Theses/Dissertations from 1965
Assessment of Changes in the Integumental Profile Following Orthodontic Treatment, B.L. Ellis
Temporal Parameters of Behavior: A Psychopharmacological Approach, James B. Erdmann
A Personality Description of the Unwed Pregnant Adolescent, Using Story Sequence Analysis, Rona Marcia (Katz) Fields
Effect of Glucose on the Radioautographic Uptake of L-Lysine-H₋p3₋s by Cells of the Seminiferous Epithelium, Casimir F. Firlit
Sociability Scores as a Predictor of Intra-Group Cooperation, Julian Frank
The Professionalization of Medical Students: Social Class, Attitude, and Academic Achievement, Marcel Fredericks
An Investigation of Changes in Personality and General Ability as Related to Various Phases of Sister Formation, Marie Garrity
The Blood Motifs of the Fourteenth Century Yorkshire Mystics, Louis C. Gatto
A Qualitative Study of the Biophysics of Tooth Movement by Means of a Three-Dimensional Analog, Edgar Francis Geigel
Relationship between Intelligence and Anxiety, Olegario de Godoy
The Effect of Aging upon Collagen Synthesis and Reutilization, Allen Fred Goldberg
A Linear Cephalometric Analysis: Its Description and Application in Assessing Changes in the Mandible After Orthodontic Treatment, J. Keith Grimson
The Screening of Inner-City Male High School Dropouts for Employment in Industry, Bethel G. Gross
A Study of the Changes in the Young Rhesus Monkey Mandible Following Condylectomy, Julius Guccione
Poema del Cante Jondo de Federico Garcia Lorca: Fondo, Forma y Senales Teatrales, James Gunnell
The Novels of Marie Corelli, Joyce Gutzeit
A Great Industrial Experiment, Edward A. Heberg
The Paper Mill Industry in the Lower Fox River Valley, Wisconsin, 1872-1890, Dorothy Heesakker
Analysis of Examiner Variance on the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale, John Joseph Henning
A New Method of Scoring the How Supervise ? Test, Edward J. Hester
Protein Labeling of the Cryptorchid Testis of the Rat, Mannfred A. Hollinger
High School Leadership: A Study of Differential Characteristics of Emergent Leaders and Non-Leaders in a Small Private Roman Catholic Girls' High School in a Large Midwestern City, Hubert James Horan
The Protestant Missionary and Government Indian Policy, 1789-1840 , Harold C. Howard
A Study of Schizophrenic Thinking in Problem Solving Tasks, Ada Izcoa
An Analysis of Paul Tillich's Educational Views, Bobetta Jacobs
Biophysical Assessment of a Reciprocal Vertical Force System on Posterior Teeth in Normal Functional Occlusion, Gerald Jeffry
A Gross and Histologic Study of the Changes Occuring in Young Macaca Rhesus Monkeys as a Result of Intracapsular, Subcondylar Fracture of the Mandible, Stanley James Kaczala
Cytogenesis of the Multinucleated Foreign Body Giant Cell, Mitchell V. Kaminski
Respiration in Dogs with Spinal Cord Transection at C1, Peter Joseph Kane
A Historical Study of Vocational Education in the Chicago Public and Technical and Vocational High Schools, 1917-1963, Edward Kosell
Biophysical Assessment of a Reciprocal Vertical Force System on Posterior Teeth Out of Occlusion in a Rhesus Monkey, Dale K. Kostiwa
The Influence of the Brand Name on Perception of a Food Product, Edward A. Krimm
A Correlational and Predictive Study of College Freshmen in a Midwestern University, J. Dennis Lamping
An Experimental Investigation of the Relationship between the Mmpi and the Survey of Interpersonal Values, Kamal Lathi
The History of the Augustinians as a Teaching Order in the Midwestern Province, Joseph Anthony Linehan
A Cephalometric Assessment of Cranial-Facial Morphology in Class I, Class II, and Class III Malocclusions, Robert R. Lokar
The Loyolan 1965, Loyola University Chicago
Loyola University Rome Center Yearbook 1964-1965, Loyola University Rome Center
Realidad y Simbolo en la Casa de Bernarda Alba, Miguel Angel Martinez
Susceptibility to Persuasion Under Conditions of Sensory Deprivation, John W. McCloskey
The Effect on the Problem Solving Ability of Children from First Through Fourth Grade of Three Different Amounts of Guidance During Training in Problem Solving, Maureen Nora McConville
A Study of the Ability of Antipyretics to Act as Carboxlyase Models, Jay Alan McMahon
The Impact of Court Decisions on Union Growth - 1945-1948, Aloysius Joseph Memmel
Malcolm and Hartshorne on the Anselmian Argument for the Existence of God, James Allan Meyer
The Church and State Question in Guatemala: 1871-1885, Hubert J. Miller
A Feedback Model: The Comparative Effectiveness of Different Types of Practice in the Acquisition of Two Perceptual Motor Skills, Gerald John Mozdzierz
A Longitudinal Study Investigating the Predictability of the MMPI and Kuder for Diocesan Seminarians, James J. Murtaugh
A Descriptive Study of a Religious Community with Specific Reference to Familism, Mary Agatha. Niebrugge
A Histologic Study of the Regeneration of the Inferior Alveolar Nerve, Robert Francis Nolan
Interest Patterns of Management Personnel as a Function of Organizational Level, Arthur Chalmers Omberg
Duns Scotus and Leibniz on the Ontological Argument, William Martin O'Meara
A Study of the Isle of Man, 1558-1660, Jack Ongemach
The Legislative History of the French Law of Sacrilege of 1825, Arthur H. Pare
A Study of the Rat Molar Pulp at Various Ages, Rafael D. Pinzon
Effects of Lesions in the Hippocampal Rudiment on Somesthetic and Visual Discrimination in the Albino Rat, Thomas W. Planek
Effects of Electrosurgery on Wound Healing in Dogs, Joseph William Pope
Relation of Thought Communality To Training Experiences of Student Nurses, with Some Implications for Empathy, Charles R. Potkay
Clinical Judgment as a Function of Manifest Anxiety and Social Conditions/, Joseph F. Pribyl
El Barroquismo de el Gran Teatro del Mundo, Mariano Quintana
A Study of Junior College Seminarians on the Edwards Personal Preference Schedule, Alex Joseph Rakowski
Some Correlates of Religious, Ethical, and Cultural Values of Parochial and Public School Children, Bernard W. Rechlicz
A Description of Personality Pattern Changes in Religious Levels of Training, Mary Olivia Reindl
La Sociedad Contemporanea Espanola en Las Novelas de Benito Perez Galdos, Oscar Rodriguez
The Kinetics of the Thrombin Catalyzed Fibrinogen Fibrin Conversion, James Ross
The Role of the Condyle in the Mandibular Growth, V. M. Sanghani
Specific Bacterial Antibodies in the Inflamed Human Gingiva, Thomas F. Schneider
The Effects of Positive and Negative Verbal Reinforcement on the Verbal Behavior of College Females as a Function of Need-For-Approval, George Edward Schultz
An Analysis and Appraisal of Lay Teacher Employment Practices in Large Catholic Elementary School Systems in the United States, Leonard Andrew Setze
The Elizabethan Justice of the Peace: An Image Inspected, 1558-1603, George Stephen Sipek
The Effect of Bilaternal Fornix Lesions upon the Learning and Retention of an Olfactory and Auditory Discrimination in the Albino Rat, John F. Snyder
James Bryant Conant: A Critical Analysis of His Role as an Educational Reformer, Harlene Sperling
Youth Hiring Practices and Policies: A Survey of Employers in Metropolitan Chicago, Frank Joseph Stangel
Racial Difference in Academic Achievement of White and Negro High School Students, Christopher J. Thayil
An Experimental Evaluation of the Use of Instructional Television for Elementary Science, Norman Russell Turchan
Attention and Resistance To Extinction, Camillus W. Vahl
Role Conception Among Filipino Nurses in Chicago and Some Aspects of Marginality, Mercedes Lahoz Verzosa
Attitudes Toward High School Athletics: An Analysis of the Attitudes of Different Groups in the School System as Related To Their Particular Role in the System, Claude Louis Vincent
The Contributions of R.G. Collingwood To the Philosophy of History, James E. Von Tobel
A Linear Cephalometric Analysis: Its Description and Application in Assessing Changes in the Maxilla After Orthodontic Treatment, Francis Peter Wall
The Nomination of James M. Cox: The Democratic Convention of 1920, Charles J. Werling
The Social and Cultural Determination of Research Foci in Doctoral Dissertations of American Sociologists, Esther Elizabeth Wey
The Effectiveness of Group Versus Individual Therapy in Lower Class Posthospitalized Schizophrenics, Edward Wittert
Differential Cardiac Responses To Activation of Right and Left Cardiovascular Reflexes, Marva Charlyne Worthen
The Meaning of Nothingness in the Early Philosophy of Martin Heidegger, Leo Bonaventure Wren
A Comparative Study of the Reading Disability in Neurologically Organized and Neurologically Disorganized Fifth Grade Children, Mariam Yaeger
Genesis of Epinephrine Arteriopathy, John F. Zaroslinski
A Study of the Normal Anatomy of the Masticatory Apparatus of Macaca Mulatta, Dennis Edward Zielinski
The Effect of Denervation on Growth and Development of the Feather in Brown Leghorn Fowl, Claire Adelaide Zieman
Theses/Dissertations from 1964
Unemployment in India, Xavier Arakal
Indian Students in America, Isaac Arokiasamy
Major Philosophical Implications of Carl Rogers' Theory of Personality, Daniel Artley
Attitudes of Jewish High School Youth Toward Catholics, Protestants and Jews, Rosemary Bannan
A Comparative Analysis of the Assimilation Patterns of First Generation Male Filipinos in Chicago Who Married Caucasian-Americans and Those Who Married Filipinos, Prudencia Bautista
A Study of Christopher Smart's Poetic Theory with Special Reference to "A Verse Translation of Horace", John Beifuss
A Study of the Labor Philosophy of David Dubinsky, President of the International Ladies Garment Workers of America, William Bergmann
Problem Solving Processes Amd Grades in Mathematics, Mira H. Bhandari
Oxidations by Rat Liver Mitochondria Under Steady-State Condition, John Biaglow