An Investigation of the Changes in the Cell Surface Isoantigens of the Hamster Pouch Epithelium Induced by Malignant Change, Robert F. Chavez
La Voragine, Como Novela Romantica, Felix Cisneros
A Preliminary Investigation and Critique of the Ethics of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, David W. Clark
Occlusal Traumatism: The Histologic Evaluation of the Periodontal Disease Process as Influenced by Local Irritants in Rhesus Monkeys, Michael D. Comar
Deuterium Oxide Exchange Reaction with Human Beta-1 Lipoproteins, Lawrence J. Crolla
A Direct Examination of Papillary Muscle Function in the Canine Left Ventricle, Robert Emmet Cronin
The Effects of Norethynodrel and Mestranol on the Growth and Virulence of Staphylococcus aureus, James M. Cummings
Cell Kinetics of the Oral Epithelium of Adrenalectomized and of Hypophysectomized Mice, Elliott Howard Dickler
An Enzymatic Assay for D-Glucaric Acid in Blood and Bile, Nicholas M. Di Filippo
Adolescent Girls' Opinions on the Sisterhood, Donald Frank Dirksen
Title III Innovations: Implications for the Gifted Student, Marguerite Giles Durkin
A Psychophysical Analysis of the Discriminatory Ability of Orthodontic Patients to Forces Applied to the Maxillary Canine Tooth, Gerald Raymond Dusza
A Comparison of Diocesan Priests Who Leave the Active Ministry with Priests Who Remain in the Active Ministry, John J. Echlin
The WAIS as a Group Test of Intelligence, Robert Francis Eme
The Effects of Exogenous ACTH on 5-3b-hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase Activity in the Embryonic Avian Adrenal Gland, Grover Charles Ericson
Investigation of Anterior Open Bite Malocclusion by Means of Dental Arch Measurements, Cephalometrics and Cinefluorography of Deglutition, Charles Henry Fink
The Effect of Androgens on the Growth and Virulence of Staphylococcus aureus, Thomas J. Fitzgerald
Montalembert: His Idea of Liberty, Marie Louise Flick
Romanticismo y Realismo en Tamayo y Baus, Ofelia. Garcia
Political and Social Aspects of the Indianista Novel in Peru, Bolivia and Ecuador, Avelline Quinn Gibbs
Juana la Loca en la Historia y en el Teatro de Tamayo y Baus, Remember Maceo Gomez
Gabriela Mistral: Estudio Psicologico-Literario de "Locas Mujeres", Julia. Guerrero