A collection of theses submitted and approved for a Master's degree at Loyola University Chicago.
Theses/Dissertations from 1973
An Autoradiographic Demonstration of Trigeminal Nerve Terminations in the Tooth, Richard A. Menke
The Good Subject Motive and the Apprehensive Subject Motive: An Investigation of Their Relative Strengths, James M. Michaud
Hohokam Structures: Subregional Variations in Architecture and Activity Areas, and Their Functional Relationships, John W. Molfese
Fresh and Frozen Iliac Crest Transplants in Primates: A Sequential Histologic Study, Don Michael Morris
William James and Phenomenology, James Mullane
The Ultrastructure of the Optic Lobes of Octopus Vulgaris, Donald B. Newman
Associative Symmetry and the Re-Paired Paradigm, Richard C. Ney
Social Intelligence: Fact Or Artifact?, Edmund J. Nightingale
Ecological Distribution of Foreign Students in Chicago, Daniel Sunday Obikeze
Auditory Development and Its Relation to I.Q. Scores in Black, Culturally-Deprived Children, Robert E. O'Connor
A Comparison of the Effects of Total-Body, Chronic and Low Dose-Rate Neutron and Gamma Radiation on the Tongue and Palatal Mucosa of Mice, Dennis George Page
Temporal Separation in Reversal and Reversal-Mixed List Verbal Discrimination Learning, Stanley J. Pasko
The Relationship between Abstract and Social Intelligence, Marcia Mulder Pavlou
Vilfredo Pareto: The Sociologist and the Man, Gastone Pozzobon
A Three-Dimensional Cinefluorographic Analysis of Bolus Placement During Mastication, Joseph A. Ruscheinski
The Effects of Cortisone on the Mitotic Activity and Histology of the Incisor in the Magnesium Deficient Rat, Edward Stanley Salkin
Perceptual Alignment and Marital Satisfaction, Robert M. Schwartz
Prostaglandin F2αAND Aspirin Effect on the Ovaries and Adrenal Glands of the Immature Female Rat, Martin A. Sidor
Serological Methods for the Identification of Corynebacterium vaginale, Mary Frances Smaron
Grievance Handling at International Harvester Company: The "New Look", Alfred J. Smith
The Comparative Uptake and Metabolism of Tritiated Cortisol by Specific Tissues of Maternal and Fetal a/Jax Mice with Thin-Layer Chromatography and Liquid Scintillation, Kenneth Michael Spain
A Comparative Study of Isozyme Patterns in Gampanularia Flexuosa and Cordylophora Lacustris, Carol Jean. Stancher
Fixation and Stimulus Control of Behavior, David S. Stark
Aspects of the Economic Motivation Behind the Marshall Plan, Neils. Thorsen