Theses/Dissertations from 1967
A Study of Deliberate Faking in the MMPI with Seminarians , John Gerald Grant
A Concurrent Validity Study with the Guilford-Zimmerman Temperament Survey, James B. Harney
The Inter- and Intrarater Reliability of the Rorschach Defense Checklist on Normal Subjects, Victor Joseph Heckler
Cross Validation and Supplementary Research on the Loyola Sentence Completion Test for Seminarians, Lawrence Heinrich
Education Towards Freedom: A Study of Catholic Secondary Education in Taiwan and an Attempt to Define Some Guiding Principles for a New Pedagogy, Jerome J. Heyndricks
Psychotherapy: Therapist Goals, Patient Expectations and Patient Satisfaction, James A. Hill
Metabolic Studies on the Cryptorchid Testis of the Rat, Mannfred A. Hollinger
A Comparative Analysis of Attitudes Toward Medical Care and Advances in Modern Medicine between the First Generation of Chinese-Americans and the Second Generation of Chinese-Americans in Chicago, Yu Sheila. Hsueh-Chin
Dios en Juan Ramon Jimenez, Luis Iscla Rovira
The Bolsheviks in the Russian Revolution of 1905, Anthony M. Ivancevich
Studies on the Extraction of Parathyroid Hormone from Urine, Rodger Samuel Izzo
Selection Strategies in Concept Attainment as a Function of Concept Rule and Memory, Everett S. Jacobson
A Factor Analytic Study of Ability and Personality Tests Currently Used in the Philippines, Isabel R. Juan
The Intentions of William Wycherley as Dramatic Wit and Satirist and the Contemporary Reception of His Plays: A Collection of the Evidence for Certain Observations About Wycherley's Dramatic Satire, James Edward Kasprzak
The Labor Philosophy of Michael J. Quill, Joseph Augustine Kelly
Student Characteristics Related to Instruction and Learning in Introductory Measurement Courses, Anne D. Kennard
The Effect of Cortisone on the Rate of Eruption, DNA Synthesis, and Mitotic Activity in the Maxillary Incisor of the Female Albino Rat, Michael Lawrence Kiely
The Impact of Technological Change on Industrial Work in the Telephone Equipment Industry, Frank Edward Kimmel
The Political and Economic Thought of Lucas Alaman and Its Impact on Mexican Development, 1820-1852, Alan F. Kovac
The "Chesapeake-Leopard Affair": A Study of Its Effects upon the American People and Government, Paul J. Lammermeier
The Stimulus Value of a Clergyman as the Administrator of Psychological Tests, Pius Carroll Lartigue
Incidental Learning as a Test of the Overinclusion Hypothesis in Schizophrenia, Dale G. LeNoue
A Study of Selected Characteristics of Scholastically Excluded College Students Who Are Successful and Unsuccessful after Being Readmitted to a Junior College, Charles Francis Lindblade
Incorporation of Amino Acids Into Parathyroid Tissue Protein, Thomas Shang-Lung Liu
Trends, Practices, and Policies in Teaching Advanced Spanish through Correspondence Study, Marie E. Long
The Loyolan 1967, Loyola University Chicago
Loyola University Rome Center Yearbook 1966-1967, Loyola University Rome Center
Differential Sex Performance on the Language Section of the Leiter Adult Intelligence Scale for a College Population, Shula Avni Luber
Evolucion de la Poesia y del Teatro de Xavier Villaurrutia, Olga Chappotin Machado
The Nunciature of Giovanni Caligari (1578-1581) as a Factor in the Counter-Reformation in Poland, Mary Gertrude Malczewska
The Study of History and the Evolution of Historiography in Late Tudor and Early Stuart England, Robert William Mallonee
A Study of Personality Changes in Two Small Groups of Maryknoll Seminarians, Thomas John Malone
An Experimental Investigation of the Effects of Cortisone on the Keratinization Process in the Oral Epithelium of the Rat and Its Relation to the Process of Precocious Eruption, Diane Grace Mangine
Vida y Teatro De La Avellaneda, Violeta Martinez
An Investigation of the Deposition of Alveolar Bone in the Orthodontic Tipping of Teeth in Monkeys, James V. Martuccio
The Differential Influence of the Junior High School and Elementary School Organizational Patterns on Academic Achievement and Social Adjustment of Seventh and Eighth Grade Students, Thomas Eccles McCaig
A Study of Faculty Ratings in a Minor Seminary, John W. McCloskey
Selection Strategies in Cooperative Group Concept Attainment as a Function of Memory Requirements and Concept Rule, Richard P. McGlynn
The Foreign Policy of President De Gaulle: A Study in East-West Diplomacy, William Joseph McGrath
A Study on the Pas-Positive Reacting Substances in the Hamster Egg and Early Embryos, Hal D. McReynolds
The Influence of Force Application to the Teeth upon Tension Development of the Masseter and Digastric Muscles of the Cat, Frederick R. Merg
An Experiment in the Development of Creative Thinking and Its Effect on Selected Cognitive, Affective, and Psychomotor Behaviors of Students in High School Industrial Arts Courses, Walter Stanley Mietus
The Narrative Art of Arthur Hugh Clough: A Study of the Bothie of Tober-Navuolich and Amours De Voyage, Irving M. Miller
El Hombre en La Obra de Federico Garcia Lorca, Dulce Maria Morales
An Interpretive Study of Archibald Macleish's Plays, Edward Arthur Morin
An Evaluation of Total and Projected Root Surface Areas of Maxillary Human Teeth, Clifton Y. Moromisato
A Comparative Study of the Effect of Selected Oral Hypoglycemic Agents on Protein Biosynthesis, Howard L. Murray
The Self Concept and Its Relevance to the Counseling Relationship, James Edward Murray
Serum Lipoprotein Biosynthesis and Orotic Acid, Theodore S. Musiala
Differences in Motivational Patterns of Inadequate and Inept Psychopathic Deviant Prison Inmates as Revealed by Tat Story Sequence Analysis, Basil Edward Najjar
An Evaluation of the Psychophysical Phenomenon on Sensory Stimuli to the Periodontal Ligament, Patrick Robert Nakfoor
Elmer Rice: A Critical Evaluation of His Full-Length Published Essays, Edmund Anthony Napieralski
Melchor Ocampo: A Mexican Liberal's View of the Relationship of Church and State in the Nineteenth Century, Dorothy E. Nash
The Proliferative Capacity of Osteoblasts During Fracture Repair and a Comparison of DNA Synthesis in Normal and Hypophysectomized Rats: An Autoradiographic Study, Joseph Thomas Nichols
A Study of Selected Sociological Factors in Personal Adjustment of Members to a Religious Order in Terms of Integration and Alienation, John Joseph O'Connell
A Biophysical Assessment of Force Magnitudes on Bodily Tooth Movement in Monkeys, Jan Odegaard
An Experimental Case Study of the Social Class Structure and Family Relationships of Catholic Families with Students in Eighth Grade in Functionally Different Suburbs, Daniel H. O'Donohue
Cytochemistry of Retrograde Neuronal Degeneration in Feline Lateral Geniculate Body, John B. Oldershaw
Privy Council Control of the County of Essex During the Reign of Elizabeth I, 1558-1603, John A. O'Loughlin
Amount of Information Retained as a Function of Visual Presentation and Value, Felix A. Ortega
Reflejos Gongorinos on el Romancero Gitano de Federico Garcia Lorca, Juan Antonio Paez
Social Class as a Factor in Inter-Parental Conflict in Child Training: A Survey of Sixty Families in the Chicago Area, James Parappally
Slum Housing Receivership as a Mode of Municipal Housing Code Enforcement, Francis R. Parente
The Rorschach Defense Checklist: Rationale and Validity, Ida A. Parlanti
The Effect of Stress on Several Subtests of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale, Mary Elizabeth Paul
The Relationship Between Transcendental Beauty and Aesthetic Beauty in the Fine Arts According to Maritain, John F. Pennington
Thomas Stearn's Eliot's Emblematic Synthesis of the Visual, Intellectual and Spiritual Worlds in the Tradition of Andrea Alciatus, Inez C. Petersen
Negro Community Leadership in a Northern Metropolitan Center: A Study of Its Structure Under Conditions of Rapid Social Change, Steven I. Pflanczer
Effects of Ovine Pituitary FSH on the Embryonic Gonads of the Leghorn Chick During the Early Incubation, Duc Tuan Pham
A Critical Examination of the Logistical Support Rendered Through the Port of Tampa in the War of 1898, Gerald J. Pierce
A Study of the Personnel Function as an Organizational Activity of Chicago Firms, Salvador B. Pilar
Changes in Reactivity of Blood Group Substances a and B on Cell Surfaces of Neoplastic Tissue of the Oral Epithelium, Richard C. Prendergast
Stress, Manifest Anxiety, and Clinical Judgment, Joseph F. Pribyl
Theme and Structure in Plato's Republic and More's Utopia, Edward August Quattrocki
Union-Management Relations Between the Veterans Administration Hospitals in Chicago and the General Services Employee Union, Local 73, William J. Ranieri
A Dental Assessment of the Dentoskeletal Prognathism in the North American Negro, Clarence J. Red
La Mujer en el Teatro Lorquiano, Margarita P. Remigio
The German Center Party from the November Revolution 1918 to the Adoption of the Weimar Constitution, August, 1919, M. Marcella Ripper
A Comparison of Factor Analysis and Pattern Analysis of the Loyola National Institute of Mental Health Attitude Scale, A. H. Rittenhouse
Histologic Study of a Re-Entry Wound with Periosteal Preservation, Peter Dittmar Roberson
An Analysis of the Attitudes of Lay Teachers of Catholic Boys' High Schools in the Chicago Area Toward Selected Minority Groups, Thomas George Schackmuth
An Analysis of the Sources of the Current-Recurring Income Dollar in Large Local Labor Unions in Chicago: 1964-1965, Edward P. Schmidt
A Study of the Criticism of Thomas Rymer with Special Reference to That Criticism's Influence and Place in the Literary History of Criticism, William J. Shanahan
Internationalism and the German Revolution, 1918-1919, James D. Shand
The Effects of Tactually Induced Unilateral and Bilateral Electric Shock on the Auditory Threshold: An Interpretation Based on Brain Blood-Shift Theory, Robert M. Shannon
An Experimental Investigation of Autonomic Responses to Threatened Stimuli, Francis Joseph Simal
Irradiation as a Function of Hue, Eugene Skoff
A Study of Autofluorescence and Its Comparative Distribution in the Central Nervous System of Three Genera of Mice, Thomas Joseph Sobotka
Transfer of Spatial Relations Abilities from the Game-Situation to the Test-Situation, Timothy Ward Starkey
Melville: Sceptic, Mary Dominic Stevens
The Concept of Man in the Twelfth-Century Humanism of Chartres, Mary Carol Sullivan
A Study of the Relationship between Communality of Thought on the Loyola Language Study and Empathic Ability on Kerr's Empathy Test, Mary Lucinia Szpak
Nuclear Ribonucleic Acid in Regenerating Wound Tissue, Thomas Cherian Thachet
A Study of the Apposition of Alveolar Bone Seen in Tooth Extrusion Using a Vital Staining Technique in Monkeys, John S. Theodorou
A Cephalometric Study of Prognathism in the North American Negro Male with Normal Occlusion, Roland F. Thomas
Scots Abroad: A Consideration of Selected Plays by Scottish Dramatists, Concentrating upon Dramas Which Appeared in London 1660-1800, Terence Tobin