Theses/Dissertations from 1973
A Descriptive Assessment of Diversity in Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Sciences Curricula in Schools of Arts and Sciences, 1970-1971, John H. Borgard
The Generality of Cognitive Complexity Across Measures and Stimuli, Irene Moss Brennan
Criticism and the Artist: The Writings of Randall Jarrell, Elizabeth J. Browne
A Comparison of the Forces Exerted by Class I, Class II and Class II Malocclusions During Maximum Closure, William T. Brown
The Philosophy of Science in Wittgenstein's Philosophical Investigations, Michael. Budarz
Levels of the Immunoglobulins IgG, IgA and IgM in the Inflamed Human Gingiva, Craig W. Byers
A Study of Truthfulness in Female Orthodontic Patients, from the Appraisal of Certain Autonomic Responses, to Questions Concerning Cooperation, Thomas P. Cavanaugh
The Stratification and Mobility of American Sociologists, 1935-1970, Daryl E. Chubin
The Structure of Ockham's Moral Doctrine, David W. Clark
The Periapical Tissue Response to, and Sealing Ability of Apically Packed Dentinal Shavings, Robert Jordan Clayton
The Relationship of Quality of Play and Intelligence in Young Children, Constance S. Clune
Mind-Body Identity, Incorrigibility and Conceptual Revision, Gordon D. Cohen
Contemplation for Education: Its Value Shown in the Life, Education, and Writings of Thomas Merton, Edward Colman Cosgrove C.SS.R.
Accuracy and Agreement of Psychodiagnostic Judgments Based on Different Amounts of Information Defining Diagnostic Categories, August J. Crivolio
Insulin Complexes and the Effects of Various Agents upon Their Conformation and Assays, Lawrence J. Crolla
Hyoid Positioning Following Forced Distal Positioning of the Tongue During Swallowing, Gary S. Cuozzo
Childrens' Role-Taking Ability as a Function of Birth Order, Age, Sex, and Mothers' Parenting Style, Richard J. Delaney
Philip Melanchthon's Unique Contribution to Education, Edward P. Denys
The Hegelian Sources of Marx's Concept of Man, Martin J. De Nys
Nonverbal Play and Intelligence in Normal Children, Michael J. Downs
Maternal Parameters in the Development of Social Intelligence, Robert L. Duncan
Social Intelligence: A Preliminary Investigation of Its Development in Children, Barbara J. Dydyk
Investigation of the Proteinpolysaccharides of Calf-Scapular Cartilage, Nancy Ellen Egan
The Administration of Simon De Anda y Salazar, Governor-General of the Philippines, 1770-1776, Salvador P. Escoto
The Development of a Systematic Human Relations Training Program for Members of a Religious Community, Jane Mary Ferder
Industrialization and Image of the Sciences: The Interaction of Economic and Pure Theory, A. Thomas Ferguson
The Organization of Power in the Dominican Tobacco Eco-Market System, Fernando I. Ferran
Attitudinal Similarity, Severity of Consequences, and the Attribution of Responsibility for an Accident to the Pedestrian and to the Driver, Julieta Rosales. Flores
Functional Studies of Descending Sympathetic Pathways in the Spinal Cord, Robert Dale Foreman
The Effectiveness of Methods Courses as Evaluated by Beginning Elementary Classroom Teachers, Mary Anne Fowler
The Chemical Composition and Mechanical Properties of Gutta Percha Endodontic Filling Materials, Charles E. Friedman
Chicago's Irish Nationalists, 1881-1890, Michael F. Funchion
Social Intelligence, Role-Taking Ability, and Cognitive Style: A Factor Analytic Study, James William Futterer
Counseling-Learning Theory Applied to Foreign Language Learning, Rosa Mena Gallagher
The Relationship between Ethnic Identification and Academic Achievement in Jewish College Students, Sumner H. Garte
Further Searching in Social Intelligence, Eric Michael Gerdeman
El Poema de Mio Cid and the Old Testament, Sydney Giovenco
The Legal Position of English Women Under the Early Stuart Kings and the Interregnum, 1603-1660, Leonore Marie Glanz
Adjustment and Self Disclosing Behavior of Roman Catholic Priests, John Robert Gorman
Teacher Evaluation, Peer Approval and Grade Point Average as Related to Locus of Control and Need for Approval in High School Boys, Thomas James Graziano
LDH Localization in the Fallopian Tube of the Albino Rat (Rattus Norvegicus) During the Estrous Cycle, Bernard H. Haberman
A Comparison of the Performance of Psychotic and Normal Children in Tests of Functional Visual Skills, Anne B. Hall
On the Success and Limitations of Science, William S. Hill
Circular Dichroism Studies of Ultraviolet Irradiated Ribonuclease A, Albert John Iammartino
Latin Rhetoric in the Signed Poems of Cynewulf, Dorothy Jehle O.P.
An Instance of the Military Grade Flavialis, James G. Keenan
The Social and Sexual Development of the Deaf Child, Marie H. Kelliher
An Examination and Analysis of the Chicago Model Cities Educational Project, from 1967 Through 1971, Marcella A. Kirk
The SS: The End Result, Barry J. Klazura
The Concomitants of Urbanization, Phyllis D. Knights
Social Intelligence in Alcoholics, Carolyn Ann Kowatsch
Philosophy of Art in Progressive Education: 1919-1940, Patricia Ann. Kurriger
A Period of Trial: Hong Kong Educational Development from 1960 to 1970, Grace Hing-yee Kwong
Evaluating the Effectiveness of an Auto-Instructional Method in the Teaching of Mathematics in a Community College, Paul Lawrisuk
Characterization of a Serum Glycoprotein with Antibacterial Activity, Joseph Richard Lentino
The Expression of Aggression and the Need for Social Approval in Psychopathic, Neurotic and Subcultural Delinquents, Ernest John Lenz
Inter-Membrane Transfer of Phosphatides between Microsomes and Mitochondria of 10-Day Old Rat Brain, Viesturs Argots Cernaks Liepkalns
Studies on Possible Correlations between Cholinesterase Levels in Mouse Brain and Behavior, Chen-ho Lin
The Loyolan 1973, Loyola University Chicago
Loyola University Rome Center Yearbook 1972-1973, Loyola University Rome Center
Influence of Vascular Muscle Tone on Isogravimetric Capillary Pressure, Marilynn Gayda Lund
A Test of the Multiple Trace Hypothesis: The Effects of Temporal Cues and Presentation Modality, William H. Macey
Handling Effect on the Metabolism of Starved Bluegill Sunfish, Lepomis Macrochirus, Marcella Marcinkowski
History of Black Catholic Education in the Chicago, 1871-1971, Joseph J. McCarthy
Faith and Human Life According to William James, Marilyn McCluskey
A Multitrait-Multimethod Factor Analytic Appraisal of Three Measures of Social Intelligence, Patrick. McKian
Similarity and the Attribution of Responsibility, John Allen McKillip
Robustness of Homogeneity Tests in Parallel-Piped Contingency Tables, Raymond Joseph McNamee
Three Year Follow-Up of Women Religious: Personality Factors, Vocational Interests, Personal Orientation, Audrey R. Melamed
An Autoradiographic Demonstration of Trigeminal Nerve Terminations in the Tooth, Richard A. Menke
The Corporation of Foreign Bondholders and British Diplomacy in Egypt 1876 to 1882, the Efforts of an Interest Group in Policy-Making Paul Frank Meszaros, Paul Frank Meszaros
A Comparison of the Perception of Two Groups of Elementary School Principals Concerning the Exercise of the Leadership Role in Effecting Change, James Ernest Michaletz
The Good Subject Motive and the Apprehensive Subject Motive: An Investigation of Their Relative Strengths, James M. Michaud
Interactive Effects of Stimulus Bandwidth and Type of Masker Presentation on the Function Relating Detection Performance to Signal Duration, Theodore H. Miller
The Role of Peristriate Cortex in Visually Guided Behavior in the Rat, Stephen Charles Milliser
Hohokam Structures: Subregional Variations in Architecture and Activity Areas, and Their Functional Relationships, John W. Molfese
The Evolution of Rural Justice in New Spain, Culminating in the Acordata, and Attempts by the Spanish Crown to Institute the Tribunal in Peru, Barbara Gilbreath Montgomery
Fresh and Frozen Iliac Crest Transplants in Primates: A Sequential Histologic Study, Don Michael Morris
William James and Phenomenology, James Mullane
Glucocorticoids and Glycolytic Inhibition by Lipoproteins, Theodore S. Musiala
The Role of Principals in Improving Supervisory Competence of Staff in Selected Secondary Schools, Theodore Albert Nelson
The Ultrastructure of the Optic Lobes of Octopus Vulgaris, Donald B. Newman
Associative Symmetry and the Re-Paired Paradigm, Richard C. Ney
Social Intelligence: Fact Or Artifact?, Edmund J. Nightingale
Ecological Distribution of Foreign Students in Chicago, Daniel Sunday Obikeze
The Metaphysical Basis of Human Freedom According to Alfred North Whitehead, Thomas Francis. O'Brochta
Auditory Development and Its Relation to I.Q. Scores in Black, Culturally-Deprived Children, Robert E. O'Connor
Calcitonin Activity of Particulate Fractions of the Ovine Thyroid Gland, Peter Rudolf Oeltgen
A Comparison of the Effects of Total-Body, Chronic and Low Dose-Rate Neutron and Gamma Radiation on the Tongue and Palatal Mucosa of Mice, Dennis George Page
Use of Play Activity in the Assessment of Atypical Children, John M. Paolella
Temporal Separation in Reversal and Reversal-Mixed List Verbal Discrimination Learning, Stanley J. Pasko
The Relationship between Abstract and Social Intelligence, Marcia Mulder Pavlou
Vilfredo Pareto: The Sociologist and the Man, Gastone Pozzobon
Vocational Satisfaction Among Roman Catholic Priests, Thomas W. Rueth
A Three-Dimensional Cinefluorographic Analysis of Bolus Placement During Mastication, Joseph A. Ruscheinski
The Effects of Cortisone on the Mitotic Activity and Histology of the Incisor in the Magnesium Deficient Rat, Edward Stanley Salkin
Perceptual Alignment and Marital Satisfaction, Robert M. Schwartz