Streaming Media

Name of Corresponding Author

Sharon Rangel

Nature and scope of the project

To quantify the quality of care provided by nurses, nursing sensitive quality indicators (NSQI) were created. NSQI are evidence-based and used to monitor and improve the quality of patient care. Two of these indicators include Falls with Injury (FWI) and Hospital Acquired Pressure Injuries (HAPI). This evidence-based project utilizing a primary, quantitative, quasi-experimental design methodology determined that nurse managers have improved these nursing sensitive quality indicators after the implementation of intentional leader rounding. The results of this three-month project determined that NSQI improved after the intervention of intentional leader rounding that focused on HAPI and FWI bundle implementation.

Synthesis and analysis of supporting literature

A literature review was conducted to garner current information on NSQI, FWI, HAPI, and nurse manager intentional rounding. In reviewing the literature, there was correlation with workplace culture and NSQI. Improvement in NSQI with the implementation of intentional rounding was noted. There are many articles on intentional rounding by the staff nurse but few articles on intentional leader rounding. Meyer et al. (2019) implemented a QI project related to the techniques of intentional rounding by the manager.

Project implementation

The intervention of intentional leader rounding was taught during a half-day educational class for inpatient nurse managers. Once education was completed, intentional rounds began. Managers were required to submit rounding logs of their activity for the duration of the project. This project used the NDNQI falls with injury indicator and the NDNQI pressure injury indicator, which is collected monthly.

Evaluation criteria

The instruments being used to collect and submit the data in this project include NDNQI’s Patient Falls with Injury Indicator and NDNQI’s Pressure Injury Indicator. This project used the NDNQI data, which was collected monthly.


The Nursing Sensitive Safety Indicator was 0.90, revealing a 20% improvement of quality indicators after the intervention. A dependent t-test was calculated which revealed a statistically significant increase from pre-intervention to post-intervention (p = 0.024).


The result of this project is consistent with prior reviews which showed a significant reduction in falls and HAPI after implementation of intentional leader which can be easily replicated at other organizations. A future qualitative study on intentional rounding is recommended.



Leader Rounding- It is Not Just for Patient Experience Anymore