Theses/Dissertations from 1968
The Effect of Forced Oral Lavage on the Oral Hygiene of Orthodontic Patients, J. Earl Hurst
Devaluation of a Desired Object as a Function of Expectancy: A Refutation of Dissonance, Richard R. Izzet
A Phenomenological Study of Behavioral Change Attitudes Toward the New Liturgy, John J. Jankauskas
The Effect of Pressure Changes on the Diameter of the Blood Vessels of the Isolated Rat Mesentery, Patricia Robertson Kane
Myocardial Water and Electrolyte Changes in Ventricular Fibrillation with Cardiac Massage Followed by Electrical Defibrillation, Alan D. Kaplan
Implications of Collective Bargaining Procedures on the Dimensional Aspects of the Principalship in Two Illinois Cities, Olga Kaszubowski
Color Preferences Related to the Personality Variables of N Intraception and N Achievement, Mary Anne Safely Kelbley
Catholic Mission Involvement with Education in Papua-New Guinea, Lambert Kempkes
The Effect of Electrical Stimulation of the Nervous System at Three Levels on Hypertensive Response in the Cat, Kee Soon Kim
The Role of the Gonzalez Prada Popular Universities in the Development and Formation of the Peruvian Aprista Movement, Jeffrey Lockwood Klaiber
The History and Development of the Movement to Establish a National System of Education in the United States: 1776 to 1860, Patricia Bernice Kubistal
Conditional Concept Formation Under Unequal Information Conditions, Paul G. La Forge
Follow-Up of the 1963 Freshmen Class of Eight Chicago City Junior Colleges, Elizabeth Hickok Langley
Blood Group Substances A and B on the Oral Epithelium of Aging Caucasian Males, Noel B. Lapp
Philippine Nationalism and Catholic Higher Education, Antonio L. Ledesma
The Philosophic Foundation of Luther's Ethics, William Henry Lehmann
Aspects of the Catholic Profile in the Christian Century: A Post-War Picture, 1946-1958, Roman Lewicki
Jesuit Effectiveness in Secondary Education: A Study in Secondary Socialization, John Francis Libens
An Analysis of the Status of Provisionally Certified Teachers in the State of Illinois, Margaret Rohner Lindman
The Loyolan 1968, Loyola University Chicago
Loyola University Rome Center Yearbook 1968, Loyola University Rome Center
La Novela Historica en Enrique Gil y Carrasco, Hortensia Lugo
The In Vitro Inactivation of Parathyroid Hormone, Robert Charles Lukesh
T.H.S. Escott: A Tory Radical's View of Victorian Society, Arthur Walter Lysiak
Colleges for the Handicapped: Colleges That Accept and Have Special Provisions for Handicapped Children, Guy Harold Mahan
A Histochemical Study of the Effects of Parathyroid Extract on Cartilage and Bone in Tissue Sections from Fetal Rat Heads, Nicholas Joseph Malinski
An Investigation of the Comparative Psychology of Ecuadorean and North American Adolescents Boys, James E. Malo
The Meaning of "Objective Knowledge" in Maurice Blondel's L'Action (1893), Thomas J. Marsh
A Study of Total and Projected Root Surface Area of Extracted Maxillary Teeth from the Caucasion and Negro Population of North America, Stephen M. Matokar
Integration in the Elementary Schools of the Chicago-Dekalb Province of the School Sisters of Notre Dame, Judith Marie McBride
Effect of a Memory Aid upon Concept Attainment: A Developmental Study, Jeanette Ellen McCarthy
An In Vitro Study of the Effects of Parathyroid Hormone on the Activity of Alkaline Phosphatase, Michael Joseph McCormack
Forms and Function of Scepticism in the Fiction of Joseph Conrad, Mary Lavin McGinnity
An Evaluation and Follow-Up Study of the Head Start Child Development Program of the Chicago Board of Education, 1965-67, Patricia Ann McGlinn
Expectancy Level Among Educable and Trainable Retardates, Ann H. McIntyre
A Pathway of Cervical Sympathetic Outflow, John Claude McMahon
The Problem of the Perennial Popularity of the London Merchant by George Lillo, Terrence James McNally
Root Surface Area Measurements of North American Negro and Caucasian Extracted Mandibular Teeth, Noel Molini
A Comparative Study of the Educational and Occupational Aspirations of Delinquents and Non-Delinquents, Martin A. Molnar
A Study of the Radio Schools in Colombia and of Their Relevance for the Development of Education in Mozambique, Francisco de Sousa Monteiro
The Effect of Phytohemagglutinin on Skin Allograft Survival in Mice, Clark D. Moore
Labeling Index and Cellular Density in Palatine Shelves of Cleft Palate Mice, William J. Mott
William T. Harris' Contributions to Education as an Administrator, William J. Murawski
Counseling: A Language-Learning Process, Michael. Murray
Some Approaches to Communication with and Among Adolescents as Seen Through High School Retreats, Francis X. Muscat
Nehru and the Secular State of India, Victor Z. Narivelil
A Morphological Comparison of Orthodontically Treated Dentitions, Five Or More Years Out of Active Treatment, and Normal Dentitions, Robert J. Noetzel
A Comparison of Fringe Benefits Offered Educational Personnel in Selected School Systems and Personnel in Various Private Industries in Illinois, Rosemary McLaughlin O'Malley
An Exploratory Study of Some Sociological Factors Related to the Choice of the Diocesan Priesthood by Eighth-Grade Negro Children in the Archdiocese of Chicago, Innocent C. Onyewuenyi
Isolation, Characterization and Distribution of Ribosomes and Polyribosomes in Azotobacter vinelandii, Joel Oppenheim
El Elemento Tragico en Buero Vallejo, Jesus Manuel Ortiz
A Foundational Synthesis of Heraclitus, David T. Ozar
Intrinsic and Extrinsic Control of Cardiac Performance, John Blaise Pace
Tempo and Problem Solving Processes, Rosalia E. Paiva
The Function of the Postfeedback Interval in Concept Attainment, John M. Paolella
The Effects of Parathyroid Hormone on Condylar Bone Growth of the Rat, Bernard Joseph Pennino
The Effects of the Attitudes of Guardedness and Openness on the Rorschach Performance of Psychiatric Patients, Thomas W. Phelan
The Feeding Organ in Rodents, Robert John Pollock
Risk Taking Behavior: Risky and Conservative Shifts, Mary Ann Poprick
Sources of Utility in Rorschach Interpretation, Charles R. Potkay
Team Teaching in Operative Dentistry, Matthew J. Pozen
Social Involvement a Study of Attitude Change Through Religious Training, John C. Prabhu
Sociological Content Analysis of the Image of the Priest in Selected Contemporary Catholic Novels (1930-1965), Anthony Joseph Prosen
Counseling in the Classroom: A One-Semester Study with Senior Catholic High School Boys in an Unstructured Religion Class, Rob A. Quarles
The Achievement of Flannery O'Connor: Her System of Thought, Her Fictional Techniques, and an Explication of Her Thought and Techniques in the Violent Bear It Away, Donald Joseph Racky
Temperament Profile Similarity between Managers and Their Subordinates, Edwin J. Reidy
Estilo Perifrastico de Las Alusiones Mitologicas en el "Polifemo" y Las "Soledades" de Gongora, Heliodora Mercedes Riveron
A Study of the Factors Influencing Engineering College Graduates' Employment Decisions, Nicholas Roper
A Comparative Analysis of the Social Components of Illness of Second Generation Japanese-Americans and Mexican-Americans in the Chicago Area, Michiko. Sakamoto
To Influence the Minds of Men: A Study of Crossroads Student Center and International Students in Chicago, Shirley Saldanha
A Comparison of the M-F Scores of American and Philippine Ss on the WAIS and the MMPI, Ellinor Aquio San Diego
Faculty Participation in Administrative Decision-Making in Certain Public Junior Colleges in the United States, Gilbert Schechtman
A Cell-Free System for Protein Synthesis from Azotobacter vinelandii, Julian Scheinbuks
A Study of the Relationships of the ABO Human Blood Groups, the Rh Factor and Hereditary Malocclusions of the Skeletal Type, Class II, Division 1, Charles Louis Schnibben
A Study of the Relationship between Differing Maternity Home Environments and the Mental Health of Resident Unwed Mothers, Mary Kathryn Schreier
Some Interrelationships of Academic Status, Role Conception and Role Conflict in a Baccalaureate Nursing Program, Margaret M. Sery
The Effects of Examiner and Instructional Variables on Intelligence Test Performance, Luke A. Shanley
Disc Electrophoretic Studies of the Soluble Fraction of Normal and Cryptorchid Rat Testes, Robert P. N. Shearin
The Loyola Seminarian Sentence Completion Test a Validation Study, Edward Patrick Sheridan
English Opinion About Scotland and of Union between England and Scotland During the Reign of James I, Vincent A. Sheridan
The Effects of Parental Religious Belief and Practice on the Religious Behavior of Catholic High School Girls, William J. Shields
Some Effects of Participation and Discrepancy Level on Opinion Conformity, Allen Norton Shub
Condylectomy Induced Bone Changes in the Macaca Rhesus Monkey, Dean F. Skuble
Changes in Proprioception of the Periodontal Ligament During Orthodontic Treatment, Jesse Edward Soltis
Clinical Orientation of the Preclinical Dental Student: Impacts upon the Teaching Program, Richard Michael Stamm
Pulp Cell Duplicating Time in Molars of 60-Day-Old Rats, Nipavann Taiyong
A System of Recording and Updating Student Personnel Records Through Data Processing, John A. Tosto
Sympathetic Outflows from Cervical Spinal Cord in the Dog, Gary Gene Wiesman
An Investigation of the Effects of Experimentally Induced Stress upon Figure Rotations, Edward Wittert
An Analysis of a Management Development Program, Joseph J. Wnuk
The Rapid Estimation by Light Scattering of the Course of Growth of PPLO in Liquid Media, Joseph P. Wolf
Personajes Masculinos de Los Poemas Del Cante Jondo de Federico Garcia Lorca, Sofia G. Wray
Cutaneous and Core Temperature Influences on Thermoregulatory Sweating, Robert Duncan Wurster
An Attempt to Differentiate Underachievers from Normals by Means of Responses to a College Environment Scale, James Clarence Young
Theses/Dissertations from 1967
Analisis de las Traducciones de John Garrett Underhill de Dramas Escogidos de Jacinto Benavente, Jesus C. Abalos
A Descriptive Study of Certain Attitudes and Practices of Some Eighth Grade Students of Different Educational Backgrounds, Patrick Maureen Ace
A Study of Noopromotion Relative to Normal Grade Expectancy in Selected Catholic Elementary Schools in Illinois, Mary Caritas Archer
Changes in Tension of the Masseter and Digastricus Muscles of a Decerebrate Cat When Force Stimuli Are Applied to Teeth, Wesley H. Ardoin
The Effect of Anxiety and Motivation on a Subject's Performance When Subjected to a Stress Condition of Delayed Auditory Feedback, Charles Joseph Arens