Theses/Dissertations from 1969
Skeletal Maturation in Orthodontic Patients, James Spiros Rozes
The Royal Hospital of Saint Joseph of the Indians of Mexico City, James Richard Samec
Zosimus, Greek Historian of the Fall of the Roman Empire: An Appraisal of His Validity and Merits, Daniel C. Scavone
Gabino Barreda and the Positivist Reforms in Mexican Education: The Law of Public Instruction, 1867 and Its Reform, 1869, Josephine Helen Schulte
Three Models Predicting Group Productivity from Initial Individual Knowledge Certainty and Familiarity, John A. Scileppi
The Metabolism of D-Glucaric Acid in Bacillus Megaterium, Brahma Shanker Sharma
Metatarsal Transplantations Following Mandibular Unilateral Condylectomies in Macaca Mulata Monkeys, Richard C. Shukes
Motivational Factors of the Alcoholic Priest in Seeking Treatment, Aloysius Sinsky
A Cephalometric Assessment of the Dentoskeletal Relationship of the Anterior Cranial Base and Mandibular Body Length in the North American Negro and Caucasian Child with a Class II Division I Malocclusion, Gregory Michael Smoron
Studies on Acetylcholine Levels in Mouse Brain, Thomas Joseph Sobotka
The In Vitro Biosynthesis of Calcitonin, Nino Sorgente
Tikvah Institute for Childhood Learning Disabilities: Evaluation of a Curriculum for the Perceptually Handicapped Child, Alan Gordon Spector
Acuity of Dimension Proprioception and Difference in Arc of Incision for the Various Occlusal Types, David Paul Stangl
DNA Base Composition and Numerical Analysis of Some Marine and Terrestrial Bacteria, Ronald T. Stanke
An Approach to Imagery in the Poetry of Theodore Roethke, Barbara Bubon Steinbeigle
Karl Grun: The Confrontation with Marx, 1844-1848, J. Strassmaier
Some Implications of the Latin American Social Context for Bolivian Education, Joseph M. Subirats
A Historical Investigation of the Negro Land-Grant Colleges from 1890 to 1964, John E. Sullivan
Philipp G. Frank: Critic of Modern Science, Justin. Synnestvedt
The Comparison of Class I and Class II Non-Extraction Cases to Class I and Class II Extraction Orthodontic Treated Cases by Evaluation of Cephalometric and Cast Analysis, William E. Toolson
A Syllogistic Approach to Attitude Change, James M. Torcivia
The Effect of Orthodontic Forces on Gnathostatic Proprioception, Donald Richard Toso
Central Nervous System Responses to Anticholinesterases in Rabbits: Evidence for a Non-Inhibitory Action and for an Adrenergic Link, William G. Van Meter
An Analysis of the Factors Contributing to School Building Construction in the Chicago Public Schools During the Years 1933-1938, Victor Louis Vant
The Effectiveness of Para-Chlorophenol as a Possible Antimicrobial Agent in Endodontia: An in Vitro Study, Christian Vikari
Pharmacological Implications of Circadian Rhythms, Charles A. Walker
Comparative Studies of Herpes Simplex Virus Types 1 and 2, Joseph Lloyd Waner
A Functional Analysis of the Innervation of the Canine Heart, James Stephen Wechsler
An Investigation of the Relationship between Difficulty of Drawing and Rated Disturbance Based on Human Figure Drawings, William Joseph White
Field Independent Girls and Their Ability to Solve Problems While Distracted, Paul J. Wolf
Nuclear Ribonucleic Acid Metabolism in Regenerating Wound Tissue, Leong-Ging Wong
The Metabolism of D-Glucaric Acid by Aspergillus Niger, Barbara L. Zakes
The Effect of Cortical Steroids on the Rate of Eruption of the First Maxillary Molar in the Albino Rat, Stephanie Jean Zayachek
Theses/Dissertations from 1968
Existing Guidance Practices in Selected Asian Countries at the Elementary and Secondary School Levels, Esperanza A. Abrajano
Localization by Electron Microscopy of Succinic Dehydrogenase in Metabolically Altered Bacillus Cereus During Outgrowth, Mohammed Israr Ali
Analisis Literario de el Gesticulador de Rodolfo Usigli, Luz Maria Alvarez
Effects of Varying Amounts of Discussions on Concept Attainment Strategies and Interproblem Transfer, Jon Anthony Anderson
Human and Divine Knowledge in the Oedipus Tyrannus, James Carroll Arimond
A Study of Dental Plaque in Orthodontic Patients, Jack W. Balenseifen
The Effect of Diethylstilbestrol on the Growth and Virulence of Staphyloccoccus aureus, Sudhaker I. Baman
Evaluative and Emotional Factors in Learning a Foreign Language, Yves Begin
The Radiopharmacological Evaluation of 75 Se-selenomethionine in Man, Moshe Ben-Porath
A Prediction Study of High School Dropouts, Using Story Sequence Analysis, Michael Charles Berthold
Resumen de Caracteristicas de Romulo Gallegos, Hilda del Blanco
Extinction of Avoidance Behavior After Modification of the Conditioned Aversive Stimulus, Paul Frederick Bomrad
An Evaluation of the Psychophysical Phenomenon upon Application of Sensory Stimuli to the Periodontal Ligaments of Mandibular Teeth, John George Bonaguro
The New England Company of 1649: A Study in Philanthropy, Paul J. Borgmann
A Method of Analysis and Triadic Performance on a Complementary Task, Laurence G. Branch
The Role of Pasteurella Pneumotropica and Mycoplasma Pulmonis in the Etiology and Pathogenesis of Murine Pneumonia, Patricia Conlon Brennan
The Effect of Patriotic Music and Variance of Source Credibility upon the Response to a Generally Unpopular Patriotic Message, Anna Marie Buchmann
El Amor Divino en la Obra Maestra De Santa Teresa de Jesus: Las Moradas, Ann Bulovas
Characteristics of the Normative Group on the Edwards Personal Preference Schedule in a Midwestern Minor Seminary Population, Luke James Callahan
An Inquiry Into the Relationship of an Adaptation of Kephart's Perceptual Survey Rating Scale to Reading Performance in the Ninth Grade, Mario Campanaro
A Cephalometric Study of Cranial Base Morphology, Laurence I. Carlsen Jr.
La Labor Critica de Azorin, Myrtha. Castellvi
An Investigation of the Changes in the Cell Surface Isoantigens of the Hamster Pouch Epithelium Induced by Malignant Change, Robert F. Chavez
Conceptual Tempo and Early School Achievement, Angela Lucille Chemazar
La Voragine, Como Novela Romantica, Felix Cisneros
A Preliminary Investigation and Critique of the Ethics of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, David W. Clark
Occlusal Traumatism: The Histologic Evaluation of the Periodontal Disease Process as Influenced by Local Irritants in Rhesus Monkeys, Michael D. Comar
Courtly Love in Malory's Le Morte Darthur, Gerard O. Couroux
Deuterium Oxide Exchange Reaction with Human Beta-1 Lipoproteins, Lawrence J. Crolla
A Direct Examination of Papillary Muscle Function in the Canine Left Ventricle, Robert Emmet Cronin
The Effects of Norethynodrel and Mestranol on the Growth and Virulence of Staphylococcus aureus, James M. Cummings
Variations in Human Subjects' Test Performance as a Function of the Experimenter's Experience, Status, and Procedural Deception, William Edward Davis
Parathyroid Extract, Thyrocalcitonin and the Metabolism of Bone in Vitro, Allyn F. DeLong
Cell Kinetics of the Oral Epithelium of Adrenalectomized and of Hypophysectomized Mice, Elliott Howard Dickler
An Enzymatic Assay for D-Glucaric Acid in Blood and Bile, Nicholas M. Di Filippo
Adolescent Girls' Opinions on the Sisterhood, Donald Frank Dirksen
Mechanical Properties of Arteries, Philip Boone Dobrin
Relationship of the Global-Analytical and Open-Closed Dimensions Within and between the Sexes in Cognitive Activity, Austin Doherty
Cognitive Correlates of Body Image in College Students, Richard G. Doiron
An Examination of Conditions in the Chicago Electronics Industry That Would Support the Use of Synthetic Validity, Raynard J. Dooley
The Characteristic Pattern of Attitudes of Petty Offenders and Men on Relief as Revealed by TAT Story Sequence Analysis, Patricia Diane Dore
Prediction of Academic Achievement in College, John Thomas Dulin
Title III Innovations: Implications for the Gifted Student, Marguerite Giles Durkin
A Psychophysical Analysis of the Discriminatory Ability of Orthodontic Patients to Forces Applied to the Maxillary Canine Tooth, Gerald Raymond Dusza
A Comparison of Diocesan Priests Who Leave the Active Ministry with Priests Who Remain in the Active Ministry, John J. Echlin
The WAIS as a Group Test of Intelligence, Robert Francis Eme
The Effects of Exogenous ACTH on 5-3b-hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase Activity in the Embryonic Avian Adrenal Gland, Grover Charles Ericson
Personality Characteristics of the Alcoholic Derived from Story Sequence Analysis, Harry George Eschel
The Socio-Economic Background of the Students of Rock Valley College with Implications for Curriculum Development, Forest D. Etheredge
Investigation of Anterior Open Bite Malocclusion by Means of Dental Arch Measurements, Cephalometrics and Cinefluorography of Deglutition, Charles Henry Fink
The Effect of Androgens on the Growth and Virulence of Staphylococcus aureus, Thomas J. Fitzgerald
Montalembert: His Idea of Liberty, Marie Louise Flick
The Triumph of Militia Diplomacy: John Adams in the Netherlands, 1780-1782, Mary Briant Foley
Love and Death in Tennessee Williams, Jack Fritscher
Romanticismo y Realismo en Tamayo y Baus, Ofelia. Garcia
Political and Social Aspects of the Indianista Novel in Peru, Bolivia and Ecuador, Avelline Quinn Gibbs
Philosophical Bases and Presuppositions in Independent Secondary Education, Francis Courtlandt Raoul Gilmour
Juana la Loca en la Historia y en el Teatro de Tamayo y Baus, Remember Maceo Gomez
Comparison of Facilitatory and Depolarizing Drugs on the Mammalian Nerve Terminal, John Wolford. Goode
Gabriela Mistral: Estudio Psicologico-Literario de "Locas Mujeres", Julia. Guerrero
A Study of the Relationship between the "Teen Encounters Christ" Experience and Behavioral Orientations, Attitudes, and Practice, Edward. Harnett
A Comparative Study of Certain Personality and Vocational Interest Variables of Seminarians Who Completed and Failed to Complete a Junior College Program, Thomas I. Healy
Computer Processes and Their Application to Student Records in American Higher Education, Walter John Heinzel
A Man in Battle: The Atheism of Jean-Paul Sartre, Lawrence M. Hinman
Temas en "Locas Mujeres" de Gabriela Mistral, Sylvia. Hjorth
Levels of Nicotinamide Adenine Nucleotides in Metabolically Altered Staphylococci, Robert D. Y. Hoo