Theses/Dissertations from 1970
The Development of Court Decisions in the United States on Students' Personal Appearance Rights in Public High Schools between 1900 and 1968, Caroline Estell Webb
A Study of the Relationship between Ability Grouping and Personality Traits of High School Girls, Madeleine Sophie Weber
Traditionalists and Innovators in a Religious Community of Sisters, Judith Ann Wick
An Investigation of the Relationship between Art Quality and Clinical Judgment on the Draw-A-Person Test, James Clarence Young
Theses/Dissertations from 1969
The Alteration of Aggressive Behavior in Mice Following Parenteral Administration of Sex Steroids and Synthetic Analogues, Elvera Abbatiello O.P.
A Cross-Cultural Study of the Perceived Seriousness of Crimes, Mira Aghi
A Comparative Histologic Investigation of the Nerve Endings of the Periodontal Ligament of the Mouse, Rat and Gerbil, B. Douglas Amberman
An Experimental Study of the Effect of Television Instruction on Pupil Achievement in Fifth Grade Mathematics, Jeannette E. Anderson
The Effects of Surgically Reduced Fracture Dislocations of the Mandibular Condyle on Facial Growth in Young Macaca Rhesus Monkeys, Stephen J. Atsaves
Sentimentality in Juvenile Fiction of the Eighteenth Century in England, Robert Bator
A Study on Morphology and Acetylcholinesterase Disribution in the Central Nervous System of Six Genera of Mice, Roy J. Betti
A Morphologic Comparison of the Normal Dentitions of Adult Caucasian Males and Adult Negro Males, David A. Binotti
Alienation as a Factor in the Growing Militancy of Teachers' Organizations, John K. Boyle
Educational Viewpoints of the Second Vatican Council, Edward Francis Breen
Body Image and Habit Change in Religious Women, Cel Brocken
Binding of Phenobarbital Sodium by Human Serum Albumin, Ronald K. Browne
The Effects of Light Quality and Culture Age on Protein Synthesis in Oscillatoria Species , Jon Chesnut
The Effects of Facilitatory Drugs at the Skeletal Neuromuscular Junction Using Intracellular End-Plate Recordings, Daryl Dean Christ
A Decriptive Analysis of Major Organizational Developments in Teacher Training School Administration in the Democratic Republic of Congo Since 1960, William Gilbert Collins
Social Class and Religiosity: A Decriptive Study of Two Hundred and Five Adult White Catholics from Three Socio-Economically Different Parishes, Vincent M. Concessao
The Extension of the Poor Law to Ireland, Thomas G. Conway
The Mature Novels of Evelyn Waugh, Harry Costello
The Effects of Hydroxyurea on Albino Rat Conceptuses, Michael R. Cozza Jr.
The Development of Macaulay's Essays, Margaret Cruikshank
A Preliminary Study for Determining Honesty Evaluation Through Verbal Testing Procedures, John R. Davis
Confrontation: An Approach in Counseling, Mary Josephine Denja
The Contract Group: Small Group Approaches to Interpersonal Growth, Gerard Egan
Kinetic Investigation of the Reaction of P-Mercuribenzoate with the Sulhydryl Groups in Hemerythrin, Nancy Ellen Egan
Nursing Attitude Change as a Variable in Therapy Outcome Measures , Richard Charles Evenson
The Philosophy of Gabriel Marcel: Its Implications for the Person in Education, Robert W. Feely
Regis Debray and Revolution, Salvatore J. Ferrera
Effects of Examiners and Anxiety on Three Complex Learning Tasks, Anthony Firetto
The Abo Human Blood Groups and Skeletal Class IIi Malocclusions, Patrick Michael Flannery
A Study of the Cabildo in Seventeenth Century Santiago, Chile, 1609-1699, Della M. Flusche
The -SH Groups of Hemerythrin: Their Role in 0₋b2₋s Binding and Their Interaction with Iron-Coordinating Ligands, Mary Garvin Fransioli
The Use of Group Guidance and Group Counseling at the Elementary School Level, Joan Adrienne Fron
Toward a New Approach of Private Education in the Dominican Republic, Nelson C. Garcia
Phage Induced Changes in Enzymatic Activity of Lysogenic Mycobacterium Smegmatis, Sheldon Gelbart
Some Applications of Selected Mental Health Projects and Counseling Research to the Training of a Pastoral Clergy, John Gillick
John Wild's Transition to a Philosophy of the Lebenswelt, David Goicoechea
Barbiturate Metabolism in the Livers of Chronic Ethanol-Fed Mice, Thomas S. Golec
The Incidence of Sex Chromatin in the Amniotic Epithelium of the Domestic Fowl and Japanese Quail, Donna Gorecki
An Analysis of Electronic Data Processing Applications in Selected School Systems in Illinois, Herbert Irwin Greenwald
A Correlational and Predictive Study of Some Aspects of the Undergraduate Academic Background of Graduates of the Veterans Administration Edward Hines, Jr., Hospital Dietetic Internship, Marguerite Mary McGrath Guido
Western Town Growth: A Study of the Development of Towns on the Western Shore of Lake Michigan, 1815-1843, John Haeger
Temperament Trait Differences between Two Groups High and Low in Psychological Defensiveness on the Guilford-Zimmerman Temperament Survey, James B. Harney
Acqueous Parachlorophenol: Its Toxicity and Antimicrobial Effectiveness, John W. Harrison
Immune Reactions in the Gingiva of the Pregnant and Non-Pregnant Human Female, Ronald C. Hartzer
White Parent Characteristics in Negro Adoptions, Jerome A. Herman
The Differential Effects of Disability and Sex on Job Sample Task Performance, Edward J. Hester
The Effects of Pre-Experimental Briefing and Experimenter Status on Social Desirability Scale Scores, Paul Ignatius Hettich
A Correlation of Antibody Production to the Histogenesis and Cytophysiology of Lymphoid Tissue Cells, Donald Charles Hilgers
Effect of Ribonucleic Acid on Pole Climbing Performance in Rats, Thomas J. Hinkel
A Study of the Relationship between Personality Adjustment and Openness, John J. Hurley
The Effect of Ultraviolet Irradiation on the Hydrolytic Activity of Trypsin. Protection by S, 2-Aminoethylisothiouronium Bromide Hydrobromide, Albert John Iammartino
A Fulcrum Model of Opinion Formation and Change, Richard R. Izzett
Psychological Correlates of Dogmatism and Heterogeneity of Power in Small Groups, Joel Robert Kaplan
Horizons of Early Uterine Growth in the Rat, Barbara A. Kasprow
Effects of Aging on Human Teeth, Edward F. Kastelic
Structural Irony in Flannery O'Connor: Instrument of the Writer's Vision, Melinda Keane
Ten Dike Certificates from Tebtunis, James G. Keenan and John C. Shelton
Standardization of the Loyola Language Study for Male High School Freshmen, Clyde Benjamin Kelly
Academic Underachievement and Level of Psychological Adjustment: The Importance of Parental Identification and Parental Child-Rearing Attitudes, Walter P. Knake
A Comparative Study on the Ability of Orthodontic Patients to Distinguish Differences in Forces Applied to the Maxillary Canine Tooth Before and During Prolonged Orthodontic Treatment, Peter Charles Knudson
A Study of the Relationship between Liberalism-Conservatism and Maturity, Mary Jo. Kupst
Determination of the Doubling Time of the Connective Tissue Cell of the Young Rat Periodontium, Hsueh-Wan Kwan
An Edition of Shakespeare Restored by Lewis Theobald (1688-1744), Anthony Lala
An Investigation of the Relation of Sentence Completion Scales to Academic Aptitude and Achievement, Margaret J. La Plante
The Etiology of Periodontal Disease, Raymond Joseph Loiselle
The Loyolan 1969, Loyola University Chicago
Loyola University Rome Center Yearbook 1968-1969, Loyola University Rome Center
Drinking in College, Shula Avni Luber
Evaluation of Capillary Pressure Measurements by Means of an Isotope Tracer Technique, Marilynn Gayda Lund
An Analysis of the Educational Philosophy of Arthur E. Bestor, Jr., Yale L. Mandel
A Preliminary Study to Determine the Feasability of the Use of Tritiated Cortisol for Autoradiographic Examination of A/Jax Mouse Fetuses, Allen D. Marks
The Interaction of Fe(III) and Fe(II) with Deoxyribonucleic Acid, William Warren Martz
Intentional and Incidental Concept Formation as a Function of Conceptual Structure, Information, Intelligence, and Authoritarianism, David J. Marx
A Study of the Relationship between Children's Verbal Ability and Social Class, Ronald P. McDermott
Principles and Practices in Comedy: Shaw, Giraudoux, and Beckett, John Michael McInerney
The Loyola Seminarian Sentence Completion Test: A Cross Validation Study, Edward J. McLaughlin
An Evaluation of Some Predictors of Success in College Mathematics, Florence Margaret Miller
The Effects of ECS, Ether, and Pentobarbital on Single Trial Passive Avoidance Learning, Stephen Charles Milliser
Gandhian Ideology and India'S Foreign Policy, Jagannathan. Muthusamy
Speculative Reason and Religious Experience in Whitehead, William Martin O'Meara
Effect on Glutamate on the Incorporation of Cystine Into the Plasma Proteins, Robert Orman
School and Society According to John Dewey and Mahatma Gandhi: A Retrospective Critique, Asirvatham Periaswamy
Education Towards Self-Awareness: The Role of the Small Group Within the School Setting, Eduardo Pinzon-Umana
A Study of the Dorsal Vagal Nucleus in Relation to Vagal Bradycardia, Joseph T. Ponessa
The Effects of an Intake Interview in an Out-Patient Clinic on the Client's Anxiety and "Maladjustment", Chacko K. Poovathumkal
The Genesis, Reception, and Form of Coleridge's Biographia Literaria, Mary McGoohan Price
Determinants of Agression between Mother and Child, Margaret Rose Procyk
Some Adaptations of "Rational-Emotive" Techniques to School Counseling, Edward F. Ramesh
Hemerythrin Dissociation-Association Studies by Sephadex Chromatography, Ayyagari Laxminarasimha Rao
The Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine and the Santo Domingan Receivership of 1905: Big Stick Or Big Brother?, Ronald Francis Reter
A Study of Acidogenesis by the Microflora of Dental Plaque in Orthodontic Patients, John R. Riggs