A collection of theses submitted and approved for a Master's degree at Loyola University Chicago.
Theses/Dissertations from 1968
A Comparative Analysis of the Social Components of Illness of Second Generation Japanese-Americans and Mexican-Americans in the Chicago Area, Michiko. Sakamoto
To Influence the Minds of Men: A Study of Crossroads Student Center and International Students in Chicago, Shirley Saldanha
A Comparison of the M-F Scores of American and Philippine Ss on the WAIS and the MMPI, Ellinor Aquio San Diego
A Cell-Free System for Protein Synthesis from Azotobacter vinelandii, Julian Scheinbuks
A Study of the Relationships of the ABO Human Blood Groups, the Rh Factor and Hereditary Malocclusions of the Skeletal Type, Class II, Division 1, Charles Louis Schnibben
A Study of the Relationship between Differing Maternity Home Environments and the Mental Health of Resident Unwed Mothers, Mary Kathryn Schreier
Some Interrelationships of Academic Status, Role Conception and Role Conflict in a Baccalaureate Nursing Program, Margaret M. Sery
The Effects of Examiner and Instructional Variables on Intelligence Test Performance, Luke A. Shanley
Disc Electrophoretic Studies of the Soluble Fraction of Normal and Cryptorchid Rat Testes, Robert P. N. Shearin
English Opinion About Scotland and of Union between England and Scotland During the Reign of James I, Vincent A. Sheridan
The Effects of Parental Religious Belief and Practice on the Religious Behavior of Catholic High School Girls, William J. Shields
Some Effects of Participation and Discrepancy Level on Opinion Conformity, Allen Norton Shub
Condylectomy Induced Bone Changes in the Macaca Rhesus Monkey, Dean F. Skuble
Changes in Proprioception of the Periodontal Ligament During Orthodontic Treatment, Jesse Edward Soltis
Clinical Orientation of the Preclinical Dental Student: Impacts upon the Teaching Program, Richard Michael Stamm
Pulp Cell Duplicating Time in Molars of 60-Day-Old Rats, Nipavann Taiyong
A System of Recording and Updating Student Personnel Records Through Data Processing, John A. Tosto
Sympathetic Outflows from Cervical Spinal Cord in the Dog, Gary Gene Wiesman
An Analysis of a Management Development Program, Joseph J. Wnuk
The Rapid Estimation by Light Scattering of the Course of Growth of PPLO in Liquid Media, Joseph P. Wolf
Personajes Masculinos de Los Poemas Del Cante Jondo de Federico Garcia Lorca, Sofia G. Wray
An Attempt to Differentiate Underachievers from Normals by Means of Responses to a College Environment Scale, James Clarence Young
Theses/Dissertations from 1967
Analisis de las Traducciones de John Garrett Underhill de Dramas Escogidos de Jacinto Benavente, Jesus C. Abalos
A Descriptive Study of Certain Attitudes and Practices of Some Eighth Grade Students of Different Educational Backgrounds, Patrick Maureen Ace