Articles, papers, presentations, and other materials authored by faculty from the Computer Science department of Loyola University Chicago's College of Arts & Sciences.
Submissions from 2021
AdvEdge: Optimizing Adversarial Perturbations against Interpretable Deep Learning, Eldor Abdukhamidov, Mohammed Abuhamad, Firuz Juraev, Eric Chan-Tin, and Tamer Abuhmed
Impact of Personality Types and Matching Messaging on Password Strength, Anna Bakas, Anne Wagner, Spencer Johnston, Shelia Kennison, and Eric Chan-Tin
An Experience Report on Machine Learning Reproducibility: Guidance for Practitioners and TensorFlow Model Garden Contributors, Vishnu Banna, Akhil Chinnakotla, Zhengxin Yan, Anirudh Vegesana, Naveen Vivek, Kruthi Krishnappa, Wenxin Jiang, Yung-Hisang Lu, George Thiruvathukal, and James C. Davis
Automated Discovery of Network Cameras in Heterogeneous Web Pages, Ryan Dailey, Aniesh Chawla, Andrew Liu, Sripath Mishra, Ling Zhang, Josh Majors, Yung-Hisang Lu, and George K. Thiruvathukal
Research-Practice Partnership Strategies to Conduct and Use Research to Inform Practice, Erin Henrick, Steven McGee, Lucia Dettori, Troy Williams, Andrew M. Rasmussen, Don Yanek, Ronald I. Greenberg, and Dale Reed
Establishing Suitable Metrics to Encourage Broader Use of Atomic Requirements, William L. Honig
Requirements Metrics - A Working List, William L. Honig
SSL Metrics Datasets, Matt Hyatt, Amy Kuhl, Jake Palmer, Rohan Sethi, Nicholas Synovic, George K. Thiruvathukal, and Sohini Thota
Predicting the Adoption of Password Managers: A Tale of Two Samples, Shelia Kennison and D. Eric Chan-Tin
Nudging Students to Use Stronger Passwords: A Test of Big Five Personality-Based Messages, Shelia Kennison and Eric Chan-Tin
Who creates strong passwords when nudging fails, Shelia M. Kennison, Ian T. Jones, Victoria H. Spooner, and D. Eric Chan-Tin
Shape-Based Classification of Partially Observed Curves, With Applications to Anthropology, Gregory J. Matthews, Karthik Bharath, Sebastian Kurtek, Juliet K. Brophy, George K. Thiruvathukal, and Ofer Harel
Chicago Alliance For Equity in Computer Science, Steven McGee, Lucia Dettori, Ronald I. Greenberg, Andrew M. Rasmussen, Dale F. Reed, and Don Yanek
Investigating Which Elements of ECS Teaching Motivate Subsequent Computer Science Course Taking, Steven McGee, Randi McGee-Tekula, Lucia Dettori, Ronald I. Greenberg, John Wachen, and Mark Johnson
Tweets R Us: Predicting Personality from Language and Emoji Use on Twitter, Maxwell Meckling, Sarah Shoup, D. E. Chan-Tin, and Shelia Kennison
SoftwareSystemsLaboratory/ssl-metrics-git-commits-loc, Nicholas Synovic and George K. Thiruvathukal
SoftwareSystemsLaboratory/ssl-metrics-github-issues, Nicholas Synovic and George K. Thiruvathukal
Leveraging New Data Sources to Analyze the Risk of COVID-19 in Crowded Locations., George Thiruvathukal
A Comparison of SONA and MTurk for Cybersecurity Surveys, Anne Wagner, Anna Bakas, Shelia Kennison, and Eric Chan-Tin
Moonshine: An Online Randomness Distiller for Zero-Involvement Authentication, Jack West, Kyuin Lee, Suman Banerjee, Younghyun Kim, George K. Thiruvathukal, and Neil Klingensmith
Submissions from 2020
Addressing Rogue Vehicles by Integrating Computer Vision, Activity Monitoring, and Contextual Information, Brook Abegaz, David Chan-Tin, Neil Klingensmith, and George K. Thiruvathukal
Observing human behavior through worldwide network cameras., Sara Aghajanzadeh, Andrew T. Jebb, Yifan Li, Yung-Hsiang Lu, and George K. Thiruvathukal
Camera Placement Meeting Restrictions of Computer Vision, Sara Aghajanzadeh, Roopasree Naidu, Shuo-Han Chen, Caleb Tung, Abhinav Goel, Yung-Hsiang Lu, and George K. Thiruvathukal
A Real-Time Feature Indexing System on Live Video Streams, Aditya Chakraborty, Akshay Pawar, Hojoung Jang, Shunqiao Huang, Sripath Mishra, Shuo-Han Chen, Yuan-Hao Chang, George K. Thiruvathukal, and Yung-Hsiang Lu
Towards High-End Scalability on Bio-Inspired Computational Models, Dario Dematties, Silvio Rizzi, and George K. Thiruvathukal
A Computational Theory for the Emergence of Grammatical Categories in Cortical Dynamics, Dario Dematties, Silvio Rizzi, George K. Thiruvathukal, Mauricio D. Perez, Alejandro Javier Wainselboim, and Bonifacio Silvano Zanutto
Towards High-End Scalability on Biologically-Inspired Computational Models, Dario Dematties, George K. Thiruvathukal, Silvio Rizzi, Alejandro Wainselboim, and Bonifacio Silvano Zanutto
Computer Science through Concurrent Enrollment: A Strategy to Broaden Participation, Renee Fall, Seth Freeman, Ronald I. Greenberg, Dan Kaiser, and Nigamanth Sridhar
Observing Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic using Worldwide Network Cameras, isha Ghodgaonkar, Abhinav Goel, Fischer Bordwell, Caleb Tung, Sara Aghajanzadeh, Noah Curran, Ryan Chen, Kaiwen Yu, Sneha Mahapatra, Vishnu Banna, Gore Kao, Kate Lee, Xiao Hu, Nick Elliopolous, Akhil Chinnakotla, Damini Rijhwani, Ashley Kim, Aditya Chakraborty, Mark Daniel Ward, Yung-Hsiang Lu, and George K. Thiruvathukal
Modular Neural Networks for Low-Power Image Classification on Embedded Devices, Abhinav Goel, Sara Aghajanzadeh, Caleb Tung, Shuo-Han Chen, George K. Thiruvathukal, and Yung-Hisang Lu
Using Network Cameras to Observe COVID-19 Social Distancing, Abhinav Goel, Aditya Chakraborty, Akhil Chinnakotla, Ashley Kim, Caleb Tung, Damini Rijhwani, Fischer Bordwell, Gore Kao, Isha Ghodgaonkar, Kate Lee, Nick Eliopoulos, Sara Aghajanzadeh, Sneha Mahapatra, Sripath Mishra, Wei Zakharov, George K. Thiruvathukal, and Yung-Hisang Lu
Low-Power Object Counting with Hierarchical Neural Networks, Abhinav Goel, Caleb Tung, Sara Aghajanzadeh, Isha Ghodgaonkar, Shreya Ghosh, George K. Thiruvathukal, and Yung-Hisang Lu
A Survey of Methods for Low-Power Deep Learning and Computer Vision, Abhinav Goel, Caleb Tung, Yung-Hsiang Lu, and George K. Thiruvathukal
The Impact of CS for All on College Placement in Computer Science, Ronald I. Greenberg, Julie Medero, Samuel A. Rebelsky, Frances P. Trees, and Dale Reed
Crowdsourcing Detection of Sampling Biases in Image Datasets, Xiao Hu, Haobo Wang, Anirudh Vegesana, Somesh Dube, Kaiwen Yu, Gore Kao, Shuo-Han Chen, Yung-Hsiang Lu, George K. Thiruvathukal, and Ming Yin
Taking Risks with Cybersecurity: Using Knowledge and Personal Characteristics to Predict Self-Reported Cybersecurity Behaviors, Shelia Kennison and Eric Chan-Tin
ivPair: context-based fast intra-vehicle device pairing for secure wireless connectivity, Kyuin Lee, Neil Klingensmith, Dong He, Suman Banerjee, and Younghyun Kim
Chicago Alliance For Equity in Computer Science, Steven McGee, Lucia Dettori, Ronald I. Greenberg, Andrew M. Rasmussen, Dale F. Reed, and Don Yanek
The Changing Profile of ECS Teachers, Steven McGee, Lucia Dettori, Ronald I. Greenberg, Andrew M. Rasmussen, Dale F. Reed, and Don Yanek
Does a Computer Science Graduation Requirement Contribute to Increased Enrollment in Advanced Computer Science Coursework?, Steven McGee, Randi McGee-Tekula, Jennifer Duck, Lucia Dettori, Ronald I. Greenberg, Andrew M. Rasmussen, Erica Wheeler, and Adam Shelton
Using personality-based messages to nudge students into using strong passwords, Victoria Spooner, Ian Jones, Eric Chan-Tin, and Shelia Kennison
FLIC: A Distributed Fog Cache for the Internet of Things, Jack West
FLIC: A Distributed Fog Cache for City-Scale Applications, Jack West, Neil Klingensmith, and George K. Thiruvathukal
FLIC: A Distributed Fog Cache for City-Scale Applications, Jack West, Neil Klingensmith, and George K. Thiruvathukal
VoltKey: Using Power Line Noise for Zero-Involvement Pairing and Authentication (Demo Abstract), Jack West, Tien VoNguyen, Isaac Ahlgren, Iryna Motyashok, George K. Thiruvathukal, and Neil Klingensmith
Submissions from 2019
Low-Power Computer Vision: Status, Challenges, Opportunities, Sergei Alyamkin, Matthew Ardi, Alexander C. Berg, Achille Brighton, Bo Chen, Yiran Chen, Hsin-Pai Cheng, Zichen Fan, Chen Fang, Bo Fu, Kent Gauen, Abhinav Goel, Alexander Goncharenko, Xuyang Guo, Soonhoi Ha, Andrew Howard, Xiao Hu, Yuanjun Huang, Donghyun Kang, Jaeyoun Kim, Jong Gook Ko, Alexander Kondratyev, Junhyeok Lee, Seungjae Lee, Suwoong Lee, Zichao Li, Zhiyu Liang, Juzheng Liu, Xin Liu, Yang Lu, Yung-Hsiang Lu, Deeptanshu Malik, Hong Hanh Nguyen, Eunbyung Park, Denis Repin, Liang Shen, Tao Sheng, Fei Sun, David Svitov, George K. Thiruvathukal, Baiwu Zhang, Jingchi Zhang, Xiaopeng Zhang, and Shaojie Zhuo
Giving software its due through community-driven review and publication, Lorena Barba, Juanjo Bazán, Jed Brown, Roman Guimera, Melissa Gymrek, Alex Hanna, Lindsey Heagy, Kathryn D. Huff, Daniel Katz, Christopher Madan, Kevin Moerman, Kyle Niemeyer, Jack L. Poulson, Pjotr Prins, Karthik Ram, Ariel Rokem, Arfon M. Smith, George K. Thiruvathukal, Kristen Thyng, Leonardo Uieda, Bruce Wilson, and Yo Yehudi
An analysis on the effect of wear on bovid tooth identification, Juliet K. Brophy, Gregory J. Matthews, and George K. Thiruvathukal
Efficient, Effective, and Realistic Website Fingerprinting Mitigation, Weiqi Cui, Jiangmin Yu, Yanmin Gong, and David Chan-Tin
Phonetic acquisition in cortical dynamics, a computational approach, Dario Dematties, Silvio Rizzi, George K. Thiruvathukal, Alejandro Wainselboim, and B. Silvano Zanutto
Experimental Results and Appendices: Cortical Spectro-Temporal Model (CSTM)., Dario Dematties, George K. Thiruvathukal, Silvio Rizzi, Alejandro Javier Wainselboim, and Bonifacio Silvano Zanutto
Datasets used to train and test the Cortical Spectro-Temporal Model (CSTM), Dario Dematties, George K. Thiruvathukal, Silvio Rizzi, Alejandro Javier Wainselboim, and Bonifacio Silvano Zanutto
Neurocomputational cortical memory for spectro-temporal phonetic abstraction., Dario Dematties, George K. Thiruvathukal, Silvio Rizzi, Alejandro Javier Wainselboim, and Bonifacio Silvano Zanutto
Soul of CAFECS, Lucia Dettori, Steven McGee, Ron Greenberg, Dale Reed, Don Yanek, and Andrew Rasmussen
Use of Software Process in Research Software Development:A Survey, Nasir U. Eisty, George K. Thiruvathukal, and Jeffrey C. Carver
Mathematics and Programming Exercises for Educational Robot Navigation, Ronald I. Greenberg
Exercises Integrating High School Mathematics with Robot Motion Planning, Ronald I. Greenberg and George K. Thiruvathukal
Integrating Mathematics and Educational Robotics: Simple Motion Planning, Ronald I. Greenberg, George K. Thiruvathukal, and Sara T. Greenberg
Assessing the Effectiveness of Computer Science RPPs: The Case of CAFECS, Erin Henrick, Steven McGee, Ronald I. Greenberg, Lucia Dettori, Andrew M. Rasmussen, Don Yanek, and Dale F. Reed
CAFECS Computer Science Teaching Assistant Program, Mark Johnson, Faythe Brannon, Lucia Dettori, Ronald Greenberg, Steven McGee, Andrew M. Rasmussen, and Don Yanek
Cloud Resource Optimization for Processing Multiple Streams of Visual Data, Zohar Kapach, Andrew Ulmer, Daniel Merrick, Arshad Alikhan, Yung-Hsiang Lu, Anup Mohan, Ahmed S. Kaseb, and George K. Thiruvathukal
Tests as Maintainable Assets Via Auto-generated Spies: A case study involving the Scala collections library's Iterator trait, Konstantin Läufer, John O'Sullivan, and George K. Thiruvathukal
See the World through Network Cameras, Yung-Hsiang Lu, George K. Thiruvathukal, Ahmed S. Kaseb, Kent Gauen, Damini Rijhwani, Ryan Dailey, Deeptanshu Malik, Yutong Huang, Sarah Aghajanzadeh, and Minghao Guo
Chicago Alliance For Equity in Computer Science (CAFECS): Cycles of Improvement, Steven McGee, Lucia Dettori, Don Yanek, Andrew M. Rasmussen, Ronald I. Greenberg, Dale F. Reed, and Erin Henrick
"Chicago Alliance For Equity in Computer Science (CAFECS): Cycles of improvement'' poster in Special Session: A discussion of research practice partnerships in CS education, Steven McGee, Lucia Dettori, Don Yanek, Andrew M. Rasmussen, Ronald I. Greenberg, Dale F. Reed, and Erin Henrick
An examination of the factors correlating with course failure in a high school computer science course, Steven McGee, Ronald I. Greenberg, Lucia Dettori, Andrew M. Rasmussen, Erica Wheeler, Randi McGee-Tekula, and Jennifer Duck
An Examination of the Correlation of Exploring Computer Science Course Performance and the Development of Programming Expertise, Steven McGee, Ronald I. Greenberg, Randi McGee-Tekula, Jennifer Duck, Andrew M. Rasmussen, Lucia Dettori, and Dale F. Reed
"Study of access and outcomes from advanced computer science coursework in the Chicago Public Schools'' poster in Structured Poster Session CS for All: An intersectional approach to unpacking equity in computer science education, Steven McGee, Randi McGee-Tekula, Jennifer Duck, Lucia Dettori, Andrew M. Rasmussen, Erica Wheeler, and Ronald Greenberg
Standardizing Facilitator Development for Exploring Computer Science Professional Development, Steven McGee, John Wachen, Lucia Dettori, Don Yanek, Faythe Brannon, Andrew M. Rasmussen, Dale F. Reed, and Ronald I. Greenberg
SIAM CSE 2019 Minisymposterium: The Journal of Open Source Software, Arfon Smith, Lorena A. Barba, Daniel S. Katz, Kyle Niemeyer, Tania Allard, Juanjo Bazan, Jed Brown, Jason Clark, Roman Valls Guimera, Melissa Gymrek, Lindsey Heagy, Kathryn Ruff, Christopher Madan, Kevin Moerman, Lorena Pantano, Viviane Pons, Jack Poulson, Pjotr Prins, Karthik Ram, Elizabeth Ramirez, Ariel Rokem, George K. Thiruvathukal, Kristen Thyng, and Yo Yehudi
A Benchmarking Study to Evaluate Apache Spark on Large-Scale Supercomputers, George K. Thiruvathukal, Cameron Christensen, Xiaoyong Jin, François Tessier, and Venkatram Vishwanath
Large-Scale Object Detection of Images from Network Cameras in Variable Ambient Lighting Conditions, Caleb Tung, Matthew R. Kelleher, Ryan J. Schlueter, Binhan Xu, Yung-Hsiang Lu, George K. Thiruvathukal, Yen-Kuang Chen, and Yang Lu
Submissions from 2018
Former CiSE EICs Reflect on the Magazine's 20th Anniversary, Isabel Beichl, Norman Chonacky, Francis Sullivan, and George K. Thiruvathukal
CS as a Graduation Requirement: Catalyst for Systemic Change, Lucia Dettori, Ronald I. Greenberg, Steven McGee, Dale Reed, Brenda Wilkerson, and Don Yanek
RPP Panel Chicago: History of CAFECS, Lucia Dettori, Dale Reed, Steven McGee, Don Yanek, Andrew Rasmussen, and Ronald Greenberg
A Survey of Software Metric Use in Research Software Development, Nasir U. Eisty, George K. Thiruvathukal, and Jeffrey C. Carver
Using Magic in Computing Education and Outreach, Ronald I. Greenberg and Dale F. Reed
Cannonical Error Analysis In Introductory Programming - Call for Participation, William L. Honig
Programmer Thinking, William L. Honig
Analyzing Real-Time Multimedia Content From Network Cameras Using CPUs and GPUs in the Cloud, Ahmed S. Kaseb, Bo Fu, Anup Mohan, Yung-Hsiang Lu, Amy Reibman, and George K. Thiruvathukal
Auto-generated Spies Increase Test Maintainability, Konstantin Läufer, John O'Sullivan, and George K. Thiruvathukal
A Comparison of Machine Learning Techniques for Taxonomic Classification of Teeth from the Family Bovidae, Gregory J. Matthews, Juliet K. Brophy, Maxwell P. Luetkemeier, Hongie Gu, and George K. Thiruvathukal
CAFECS: Supporting Quality CS Access 4 All Chicago Students, Steven McGee, Lucia Dettori, Ronald Greenberg, Andrew Rasmussen, Dale Reed, and Don Yanek
An Examination of Factors Correlating with Course Failure in a High School Computer Science Course, Steven McGee, Ronald I. Greenberg, Lucia Dettori, Andrew M. Rasmussen, Randi McGee-Tekula, Jennifer Duck, and Erica Wheeler
Does Exploring Computer Science Increase Computer Science Enrollment?, Steven McGee, Randi McGee-Tekula, Jennifer Duck, Lucia Dettori, Don Yanek, Andrew Rasmussen, Ronald I. Greenberg, and Dale F. Reed
Equal Outcomes 4 All: A Study of Student Learning in ECS, Steven McGee, Randi McGee-Tekula, Jennifer Duck, Catherine McGee, Lucia Dettori, Ronald I. Greenberg, Eric Snow, Daisy Rutstein, Dale Reed, Brenda Wilkerson, Don Yanek, Andrew M. Rasmussen, and Dennis Brylow
Cross-referencing social media and public surveillance camera data for disaster response, Chittayong Surakitbanharn,; Calvin Yau; Guizhen Wang; Aniesh Chawla; Yinuo Pan; Zhaoya Sun; Sam Yellin; David Ebert; Yung-Hsiang Lu; and George K. Thiruvathukal
2018 Low-Power Image Recognition Challenge, George K. Thiruvathukal
Understanding Turning Radius and Driving in Convex Polygon Paths in Introductory Robotics, George K. Thiruvathukal, Ronald I. Greenberg, and David Garcia
Metrics Dashboard: A Hosted Platform for Software Quality Metrics, George K. Thiruvathukal, Shilpika, Nicholas J. Hayward, and Konstantin Läufer
Submissions from 2017
Reproducible Research for Computing in Science & Engineering, Lorena A. Barba and George K. Thiruvathukal
Computer Science and Cultural History: A Dialogue, David B. Dennis and George K. Thiruvathukal
Comparison of Visual Datasets for Machine Learning, Kent Gauen, Ryan Dailey, John Laiman, Yuxiang Zi, Nirmal Asokan, Yung-Hsiang Lu, George K. Thiruvathukal, Mei-Ling Shyu, and Shu-Ching Chen
Educational Magic Tricks Based on Error-Detection Schemes, Ronald I. Greenberg
Pythagorean Approximations for LEGO: Merging Educational Robot Construction with Programming and Data Analysis, Ronald I. Greenberg
Motion Planning for Simple Two-Wheeled Robots, Ronald I. Greenberg and Jeffery M. Karp
Separating Markup from Text, Ronald I. Greenberg and George K. Thiruvathukal
The Graph Database: Jack of All Trades or Just Not SQL?, George F. Hurlburt, Maria R. Lee, and George K. Thiruvathukal
Teaching Concurrent Software Design: A Case Study Using Android, Konstantin Läufer and George K. Thiruvathukal
A Distributed Graph Approach for Pre-processing Linked RDF Data Using Supercomputers, Michael J. Lewis, George K. Thiruvathukal, Venkatram Vishwanath, Michael J. Papka, and Andrew Johnson