Submissions from 2013
Woolf Online, Pamela L. Caughie, Nicholas J. Hayward, Mark Hussey, Peter Shillingsburg, and George K. Thiruvathukal
Italian-American Writers, Susana Cavallo PhD, Wiley Feinstein PhD, Fred Gardaphé PhD, Cristina Lombardi-Diop PhD, and Samuele Pardini PhD
Alpha-Synuclein Aggregates Activate the Nlrp3 Inflammasome Following Vesicle Rupture, Rudy Orlando Cedillos
Treading Identities: Second-Generation Christian Indian Americans Negotiating Race, Ethnicity and Religion in America, Soulit Chacko
The Effect of Vitamin D on Human T Regulatory Cell Differentiation, Stephanie Anne Chapman
Decision making: Fishing production and fishers in the Black Sea, Mine Cinar, Joseph Johnson, and Andrew Palmer
Towards a Roman Catholic Soteriology for the Sinned-Against Creature: An Intercultural Dialogue between the Soteriology of Edward Schillebeeckx and Korean-American Theologies of 'Han', Kevin Patrick Considine
Ethnicity, Assimilation and Transnationalism: a Comparative Study of Eastern European Migration to the United States (1940-2012), Cezara Olga Crisan
Response to David Quigley, John D. Cunningham
How Do Professional Learning Communities Foster Strong Career and Technical Education Programs of Study in Illinois Public High Schools?, Wendy Custable
The Presence of Empathy in Male Completers of a Partner Intervention Program, Katherine Dahlberg
Building Capable, Energy-Efficient, Flexible Visualization and Sensing Clusters from Commodity Tablets, Thomas Delgado Dias, Xian Yan, Konstantin Läufer, and George K. Thiruvathukal
John the Baptist and the Jewish Setting of Matthew, Brian C. Dennert
“O Freunde, nicht diese Töne!" First World War Beethoven Reception as Precedent for the Nazi "Cult of Art", David B. Dennis
Wagner in the "Cult of Art in Nazi Germany", David B. Dennis
Minority Stress Theory: An Examination of Factors Surrounding Sexual Risk Behavior Among Gay and Bisexual Men Who Use Club Drugs, Michael P. Dentato, Perry N. Halkitis, and John Orwat
Mandibular Remains Support Taxonomic Validity of Australopithecus sediba, Darryl J. de Ruiter, Thomas J. Dewitt, Keely B. Carlson, Juliet K. Brophy, Lauren Schroeder, Rebecca R. Ackermann, Steven E. Churchill, and Lee R. Berger
God & Being: An Enquiry, by George Pattison, Colby Dickinson
The "Violence" of the Canon: Revisiting Contemporary Notions of Canonical Forms, Colby Dickinson
The “Violence” of the Canon: Revisiting Contemporary Notions of the Canonical, Colby Dickinson
A Multi-Restart Iterated Local Search Algorithm for the Permutation Flow Shop Problem Minimizing Total Flow Time, Xingye Dong, Ping Chen, Houkuan Huang, and Maciek Nowak
Kant's Change of Heart: Radical Evil and Moral Transformation, Christina Drogalis
Patterns in Group Involvement Experiences During College: Identifying a Taxonomy, John P. Dugan
Lateralization of Simulated Sources and Echoes on the Basis of Interaural Differences of Level, Raymond H. Dye Jr, Jacquelyn P. Hill, Leslie M. Ryan, Alexander E. Cupler, and Kevin M. Bannon
Characterization of Chronic Glucocorticoid Exposure on Natural Killer Cell Function: A Model for Stress Induced Alterations on the Epigenetic Landscape, Justin Lee Eddy
Critical Literacy, Common Core, and “Close Reading”, Aimee Ellis
Visual Analysis of E-Textbooks for Senior High School in Indonesia, Ouda Ena
College Student Pathways to the STEM Disciplines, Mark Engberg and Gregory C. Wolniak
Funk My Soul: The Assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. And the Birth of Funk Culture, Domenico Rocco Ferri
Unraveling the Activation Mechanism of the Potato Tuber ADP-Glucose Pyrophosphorylase, Carlos M. Figueroa, Misty L. Kuhn, Christine A. Falaschetti, Ligin Solamen, Kenneth W. Olsen, Miguel Ballicora, and Alberto A. Iglesias
Large-scale Structural Rearrangement of a Serine Hydrolase from Francisella Tularensis Facilitates Catalysis, Ekaterina V. Filippova, Leigh A. Watson, Misty L. Kuhn, Brett Geissler, and Daniel Becker
The Rebel Leader: A Sequential Explanatory Mixed Methods Analysis of Rebel Superintendents in Suburban Public Schools, Christopher Leigh Finch
Implementing Schoolwide Positive Behavior Support in High School Settings: Analysis of Eight High Schools, K. Brigid Flannery, Jennifer L. Frank, Mimi McGrath Cato, Bonnie Doren, and Pamela Fenning
The World Is Not Yet Completed: Moral Imaginaries and Everyday Politics in Progressive Religious Communities, Todd Nicholas Fuist
Geography, Informal Information, and Mutual Fund Portfolios, Jinyi (Richard) Fu and Swasti Gupta-Mukherjee
Unintended Consequences of Imprecise Notation – an Example from Mechanics, Asim Gangopadhyaya and Gordon Ramsey
Review of D. Ogden, Drakōn: Dragon Myth and Serpent Cult in the Greek and Roman Worlds, Laura Gawlinski
Persia and the Golden Rule, Harry J. Gensler
Making History: Advocates for the Hopeless: Interviews with George Leighton and Barbara Bowman, Timothy Gilfoyle
Lysine Biosynthesis in Bacteria: A Metallodesuccinylase as a Potential Antimicrobial Target, Danuta M. Gillner, Daniel P. Becker Ph.D., and Richard C. Holz
Catholic Education and Assimilation, Al Gini PhD
Student Achievement in Middle Grades: Gauging the Effect of Teacher Training on Student Learning, Natalya Gnedko
seeds, Laura Goldstein
Emergency Nurses' Knowledge, Attitudes and Preventive Practices Regarding Firearms and Firearm Injury Prevention for Children, Dorothy Ann Gomez
¿Déjalo Descansar? The Parental Bereavement Experience of Mexican Migrant Mothers, Illeana Gomez
Unpacking the Study of Instructional Improvement: Issues, Outcomes, and Implications of Three Comprehensive School Reform Efforts, Gabriella Silva Gorsky
Down to Earth Ethics: Exploring Relation and Environmental Responsibility, Matthew Gowans
Aquatic Macroinvertebrate Response to Invasion and Subsequent Removal of Typha × glauca From Great Lakes Coastal Marshes, Kimberly Anne Greene
The Student's Perspective: Exploring Ethnic Group Variances in Bullying Behavior Using Mixed Methods Research, Stephanie Grunewald
Online Course Evaluations Response Rates, Faruk Guder and Mary Malliaris
Second-Class Families: The Challenges and Strategies of Mixed-Status Immigrant Families, Diana Maritza Guelespe
Investing in the ‘New Economy’: Mutual Fund Performance and the Nature of the Firm, Swasti Gupta-Mukherjee
The Effects of Organized Activity Involvement on Latino Adolescent Well-Being, Maria D. Guzman
Mothers' Nonstandard Work Schedules and Young Children's School Readiness, Kelly Haas
Accountable Care Organizations: Elements of Success, Sheila A. Haas
Affordable Care Act: Options for Accessing Health Insurance, Sheila A. Haas
Debunking Myths Regarding Provisions of the Affordable Care Act, Sheila A. Haas
Opportunities for the Uninsured to Access Affordable Health Insurance and Care, Sheila A. Haas
Perceived Social Class, College Interest, and Post-Secondary Goals: An Application of the Scat Interest and Choice Model, Jason Daniel Hacker
An Investigation of Chinese Graduate Student Understanding of Academic Integrity in U's Higher Education, James E. Hammerschmidt
CWPA Position Statement on Pre-College Credit for Writing, Krtistine Hansen, Jeffrey Andelora, Heidi Estrem, Clint Gardner, Joseph Janangelo, and Susan Miller-Cochran
Making Something Out of Nothing: Asexuality and Narrative, Elizabeth Hanna Hanson
The Role of Human Capital in Scaling Social Entrepreneurship, Dawn Harris and Yasemin Kor
The Comparative Morphology of the Pectoral Free Rays in Scorpaenoid Fishes (perciformes: Scorpaenoidea)), Jeremy Peter Harris
Legislating the Risk of Light Teachers in 1950s and 1970s America, Kevin Vincent Heffernan
A Historical Analysis of South Holland School District 151 Desegregation Order: An Examination of Superintendent Decisions Based on Board Actions Grounded in the Context of Prevailing Social, Political, Legal and Educational Conditions for the Period 1967-2010, Cecilia Villanueva Heiberger
Teacher Preparation and Language Policy Appropriation: A Qualitative Investigation of Teach for America Teacher in Arizona, Amy J. Heineke and Quanna Cameron
Are Teach For America Corps Members Highly Qualified to Teach English Learners?: An Analysis of Teacher Preparation for Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Populations, Amy J. Heineke and Megan Hopkins
Preparing Early Childhood Professionals for the Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Classrooms and Communities of Illinois, Amy J. Heineke, Adam S. Kennedy, and Anna Lees
Integrating Graduate Coursework to Prepare Alternatively Certified Teachers, Amy J. Heineke and Deborah Preach
A Review of “Digital Libraries and Information Access: Research Perspectives”, Margaret Heller
Library Labs, Margaret Heller, Mackenzie Brooks, and Eric Phetteplace
Introduction: The New Voices of Muslim Women Theologians, Marcia Hermansen
Toward the Development of the Stereotypical Roles of Black Young Men Scale, Amber Hewitt
Learning Freedom: Education, Elevation, and New York's African American Middle Class, 1827-1829, Michael Hines
Making Meaning in the Legacy of Tissue Donation for Donor Families, Nancy S. Hogan, Lee A. Schmidt, and Maggie Coolican
Toward a client-centered benchmark for self-sufficiency: Evaluating the ‘process’ of becoming job ready., Philip Young P. Hong
The Employment Hope Scale: Measuring an Empowerment Pathway to Employment Success, Philip Young P. Hong and Sangmi Choi
Teaching and Assessing Programming Fundamentals for Non Majors with Visual Programming, William L. Honig
Taking the ‘Local’ out of Local News: Implications for an Informed Public, Lee Hood
Teach For America and English Language Learners: Shortcomings of the Organization’s Training Model, Megan Hopkins and Amy J. Heineke
Reconciling Positivism and Realism: Kelsen and Habermas on Democracy and Human Rights, David Ingram
Growing Up Italian and Catholic: Perspectives from Loyola Students, Anna Clara Ionta LLC, Lic
Ex Vivo Induction of Human Regulatory T Cells, Kathleen Elizabeth Jaeger
Media Literacy, David Kamerer
Museums, Monuments, and National Parks: Toward a New Genealogy of Public History, Theodore Karamanski
Thesis, Antithesis, Synthesis, Claudio Katz
Legal Services Assessment for Trafficked Children- Cook County, Illinois Case Study, Katherine Kaufka Walts JD, Linda Rio Reichmann JD, and Catherine Lee MA
Spring11: PDC in CS1/2 and a mobile/cloud intermediate mobile/cloud intermediate software design course, Joseph P. Kaylor, Konstantin Läufer, Chandra N. Sekharan, and George K. Thiruvathukal
Undertaking Under Oath for a Military Recruit (P.Mich. Inv. 3470), James G. Keenan
Women Faculty of Color: Success Stories from the Margins, Bridget T. Kelly
The Mother of Chaos and Night: Kant's Metaphilosophical Attack on Indifferentism, Matthew Allen Kelsey
Supporting Peer Relationships and Social Competence in Inclusive Preschool Classrooms, Adam Steven Kennedy