Theses/Dissertations from 2011
Systemic Barriers to the Implementation of International Education Policy: A Comparative Analysis of the United States and France, Zephranie Buetow
Invasion by Exotic Earthworms Alters Litter- and Soil-dwelling Oribatid Mites, Jordan L. Burke, John C. Maerz, Joseph Milanovich, Melanie C. Fisk, and Kamal J.K. Gandhi
So That Love May Be Safeguarded: The Nature, Form, and Function of Obedience as a Heuristic Device for the Theology of Hans Urs Von Balthasar, Daniel Paul Burns
Role for Histone Deacetylases in Glucocorticoid Receptor Mediated Transpression of Natural Killer Cell Activity, Kristin Bush
Gestational Diabetes, Depression, and the Impact on Maternal Child Health Outcomes, Mary Alice Byrn
Forced-Exercise Dependent Changes in Cellular Immunity: Effects on Experimental Autoimmune Neuritis, Michael W. Calik
Familial Influences on the Coping Strategies of African American Youth From Foster Care Families and Biological Families, Cynthya Campbell
Effects of Neuronal Nogo-A on Properties of Excitatory Synapses of the Sensorimotor Cortex, Alicia Marie Case
Student Organizational Skills and Motivation: What's the Connection?, Vesna Cejovic
The Effect of Participation in Experiential Learning Programs on Personal and Civic Attitudes, Christine Inez Celio
Appraising Chicago's Homeless Policy: Interviews with Chicago's Homeless Population, Center for Urban Research and Learning, Christine George, Susan Grossman, and Michael Sosin
Global Distributive Justice After Rawls: A Modified Poggean Argument for How We Harm the World's Poorest, Mark Chakoian
An Examination of Internet Pornography Usage Among Male Students at Evangelical Christian Colleges, Paul Olaf Chelsen
Study of Stress, Housing Program Use, and Nursing Usage Among Homeless in Chicago, Henry Christian Cheung
Neighbors Make a Difference: Mixed Strategies for Resolving Conflicts in Middle East and North Africa, Mine Cinar, Robert Lapointe, and Timothy Nelson
Charlotte Brontë’s Villette, Mid-Victorian Anti-Catholicism, and the Turn to Secularism, Michael M. Clarke
The Montessori Method in America: Montessori Schools in New York and Rhode Island From 1910-1940, Katari Coleman
A Salutogenic Framework to Understand Disparity in Breast Cancer Screening Behavior in African American Women, Regina Conway-Phillips
Examining Leadership Styles in Ten High Poverty Elementary Schools, John Will Cook
Politics and Pupils: How the Conflict Between the Washington Teachers' Union and the Fenty Administration Impacted Education Reform in the District of Columbia, Maureen Therese Costello
The Uses of Expertise: Science, Medicine and Body/Self-Fashioning, Amanda J. Counts
Thinking Through the Phenomenon of Trust: A Philosophical Investigation, Jeffrey M. Courtright
Theology as Improvisation: Using the Musical Metaphor of Attunement to Think Theologically, Nathan Crawford
A Diachronic Analysis of the Use of Scripture in the Variant Versions of the Apocryphon of John, David Creech
Stream Restoration in a Post-Agricultural System: Indirect Effects on Density and Secondary Production of Aquatic Insects, Lyle Stanley Dandridge Jr
Images of God, Imago Dei and God's Relationship with Humanity Through the Image of Mary's Breast Milk: A Focus Upon Sor María Anna Águeda De San Ignacio (1695-1756), Neomi Dolores DeAnda
The Nazi War on Modern Music, David B. Dennis
Initial Experience in Moving Key Academic Department Functions to Social Networking Sites, David Dennis, George K. Thiruvathukal, and Konstantin Läufer
Minority Stress Predictors of Substance Use and Sexual Risk Behavior Among a Cohort Sample of Men Who Have Sex with Men, Michael P. Dentato
Mario L. Aguilar, Contemplating God, Changing the World, Colby Dickinson
Randi L. Rashkover and Martin Kavka, eds., Tradition the Public Square: A David Novak Reader, Colby Dickinson
The Logic of the ‘As If’ and the Existence of God: An Inquiry into the Nature of Belief in the Work of Jacques Derrida, Colby Dickinson
The Relationship of Canon and Messiah: The Convergence of Jan Assmann and Walter Benjamin on a Theory of Monotheistic Canon, Colby Dickinson
Keeping True to the Cathedral Within: A Case Study of Wheaton Academy and the Initiation, Development, and Fulfillment of Its Christian Saga of Social Justice, Barbara Dill-Varga
Leading with Love: The Confluence of Spirituality and Leadership in College Students, Eileen Patricia Doherty
Leading with Love: The Confluence of Spirituality and Leadership in College Students, Eileen Patricia Doherty
Education, Fascism, and the Catholic Church in Franco's Spain, Joan Domke
Response to Violent Prone Female Adolescents: The Chicago Public School Approach, Marian E. Dozier
Meta-Analysis of the Relationship Between Collective Teacher Efficacy and Student Achievement, Rachel Jean Eells
Effectiveness of an Inquiry Based Professional Development Program, Lynne Beyah El-Amin Muhammad
Exploring the Mortality Salience Paradox: The Effects of High-Risk Employment on Interpersonal Decision Making, Bella Etingen
Global Influences and Resistance Within: Inclusive Practices and South Africa's Apartheid Government, Jean Marie Fagin
Projects of Identity Creation in English Languate Textbooks Aimed at Adult Immigrants: 1900 and 2000, Steven Herbert Fehr
Working Together Toward a Common Goal: A Grounded Theory of Nurse-Physician Collaboration, Lori Lynn Fewster-Thuente
The Unsuspected Pathway of the Allosteric Transition in Hemoglobin, Stefan Fischer, Kenneth W. Olsen, Kwangho Nam, and Martin Karplus
Haiti's Troubles: Perspectives From the Theology of Work and From Liberation Theology, Lys Stéphane Florival
MMP-13 Selective Alpha-sulfone Hydroxamates: Identification of Selective P1' Amides, Yvette M. Fobian, John N. Freskos, Thomas E. Barta, Louis J. Bedell, and Daniel Becker
Political Activity as Advocacy: Through the Eyes of the Illinois Superintendent, Julie Fogarty
A Phenomenological Study Exploring the Undergraduate Mcnair Program Experience of Program Alumni Currently Serving as College Faculty, Lunaire D. Ford
An Exploratory Study of the Curricular Integration of Ethics in Executive Mba Programs, Jaime M. Franco
Prosocial Behavior and Teamwork in Online Computer Games, Julia Elizabeth Fredrickson
Detection of the SIRE1 Env-Like Protein, a Potential Retroviral Protein in Soybean, Garen Gaston
PCR Detection of Nearly Any Dengue Virus Strain Using a Highly Sensitive Primer ‘Cocktail’, Charul Gijavanekal, Maria Anez-Lingerfelt, Chen Feng, Catherine Putonti, George E. Fox, Aniko Sabo, Yuriy Fofanov, and Richard C. Wilson
The Role of Nogo-A in Memory and Neuronal Plasticity in the Aged Rodent Brain, Rebecca Lynn Gillani
Family Satisfaction, Ethnic Identity, and Subjective Well-Being Among Urban Youth, Kenia Loiret Gomez
Expression and Regulation of Osteopontin in the Diabetic Heart, Abigail Goodman
High School Transfer Student Transitions and Changes: Risk, Success, Failure, and the Vital Role of the Counseling Curriculum, Benjamin M. Grais
Fast and Simple Computation of All Longest Common Subsequences, Ronald I. Greenberg
Predictors of Academic Achievement and Failure Among Low-Income Urban African American Adolescents: An Ecological Perspective, Israel Moses Gross
How Does Internet Facilitated Communication Impact Teacher and Parent Partnerships?, Mara Paich Grujanac
Hope Is the Ticket to Life: Insights From Disadvantaged African American Youth, Deanna D'amico Guthrie
William G. Spady, Agent of Change: An Oral History, John Anthony Hader
Autonomy and Care in Medicine, Hille Haker
Catholic Sexual Ethics - a Necessary Revision: Theological Responses to the Sexual Abuse Scandal, Hille Haker
Interests, Rights and Standards of Care in the Context of Globalized Medicine, Hille Haker
The Principle of Subsidiarity and Catholic Ecclesiology: Implications for the Laity, Kathryn Reyes Hamrlik
Chemoprevention of Familial Melanoma, Vidhya Hariharan
Benchmarks for Transition: Do St. Louis High Schools Promote Graduates That Can Make the Transition to Higher Education?, Kevin Harrman
What Books Don't Tell You: Teacher-Eye-View of Universal Design for Learning and the Implementation Process, Marylou Hatley
Molecular Expression of Neuroprotective and Neurodestructive Signaling Systems Following Axotomy-Induced Target Disconnection: Relevance to ALS, Melissa Marie Haulcomb
Transparent U.S. Monetary Policy: Theory and Tests, Marc D. Hayford and Anastasios G. Malliaris
Empirical Data Mining: Conservation of Nursing Energy and Care Capacity in Medical-Surgical Hospital Work Environments, Ann L. Hendrich
Who Plays? Who Pays?: A Chicago Case Study of Racism, the Lottery, and Education, Kasey Henricks
mGluR5 Involvement in Methamphetamine Reward and the Co-Morbidity of Schizophrenia and Stimulant Use Disorders, Amy Anne Herrold
From Classroom to Workplace: Becoming a Social Worker, Sarah Louise Hessenauer
The Seduction of Feminist Theory, Erin Amann Holliday-Karre
Service-Learning and Jesuit Pedagogy: A Critical Analysis, Nichol Elizabeth Hooker
Investigation of a Pharmaceutical Compound with Artificial Streams: Effects of the Antihistamine Cimetidine on Stream Ecosystem Function., Paul David Hoppe
Marx's Concept of the Transcendence of Value Production, Peter Hudis
Contemplation and the Human Animal in the Philosophy of St. Thomas Aquinas, Edyta M. Imai
Group Rights: A Defense, David Ingram
Justice Across Group Boundaries: Extending Empathy-Motivated Helping to Out-Groups, Elizabeth K. Jacobs
A Case Study of the Effects of a School-Based Wraparound Approach on Students with Behavioral Difficulties, Jennifer Mills James
Riding the Wave of Gentrification: Selected Principals' Perceptions of Gentrification's Impact on Leadership and School Culture, Jose Antonio Jimenez
The Object of Platform Studies: Relational Materialities and the Social Platform (the case of the Nintendo Wii), Steven E. Jones and George K. Thiruvathukal
Considering Care: Infant Teachers, Reflective Function and the Care Environment in Child Care Centers, Cynthia C. Jurie
Building a Child Welfare Response to Child Trafficking Handbook (2011), Katherine Kaufka Walts JD; Shelby French MSW, MSc; Heather Moore MSW; and Sehla Ashai JD
Rigorous Honesty: A Cultural History of Alcoholics Anonymous 1935-1960, Kevin Kaufmann
RestFS: Resources and Services are Filesystems, Too, Joseph P. Kaylor, Konstantin Läufer, and George K. Thiruvathukal
RestFS: The Filesystem as a Connector Abstraction for Flexible Resource and Service Composition, Joseph P. Kaylor, Konstantin Läufer, and George K. Thiruvathukal
REST on Routers? Preliminary Lessons for Language Designers, Framework Architects, and App Developers, Joseph P. Kaylor, Konstantin Läufer, and George K. Thiruvathukal
Federico Morelli, L’ archivio di Senouthios anystes e testi connessi. Lettere e documenti per la costruzione di una capitale, James G. Keenan
Role of Notch Signaling in T Cell Polarization, Shilpa Keerthivasan
Invasive Species in Europe: Ecology, Status and Policy, Reuben P. Keller, Juergen Geist, Johnathan M. Jeschke, and Ingolf Kuhn
The Impact of Treating Major Depression During Pregnancy on the Postpartum Phase, Jamie Kent
Review of Samuel Otter’s Philadelphia Stories: America’s Literature of Race and Freedom, John Kerkering