A collection of theses submitted and approved for a Master's degree at Loyola University Chicago.
Theses/Dissertations from 1977
Glucose Hypercatabolism in Endotoxic Adipose Tissue, Dianne Figlewicz
Living with Life-Threatening Illness, Teresa Foreman
The Effects of Tissue Culture Medium (T199) on the Sutural Growth in Albino Mice, Eliezer Garcia
Childhood Behavior Disorders and Parental Background Variables, Dale Susan. Gody
Locus of Control in Relationship to Moral Judgement, Ethical Behavior, and Religious Motivation, Simcha Goldman
Histopathologic Evaluation of Conventional and Giromatic Methods of Canal Preparation on Pulp Stump and Periapical Tissues, Gerald Daniel Gray
The Relationship of Temporal and Spatial Parameters in Backward Masking, Darlene Cacciato Habinek
Spatial Factors in Backward Visual Masking, James Keith Habinek
An Exploratory Study of Seven Procedures to Encourage College Student Studying Behavior, Calvin Edward Hainzinger
Crevicular Fluid in Children, Rafik Ferdinand Hakim
Periodontal Ligament Reaction Associated with Two Methods of Dowel Space Preparation, Eugene Charles Hanson
Faking on the Zung Self-Rating Depression Scale, John Robert Hoeppel
Calscorbate Alloplastic Implants in Primates: A Sequential Histopathologic Study, Lawrence William Jenkins
Westward to the Mountains: Preliminary Hudson's Bay Company Exploration of the Northern Rocky Mountains, 1789-1824, Theodore J. Karamanski
Personality Correlates (CPI & I-E) of Vocational Satisfaction and Commitment for Professional Religious Women, M. Jean Keeley
Detroit in the 1970's a Preview of the Coming American Racial Crisis, Timothy J. Kenny
A Comparison of Crevicular Fluid Volume: Pre and Post Periodontal Surgery, David L. Koth
The Influence of Dionysius the Areopagite on John Colet, Daniel T. Lochman
The Social Role of the Grandmother Among Puerto Ricans on the Mainland, Constance E. Ludwig
Attitudes Concerning Fire Preparedness in a Midwestern City: A Survey and Reverse Records Check, Michael A. McDaniel
The Effect of Amygdalin on the Process of Regeneration in the Adult Newt, Notopthalmus Viridescens viridescens (rafinesque), Mary Therese Micaletti
Pulpal Circulation Following Replantation of Teeth in Monkeys, Ronald M. Milnarik
A Morphological and Histological Study of the Hepatitis B Antigen Treated Nicotiana sylvestris and Nicotiana tabaccum Variety Xanthi, Jeanne Elisabeth Moldenhauer
Religion in the Family: A Typology of Family Religious Environment, Gerald Edward Mucha