

Anticipated Graduation Year


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Connective tissue is a group of cells that is found between other tissues. They provide support for tissues, organs and bones, store energy in the form of adipose tissue (fat), and aid in the immune system in the form of macrophages to ingest pathogens, mast cells to induce inflammation, and plasma cells for coagulation of blood. There are three types of connective tissue: collagen, elastic, and reticular. Our project focuses on reticular connective tissue. Reticular connective tissue’s function is to create a framework to hold organs together, most notably the lymph nodes and the spleen. Reticular connective tissues are formed from protein collagens, making them appear as thin branches when looking at them via microscope. Through our piece, we aim to show the connection between reticular connective tissue and cherry blossom trees, thus showing the relationship between biology and nature in general.

Reticular connective tissue, as stated above, appears to be thin branches that connect tissues. When stained pink, the reticular connective tissue and the surrounding cells visually resemble a cherry blossom tree. In addition to its physical resemblance, the reticular connective tissue represents the relationship between the human body and nature, be that the nature of time and cells or the nature of human interactions when considering cherry blossom trees.

Biology is defined as the study of living organisms, “bio” meaning life and “-ology” meaning study of in Latin. Reticular connective tissue, much like any tissue, has cells that live for a certain amount of time before they die and must be regenerated, giving a very real reference and example of the relationship between the human body, nature, and time. Much like reticular connective tissue, cherry blossoms also have a natural “lifespan”. Cherry blossoms have a specific season of when they are in bloom, creatively named “cherry blossom season”. Cherry blossom season is one that is popular worldwide. People travel to Washington DC to see the cherry blossoms when they have the chance. Cherry blossoms are in bloom for three to eight days, but the season lasts for three weeks before they, too, near the end of their lifespan, resulting in the end of cherry blossom season. This lifespan for both the reticular connective tissue and the cherry blossom are reminders of the fleeting nature of life. So that one should take every opportunity that one can appreciate the nature around them.

In addition to cherry blossom season and reticular connective tissue representing the fleeting moments of life, they also create connections, be that between people or organs. Reticular connective tissue, as stated earlier, is a connective tissue that holds organs together. They bring organs together and allow for those organs to have a connection to one another. Cherry blossoms do something similar. Cherry blossoms have brought groups of people together and continue to do so to this day. During World War II, cherry blossoms were painted onto kamikaze planes as a symbol of a group of people who were dying for the emperor. Despite this morbid symbolism, they were still a symbol that united people and brought them together. In today’s time, cherry blossoms bring people within proximity to spend time with one another. Picnicking during cherry blossom season is a popular activity to celebrate the beginning of spring. This helps to build connections between people.

Reticular connective tissue and cherry blossoms are reminders for people to live their life in the moment because life is a fleeting thing, and they are both elements in life that bring and connect things together.

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Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 License.



The Fleeting Nature of Life

Connective tissue is a group of cells that is found between other tissues. They provide support for tissues, organs and bones, store energy in the form of adipose tissue (fat), and aid in the immune system in the form of macrophages to ingest pathogens, mast cells to induce inflammation, and plasma cells for coagulation of blood. There are three types of connective tissue: collagen, elastic, and reticular. Our project focuses on reticular connective tissue. Reticular connective tissue’s function is to create a framework to hold organs together, most notably the lymph nodes and the spleen. Reticular connective tissues are formed from protein collagens, making them appear as thin branches when looking at them via microscope. Through our piece, we aim to show the connection between reticular connective tissue and cherry blossom trees, thus showing the relationship between biology and nature in general.

Reticular connective tissue, as stated above, appears to be thin branches that connect tissues. When stained pink, the reticular connective tissue and the surrounding cells visually resemble a cherry blossom tree. In addition to its physical resemblance, the reticular connective tissue represents the relationship between the human body and nature, be that the nature of time and cells or the nature of human interactions when considering cherry blossom trees.

Biology is defined as the study of living organisms, “bio” meaning life and “-ology” meaning study of in Latin. Reticular connective tissue, much like any tissue, has cells that live for a certain amount of time before they die and must be regenerated, giving a very real reference and example of the relationship between the human body, nature, and time. Much like reticular connective tissue, cherry blossoms also have a natural “lifespan”. Cherry blossoms have a specific season of when they are in bloom, creatively named “cherry blossom season”. Cherry blossom season is one that is popular worldwide. People travel to Washington DC to see the cherry blossoms when they have the chance. Cherry blossoms are in bloom for three to eight days, but the season lasts for three weeks before they, too, near the end of their lifespan, resulting in the end of cherry blossom season. This lifespan for both the reticular connective tissue and the cherry blossom are reminders of the fleeting nature of life. So that one should take every opportunity that one can appreciate the nature around them.

In addition to cherry blossom season and reticular connective tissue representing the fleeting moments of life, they also create connections, be that between people or organs. Reticular connective tissue, as stated earlier, is a connective tissue that holds organs together. They bring organs together and allow for those organs to have a connection to one another. Cherry blossoms do something similar. Cherry blossoms have brought groups of people together and continue to do so to this day. During World War II, cherry blossoms were painted onto kamikaze planes as a symbol of a group of people who were dying for the emperor. Despite this morbid symbolism, they were still a symbol that united people and brought them together. In today’s time, cherry blossoms bring people within proximity to spend time with one another. Picnicking during cherry blossom season is a popular activity to celebrate the beginning of spring. This helps to build connections between people.

Reticular connective tissue and cherry blossoms are reminders for people to live their life in the moment because life is a fleeting thing, and they are both elements in life that bring and connect things together.