Theses/Dissertations from 1961
Adjustment and Interests of Fourth Year Minor Seminarians Studying for the Diocesan Priesthood, John Robert Gorman
From Finite to Eternal Being: Edith Stein's Philosophical Approach to God, Kathe Granderath
A Comparison of the Revised Stanford-Binet, Form L with the Kuhlmann-Anderson Test and the Otis Quick-Scoring Mental Ability Tests, John Gerald Grant
A Study of Factors Contributing to Success in Mathematics , James R. Gray
Pattern Analysis of Movement Responses and Location Choices on the Rorschach, Thomas F. Grib
Nucleic Acids in Wound Healing, Wilhelm Guschlbauer
The Influence of Environment on the Antagonistic Relationship between Shigella and Aerobacter: An Ecological Study, David John Hentges
The Integration of Denture and Skeletal Facial Profile Changes During Growth, Donald Charles Hilgers
The Effect of Group Phonics Drill on Non-Verbal Sub-Tests of the Kuhlmann-Anderson Intelligence Tests, Form D., Alvaro Jimenez
Racial Discrimination Experienced by the Indian Students in Chicago and Its Effects upon Their Image of America, Philip Thomas Kalayil
Employer - Employee Relations in the Tennessee Valley Authority, from 1933 to 1959, Mathew Korah Karavelithara
Comparison between Priests with Pastoral Counseling Training and Priests Without It as Measured by the Religious Apperception Test, John Walter Keller
A Study of the Problems Involved in Opening Kaiser Engineers Branch Office in Chicago, Robert James King
The Attitude of the Lutheran Church in America Toward the New Deal, Alfred Paul Klausler
The Human Relations Approach and Its Critics, Ronald William Korajczyk
Kinetin and the Dissociation Pattern of Enteric Bacilli, Luba Liszczynska Kostiw
Spousals and Scandal in Measure for Measure, George A. Lane
The Significance of Sherwood Anderson's Poetry, Winfield Scott Lenox
A Study of the Effect of Meaningfulness of Materials Under Conditions of Practice on Learning and Retention, Le-Thi-Que. Le-Thi-Que
Transplantation of a Bone Graft with a Tooth in Situ, Sam Peter Liaros
The Controlled Association Responses of Religious and Lay Women as Measured by the Loyola Language Study, Laura Louise Logsdon
Conrad's Nostromo: Reception, Theme, Technique, Jerome A. Long
Five Approaches to Intermediate Grade Level Reading Problems: A Critique, Mary Therese Long
The Loyolan 1961, Loyola University Chicago
A Thomistic Theory of Authority: Yves Simon, John Alanson Lucal
A Study of the Adjustment and Interests of First Year College Seminarians for the Diocesan Priesthood, Andrew Joseph McDonagh
The Effect of Tetraethylammonium Ion on the Spectra of Certain Sulfonphthalein Indicators, Irene E. Mersol
A Study of the Most Outstanding Problems of Boys in the Third Year of Three Catholic High Schools, James Joseph Merwick
El Hombre En La Poesia Espanola Contemporanea, Isabella S. Milewski
The Diagnostic Approach of Three Disciplines to Minimal Intracranial Pathology in Children, John Webb Mohrbacher
Editorial Attitude Toward Unionism with Regard to Important Labor Issues, the Years 1919-1921 Inclusive, Eugene William Monroe
A Heuristic Structure for the Study of Sociocultural Integration, Richard W. Moodey
The Relation between Performance on Certain Semi-Projective Tests and Adjustment to High School, Virginia Muller
A Study of the Growth Changes in Skeletal Facial Profile and Their Significance in Orthodontic Diagnosis, Nanda Nanda
An Aristotelian Approach to the Sources of Comic Effect in the Birds of Aristophanes, John J. O'Callaghan
The Relation of the Veneration of the Cross to the Dream of the Rood, Mary Ignatia O'Connor
The Historical Changes in the Tooth and Surrounding Structure Following Apicoectomy in Dogs, Gokul Das Ojha
Factors of Nigeria's Economic Growth with Emphasis on Labor, Patrick Adebayo Uzoma Opara
The Denaturation of Pepsin, Pairent Pairent
The Influence of Examiner Personality on the Number of Rorschach Responses., Michael Anthony Partipilo
Psychiatric Screening of Navy Recruits: Pre-Enlistment Factors Related to Success in Recruit Training, John Avner Plag
The Role of the Parent in the Counseling Interview with the Secondary School Student, Paul F. Quinn
An Analysis and Appraisal of the Working Relations between the Substitute Teachers and the Regular Teachers of the Chicago Public Elementary Schools, Bernard A. Quisch
A Photoelectric Plethysmographic Study of the Sympathetic Vasomotor Outflow to the Hind Limb of the Dog, Robert Orrin Rawson
English Radical Thought, 1768-1788, as Seen in the Works of Richard Price and Joseph Priestley, M. Gregory Renzelmann
Effects of Some Enzyme Inhibitors on the Threshold to Cortical Desynchrony by Reticular Formation Stimulation, Seward A. Ridlon
A Study of Some of the Aspects and Implications of the Anglo-Argentine Commercial Treaty of 1825, Leslie B. Rout
The Fate of Intraosseous Anorganic Bone Implants in the Calvaria of Rabbits, John Moritz Sachs
The Personal and Public Relationship between Edmund Burke and Charles James Fox: Its Evolution and Significance, Susan Grace Scroeder
A Study of Some Environmental and Constitutional Factors in the Background of Teen-Age Boys Treated at a Psychological Guidance Center, 1950-1956, John Ambrose Singer
The Impact of Court Decisions on Union Growth Around 1921, Vishwanath Prasad Singh
A Histologic Study of Healing of Split Thickness Gingival Flap Surgery in Dogs, Harry Staffileno
An Inquiry Into the Absence of Moral Advertence in a Sample of Catholic High School Students with Specific Focus upon Racial Prejudice, Mary Ignatius. Staley
Parental Rights and State Education, William A. Stanmeyer
The Effect of an Audio-Visual Phonics Aid in the Intermediate Grades, Eileen Evelyn Stanton
An Item Analysis of the Cattell Infant Intelligence Scale, Mary Lou Strassmaier
A Study of the Labor Philosophy of James B. Carey, President of the International Union of Electrical, Radio, and Machine Workers, Monroe B. Sullivan
Green Paradise: A Study of Andrew Marvell's Concept of the Relation of Man to Nature, William Dennis Sullivan
Local Ventricular Bulging Following Acute Coronary Occlusion, Constantine J. Tatooles
Atrio-Ventricular Pressures and Their Relationships During Stellate Stimulation, Richard H. Ulmer
Character Development Through Guided Activities for Kindergarten and Primary Children, Marie Francine. Verpas
A Study of the Effect of Social Factors upon the Attitudes of the White Female Office Worker Toward the American Negro, Lottie Maria Vigil
The Thought of Reynold Pecock in Its Historical Milieu, Sue Sheridan Walker
The Effects of Various Endocrine Disturbances on the Rate of Eruption and the Histology of the Maxillary Incisor in the Female Albino Rat, Wilbur Arthur Wellband
Survey and Appraisal of Organized Guidance Services in the Catholic Secondary Schools of the Archdiocese of Chicago, Mary Bonita Wierzbowski
A Study of the Electrodermal Response as a Measure of Anxiety and Impulsiveness, Glenn Francis Williams
Richard Hurrell Froude, Mary Regina Williams
An Analysis of Some of the Implications of Carl Rogers' Hypotheses Concerning Human Nature, George Roderick Youngs
An Evaluation of Prediction of Success in Shorthand, Joseph J. Zbornik
An Electromyographic Study of the Masseter and Temporal Muscles Before, During, and After Orthodontic Treatment: Part IV. During Anchorage Preparation, Eugene Hipolit Zylinski
Theses/Dissertations from 1960
Pragmatism in the Religious Thought of William James, Tomas Francis Ankenbrandt
Survey of Non-Supervisor Factory Type Job Evaluation Plans Used by Manufacturers in the Chicago Metropolitan Area Employing Over 1,000 Persons, Frank J. Baleno
Some Characteristics and Rates of Insured Unemployment in the Chicago Area 1957-58, Paul P. Baltis
The Paper Chromatography of Human Serum Lipoproteins, Leonard Jerome Banaszak
A Survey of Personnel Testing in the Chicago Area, Roy S. Barr
A Comparative and Factor Analytic Study of the Level of Aspiration in Industry, James Anthony Becker
A Critique of Count Mirabeau's Secret History of the Court of Berlin, Stuart. Bonem
An Analysis of the School Records of One Hundred Juveniles Appearing Before the Family Court of Chicago, December 1957 to March 1958, John Jude Boyle
A Theory of Property According to John Locke, Joseph Andrew Bracken
A. C. Bradley as a Critic of Shakespearean Tragedy, John Britton
Preliminary Study of a Test of Inductive Reasoning in the Upper Grades, Mary Colomana. Buksa
The Critical Theory of John Keats, Rita Claire Callan
Changes in the Maturation of Epithelial Cells in the Mucous Membrane of the Cheek After Therapeutic X-Ray Radiation in Patients with Head and Neck Carcinoma, Lawrence Philip Chase
A Study of Gamma Irradiated Mouse Incisor, John Martin Coady
A Study of the Theory and Practice of Effective Law Enforcement, John Joseph Cody
In Vitro Studies of Parathyroid Hormone Effects on Enzyme Systems, John C. Colla
A Critical Analysis of an Experimental Curriculum for an Upper Grade Educational Center in a Depressed Urban Area , Joseph J. Connery
Cardozo's Philosophy of Law: His Concept of Judicial Process , William Charles Cunningham
Selective Reinforcers in the Operant Conditioning of Normal and Exceptional Children, Frank Anthony Dinello
An Electromyographic Study of the Effect of Negative Intraoral Air Pressure on the Perioral Musculature, David Leonard Edgar
The Teaching of English in Madras' Secondary Schools Before and After Indian Independence, Singarayer Fernando
A Study of Organizational Size and Its Effect on Employee Morale, John Joseph Finnegan
A Radiographic Study of Tooth Movement Determined by the Changes Seen in the Periodontal Space of the Mandibular Molar Teeth During Anchorage Preparation with Light Forces, Jesse Patrick Gantt
A Thematic Apperception Test Study of Non-Intellective Factors Related to Academic Success on the College Level, Joseph A. Garvin
An Investigation of General Sense of Humor: Its Relationship to Personality, Richard Joseph Haberle
Attitudes of Parents of Trainable Mentally Retarded Towards Their Children After Group Orientation, Norman Roy Hafemeister
The Effect of Learning on Performance in the Test of Diagnostic Skills, John V. Haley
Jeanne D'Arc in the Limelight: A Study of the Maid in Modern Drama, Daniel Hannefin