Theses/Dissertations from 1960
An Analysis of the Criminological Determinism of Donald Reed Taft , Philip Francis Quinn
The Prevalence Morphology and Distribution of Epithelial Rests in the Periodontal Ligament of Humans, Charles McCormick Reeve
Studies on Human and Rat Plasma Parathyroid Hormone Activity, Leo Edmund Reichert
A Proposed Sales Training Manual: Olin Mathieson Chemical Corporation Bag Sales Department, Verlyn Ronald Roskam
A Proposed Sales Training Manual: Olin Mathieson Chemical Corporation Bag Sales Department, Verlyn Ronald Roskam
The Attitude of the American Secular Press Toward the Pontificate of Pope Pius XI, Michael Helene Royal
A Study of Differences between Free and Controlled Association at the Eighth Grade Level, Donald J. Rumann
Intra-Party Politics in the Election of 1880, Herbert Joseph Ryan
The Legislative History of the Kennedy-Ervin Labor Reform Bill in the First Session of the Eighty-Sixth Congress, Raymond Michael Ryan
A Study of Gamma Irradiated Mouse Submandibular Gland, Mario Vincent Santangelo
DNA Metabolism of the Basal Cell Layer of the Epithelium of the Tongue in the Mouse, William Albert Schoenheider
An Electromyographic Study of the Behavior of the Masseter and Temporal Muscles Before, During, and After Orthodontic Treatment: Part Iii. One Week After the Placement of Archwires, Richard John Shanahan
The Characteristics of Bacterium Anitratum with Special Reference to Lactose Utilization, Grace Shramek
Rorschach Movement Responses of College Students: A Normative Approach, Burton Siegel
An Electromyographic Appraisal of Muscle Tensions in the Temporal and Infrahyoid Musculature, Charles Edwin Smith
Comparison of Two Methods for Recovery of Fungi from Clinical Material, Kenneth J. Smith
Incentives for Indirect Labor, Gerald Curtis Stone
Alfonso Reyes Humanista Del Siglo XX, Jeanne Strauss
Enteric Bacteria from Reptiles in the Belgian Congo, Philomena A. Szafran
The Critical Method of F.R. Leavis, Ilene Schoenau Tello
A Critical Analysis of the Educational Theories of Edith Stein, June Marie Verbillion
The Effect of Color on the Phenomenal Displacement of Lights Seen in Apparent Movement, Paul Joseph Von Ebers
Habitual Self-Knowledge: A Genetic Study of the Doctrine of St. Thomas in De Veritate, Q. 10, a. 8, W. Jared Wicks
An Electromyographic Study of the Masseter and Temporal Muscles Before, During and After Orthodontic Procedure: Part I. Before and One Day After Separating Wires Were Placed between the Teeth, Bernard Arnold Widen
A Case Study of Methods of Training Insurance Workers in the Hartford Fire Insurance Company Group Office, Chicago, Illinois, Richard Eugene Wynn
Theses/Dissertations from 1959
An Investigation of the Stretch of the Perioral Muscles, Raul R. Acevedo
The Effects of the Carotid Sinus Reflex on Cardiovascular Function, Thomas Kenny Akers
Richard Hooker and His Theory of Anglicanism, Marilyn Jean Becic
Some Aspects of the Stability of Human Serum Lipoproteins, in Vitro, Edward Bermes Jr.
An Analysis of Supplemental Unemployment Benefit Plans in the Rubber Industry, LeRoy Biondi
A Roengenographic Study of the Trabecular Pattern of the Alveolar Processes of the Human Maxilla and Mandible, Nicholas Joseph Brescia
Richard II on TV: A Critical Analysis Comparing the NBC Television Production with Shakespeare's Original Play, James A. Brown
The Predictive Value of the Individual Kuhlmann-Anderson Subtests Regarding Reading Improvement, Carolyn M. Cabanski
IRRA Members on Pending Labor Legislation, Gerald James Caraher
Electromyographic Study of Mandibular Posture as Influenced by Horizontal Changes of Head Posture, Gilbert Vincent Carter
Comparative Study of Three Intelligence Tests Administered to Deaf Children, Angela Lucille Chemazar
Hume's Natural Determinism of the Will, Matthew D. Cook
Realism of Garbriel Marcel, John R. Crocker
A Comparison of a Factorial and a Multidimensional Approach to the Scaling of Psychological Data, Joseph Reynolds Devane
Predetermined Time Values: A Survey of Chicago Companies' Experiences, Frank Robert. DiGiovanni
Un-Selfconcern in Aristotle's Notion of Happiness, Joseph Raoul Disselhorst
The Problem of Schematism of Pure Concepts of Understanding in Kant's Critique of Pure Reason, John Edward Dister
The Influence of Painting on the Fiction Theory of Henry James as Exemplified in the Ambassadors, William Horace Dodd
A Study of Negro Vocational High School Graduates, Charles Edward Donegan
The Legal Positivism of Hans Kelsen, Michael H. Ducey
The Dialectic of Action in Maurice Blondel's L'Action (1893), Gerard. Egan
Synthesis and Pharmacological Actions of 5' Adenylmethylenediphosphonate: An Analog of APT, James Wendell Flesher
An Empirical Avaluation of the Theory of Manifest Structure Analysis, Lucille Armstrong Foster
The Personalistic Philosophy of Louis Lavelle, Thomas Edward Gafney
Coventry Patmore's "Psyche's Discontent" and the Child's Purchase": An Explication, Kevin Edward Gallagher
Jose Maria Luis Mora and the Suppression of the University of Mexico, Mary Liam. Gallagher
The End of the Affair and the Religious Sentiments of Graham Greene, Michael Gallagher
Mitotic Activity of Human Oral Epithelium When Exposed to Hydrogen Peroxide, Anthony William Gargiulo
Dialectical Freedom as Found in Soren Kierkegaard's Religious Works, Frank Joseph Granzeier
A Partial Validation of the Manifest Hostility Scale, Thomas F. Grib
A Re-Standardization of the Loyola Language Study on a Far Western Population, William Anthony Guppy
Enteric Bacteria Recovered from the Snakes of Two Public Zoos, Demetrios George Halkias
Electromyography of the Back Muscles During Respiration and Speech, Albert Avery Halls
An Analysis of Written School Board Policies in Certain Districts of the State of Illinois, Melvin P. Heller
A Study of the Leadership of a "People's Organization": The Back of the Yards Neighborhood Council, Patrick J. Henry
A Study of the Leadership of a "People's Organization": The Back of the Yards Neighborhood Council, Patrick J. Henry
The Objections of Cajetan and Suarez to the Five Ways of Saint Thomas, Denis M. Hickey
Pindar's Philosophy of Life, Francis Joseph Houdek
Subendocardial Hemorrhage Produced by Stimulation of Cardiac Sympathetic Nerves, Michael P. Kaye
Hamlet: A Study in Dramatic Art, John Francis Keating
College Students as Volunteer Subjects, Robert W.F. Kelly
Investigation of Quantitative Polarographic Measurements of Oxygen Tension in Tissue, Albert Frederick Kelso
Differential Vocational Interest Patterns of Successful and Unsuccessful Foreign Mission Seminarians, Charles E. Kenney
Supplemental Unemployment Benefits in a Situation of Permanent Layoff a Case Study), James C. Koch
A Study of Occupational Status of the Foreign-Born Chinese College Graduates in Chicago, Wen-chih Ko
Policy Development in Government Wartime Seizures Arising from Labor Disputes, Albert Martin Krueger
A Streetcar Named Desire: A Study of Determinism in Modern Drama, John Skelly Kundtz
An Experimental Study of the Relation between Perception of Self and Evaluation of Another, Henry Joseph Lambin
Changes in Impulse-Control Balance Following General and Specialized Treatment of Institutionalized Delinquent Boys, George Ridley Lewis
An Analysis of the Objections Filed to Representation Elections Under the Labor Management Relations Act - August 22, 1947 to August 21, 1957, Bernadette Curry Lowum
The Loyolan 1959, Loyola University Chicago
An Investigation of the Relationship between Skill in Deductive Reasoning and Adjustment and between Skill in Problem Solving and Adjustment at Various Levels of Education, Mary Rosaire Lucassen
The Reaction of America, the Commonweal, and the Catholic World to Italian Fascism, Samuel Anthony Marotta
The Critical Flicker Frequency in Relation to the Muller-Lyer Illusion, Paul Martin
Toward an Understanding of Christopher Fry, Edward Joseph Mattimoe
The Use of Prochlorperazine with Brain-Damaged Children, John Michael McCauley
A Study of the Relation between Deductive and Inductive Reasoning Ability and Adjustment in Adults, Mary McNeil
A Study of the Relationship Among Certain Measures of Quantitive and Verbal Abilities, and Achievement in Freshman Engineering Drawing, Mathematics and English in a Public Junior College, Harold Constantine Messinides
A Survey of Current Labor Problems Involving Scheduled Air Line Flight Crews, Thomas Francis Miller
A Study of the Concept of Matter in the Philosophy of Plotinus, Maurice Joseph Moore
Clerical Worker's Attitudes Toward White Collar Unions, O"Gerald Thomas O'Neill
A Preliminary Study of Differences in Inductive Reasoning Ability Among Upper Division College Men, Valerio Ortolani
An Analysis of Problems in Defining Total and Permanent Disability with Special Reference to Disability Insurance Benefits and the Disability Freeze Under Title Ii of the Social Security Act, Joseph John Pacholik
The Tryptic Hydrolysis of Pepsin, Pairent Pairent
The Structured Diary as an Aid in Counseling Parents, Helen K. Pancerz
An Electromyographic Appraisal of Temporal and Digastric Muscle Behavior Under the Influence of Oblique Loads, Bernard M. Pawlowski
A Study of the Administration of the Henrician Act of Supremacy in Canterbury Diocese, Mary Justine Peter
A Tat and Picture-Frustration Study of Naval Offenders and Non- Offenders, Francis Bernard Petrauskas
the Wreck of the Deutschland": Seed Poem in the Flowering of Gerald Manley Hopkins' Poetry, Marie Jeanne Petrone
The Effect of Promazine Hydrochloride on Anxiety as Measured by the Taylor Manifest Anxiety Scale, Vincent D. Pisani
Look Homeward, Angel: Great American Novel, Richard G. Polakowski
A Study of Social Backgrounds and Other Factors Associated with Interest of the Chicago Secondary School Girl in the Religious Life, Mary Theresita Polczynski
The Privy Council and Economic Management in the Reign of Elizabeth, 1558-1578, Vincent Ponko
A Discriminative Scoring System for the Tat: An Investigation, Thomas Leo Qinn
Aptitude and Interest Measures Predictive of Ninth Grade Woodshop Performance, Donald Joseph Racky