Theses/Dissertations from 2012
Positive Behavior Intervention and Support: An Alternative Approach, Lucy Bridges
When Theory Meets Practice: Challenging Racial Inequality in a Post-Civil Rights Era, Victoria Brockett
Examining Support That Exists for Social and Emotional Program Implementation in Elementary Charter Schools, Angela N. Brooks
MiIP: The Monomer Identification and Isolation Program, Christopher Bun, William Ziccardi, Jeffrey Doering, and Catherine Putonti
Service Learning in the International Context: How Can It Be Beneficial When Studying Abroad?, Marquita Anna-Belle Butler
Barn and Pole Paradox: Revisited, Robert Cacioppo and Asim Gangopadhyaya
The Lord Opened Her Heart: Women, Work, and Leadership in Acts of the Apostles, Teresa Jeanne Calpino
Urspelerpes brucei, Carlos D. Campbell, Trip Lamb, and Joseph Milanovich
Exposure to Community Violence and Social Maladjustment Among Urban African American Youth: The Role of Emotion Dysregulation, Devin Colleen Carey
Divine Will/Divine Command: Moral Theories and the Problem of Arbitrariness, Thomas Carson
Midwife Or Med-Wife: Examining Emotion Work with Midwifery Students in Clinical Training, Jessica Anna Cebulak
Receptor-Mediated Hypertrophic Signaling Via Protein Kinase D and Histone Deacetylase 5 in Adult Myocytes, Chia-Wei Jenny Chang
Rotating Magnets Produce a Prompt Analgesia Effect in Rats, Zhong Chen, Hui Ye, Haiyun Xu, Shukang An, Anmin Jin, Chusong Zhou, and Shaoan Yang
Roman Catholic Masculinities: A Korean Roman Catholic Ethical Perspective, Hoon Choi
A Structuralist Controversy: Althusser and Lacan on Ideology, Won Choi
Serine 910 Phosphorylation of Focal Adhesion Kinase Is Critical for Costamere Assembly, Miensheng Chu
Superintendent's Perceptions of Adequacy in Illinois School Finance, Mark Alan Cohen
Treatment Compliance and Recidivism: Following Up on the 2000 Illinois Juvenile Probation Outcome Study, Connor Concannon
Explaining the Longitudinal Association Between Puberty and Depression: Sex Differences in the Mediating Effects of Peer Stress, Colleen S. Conley, Karen D. Rudolph, and Fred B. Bryant
The Crew / of Common Playwrights: Collaboration and Authorial Community in the Early Modern Theater, Lacey Ann Conley
The Effect of Glucose on Transcription at CpxR- and OmpR-Regulated Promoters, Andrew Charles Cosgrove
Family in Context: (Re)entry Narratives of Formerly Incarcerated Individuals, Jennifer Elena Cossyleon
The Systemic Impact of the Implementation of the Response to Intervention Model in Elementary Schools, Annette Robin Cronin
Towards a Multidimensional Model of Adaptation for African American Adolescents Exposed to Racial Discrimination, Jamila Cunningham
The Impact of Algal Community Succession, Taxonomic Composition and Biomass Accrual, On Denitrification Potential of Stream Periphyton, Allison Daley
The Effects of Curriculum and Social Capital on Post-Secondary Educational Attainment Among Public High School Students: A Multi-Level Analysis, Elisabeth Davis
Yo Hablo Ingles: The Influence of Motivation and Group Cohesion on Learning English in a Workplace Setting, Adam Henry Dehoek
After the Last School Bell: An Overview of Afterschool Programs in Chicago, Diana Delfin
Why Don’t Vouchers Do a Better Job of Deconcentrating Poverty? Insights from Fieldwork with Poor Families, Stephanie DeLuca, Philip ME Garboden, and Peter A. Rosenblatt
The Minority Stress Perspective, Michael P. Dentato
In Search of Resilience and Positive Health Outcomes in Low-Income Adolescents with Asthma, Darla Kim Dewolff
Troels Nørager, Taking Leave of Abraham: An Essay on Religion and Democracy, Colby Dickinson
Aliens Found in Waiting: Women of the Ku Klux Klan in Suburban Chicago, 1870-1930, Sarah Elizabeth Doherty
Coping Mechanisms Among Lebanese First-Time College Students, Rita Doumit
Pervasive Inequality in the Stratification of Four-Year College Destinations, Mark Engberg
A View from the Trenches: Current Digitization Activities of Illinois Academic Libraries, Eben English, Ellen Corrigan, and Meg Miner
A Profile of Women Released Into Cook County Communities from Jail and Prison, Gipsy Escobar and David Olson
Protective Factors Against Intergenerational Conflict in Chinese Immigrant Families: A Pilot Study, Xiaoyan Fan
The Confluence of Attachment Style, Perceived Social Support, and Role Attainment in Women Experiencing Postpartum Mood Disorders, Carrie Jennifer Feig
The Hybrid Laboratory: Informal Spaces for Public-Science Interaction, Whitney Ann Ferrin-Rodriguez
According to What Nomos: Understanding Romans 2 in Conversation with Diaspora Jewish Conceptions of Nomos, Kyle Fever
Gender Inequality and Countries' Responsiveness to Enforcing Human Trafficking Laws: A Cross National Study, Christina Rose Fiorito
Fathers' Early Engagement in Preschoolers' Language and Emergent Literacy Skills: Examining Patterns by Hispanic Heritage, Valerie Christina Flores
Supersymmetric Quantum Mechanics and Solvable Models, Asim Gangopadhyaya, Jonathan Bougie, Jeffrey Mallow, and C. Rasinariu
The Reasons Why: Student Assignment Policies and Social Mobility in Wake County, North Carolina, Alicia Garcia
Imprisoning Chicago: Incarceration, The Chicago City Council, Prisoners, and Reform, 1832-1915, Susan Marie Garneau
Secondary School Science Department Chairs Leading Change, Julie Ann Gaubatz
Rethinking Nation-Building: A Christian Socio-Ethical and Theo-Political Task for Appropriating the Common Good, Artemus Wlemongar Gaye
Positive Emotions and Immune Respose to Influenza in Medically Stable Older Adults, Maryann J. Gierloff
Making History: The Making of Millennial Banks: Interviews with Norman R. Bobins and William A. Osborn, Timothy Gilfoyle
Revisting Gangs in the Post–World War II North American City: A Forum, Timothy J. Gilfoyle
Perceptions of Middle School Teachers on the Quality of Professional Development, Safurat Anike Giwa
Forebrain Noradrenergic Alterations and Anxiety After Myocardial Infarction, Jaimee Glasgow
Divine Sovereignty, Divine Providence, and Prayer in the Thought of Evagrius Ponticus, Chris Steven Gombos
Juan de Arguijo y las Pasiones, Olympia Gonzalez
Weed Risk Assessment for Aquatic Plants: Modification of a New Zealand System for the United States, Doria R. Gordon, Crysta A. Gantz, Christopher L. Jerde, W Lindsay Chadderton, Reuben P. Keller, and Paul D. Champion
Compositional Determinants of the Pharmacological Actions of Heparins, Angel Lee Gray-Shah
My Materials Supporting the Exploring Computer Science Curriculum, Ronald I. Greenberg
Open Source Classroom Polling (Interactive Response) Facility, Ronald I. Greenberg
Liturgical Celebrations with Emotional Expectations in Auxerre, 840-908, Thomas A. Greene
Agnes Nestor: Labor Leader, Politician, and Social Reformer--A Portrait of a Leader, Timothy Michael Grivois-Shah
On the Move: Games and Gaming Figures in Nineteenth-Century U.S. Literature, Douglas Anthony Guerra
Frederic Siedenburg, SJ: the Journey of a Social Activist, Edward Gumz
Principles for Drafting an Investment Policy With Illustrations, Robert Gyorgy and Anastasios G. Malliaris
How Adopting Stereotypical Roles May Impact Sexual Risk Behavior Among Young African American College Women, Essie Hall
Introduction to Computer Science in C#, Andrew N. Harrington and George K. Thiruvathukal
A Review of “Digital Media: Technological and Social Challenges of the Interactive World”, Margaret Heller
How Do Secondary Science Teachers Understand and Implement Technological Design in Their Classrooms?, Kathryn H. Heroux
Culturally Responsive Teaching: An Investigation of Effective Practices for African American Learners, Antonia L. Hill
CBDB: The Codon Bias Database, Adam Hilterbrand, Joseph Saelens, and Catherine Putonti
Binge Ethanol Leads to Decreased Macrophage Accumulation in Infected Cutaneous Wounds, Sara Hlavin
Towards Observational Measurement of Social Competence in Youth with Chronic Health Conditions: Development of Peer Interaction Scales for Youth with Spina Bifida, Christina E. Holbein
The Courage to Attune: The Promise of the Poetic for Naming the Experience of God in the Context of the Self-Other Relation, Andrea Hollingsworth
Validation of the Employment Hope Scale: Measuring Psychological Self-Sufficiency Among Low-Income Jobseekers, Philip Young P. Hong, Joshua R. Polanin, and Terri D. Pigott
The Structural Injustice of Forced Migration and the Failings of Normative Theory, David Ingram
Conformational and Thermodynamic Properties Modulate the Nulceotide Excision Repair of 2-Aminofluorene and 2-Acetylaminofluorene dG Adducts in the NarI Sequence, Vipin Jain, Benjamin Hilton, Satyakam Patnaik, Yue Zou, M. Paul Chiarelli, and Bongsup P. Cho
Rendering the Idea of a Writing Program: A Look at Six Two-Year Colleges, Joseph Janangelo and Jeffrey Klausman
Introversion and the Use of Parasocial Interaction to Satisfy Belongingness Needs, Carol Laurent Jarzyna
Fear of Being Useful, Paul Jay and Gerald Graff
Risk Perception, Psychological Well-Being, and Health-Promoting Behaviors in Persons Informed of a Coronary Artery Calcium Score, Jennie Elizabeth Johnson
Wet Chicago: Prohibition and the Development of the Informal Alcohol Economy, Brian Doumeth Jolet
Preschool Educators' Perceptions of Practice in Facilitating/modeling Oral Language Acquisition and Development, Nicole Alissa Jones
The Development of Trust in the Nurse-Patient Relationship with Hospitalized Mexican American Patients, Sharon M. Jones
Examining Female Principals That Lead Within the Same Schools That They Once Taught, Erica Michele Jordan
Moral Landscapes: Religion, Secularism, and Symbolic Boundaries, Thomas Jose Josephsohn
Re-reading the Anamorphosis of Educational Fragility, Vulnerability, and Strength in Small States, Tavis D. Jules
Kv7 K+ Channels in Airway Smooth Muscle Cells as Target for Asthma Therapy, Priyanka Prakash Kakad
Modernism En Vogue: Popular Periodicals and Their Engagement with Modernist Culture, Natalie Kalich
Evaluation of the Performance of Non-Covalent Molecular Mechanical Models for Zn2+ and Mg2+ Metal Ions, Maria Magdalena Kamm
The Relationship Between Infant Crying and Father Well-Being, Leslie Katch
Human Trafficking and Exploitation of Children and Youth in the United States- Outcome Document, Katherine Kaufka Walts JD
2012 CHRC/Young Center for Immigrant Children’s Rights Alternative Report, Katherine Kaufka Walts JD and Maria Woltjen JD
Simplifying Domain Modeling and Memory Management in User-Mode Filesystems with the NOFS Framework, Joseph P. Kaylor, Konstantin Läufer, and George K. Thiruvathukal
Determination of the Molecular Mechanisms of Hyperglycemia-Induced Changes in Cav3.2 Calcium Channel Properties, Ginny Marie Keeling