

Anticipated Graduation Year


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Open Access


The conflict between science and religion has been a much debated topic within the religious and scientific communities. This conflict was somewhat settled when Stephen Jay Gould came out with the NOMA model, however, many critics of the model have said it’s too restricting and that science and religion do have overlapping areas, and these overlaps are important to understanding both science and religion. This article attempts to reconcile the idea that science and religion do have overlaps, and they are important to understanding the role that each plays both in the daily lives of humans, but also in the world as science continues to become a massive field and we learn more about the natural world around us.

Faculty Mentors & Instructors

Hans Svebakken

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 License.



NOMA: The "Non-Overlapping" Magisteria

The conflict between science and religion has been a much debated topic within the religious and scientific communities. This conflict was somewhat settled when Stephen Jay Gould came out with the NOMA model, however, many critics of the model have said it’s too restricting and that science and religion do have overlapping areas, and these overlaps are important to understanding both science and religion. This article attempts to reconcile the idea that science and religion do have overlaps, and they are important to understanding the role that each plays both in the daily lives of humans, but also in the world as science continues to become a massive field and we learn more about the natural world around us.