Theses/Dissertations from 1964
Status of Myocardial Function in Irreversible Hemorrhagic Shock, Bernell Coleman
A Comparison of Histologic and Cytologic Techniques in Chemically Induced Carcinoma of the Hamster Pouch Epithelium, Thomas A. Collins
The Concept of Honor in the Faerie Queen, Books I and II, Mary Jane Coogan
A Descriptive Analysis and Comparison of Some Catholic Sophomores with Different Types of Education, Mary Leander Dell
A Study of the Toxohormone Content of Several Types of Human Malignant Tumors, Richard I. Delo
Fielding on Walpole: A Study of Henry Fielding's Major Political Satires, Mary Elizabeth Devine
Renewal of Cell Population in Palate and Tongue Epithelium of Mice, Ajit Singh Dhawan
The Attitude of College Students Toward Heterosexual Relationships as Expressed on Thematic Apperception Test Stories, Patricia Diane Dore
The Influence of Stimulus Size and Binocular and Monocular Vision on Visual Reaction Time, Ralph F. Dunn
A Roentgenographic Study of the Orthodontic Movements Exhibited by the Mandibular First Molar Teeth During Final Space Consolidation Utilizing Edgewise Forces, Ernest S. Follico
An Appraisal of Student Teachers in Off-Campus Elementary Schools , Marie Maud Foote
Chemotherapeutic Experiments with Ribonucleic Acid Containing Animal Viruses, Frank Thomas Frigan
An Examination of Miguel De Unamuno's Thought Concerning Pauline Theology Seen in the Light of Modern Scripture Studies, Albert M. Gallegos
Formulation and Administration of an Attitude Scale for Orthodontic Patients, Michael F. Gannon
A Study of the Tort Liability of the School Districts and the Illinois Common Law Principles, Amado Garcia
The Screening Value of Rorschach Scales Designed to Assess Ego-Structure and Ego-Functioning, LaMaurice H. Gardner
Effects of Lesions in the Hippocampal Rudiment on T-Maze Single Alternation in the Albino Rat, Helen Gavin
A Study of the Cause(s) of Bacterial Swarming, Frances Gavitt
The Effects of Sodium and Potassium on the Oxidation of Citrate and Succinate by Rat Liver Mitochondria, Edwin Otto Geiger
Rater Sensitivity to Behavioral and Inferential Phenomena of Schizophrenics, James G. Georgas
The Histologic Changes Following Apicoectomy in the Root Filled Tooth of Dogs, Sarit K. Ghose
A Histologic Study of Healing Following Re-Entry Surgery in Dogs, James M. Giblin
The Reutilization of Thymocytic and Lymphocytic Desoxyribonucleic Acid, Kenneth Robert Goljan
Human Self in Josiah Royce's "The World and the Individual", Vol. II, Thomas Grady
The Effect of Certain Drugs on the Lysogenic System, Demetrios George Halkias
A Study of the Bases Used to Determine Teachers' Salary Schedules , Margaret Mary Harrigan
Changes in Nuclear RNA During Wound Tissue Regeneration, Eleanore Hertel
The Political Thought of General Hans Von Seeckt, Henry William Herx
The Exclusion Crisis and the Earl of Shaftesbury, 1679-1681, F. Edward Higgins
The Aged Person and Psychobiological Processes, James A. Hill
Ovarian Development in the Golden Hamster, Patricia Jaglarski
Cytological Study of the Migration of the Cells of the Interdental Papillae in the Mouse, Anjana A. Joglekar
The Development of the Gonads in the Female and the Effects of Sinistral Ovariectomy and Bilateral Orchiectomy in the Japanese Quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica), Jose Kannankeril
The Educational Debate in the French National Assembly 1848-1850, John Leonard Kellogg
The Effect of Cortisone on Mitotic Activity in the Maxillary Incisor of the Young Female Albino Rat, Michael Lawrence Kiely
Cardiac Responses and Catecholamines Following Cervico-Thoracic Sympathectomy, Mary Aberle Klouda
An Experimental Study on the Function of the Ovarian Germinal Epithelium, Frances A. Kovarik
Mitotic Activity in the Oral Epithelium of the Human Female, Joseph Krajewski
The Establishment and Maintenance of Goldfish Cell Lines in Tissue Culture, Helen Mae Kroeker
The History and Nature of Professional Immunity as Related to Guidance Counselors, Patricia Bernice Kubistal
Francesco Guicciardini: Mirror of Cinquecento Disillusionment, Rita Kucera
The Critical and Literary Background for a Study of the Development of Taste for "Modern Art" in America, from 1880 to 1900, John D. Kysela
A Comparative Study of Four Catholic College Groups on the Mmpi, Juan B. LaFarga
The Validity of the National League for Nursing, Pre-Nursing and Guidance Examination and Some Other Factors in a School of Nursing, M. Joel Lampen
Personality Correlates of Decision Making in a Perceptual Task, Charles Lane
A Critical Evaluation of Maurice Stein's Theory of Community Development, Carolyn Leonard
The Effect of Dihydrotachysterol on the Citric Acid Cycle, Joseph Liberti
Some Socio-Cultural Variations in the Image of the Catholic Priest Held by a Selected Group of Suburban Parishioners, Joseph Liguori
The Loyolan 1964, Loyola University Chicago
The Relationship between Anxiety and GSR Conditioning, Frank James Macchitelli
A Conventional Assessment of Orthodontic Cooperation as Compared to Interrogation and Polygraphic Testing, Jack Garfield Mann
A Study of the Historical Register, for the Year 1736 with Notes to the Text, Katherine Marron
Gabriela Mistral and Allusions to Catholicism in Desolacion, John J. Martin
Labor Philosophy of Albert John Hayes, International President of the International Association of Machinists, Theodore G. Mazarello
A Comparison of the Toxohormone Content of Human Malignant Tissues, Laurence Lowell McCarthy
Factors Influencing Hypothalamic Temperatures, Robert Devon McCook
Tradition and the Individual Talent According to Hugh Kenner, David Allen McNutt
Effect of Parathyroid Hormone upon the Oxidation of Citrate by Rat Kidney Homogenates and Mitochondria, Mark Melancon
Cognitive Complexity-Simplicity and Problem-Solving Processes, Eileen Meyer
Changes in Cardiac Rate During Complex Mental Activity, Robert Meyer
Personality Differences in Alcoholic and Nonalcoholic Brothers, Laurence Miller
A Histological Study of the Periodontium in a Tooth Bearing Bone Graft, Robert Misiewicz
Mechanism of Hypotension in Acute Spinal Shock, John Francis Moran
Histogenesis of Plasma Cells in Inflamed Oral Mucosa, Kenneth E. Nowlan
A Study of Learning in Groups Under Fixed and Variable Ratio Reinforcement Schedules, Frederick Ronald Oberman
A Study of Virgil'S Sympathy for Human Suffering in the Aeneid, J. Paul O'Brien
The Conditions of Laborers in South Korea, Pahn K. Oh
A Study of Corporal Punishment and Court Decisions in Illinois, Mary Virginia Olsen
Social Area Analysis and Social Participation of the Negro Community of Chicago, Patrick Opara
The Effect of Rat and Rabbit Sera on the Metabolism of Coagulase Positive and Coagulase Negative Staphylococci, Jesse S. Ortiz
The Effects of Left Stellate Ganglion Stimulation on Left Ventricular Synchrony in Dogs, Charles Edward Osadjan
Determination of Streptococcal-Hyaluronidase in Human Carious Dentin, Saryubala Parikh
Psychological Deficit: an Approach Through Problem Solving Processes, Michael Partipilo
The Immunological Response of a Freshwater Fish to Bacteria of Marine Origin, Robert S. Pekarek
The Effects of Herbicides, Fungicides, and Insecticides on Bacteria of Marine Origin, Kenneth William Pierini
The Assessment of Attitudes of Alcoholics Toward an In-Patient Alcoholic Treatment Center, Vincent D. Pisani
A Comparative Cross-Cultural Study of Values of Chicago and Lima Children by Social Classes, Mary Theresita Polczynski
Areas of Labor Education in Latin America, Renee Porras-Calderon
The Therapeutic Effect of Group Therapy Sessions upon the Ward Society on a Male Admission Ward of a Mental Hospital, David Joseph Reid
The Austrian Policy of Cardinal Consalvi, 1815-1823: An Experiment in Austro-Papal Co-Operation, Alan J. Reinerman
The Nature of Reasoning in John Henry Cardinal Newman's Grammer of Assent, Lawrence D. Roberts
A Study of the Methods of Interpreting Measures of Achievement in Relation To Measures of Capacity, John Arthur Russell
Measurement of Hypothalamic Blood Flow Using a Thermal Gradient Method, Karl Erwin Sanzenbacher
Sallust's Catiline: History Or Political Pamphlet?, Robert Henry Schmidt
Studies Pertaining to the Anatomy, Histology and Nervous Organization and Transmission in the Tunicate Ciona Intestinalis, Charles L. Scudder
A Comparison of an M Limits Method Using Pictures of Human Beings with the Standard M Limits Procedure, Sylvia D. Searight
Histological Study of Reattachment of Masseter Muscle After Its Surgical Detachment from Its Bony Attachment, Virendra K. Seth
The Web of Glory: A Study of the Concept of Man as Expressed in the Christian Fantasy Novels of Charles Williams, Beverlee Fissinger Smith
The Phenomenon of Language in the Thought of Maurice Merleau-Ponty, Rolland Francis Smith
The Meaning of Physis in Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides, Edward R. Sunshine
Testing Seminarians with MMPI and Kuder: A Report of Ten Years of Testing, Robert Howard Sweeney
An Investigation Into the Status of Cherokee Indian Civilization Before 1838, Zandt Cecilia Van
The Legal Status of Religion in Iowa Public Schools, Stephen John Voelz
The Effects of Anxiety on Social Facilitation, George E. Wiemeler
A Histochemical Identification of the Cellular Sites of Androgen Synthesis in the Hypertrophied Right Gonad of the Leghorn Poulard, James Edward Woods
Assimillation Among Japanese-Americans in Chicago, by Religious Affiliation and by Generation, Midori Yamaha