A collection of theses submitted and approved for a Master's degree at Loyola University Chicago.
Theses/Dissertations from 1968
A Study of the Relationship between the "Teen Encounters Christ" Experience and Behavioral Orientations, Attitudes, and Practice, Edward. Harnett
A Comparative Study of Certain Personality and Vocational Interest Variables of Seminarians Who Completed and Failed to Complete a Junior College Program, Thomas I. Healy
A Man in Battle: The Atheism of Jean-Paul Sartre, Lawrence M. Hinman
Temas en "Locas Mujeres" de Gabriela Mistral, Sylvia. Hjorth
Levels of Nicotinamide Adenine Nucleotides in Metabolically Altered Staphylococci, Robert D. Y. Hoo
The Effect of Forced Oral Lavage on the Oral Hygiene of Orthodontic Patients, J. Earl Hurst
Devaluation of a Desired Object as a Function of Expectancy: A Refutation of Dissonance, Richard R. Izzet
A Phenomenological Study of Behavioral Change Attitudes Toward the New Liturgy, John J. Jankauskas
Myocardial Water and Electrolyte Changes in Ventricular Fibrillation with Cardiac Massage Followed by Electrical Defibrillation, Alan D. Kaplan
Catholic Mission Involvement with Education in Papua-New Guinea, Lambert Kempkes
The Role of the Gonzalez Prada Popular Universities in the Development and Formation of the Peruvian Aprista Movement, Jeffrey Lockwood Klaiber
Conditional Concept Formation Under Unequal Information Conditions, Paul G. La Forge
Blood Group Substances A and B on the Oral Epithelium of Aging Caucasian Males, Noel B. Lapp
Aspects of the Catholic Profile in the Christian Century: A Post-War Picture, 1946-1958, Roman Lewicki
Jesuit Effectiveness in Secondary Education: A Study in Secondary Socialization, John Francis Libens
La Novela Historica en Enrique Gil y Carrasco, Hortensia Lugo
The In Vitro Inactivation of Parathyroid Hormone, Robert Charles Lukesh
T.H.S. Escott: A Tory Radical's View of Victorian Society, Arthur Walter Lysiak
A Histochemical Study of the Effects of Parathyroid Extract on Cartilage and Bone in Tissue Sections from Fetal Rat Heads, Nicholas Joseph Malinski
An Investigation of the Comparative Psychology of Ecuadorean and North American Adolescents Boys, James E. Malo
The Meaning of "Objective Knowledge" in Maurice Blondel's L'Action (1893), Thomas J. Marsh
A Study of Total and Projected Root Surface Area of Extracted Maxillary Teeth from the Caucasion and Negro Population of North America, Stephen M. Matokar
Integration in the Elementary Schools of the Chicago-Dekalb Province of the School Sisters of Notre Dame, Judith Marie McBride
An In Vitro Study of the Effects of Parathyroid Hormone on the Activity of Alkaline Phosphatase, Michael Joseph McCormack
Expectancy Level Among Educable and Trainable Retardates, Ann H. McIntyre