Theses/Dissertations from 2011
Adolescent Adjustment in Affluent Communities: The Role of Goal Orientation and Motivational Climate, Lea Ventura Travers
Sibling Suicide in Indo-American Families: Acculturation, Acculturative Stress, and Family Relationships, Suresh Unni
Principals Attitudes Toward Inclusion in Dubai Public Schools: Where Do They Stand?, Fouzia Usman
The River Continuum Redux: Aquatic Insect Diets Reveal the Importance of Autochthonous Resources in the Salmon River, Idaho, Kathryn Vallis
Community Structure and Secondary Production of Aquatic Macroinvertebrates in Coastal Wetland Ponds of the West Copper River Delta, Alaska, Following Tectonic Uplift, Ryan Glen Van Duzor
Spiritual Care in Advanced Practice Nursing, Barbara Baele Vincensi
Religion, Science, and the Conscious Self: Bio-Psychological Explanation and the Debate Between Dualism and Naturalism, Paul J. Voelker
Pax Ecclesia: Globalization and Catholic Literary Modernism, Christopher Wachal
Trilectic of Testimony: A Phenomenological Construal of the Eucharist as Manifestation-Proclamation-Attestation, Donald Lee Wallenfang
Body Image and Body Mass Index: An Investigation of Preadolescent Low-Income, Urban Ethnic Minority Girls, Amanda K. Ward
Negotiating the Boundaries of Mental Health and Illness: A Study of Recovery in Permanent Supportive Housing, Dennis P. Watson
Bystander Behavior: Understanding Undergraduate Male Involvement in Dangerous Drinking Situations, Christopher Allen Waugh
Post-Correctional Education Interventions: A Phenomenological Case Study of Empowerment Education Curriculum for Formerly Incarcerated African American Males, Rolanda Jean West
Photoinduced Switching of Dihydroindolizines (DHIs) in Solution and Solid State, Patrycja Maja Wierzbicki
The Role of SDF1/CXCR4 Signaling in Opioid-Induced Hypernociception, Natalie Wilson
On the Needs of Human Persons, Gregory Wolcott
Volume 11, Issue 15: January 24, 2011, Women's Studies & Gender Studies Program
Volume 11, Issue 16: January 31, 2011, Women's Studies & Gender Studies Program
Volume 11, Issue 17: February 7, 2011, Women's Studies & Gender Studies Program
Volume 11, Issue 18: February 14, 2011, Women's Studies & Gender Studies Program
Volume 11, Issue 19: February 21, 2011, Women's Studies & Gender Studies Program
Volume 11, Issue 20: February 28, 2011, Women's Studies & Gender Studies Program
Volume 11, Issue 21: March 14, 2011, Women's Studies & Gender Studies Program
Volume 11, Issue 22: March 21, 2011, Women's Studies & Gender Studies Program
Volume 11, Issue 23: March 28, 2011, Women's Studies & Gender Studies Program
Volume 11, Issue 24: April 4, 2011, Women's Studies & Gender Studies Program
Volume 11, Issue 25: April 11, 2011, Women's Studies & Gender Studies Program
Volume 11, Issue 26: April 18, 2011, Women's Studies & Gender Studies Program
Volume 11, Issue 27: April 25, 2011, Women's Studies & Gender Studies Program
Volume 11, Issue 28: May 2, 2011, Women's Studies & Gender Studies Program
Volume 11, Issue 29: May 9, 2011, Women's Studies & Gender Studies Program
Volume 11, Issue 30: September 5, 2011, Women's Studies & Gender Studies Program
Volume 11, Issue 31: September 12, 2011, Women's Studies & Gender Studies Program
Volume 11, Issue 32: September 19, 2011, Women's Studies & Gender Studies Program
Volume 11, Issue 33: September 26, 2011, Women's Studies & Gender Studies Program
Volume 11, Issue 34: October 3, 2011, Women's Studies & Gender Studies Program
Volume 11, Issue 35: October 10, 2011, Women's Studies & Gender Studies Program
Volume 11, Issue 36: October 17, 2011, Women's Studies & Gender Studies Program
Volume 11, Issue 37: October 24, 2011, Women's Studies & Gender Studies Program
Volume 11, Issue 38: October 31, 2011, Women's Studies & Gender Studies Program
Volume 11, Issue 39: November 7, 2011, Women's Studies & Gender Studies Program
Volume 11, Issue 40: November 14, 2011, Women's Studies & Gender Studies Program
Volume 11, Issue 41: November 21, 2011, Women's Studies & Gender Studies Program
Volume 11, Issue 42: November 28, 2011, Women's Studies & Gender Studies Program
Volume 11, Issue 43: December 5, 2011, Women's Studies & Gender Studies Program
Repression of Protein Kinase C Delta in Human Squamous Cell Carcinomas by Ras, Fyn and NF-Kappa B Signaling, Vipin Yadav
Contributory Factors of Extraneous New Bone Growth on the Endocranial Surfaces of Human Infant and Sub-Adult Skeletal Remains, Mark Andrew Zahareas
The Decentralization and Centralization of Curriculum in the Primary Education of Burkina Faso, Simon A. Ziba
Autonomy Through Social Skill Development: A Camp Intervention for Young People with Spina Bifida, Lauren Nicole Zurenda
Theses/Dissertations from 2010
Perceptions of Care: Self Reflections of Women Teachers of African Descent Who Teach in Urban Settings, Elizabeth A. Abioro
Courting and Consorting with the Global: The Local Politics of an Emerging World Heritage Site in Sulawesi, Indonesia, Kathleen M. Adams
The Stigmatization of Mental Illness and Drug Addiction Among the Criminally Involved, Brenda Arsenault
The City Imagined: Race, Place and Identity in the Making of Urban Church, Jessica M. Barron
Orally Bioavailable Dual MMP-1/MMP-14 Sparing, MMP-13 Selective Alpha-sulfone Hydroxamates, Daniel Becker, Stephen A. Kolodziej, Susan L. Hockerman, Terri L. Boehm, and Jeffery N. Carroll
Orally Active MMP-1 Sparing α-tetrahydropyranyl and α-piperidinyl Sulfone Matrix Metalloproteinase (MMP) Inhibitors with Efficacy in Cancer, Arthritis, and Cardiovascular Disease, Daniel P. Becker, Thomas E. Barta, Louis J. Bedell, and Terri L. Boehm
Invariant and Coinvariant Spaces for the Algebra of Symmetric Polynomials in Non-Commuting Variables, Francois Bergeron and Aaron Lauve
Agape and Personal Knowledge, Peter Eric Bergeron
Digging Below the Demographic Level: Examining the Effects of Internalized Racial and Social Attitudes on White Physicians-In-Training Self-Reported Cross Cultural Competency, Sha'kema Maigre't Blackmon
Generation of a Complete Set of Additive Shape-Invariant Potentials from an Euler Equation, Jonathan Bougie, Asim Gangopadhyaya, and Jeffrey Mallow
Regeneration of New Neurons is Preserved in Aged Vomeronasal Epithelia, Jessica H. Brann and Stuart Firestein
Radicis: Ideology, Argument, and Composition Courses in American Colleges, Donovan Sean Braud
From Trial to Triumph: Representations of African Americans in Museum Exhibits, Derrick Brooms
Joyous Struggle, Fred B. Bryant
The Loyola Experience (1993-2009): Optimal Data Analysis in the Department of Psychology, Fred B. Bryant
Manual vs. automated CTA: Psychosocial Adaptation in Young Adolescents with Spina Bifida, Fred B. Bryant, Rachael Millstein Coakley, Grayson Holmbeck, and Paul R. Yarnold
Junk science, test validity, and the Uniform Guidelines for Personnel Selection Procedures: The case of Melendez v. Illinois Bell, Fred B. Bryant and Elaine K.B Siegel
Tracing Prospective Profiles of Juvenile Delinquency and Non-Delinquency: An Optimal Classification Tree Analysis, Fred B. Bryant, Hideo Suzuki, and John D. Edwards
Morphological Development of the Axial Skeletons of Esox Lucius and Esox Masquinongy (Euteleostei: Esociforms), with Comparisons in Developmental and Mineralization Rates., Amanda Maria Burdi
Uncommon Sense in Renaissance English Literature, Eric Byville
An Historical Analysis of the Chicago Public Schools Policy on the Requirements for the Selection of Principals, 1983-2008, Siobhan Marie Cafferty
El Veneno y Los Remedios: Vida y Muerte en la Narrativa de Mayra Montero, Jesus Castro Gorfti
Audible Identities: Passing and Sound Technologies, Pamela L. Caughie
"Passing" and Identity: A Literary Perspective on Gender and Sexual Diversity, Pamela L. Caughie
Virginia Woolf: Radio, Gramophone, and Broadcasting, Pamela L. Caughie
Phospholipase D Signaling in T Cells, Uma Chandrasekaran
Advancing Synthetic Ecology: Database System to Facilitate Complex Ecological Meta-Analyses, V. Bala Chaudhary
Developmental Characterization of Cara Mitad: A Drosophila Nuclear Receptor Co-Regulator, Chhavi Chauhan
Transcultural Psychotherapy: Clinical Issues in Working with Korean Immigrant Women, Kyung-Mee Choi
The Impact of Social Stigma on the Therapeutic Relationship for Latino Clinicians: The Elephant in the Room?, Mauricio Jose Cifuentes
Banking in the Middle East Revisited Amid Turbulence in Financial Markets: the Case of Egypt, Mine Cinar and Joseph Poulous
Polyomavirus Enhancer Activator 3 (PEA3), a Member of the Ets Family of Transcription Factors, Is a Transcriptional Activator of Notch-1 and Notch-4 in Breast Cancer: An Opportunity for Novel Combinational Therapy, Anthony George Clementz
Coronavirus Replicase Proteins: Multifunctional Mediators of Replication and Innate Immunity Evasion, Mark Anthony Clementz
Improved Detection of Bartonella DNA in Mammalian Hosts and Arthropod Vectors by Real-Time PCR Using the NADH Dehydrogenase Gamma Subunit (nuoG), James M. Colborn, Michael Y. Kosoy, Vladimir L. Motin, Maxim V. Telepnev, Gustavo Valbuena, Khin S. Myint, Yuri Fofanov, Catherine Putonti, Chen Feng, and Leonard Peruski
Sea-Cards for the Impetuous Muse: A Reading of Shaftesbury's Characteristicks, Travis Sean Cook
Towards a New Measure of Playfulness: The Capacity to Fully and Freely Engage in Play, Rebecca Cornelli Sanderson
Mechanisms Responsible for a ΦX174 Mutant's Ability To Infect Escherichia coli by Phosphorylation, Jennifer Cox and Catherine Putonti
Adaptive Evolution and Inherent Tolerance to Extreme Thermal Environments, Jennifer Cox, Alyxandria Schubert, Michael Travisano, and Catherine Putonti
The Effects of Uncontrollable Stress on Subjective Well-Being and Coping Behavior in Urban Adolescents, Laura Darr Coyle
How Counseling Helps: An In-Depth Look at Domestic Violence Counseling, Sonya V. Crabtree-Nelson
Internet Advocacy Support for Families of Children with Emotional Difficulties, Maureen Elizabeth Curtin
Lysine Specific Demethylase-1 and the Brahma Chromatin Remodeling Complex Regulate Conserved Signaling Pathways During Drosophila Wing Development, Brenda Jean Curtis
The Caller and the Called: How Young Adults Understand Vocation in Their Lives, John A. Dahlstrand
csPCR: A Computational Tool for the Simulation of the Polymerase Chain Reaction, Sandhya Dasu, April Williams, Yuriy Fofanov, and Catherine Putonti
Lead-phase and Red-stripe Color Morphs of Red-backed Salamanders (Plethodon cinereus) Differ in Hematological Stress Indices: A Consequence of Differential Predation Pressure?, Andrew K. Davis and Joseph Milanovich
War on Modern Music and Music in Modern War: Voelkischer Beobachter Reception of 20th Century Composers, David B. Dennis
The Vital Role of Social Workers in Community Partnerships: The Alliance for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender and Questioning Youth, Michael P. Dentato, Shelley L. Craig, and Mark S. Smith
Moral Distress and Avoidance Behavior in Nurses Working in Critical Care and Non-Critical Care Units, Mary Jo De Villers