Theses/Dissertations from 1970
Religious Transcendence: Some Criteria, Norman L. Geisler
A Descriptive Analysis of Collective Negotiation Agreements in Ten Selected Illinois and Michigan Public Community Colleges, John William Gianopulos
The Emerging Role of the Elementary School Counselor, Charles A. Giglio
Extinction of an Instrumentally Conditioned Avoidance Response in High and Low Anxiety Subjects, Anthony Paul Gillette
An Exploratory Study of Church Attendance and Opinions Toward Open Housing Among a Small Sample of Suburban Presbyterian and Bible Church Members , James F. Gilsinan
A Proposed Work Study Program for Technicians in Radio Pharmacy, Jerome J. Glass
A Lateral Cephalometric Analysis of Changes in the Position of the Maxillary Incisors Induced by Rapid Separation of the Midpalatal Suture, Roy L. Grob Jr.
Spatial Characteristics of Cortical Visual Receptive Fields: Estimation by Metacontrast, Ronald. Growney
The Relation of Love and Death in the Poetry of Emily Dickinson, Mary Louise Hall
Chronic Infections by Human Herpesviruses, Diane Claire Halstead
A Study of the Effects of Cations on Amylase Activity, Matt O. Hanhila Jr.
The Effects of Various Pharmacological Agents on the Electroconvulsive Seizure Pattern in Mice, William Charles Hanigan
A Cephalometric Study of Mechanico-Therapeutic Anterior Repositioning of the Maxillae, Garret Frank Harnett
Autonomic Profiles During Stress and Cognitive Activity, Bernard J. Harney
The Accuracy of Self Concept: A Comparison of Self Rating with Rating by Spouse, LaVerne Eileen Hartmann
An Analysis and Comparison of Selected Illinois Collective Bargaining Agreements as Perceived by Superintendents, Representatives of Teacher Groups and Prominent Negotiators, John Patrick Hayes
Verbal Operant Conditioning: Response Generalization as a Function of the Need for Social Approval, Victor Joseph Heckler
A Critical Text of the Griphus, Fasti, and Selections from the Appendix to the Works of Decimus Magnus Ausonius, Cathleen Hosey
Radiographic Interpretation and Cephalometric Analysis of the Human Fetus in a Posteror-Anterior View: A Pilot Study, O. Richard Infield
Some Personality Variables in Relation to Problem Solving Processes of College Students, Ana Maria Insua
The Effect of Vitamin D₋b3₋s on the Incorporation of ₋p3₋sH-orotic Acid Into Ribonucleic Acid of Rat Bone, Rodger Samuel Izzo
The Effects of Level of Education, Exposure to Psychology, and Diagnostic Nomenclature on the Psychodiagnostic Judgments of Nonprofessionals, Everett S. Jacobson
Robinson V. California, 370 U. S. 660 (1962): A Study in Decisional Impact and Eighth Amendment Development, Mary Anne Ross Jones
A Study of the Role of Krisa in the Mycenaean Era, Edward W. Kase
Two Loans from Tebtunis, James G. Keenan
The Parliamentary Career of Joseph Cowen, Joseph Michael Kelly
The Political and Religious Thought of James I., John Joseph Kerrigan
Stephen Spender: Aspects of the Quest for Reality, Marion King
Linguistics and Language Learning: A Translation Theory, Sharon F. Mrotek Kissane
A Study of the Karyotype of the Corixid, Krizousacorixa Femorata GUERIN (Hemiptera-Corixidae), Maureen Marie. Kleba
Perceived Job Responsibilities of Staff Members in Selected Illinois Elementary Schools, Donald H. Klein
The Effects of Group Interaction on the Ratings of Physical Attractiveness, Anthony A. Kopera
A Preliminary Growth Study of Embryonic a/Jax Mouse Palatal Shelves in Vitro, Gerald A. Lamberti
A Preliminary Study of the Effect of Methotrexate on the Labeling Index of the Tongue and Palate Epithelium in the Mouse, Jack S. Litz
The Loyolan 1970, Loyola University Chicago
Loyola University Rome Center Yearbook 1969-1970, Loyola University Rome Center
The De Witt Colony of Texas, 1825-1836, Edward Albert Lukes
T. H. S. Escott, Victorian Journalist, Arthur Walter Lysiak
An Exploratory and Descriptive Study of Social Class, Academic Achievement, and Selected Attitudes of First Year Students in a Metropolitan Minor Seminary, William Joseph Mackey
Factors Controlling Myocardial Distribution and Transport of Free Fatty Acids, Thomas N. Masters
A Test of a Hypothesis in the Method of Equal Appearing Intervals, Patrick Campbell McAuley
A Study of the National Alliance of Businessmen in Columbus, Ohio : (Spring - Summer, 1968), Hubert T. McDonald
An Analysis of the Public Secondary School Assistant Principalship in the States of Maryland and Virginia in Schools with Student Enrollments of 1000 and Above, Patrick Joseph McDonough
Attitude Formation as a Function of Knowledge Increments and Values, Richard P. McGlynn
An Evaluation of Collegians' Ethics and the Implications of This Evaluation for Personnel Selection by Business Firms, John P. McHale
Santander and the Vogue of Benthamism in Colombia and Nueva Granada, Theodora Louise McKennan
A Comparative Ultrastructural Study of In Vivo and In Vitro Developed Late Preimplantation Mouse Blastocysts, Hal D. McReynolds
The Uptake of ₋p3₋s₋p5₋sSO₋b₋b4₋s₋p-- ₋sin the Proximal End of the Tibia in Normal and Rachitic Rats, Philip John Milanovich
The Lipid Composition of the Egg Shell of the Tick Rhipicephalus sanguineus, Anthony F. Molinari
Effects of Student Activism upon Decision-Making of Selected Suburban Elementary School Superintendents, Walter John Molo
An Analysis of the Instructional Leadership Role of Elementary Superintendents in Small, Medium and Large School Districts in Northern Suburban Cook County, Illinois, Richard Felix Mozier
The Anaerobic Actinomyces in Endodontics, Orlando Mun¿¿oz-Noya
A Study of Growth and Enzymatic Characteristics of Endodontic, Salivary and Fecal Isolates of Streptococcus Faecalis, Roy M. Naito
A Comparative Analysis of Values, Attitudes, Opinions and Behavior Patterns of Blacks and Whites and Chicago, James R. Neal
Charles Eliot: An Historical Study, John A. O'Connor
The "Detotalization" of a Teaching Sisterhood and Some Analogous Processes of Change, Brendan. O'Dowd
The Factorial Structure of the Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence, Gerald S. O'Keefe
Induction and Repression of a Soluble Nitrogenase System and the Internal Membranes in Azotobacter, Joel Oppenheim
Changes in the Maxillary Arch Length Accompanying Rapid Palatal Expansion, Kenneth H. Peterson
A Tool and Die Test Validation Study, John Henry Petlicki
Transfer of Learning from a Sensitivity Group, Thomas W. Phelan
The Common Sense Philosophy of G. E. Moore, Mark A. Phillips
Herpes Simplex Virus in Rabbit Central Nervous System, Anan Phuangsab
A Study of the Experimenter Modeling Effect on the Manifest Anxiety Scale, Jerome S. Pietrzak
William Painter's "Giletta of Narbona" and "Rhomeo and Julietta" ; an Analytical Study with Comparison of Sources and Analogues, John Edward Price
Insulin Complexes and the Radioimmunoassay of Insulin, Ronald Joseph Przybyla
An Analysis of a Human Relations Laboratory Experience by the Focal Conflict Method, Denis E. Quinlan
Changes in Motivation During Client-Centered Therapy as Measured by the Story Sequence Analysis of the Tat, Joseph Augustine Ramirez
An Analysis of the Principal's Role as Middle Management in Selected Schools in Cook County, Edward Thomas Rancic
Aspects of the Homosexual Personality and Counseling, Ronald John Reckamp
A Histologic Study of Two Technics of Autogenous Bone Grafts on Monkeys, Aime F. Rivault
Sexual Behavior and Personality Development Among Seminarians, Joseph V. Rizzo
Pharmacological and Electrophysiological Effects of Prolonged Neuromuscular Impulse Deprivation in Skeletal Muscle, Emery Dean. Robert
A Re-Examination of Karl Marx's and Friedrich Engel's Views on Polish Independence, Gertrude Ursula Romaniuk
The Extraction of Mucopolysaccharides from the Oral Mucosa of the Hamster Buccal Pouch, Joseph Wayne Rossa
Aging in Human Attached Gingiva, Edward John Ryan
Cesar Vallejo: Investigacion sobre Sus Temas y Su Tecnica Poetica, Consuelo. Samaryk
A Factor Analysis of the Thorne Femininty Scale, Thomas Sannito
National Officers of NSA and SDS: Life Styles After Graduation from College, Kenneth P. Saurman
An Interdisciplinary Analysis of Work and Leisure in Philosophies of Education, Hans A. Schieser
An Autoradiographic Study to Determine Whether Label Is Present in A/Jax Fetal Palates, Maxillas, and Placentas After Maternal Tritiated Cortisone Injections, Donald David Schmitz
Political Attitudes Among Democratic Voters in Six North and Northwest Suburbs of Chicago, Ann Seng
A Normative Study and Developmental Theory of Social Intelligence, Luke A. Shanley
The Text of the Ephemeris, Bissula and Technopaegnion of D. Magnus Ausonius, Joann Stachniw
Convergent and Discriminant Validity of Human Figure Drawings of Children as Indicators of Psychological Traits, Timothy Ward Starkey
The Behavioral Assessment of Marital Interaction Patterns--Some Refinements in the Methodology of the Critical Incidents Interview, Bernard G. Suran
The Role of Trainer Personality and the Social Intelligence Factor in Effective Sensitivity Group Leadership, Mary Elizabeth Suran
Features of Influence of Communism on the Development and Reorganization of Higher Studies in Poland 1944-1969, Stanislaus Szewczyk
The Codification of the Sociological Theory on Secularization, V. Tellis-Nayak
Ralph Waldo Emerson's Approach to God, Louis I. Tenzis
Comparative Programs in Ninth Grade Corrective Reading, Keith John Thomas
Neoplatonism in George Chapman's the Shadow of Night, Kathleen E. Toomey
Counseling Concepts Applied to the Process of Education, Daniel D. Tranel
Dogmatism and Some Social Attitudes of Lithuanian Immigrants: Parents Versus Their Children Attending College in the United States, Kestutis A. Trimakas
Robert S. Abbott's Chicago Defender: A Study in Negro Journalism and Reform, 1910-1920, Henry C. Vander Voort