A collection of theses submitted and approved for a Master's degree at Loyola University Chicago.
Theses/Dissertations from 2009
Synthesis of Cyclotriveratrylene (CTV) Derivatives, Marlon Ray Lutz JR
Children's Use of the Shape Bias in the Presence of Different Instructions, Object Types, and Emotion Cues, Vanessa Raschke
Soil Nutrient Changes Following a Typha X Glauca Invasion in a Great Lakes Coastal Wetland, Lane Marie Vail
A Multi-Model Assessment of Stereotype Content of Three Latino Groups, Sandra Villalpando
Theses/Dissertations from 2003
Out of Bounds: The Unspoken Rule and the Loyola 1963 NCAA Championship Team, Nona P. Martin
Theses/Dissertations from 1998
Dewey and Montessori Collaboration, Louise Augusta Anderson-Doniat
The Effects of a Conflict Prevention Program on Self-Efficacy and Prevention Beliefs of African American Children, Christine Carol Asidao
The Effects of Dysphoria, Self-Relevance, and Outcome on Hindsight Bias, Gregory W. Bailey
An Exploration of Mind-Body Categories Using the Personal Beliefs Scale, Sharon K. Black
Awakenings: Developing a Pastoral Response to Gay Male Adolecscents Within a Catholic School System, Gerard J. Brady
Counseling Trainees' Attitiudes Toward Homosexuality and Conversion Therapy C Tiffany Cannon., Tiffany Cannon
Novel Synthetic Route to 5-Substituted Indoles, Helen Y. Chen
Isolation and Characterization of a Genomic Clone for a Nitrate Reductasae Isoform from Soybean, Glycine Max, Brent Chyna
The Relationship between Domestic Violence and Self-Efficacy in Women, Stacy Clark
Outcomes Based Assessment in Higher Education: A Content Analysis of the Statewide Policies of the Member States of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools, Burton A. Collins
The Association of Training with Computer Self-Efficacy, Carolyn T. Conry
Racial Identity and Self-Esteem of Ethnic Minority Pre-Adolescents in a Multicultural Enrichment Program, Cassandra G. Cooper
Spirituality in a Pastoral Counseling Context Dc by Joya D'Cruz., Joya D'Cruz
The Impact of a Stages of Change Based Smoking Cessation Counseling Training on Nursing Practice and Patient Care in an Inpatient Setting, Elizabeth E. Fildes
The Forgotten Grievers- Loss and Grief as Experienced by Young Adults in the Higher Educational Setting, Leona A. Garchow
Sequence Characterization and Phylogenetic Analyses of the Pol Region from Sire-1, an Endogenous Retrovirus from Glycine Max, Eric A. Gaucher
Part-Time Workers, Full-Time Professionals: Women Negotiate Professional and Family Roles, Andrea Lynn Gerardi
A Comparison between Novice and Experienced Therapists' Inner Experiences During Therapy, Corey Haas
Negotiating Masculinities: Gay Athletes and the Gender Order, Gregory G. Hamill
An Evaluation of a Hospital-Based Program Designed to Treat Child Sexual Abuse Victims, Michele Hansen