Theses/Dissertations from 1971
The Effect of Dependency and Plausibility on Attitude Change, Virginia Heenan
The Intracanal Diffusion of Camphorated Para-mono-chlorophenol in Endodontics: An Autoradiographic Study, Gerald R. Heiman
Associative Interference and Premorbid Adjustment in Schizophrenia, Clifford Leo Hirsch
The Effect of Niacin and Its Analogs on the Growth and on the Nicotinamide Coenzyme Content of Staphylococcus Aureus, Robert D. Y. Hoo
Histochemical Localization and Identification of Monoamine-Containing Cell Bodies in the Brain Stem of the Squirrel Monkey (Saimiri Sciureus), Jack E. Hubbard
Investigation of the Anticurare Effect of Sodium Fluoride at the Mammalian Skeletal Neuromuscular Junction: A Dissertation, Robert S. Jacobs
Some Adaptations of the Theory and Techniques of Value Counseling to Secondary Education, David J. Jakubiec
The Effects of Some Oral Hypoglycemic Agents on Hexokinase Activity, Geoffrey A. Karasek
Problems in Athenian Democracy 510-480 B. C. Exiles: A Case of Political Irrationality, Peter Karavites
Census Return of Herakleides, Son of Didymos the Younger, James G. Keenan
Two Papyrus Fragments of the Odyssey, James G. Keenan
A Study of Benjamin Disraeli's Coningsby: Or, the New Generation, Thomas J. Kemme
The Role of Thomas C. Dawson in United States-Latin American Diplomatic Relations: 1897-1912, Glenn J. Kist
A Histological Study on the Response of Transplanted Mandibles and Teeth in Syrian Hamsters and Rats, Frank Maximilian Kneussl
The Autonomy of Illinois Public Junior Colleges, James D. Koeller
The Relationship between Self-Concept and Level of Aspiration with Negro and White Chidren, Andre Lefebvre
The Longitudinal, Differential Impact of a Small, Christian-Oriented Liberal Arts College on the Dogmatism and Values of Its Students, William E. Lindberg
Sex Differences in Suicide and Attempted Suicide: A Study of Differential Social Acceptability and Expectations, Marsha Linehan
Protein Synthesis in Regenerating Wound Tissue and the Effect of Thyroid Hormone, Cary Bruce Linksy
A Study of the Relationship between Olfaction and Puberty in the Laboratory Rat: Rattus norvegicus, Robert F. Locke
The Loyolan 1971, Loyola University Chicago
Loyola University Rome Center Yearbook 1970-1971, Loyola University Rome Center
Volunteering Behavior and Personality Characteristics of Women Prisoners, Kamal K. Mane
A Study of the Status of Collective Negotiations in the Secondary Schools in the Archdiocese of Chicago, Mary Salesia Martinkus S.S.C.
The Interaction of Ethidium Bromide with Nucleic Acids, William Warren Martz
Education and the Vision of One World: An Analysis of Robert Ulich's Concept of International Education, Robert W. Matthews
Ultrastructure Study on the T System and the Subcellular Localization of Calcium in Frog Skeletal Muscle, Lawrence P. McCallister
Behavioral and Physiological Effects of Examiner Sex on Process and Reactive Schizophrenics, Rita Kluczny McDonald
History, Society, and the Person: The Thought of Don Luigi Sturzo, R. Eugene Mellican
Color Vision in Mentally Retarded Children, Ralph M. Mesenbrink
A Physiologic Study of the Anxiety and Apprehension of Children in the Dental Situation, Wayne E. Milos
Antigenicity of Buccal Hamster Carcinoma: A Preliminary Study, Arnold S. Morof
Career Patterns of Public Junior College Teachers in Illinois, Alvin J. Moser
Implications of Leadership Style and Goal Setting on Leadership Processes as Perceived by School Superintendents, Stanley L. Mularz
The In Vitro Synthesis of Melanin in the Avian Pineal When Treated with D, L-Dopa, Bernadette Ann Nowicki
Defining Presidential Powers Under the Commander In-Chief Clause, Phyllis M. Oman
A Follow-Up Study of Interest Scores and Personality Traits of Persevering and Non-Persevering High School Minor Seminarians Nine Years Later , William Lawrence O'Neill
An Evaluation of Occlusal Force Discrimination by Denture Wearers, Fred James Pacer
La Influencia Existencialista en Algunos Autores Espanoles del Siglo XX, Dulce Maria Perea
Twenty-Four Hour Rhythms in Levels of Putative Inhibitory Transmitters of the CNS in Relationship to the Action of Anti-Convulsive Drugs, Robert Walter Piepho
Social Desirability Response Set in Clinical Interviewing, Kenneth J. Pierre
Relativity, Quantum Theory, and the Novels of Samuel Beckett, I. Pius
An Analysis of Dominance and Subservience as Technique and Theme in the Plays of Harold Pinter, Penelope Prentice
Monitor-Modeling Versus Immediate Feedback ; a Study of Supervisory Styles in a Counseling Practicum, Philip Francis Quinn
Task-Oriented Counseling Experiences for Slow-Learning Third Graders, Jennybelle Picket Rardin
The Effects of Various Cation Concentrations on Salivary Amylase Activity, William MacDonald Reeves
An Investigation Into the Relationship between Exploratory Behavior and Affective Rating, Joseph P. Reser
Correlations between Behavioral Changes and Drug Induced Variations of the Levels of Mouse Brain Catecholamines and Serotonin, Daniel Leo Richardson
Functions of Chief Administrators as Perceived by Superintendents Working in Variable Job Situations, James Edwin Riebock
Glutaraldehyde as a Cold Sterilizing Agent for Endodontic Instruments, Gary Max Ritchie
Seasonal Changes in Morphology of the Gonads of the Bluegill Lepomis macrochirus, Alan C. Roman
Dentofacial Changes of the Pre-Adolescent Child Produced by Heavy, Continuous Posterior Traction to the Maxillary Molars, Parallel to the Occlusal Plane: A Serial Cephalometric Investigation, Norman Lewis Sanders
Some Physical Properties of Cements Employed in the Cementation of Orthodontic Bands, Jay R. Schauer
An Anaysis of Existing Guidance and Counseling Services in Diploma Schools of Nursing, Rose Marie Seifried
The Loyola Sentence Completion Blank for Clergymen: Construction and Validation, Mary Sheehan
Effect of Vitamin D on Ribonucleic Acid Synthesis in Bone, Sue Ann Eckhardt Shelley
Masticatory Rate as a Determinant of the Rate of Secretion of Human Mixed Saliva, George Frederick Siersma
An Evaluation of Group Therapy Using the 16 PF, MMPI, and TAT, Bede Smith
Give Me Not Poverty, Lest I Steal!: Social Criticism in Selected Non-Fiction of Daniel Defoe, Projecting to His Three Criminal Novels, Beverlee Fissinger Smith
A Thematic Study of Doris Lessing's Children of Violence, Diane Sherwood Smith
The Cortical Nucleus of the Amygdala as a Component in the Systems Regulating Gonadotrophin Secretion, Stuart Warren Smith
Pierre Joseph Proudhon and the Revolution of 1848, Lois Spear
Circadian Rhythm in the Labial Gingival Epithelium of the Rat Maxillary Incisor, Paul A. Stutman
A Study on Division, Distribution and Factors Concerned in the Definitive Localization of Primordial Germ Cells in the Early Chick Embryo, William Joseph Swartz
Anagram Solution Times: A Function of Bigram Frequency and Versatility, Gene Edward Topper
A Morphologic Comparison of the Periodontal Ligament of Normal Versus Accelerated Erupting Teeth in Rats and Guinea Pigs, Andrew P. Trapani
The Effects of Three Kinds of Influence upon the Moral Judgments of Objective and Subjective Boys and Girls, David A. Utech
A Brief Study Regarding G. W. Leibniz's Conceptions of Time, Loo Ina Van
Andrew Carnegie: The Educational and Social Theories of a Self-Made Man, Roger Lee Vernon
Combined Microspectrophotometry and Autoradiography of Late Interphase Nuclei in Physarum polycephalum, Joseph K. Vlchek
Effect of Niacin and Its Analogs on Growth and on the Glucose Catabolic Pathways of Staphylococcus Aureus, Manohar V. Wadke
Circadian Mitotic Activity in the Labial Loop of the Rat Maxillary Incisor, Jerry Leo Wilde
Nuclear Ribonucleic Acid Metabolism and Its Regulation in Regenerating Cutaneous Tissue, Leong-Ging Wong
An Analysis of the Nature, Extent, and Effectiveness of in-Service Education Programs for Pre-Tenure Teachers in Ten Selected North Shore Elementary School Districts, Allen Phillip Zak
Organizational Size and Administrative Ratio: A Structural Analysis of the Task Units of Catholic Religious Professionals, Paul R. Zelus
Theses/Dissertations from 1970
Urinary Delta-aminolevulinic Acid (ALA) Levels in Childhood Lead Poisoning, Ronald H. Abrahams
Values, Attitudes, and Other Personal Characteristics of Catholic Freshman Medical Students with and Without Catholic Higher Education, Irma Luz Alcazar Del Risco
The Intracanal Diffusion of 2% Aqueous Parachlorophenol in Endodontics: An Autoradiographic Study, Warren Y. Avny
ABH Secretor Status of Cleft Lip/Palate Patients, Richard Lee Baker
The Curriculum Demonstration Project: How Effective Is It?: A Program in Quincy, Illinois for the Dropout Prone Student, Edward John. Baranowski
The Sociologist: His Training and Functions: A Survey of Graduate Sociologists from Loyola University Chicago (1956-1968), Jaime Mairata Batle
Effects of Student Activism upon the Perceived Leadership Role of Selected Secondary School Principals, Raymond Edward Bentz
Free Gingival Grafts: A Histological Evaluation in Humans, Robert Cannon Bracket
Accuracy of Perceived-Other Attitudes of College Students and Their Parents, Irene Moss Brennan
An Analysis and Evaluation of the Montessori Theory of Inner Discipline, Alicia. Burns
An Experimenter Variable: Subjects' Perception of the Psychologist-Clergyman in Psychological Testing, John M. Cade
An Examination of the Meaning and Difference between Mind and Mind in Huang Po's Text, Huang Po Ch'uan Hsin Fa Yao, William Leslie Cheshier
The Structure of Intellect Theory: Implications for More Meaningful Mental Test Interpretations, Patricia Chisholm
The Influence of Hostility on Humor Ratings of Cartoons, James P. Choca
A Study of Normal Operant Movement of a Diarthrodial Joint, James A. Coglianese
Changes in the Inter Molar Width and Facial Tilting of the First Permanent Maxillary Molars Induced by Opening the Midpalatal Suture in Rapid Palalatal Expansion, Wallace J. Connell
A Mandarin of Late Antiquity: The Political Life and Thought of Themistius, Lawrence J. Daly
Cephalometric Changes Induced by Splitting of the Midpalatal Suture on a Lateral Cephalometric Roentgenogram, Steven James DeCoite
Short Forms of the WPPSI for Screening and Research, Richard J. Delaney
A Study of Concept Learning in the Kindergarten, Mary. Dinerstein
The Human Person, Thomas P. Fogarty
Antigentic Relationship between Virus Envelope and Host Cell Membrane, Anthony A. Frer
The Relationship of the Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence to the 1960 Revision of the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale: Form L-M, James William Futterer
Evidence for Shifting Supraventricular Pacemakers During Sympathetic Stimulation Before and After SA Node Excision, John M. Geesbreght