Anticipated Graduation Year
Access Type
Open Access
My presentation describes my experience as a crisis counselor with the National Runaway Safeline this past academic year. I also explain the research that went into my Psych390 Learning Project, supplemental research I conducted, and the final product itself. Finally, I connect the learning goals that I had at the start of my internship to the purposes and aims of my learning product.
Community Partners
National Runaway Safeline
Faculty Mentors & Instructors
Dr. Colleen Conley, Associate Professor, Department of Psychology
Supported By
Stephanie Kiesling, Clinical Supervisor, National Runaway Safeline
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 License.
Self-Care on the Crisis Lines
My presentation describes my experience as a crisis counselor with the National Runaway Safeline this past academic year. I also explain the research that went into my Psych390 Learning Project, supplemental research I conducted, and the final product itself. Finally, I connect the learning goals that I had at the start of my internship to the purposes and aims of my learning product.