A collection of theses submitted and approved for a Master's degree at Loyola University Chicago.
Theses/Dissertations from 1998
Children's Adjustment to Divorce Or Death of a Parent: The Development of a Self-Esteem and Coping Mechanisms Measure, Cynthia M. Hasemeier
Attachment Style as a Predictor of Social Development Across Time: Measured at Ages 12, 18, and 39 Months and 5 and 9 Years, Cori Ann Hillmann
The Influence of Self and Family Expressiveness on the Expression of Anger in Two Samples of Adolescents, Helen Hirschfeld
From Steel Town to "Ghost Town": A Qualitative Study of Community Change in Southeast Chicago, Edwina Leona Jones
Mexican-American Women's Response to Violence as a Function of Sex-Role, Locus of Control, and Level of Acculturation, Ana Irene Gonzalez Juan
A Model of Decision-Making for Men Pursuing Cosmetic Hair Restoration Surgery, Justin N. Koehler
The Effect of the School District Reorganization Process on Illinois Goal Assessment Program Test Scores and Operating Expenses Per Pupil, Thomas R. Long
Loudness Recalibration as a Function of Signal Level, Riordan Dan Mapes-
A Study Comparing Teacher Evaluation Methods at Selected Suburban Chicago High Schools: Traditional Versus Alternative, Sharon K. Michalak
A Curriculum for Teaching Talmud, Jeremy D. Neuman
Theses/Dissertations from 1997
Perceived Barriers to Career Choice: Relations to Socioeconomic Status and Career Aspirations, Brian A. Altman
Uncovering the Reasons Why People Choose to Watch Violence: What Is the Relationship with Anxiety and Fear of Crime?, Elizabeth Marie Anderson
Eating Disorder Symptomology and Atitudes Toward Sport Psychology, Marla N. Arnold
Having You There Made It Better: The Feminist Emotion Work of Sexual Assault Crisis Counselors, Caryn Aviv
A Study of Performance Appraisal Methods Utilized to Evaluate the Performance of Self-Directed Work Teams, Linda D. Baxter
Family Rituals 1960S & 1990S, Angeline Becker
Benthic Invertebrate Community Responses to Round Goby (Neogobius Melanostomus) and Zebra Mussel (Dreissena Polymorpha) Invasion in Southern Lake Michigan, Linda A. Benning
The Relationship between Control-Based Personality Variables and Transportation Attitudes and Behavior, Cynthia F. Britton
Loyola University Day School an Historical Perspective, Laurie Bushman
Professionalism and Expertise: A Case Study of the Occupation of Physical Therapy, Katherine A. Cermak
Envelope Perception by the Goldfish, Carassius Auratus, Michael F. Chronopoulos
An Exploratory Study of the Meaning of Prescription Medication to Children Diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Catharina H. Clarke
The Effects of Downsizing on Survivor Employees: A Literature Review, Alice H. Crawford
The Development of Normative Data for the Occupational Stress Inventory Using Fire Fighters, Joseph J. DiGiovanni