Submissions from 2014
Electrophysiological evidence of the time course of Attentional Bias in Nonpatients Reporting Symptoms of Depression With and Without Co-Occurring Anxiety, Sarah M. Sass, Wendy Heller, Joscelyn Fisher, and Rebecca L. Silton
Heavy Metal Analysis in Lens and Aqueous Humor of Cataract Patients by Total Reflection X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometry, Martina Schmeling, Bruce I. Gaines, and Susanne Tidow-Kebritchi
Analysis of Genesis Sample 60234 by Laboratory Total Reflection X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry and Synchrotron Grazing Incidence X-ray Fluorescence, Martina Schmeling, E. Hwang, Y. Choi, P.J. Eng, J.E. Stubbs, and I.V. Veryovkin
Christian-Jewish Relations 1000-1300: Jews in the Service of Medieval Christendom, Devorah Schoenfeld
The Challenge of Received Tradition: Dilemmas in Radak's Biblical Commentaries, Devorah Schoenfeld
Characterizing the Evolutionary Path(s) to Early Homo, Lauren Schroeder, Charles C. Roseman, James M. Cheverud, and Rebecca R. Ackermann
Marx's Democratic Critique of Capitalism and Its Implications for a Viable Socialism, C. David Schweickart
Assessing Rewards Effectiveness: A SUrvey of Rewards, HR, and Line Executives, K. Dow Scott and Thomas McMullen
Library Spaces in the 21st Century—Meeting the Challenges of User Needs for Information, Technology, and Expertise, Robert A. Seal
Loose Coupling Within Special Education, Christina Sedrel
Afghan University Women Graduates Are Not Well-Represented in the Job Market in Afghanistan, Mohammad Kazem Shakib
The Restorative Justice Talking Circle Process with Probation Officers: A Phenomenological Approach, Constance Marie Sheehan
New Teacher Induction Programs: A Case Study of an Exemplary School District and How It Prepares Its New Teachers for the Use of Instructional Technology in the Classroom, David Brian Sherman
Break, Lake Shore Campus
The Chicago Teachers Strike and Its Public, Amy B. Shuffelton
Revisiting Marketing as Constructive Engagement: Linking Policies and Managerial Practices, Clifford J. Shultz
Learning Communities: Through the Lens of a Groupworker, Shirley Simon and Sarah Hessenauer
Consequences and Peer Influence as Proximal and Contextual Factors in Alcohol Consumption, Shweta Singh, Susan Grossman, and Diane C. Asaro
A Summer Reading Enrichment Experience: One District's Effort to Prevent Summer Reading Loss, Angela R. Sopko
Human Asset Accounting and Measurement: Moving Forward, Brian Stanko, Thomas Zeller, and Matthew F. Melina
Closing the "Revolving Door": Identifying Predictors of Time to Rehospitalization in a Sample of Psychiatric Inpatient Youth, Alison Merri Stoner
Impact of First Disclosure Experience and Internalized Stigma on Disclosure Patterns in the HIV+ Community, Mary Elizabeth Talbot
Youth Gangs: An Overview of Key Findings and Directions for the Future, Terrance J. Taylor and J. Michael Vecchio
Yoga for the Pelvic Floor, Sandi Tenfelde, Rich Logan, and Melinda Abernethy
Factors associated with microalbuminuria in type 2 diabetes patients in Nan Hospital, Thailand, Chuanchom Tepsukon and Timothy O'Brien
What We Publish in CiSE, George K. Thiruvathukal
An Investigation of the Role of Vibrio Vulnificus rbdA and Vibrio Parahaemolyticus sypA in Biofilm Formation, Cecilia Thompson
The Hidden Costs of Success: A Mixed Methods Approach to Examining Achievement Pressures in Affluent Youth, Lea Ventura Travers
Plenary Session: Luis Alberto Urrea, Mr. Luis Alberto Urrea and Dr. Hector García
When Subcultures Become Careers: Working in Indie Rock, Annmarie Schneider-Edman Van Altena
The Role of Violence within and across Self-identified Gang Youth, J. Michael Vecchio
Child Abuse Reporting: When Given the Option, Do Youth Choose to Report?, Michelle L. Vos
Neuroscience and Galen: Body, Selfhood and the Materiality of Emotions on the Early Modern Stage, Devon Wallace
Profiles of Neuropsychological Functioning in Children and Adolescents with Spina Bifda, Rachel Wasserman
Who Are You Going to Call? Primary Care Patients’ Disclosure Decisions Regarding Direct–to–Consumer Genetic Testing, Katherine Wasson, Sara Cherny, Tonya Nashay Sanders, Nancy S. Hogan, and Kathy J. Helzlsouer
Review of Latino Catholicism: Transformation in America’s Largest Church, Elfriede Wedam
To Create True Sanctuary Cities, We Must End Racist Policing, Reyna Wences and Ruth Gomberg-Munoz
Some of My Best Dolls Are Black: Colorblind Rhetoric in Online Collecting Communities, Rebecca Joan West
Chasing the Writer, Joyce Wexler
Fitting Things Together: A Grounded Theory Study of Clinical Judgment in Nursing, Mary Elizabeth Wilber
Chicago Housing: Understanding How Local Organizations Mobilize to Preserve Public and Affordable Housing, Cameron Williams
Public Islam in the Contemporary World: A View on the American Case, Rhys H. Williams
What is "American" in American Religion?, Rhys H. Williams, Sylvester Johnson, and Kathryn Gin Lum
The Perceived Threat of Secularism and Militancy Among Religious Fundamentalists, Chase Wilson
Teacher Attrition: The Job Choices of Ex-Teachers, Becky Wock
Business Ethics and Ideals, Gregory Wolcott
Public Attitudes and Support for the EU in the Wake of the Financial Crisis, Jennifer R. Wozniak and Chris Hasselmann
Unveiling the Impact of Human Influence on Species Distributions in Vietnam: A Case Study Using Babblers (Aves: Timaliidae), Laurel R. Yohe, Johnathan Flanders, Hoang Minh Duc, Long Vu, and Sushma Reddy
How Do District Level and Building Level Leaders Collaborate to Implement Mandated Change?, Gwendolyn Zimmermann
Theses/Dissertations from 2013
A Grounded Theory of How Jewish Experiential Education Impacts the Identity Development of Jewish Emerging Adults, Scott Turberg Aaron
The New Normal: Black Psychic Subjectivity in Antwone Fisher, Badia Sahar Ahad
Conspiratorial Thinking: How Worldview and Mortality Salience Affect Belief, Eric James Anderson
International Education Exposure in Secondary Schooling: Impacting Academic Outcomes Among Urban Girls of Color, Tiffini L. Andorful
Q 10:21-22 and Formative Christology, Olegs Andrejevs
Evidence for Renewal and Reconstitution of Marginal Zone Macrophages in Young and Aged Mice, Erika Bahamon
Remembering the Cultural Trauma Legacies of Slavery: African American Young Adult Perceptions on Racism, Ethnic Identity, and Racial Socialization, Kimya Pearl Barden
Social and Emotional Learning: An Argument for Religious Pluralism, Debra Mayconich Baron
A Study of the Therapeutic Potential of AF4 Mimetic Peptides, Nisha N. Barretto
Synthesis and Assembly of Dihydroindolizines on Gold Surfaces for Light Induced Work Function Alterations, Matthew Alan Bartucci
Spectroscopic Evidence of Work Function Alterations Due to Photoswitchable Monolayers on Gold Surfaces, Matthew Alan Bartucci, Jan Florian, and Jacob W. Ciszek
Gothic Slumming: Realist Writers and Gothic Texts in Progressive Era America, Gillian Nelson Bauer
Factors in Destination Decisions for Cuban Study Abroad, Kari Beall
Apparent Alkyl Transfer and Phenazine Formation via an Aryne Intermediate, Daniel Becker, Andria M. Panagopoulos, Doug Steinman, Alexandra Goncharenko, Kyle Geary, Carlene Schleisman, Elizabeth Spaargaren, and Matthias Zeller
The Rhetoric of Gender in the Household of God: Ephesians 5:21-33 and Its Place in Pauline Tradition, Lisa Marie Belz
Developing a White Anti-racism Identity: A Psycho-educational Group Model, Kathryn Kristin Berg and Shirley Simon
Statistical Analysis of Aerosol Species, Trace Gases, and Meteorology in Chicago, Katrina Binaku, Timothy O'Brien, Martina Schmeling, and Tinamarie Fosco
Critical Functions Specified by the MLL CXXC Domain Determine Leukemogenic Capacity, Noah Warren Birch
Thomas F. Mayer, ed. Reforming Reformation, Robert Bireley S.J.
Linking Distributive and Procedural Justice to Employee Engagement Through Social Exchange: A Field Study in India, Soumendu Biswas, Arup Varma, and Aarti Ramaswami
The Constraint Interpretation of Physical Emergence, James Blachowicz
Risk Perception in Cardiovascular Disease, Michelle Ellen Block
The Many Functions of Taste: Aesthetics, Ethics, and Desire in Nineteenth-Century England, Julia Bninski
Regrouping: Organized Activity Involvement and Social Adjustment Across the Transition to High School, Amy M. Bohnert, Julie Wargo Aikins, and Nicole T. Arola
Testimony, Remhi and Senselessness in Guatemalan Memory, Melissa Jean Boroughs
Opening Session and Welcome, Mark Bosco, SJ; Michael Garanzini SJ; Renato Turano; Adriano Monti; and Joanne Spata
Titanic: Consuming the Myths and Meanings of an Ambiguous Brand, Stephen Brown, Pierre McDonagh, and Clifford J. Shultz
Effect of Advanced Age on the Innate Immune Response to Cutaneous Wound Infection, Aleah Lin Brubaker
Spanish Women Remembered in Elena Quiroga's Tristura, Escribo Tu Nombre and a Enferma, Ellen Patricia Brugliera
How to Create an ASCII Input Data File for UniODA and CTA Software, Fred B. Bryant and Patrick R. Harrison
Analysis Involving Categorical Attributes Having Many Response Categories, Fred B. Bryant and Paul R. Yarnold
A Phenomenological Study of Indonesian Cohort Group's Transformative Learning, Markus Budiraharjo
The Promise of an Accumulation of Care: Disadvantaged African-American Youths’ Perspectives About What Makes an After School Program Meaningful, Jeffrey J. Bulanda and Katherine Tyson McCrea
"Keeping it Real": An Evaluation Audit of Five Years of Youth-led Program Evaluation, Jeffrey J. Bulanda, Katie Szarzynski, Daria Silar, and Katherine Tyson McCrea
Fideism, Evidentialism, and the Epistemology of Religious Belief, Matthew P. Butcher
Youth as Community Science Experts in Green Energy Technologies, Angela Calabrese Barton, Daniel Birmingham, Takumi Sato, Edna Tan, and Scott Calabrese Barton
Patron Saints and Religious Traditions, Dominic Candeloro
Italians and Catholicism in the Late 19th Century, Anthony Cardoza PhD
Free Exchange for Mutual Benefit: Sweatshops and Maitland’s ‘Classical Liberal Standard’, Thomas Carson
Software Engineering Need Not Be Difficult, Jeffrey C. Carver and George K. Thiruvathukal
Dogs and Servants, Pamela L. Caughie
The Temporality of Modernist Life Writing in the Era of Transsexualism, Pamela L. Caughie
The Temporality of Modernist Life Writing in the Era of Transsexualism: Virginia Woolf’s Orlando and Einar Wegener’s Man Into Woman, Pamela L. Caughie