Theses/Dissertations from 1974
The Grid Test of Thought Disorder: A Concurrent and Construct Validity Study, Kenneth R. Gamble
A Correlative Study of Winging and Certain Features of Dental Morphology in a Group of Navajo Indian Children, Carl George. Gangitano
Generative Themes: A Critical Examination of Their Nature and Function in Paulo Freire's Educational Model, Alberto Antonio Garcia S.J.
Ketoaldehydes and Glyoxalase Type Enzymes in the Life Cycle of Panagrellus silusiae, Caroline Gardiner
Adaptability of Muscles and Hence Hyoid Position Following Forced Distal Repositioning of the Tongue in Open Bite Patients, David Manning Gobeille
Atrial Activation and Pacemaker Shifts Induced by Stimulation of the Thoracic Cardiac Nerves, Jack Michael Goldberg
A Contextual Analysis of the Recruitment Bases of an Ethnic-Based Profession: The Catholic Priest in the United States, William Patrick Grogan
Edge Effects and Spatial Frequency Analysis in Metacontrast, Ronald L. Growney
Frequency Judgments for the Wording and Meaning of Sentences, Christopher Gude
Isolation of a Cationic Blood Protein with Insulin-Like Activity, Harald L. Guenther
Effects of Diethylstilbestrol, Norethindrone, and Mestranol on Selected Microbes, John N. Haan
The Speaking Picture of the Mind: The Poetic Style of Samuel Daniel, Harold Norbert Hild
Interpretation of Covenant in Four Pre-Exile Prophets: Amos, Hosea, Proto-Isaiah, Jeremiah, Rudolph I.C. Holder
The Primitive Vision of John Millington Synge, Jean Comiskey Hunter
Maturity of Faith in Relation to Psychological Maturity and Liberal-Conservative Religious Orientation, Gerald P. Joyce
Associative Responding, Problem Solving, and Motivation, Allan N. Kaczala
Experimental Production of Congenital Malformations in an Inbred Resistant Strain of Mouse Utilizing a Single Dose of Cortisone During a Critical Gestation Period, Donald Dewayne Karich
The World of James Thurber: An Anatomy of Confusion, Catherine McGehee Kenney
A Comparison of Two Approaches to One-Exposure Inservice Workshops Based on Values-Clarifying Questions, Marianne Kulak King
The Diplomatic Mission of Archbishop Flavio Chigi, Apostolic Nuncio to Paris, 1870-71, Christopher Gerard Kinsella
An Investigation of High School Counselor Attitudes Toward Drug Problems as Related to Counselor Drug Knowledge, M. Barbara Knoderer
Sex Differences in the Utilization of Physical Attractiveness and Trait Favorability in Impression Formation, Anthony A. Kopera
An Investigation of the Relationships between Self-Esteem, Social Intelligence and Word Association Styles in Female College Students, Carolyn Ann Kowatsch
Development and Validation of a Test to Measure Aggression Potential, John Francis Kremer
Fat-Mobilizing Substance (FMS) and Lipolysis, Roderic P. Kwok
Sir Edward Coke: His Interpretation of "In Other Courts", J. Dennis Lamping
A Study of the Sexual Values of Catholic College Students, Julia A. Lane
Realism vs. Romance: Aesthetic Distance and Symbolic History in the Novels of James Fenimore Cooper, Henry L. Lettermann
The Anachoretic Effect of Periapical Tissues Following Overinstrumentation of the Radicular Foramen, Peter Joseph Lio
The Decision-Making Process and the Chicago Board of Education: The 1968 Busing Decision, Neil Ellsworth Lloyd
Patterns of Social Behavior Among Individual Investors, Stephen Lloyd
Loyola University Rome Center Yearbook 1973-1974, Loyola University Rome Center
Personality Correlates of Illusory Correlation in Clinical Judgment, Robert J. Lueger
Isolation of Rabbit Lymphocytes and Serological Study of Their Alloantigens, Michael I. Luster
Evaluation of the Reported Effects of Smoking Marijuana, David N. Magence
The Function of Stock Humor and Grotesque Humor in Faulkner's Major Novels, Justine M. Manley
An Integrative Approach to Resistance to Attitude Change, Kenneth A. Marciniak
Social Intelligence and Schizophrenia, John P. Mitchell
Attitudes and Mode Choice Behavior for Work Trips by Chicago Suburbanites, Ottilia Angela Morlok
The Campaign of Essex in Ireland, 1599, Robert E. Morris
Future Time Perspective and Planning Abilities in Process and Reactive Schizophrenics, Thomas John Murphy
A Critical Text of the Gratiarum Actio and the Cupido Cruciatur of D. Magnus Ausonius, William Joseph Napiwocki
Ayn Rand's Concept of the Educated Man, Raymond A. Nighan
Personality, Interest and Motivational Correlates of Persistence in Religious Vocations, Charles Noty
An Analysis of Jasper Heywood's Translations of Seneca's Troas, Thyestes, and Hercules Furens, John J. O'Keefe
The Response of Human Erythrocytes to Stress, Wendell R. O'Neal
The Histopathology of Ti-6A1-4V and Silver Endodontic Fillings in Monkeys, Gene R. Palmer
Some Characteristics of Bacillus Cereus T Spores Sensitized to Muramidases, Pravin C. Patel
Ultrastructural Study on Protein Permeability Into the Ovarian Follicles of the Mouse, Andrew F. Payer
Effects of Aging on Human Dentin, as Related to Age Determinations, William D. Petty
Student Personnel Services in United States Catholic Seminaries Training Diocesan Seminarians: The College Level 1973-1974, Michael F. Pfeifer
Academic Problems and Personal Factors in the Education of Thai Students in America as Related to Career Choice, Swana Pornputtkul
O'Neill and Nietzsche: The Making of a Playwright and Thinker, Regina Fehrens Poulard
An Analysis of Mark Twain's Concepts of the Child and Education, Theresia Erb Psihalos
The Effect of Daily Vocabulary Quizzes on Motivating Pupils to Study High School Biology, John Bernard Purcell
Social and Psychological Correlates of the Selection Or Rejection of Vasectomy, Steven Marc Ratnow
An Examination of the Pharmacology of Spermidine and Its Possible Role in the Central Nervous System, Lawrence Rodichok
The Poetic Theory and Practice of Langston Hughes, Philip M. Royster
Ethanol, Catecholamines and Alkaloids: Interface of Neurochemistry and Alcoholism, Joel Allen Rubenstein
The Grotesque in the York Mystery Plays, Dennis M. Ryan
Toward a Psychological Understanding of the American Bishop, Mary Sheehan
Characterization of Lung Surfactant Proteins and Lipid-Protein Complexes, Sue Ann Eckhardt Shelley
The Effects of Aging on Epithelial Tissue, Leon A. Shepard
An Analysis of the Sites of Action of Theophylline at the Neuromuscular Junction of the Cat, Patricia L. Shinnick
Development of a Measure of Locus of Control Using Early Recollections, Bede Smith
An Approach to Assist Teachers in Recognizing Students Having Visual Anomalies, Donald E. Socha
Quantitation of the Immunocompetence of the Dental Pulp, Marvin L. Speer
The Dependency of Brain Membrane-Bound Enzymes on Exogenous Linoleic and Linolenic Acids, Frank Joseph Spitz
Occurrence of Streptococcal and Erythrocyte Antibodies in Sera of Healthy Adult Humans and of Convalescent Patients with Confirmed Streptococcal Infections, William T. Stall
The Relationship of Sex-Role Identification and Achievement Motivation to Self-Esteem in Male and Female College Students, Anne B. Stericker
Immunochemistry of Group a Streptococcal M Proteins, David C. Straus
Artist Failures in the Fiction of Henry James, Robert E. Terrill
A Critical Text of the Praefatiunculae, Cento Nuptialis, and Selections from the Appendix to the Works of Decimus Magnus Ausonius, Kathryn Anne Thomas
The Effects of a Sensitivity-Encounter Group Experience upon Self-Concept and School Achievement in Adolescent Underachieving Girls, Naughne' La Vonne Thomas
Negative Transfer as a Measure of Thought Disorder in the Psychoses, Eileen S. Trafimow
Politics of "Partnership": The Eisenhower Administration and Conservation, 1952-60, Dusen George Van
Quantitative Analysis of Respiratory Cell Activity, Charles Lewis Webber
A Comparison of Two Approaches to One-Exposure Inservice Workshops Based on Questioning in Classrooms, Sydell Weiss
Doctor Martin Luther King, Jr.'s Contributions to Education as a Black Leader (1929-1968), Clarence White
The Actor and Observer Bias in Causal Attribution: The Effects of Consistency and Perspective, Joseph W. Wuerth
Social Determinants of the Use of Drugs in a Suburban High School, Yvon Yangyuoru
Theses/Dissertations from 1973
The Relationship between Control and Effectiveness in Four Religious Orders, William M. Addley S.J.
Afferent Nerve Activity in Thoracic Cardiac Nerves, John Andrew Armour
School Busing: Solution Or Evasion - a Critical Analysis of the Literature from 1960 to 1972, Saleth John Arulanandam S.J.
The Effect of Colchicine Or 5-Fluorouracil in Combination with Cortisone on the Eruption Rate of the Rat Incisor, William Joseph Asbury
Sir Thomas Wyatt and the Struggle of the "Weried Mynde", Susan Eichenfeld Ashton
Teacher Expectations: A Study of the Psychological Contract from the Teachers' Point of View, Robert C. Atkinson S.J.
Desmosine and Isodesmosine of Elastin, Donald Louis Barbeau
A Differential Weighting of the Undergraduate Grade Point Average as a Method of Improving the Procedure for Selecting Students for Dental School, Thomas William Beckham
The Effect of Population Density on the Development of an Androgenmediated Marking Response of Meriones Unguiculatus, John Patrick Bell
William James and the Rationality of Religious Experience, James Michael Bergin
The Relationship between Gender Identity and the Performance of Sex-Typed Behavior in Young Children: A Test of the Cognitive-Developmental Theory, Victor J. Bernstein
Antigenic Relationships Among the Herpesviruses, William Thomas Blue
T.S. Eliot and the Netherlands: The Critical Reception, a Dutch Parallel, and the Translations, Harry Boonstra