Theses/Dissertations from 1975
Selected Student-initiated Change at Harvard University, 1725-1925, Paul Hartman
Nietzsche's Philosophy of Play, Lawrence M. Hinman
A Model of Data Structures Commonly Used in Programming Languages and Data Base Management Systems, William L. Honig
Evaluation Study of an Innovative Course Design in High School Physics, Bettyjean Houlihan
A Transactional Analysis of the Plays of Edward Albee, Elizabeth Anne Hull
A Study of the Effects of Individualized Instruction on the Attitudes and Behavior of Teachers and Pupils in the Middle Elementary Grades, Nina Femister Jones
The Use of Paraprofessionals in Disadvantaged Area Public Schools of Chicago, William Melrose Jones
The Socio-political Role of Women in the Mexican Wars of Independence, R. Janet Kentner
A Comparison of Volunteers vs. Non-Volunteers and the Effects of the Volunteer Experience on Self-Actualization and Social Intelligence, Jeanne Kerschner
Volunteer Experience Related Changes in College Students as Mental Health Volunteers, Jeanne Kerschner
The Irish Career of Charles Gavan Duffy, 1840-1855, Terrence J. LaRocca
John Osborne and the Ironic Comedy of Failure: A Study of Comic Subject and Techniques, Sandra Marie Lee
An Analysis of Contrasts between Boards of Education and Associations of Administrators in Selected School Districts in the United States, Stewart Liechti
The Loyolan 1975, Loyola University Chicago
A Philosophical Critique of Certitude According to Newman, James William Lyons
On the Nature of Memory for Modality: Evidence for a Propositional Code Hypothesis, William Macey
A Note on Lucan 8.860-1, John F. Makowski
William Hazlitt and the Poles of Romantic Perception, Thomas Mann
A Study of Host Resistance of the Periapical Tissues of Dogs When Exposed to Streptococcus faecalis, Ronald J. Mazukelli
John Whitgift and the Administrative Stabilization of the Church of England, 1583-1604, Barry McCauley
Models of the Attribution Process: The Naive Analysis of Action, Jack McKillip
Immediate Experience and the Problem of Expression: A Study in the Philosophy of Bergson, Jeanne Priley McLean
The Effects of Inservice Reading Demonstrations upon Student Reading Achievement Scores in Selected Title I Schools, Mary V. McNamara
A Study of the Compensatory Education Program at Northeastern Illinois University, Eric Moch
An Examination of Some Factors of Change in Selected Schools of a Suburban Elementary School District, H. James Montgomery
Some Demographic and Socio-psychological Determinants of Filipino Nurse Migration to Chicago, Illinois, John M. Morgan
Factors Related to the Self-concept in the Aged: Relationship to Interview Data and Test Measures, Dana Mcdermott Murphy
Behavioral Change Through Self Appraisal and Group Interaction, Michele Needham-Greischar
Latency for Meaning Recognition and Picture Verification of Syntactic and Lexical Ambiguity, Richard Ney
Relationships of Level of Self-disclosure and Levels of Facilitative Functioning and Manifest Anxiety, Ezequiel Nieto-Cardoso
A and B Therapist Types: Another Look at the Person, Edmund J. Nightingale
Localized Responses of the Ventricular Myocardium to Stimulation of Ventral Roots, Jeanne E. Norris
Socio-demographic Factors Affecting Population Density: The Case of Eastern Nigeria, Daniel Obikeze
A Model for the Administration and Control of Public Education in the East Central State of Nigeria, Martin Umachi Okoro
Cuticular Amino Acids in Dirofilaria Immitis, Bonnie Anne Ozuk
Interaction of Lung Surfactant Lipids with Proteins of the Alveolar Space, Peter Pagast
An Evaluation of the Workshop as a Learning and Motivational Experience for Adults, Eugene Edwin Paulausky
Achievement Pressure and Motor Performance in Multiple Sclerosis, Marcia Mulder Pavlou
Neo-conservatism and Educational Excellence 1918-1970, Norman Phillips
Assessment of the Male Alcoholic's Response to Women Through the Use of Visual Stimuli, Ernest Piron
Fresh and Frozen Allogeneic Iliac Crest Transplants in Primates: A Sequential Histopathologic Study, Robert Colin Poulsom
An Exploration of the Relationship between Social Intelligence and Students' Fields of Study, Richard Crawford Reardon
Bicultural-Bilingual Education for Latino Students: A Continuous Progress Model, Vinicio H. Reyes
An Experimental Evaluation of the Comparison of Mathematics Modules with an Individualized Guide and Textbook for Elementary Mathematics, Joseph Robertson
Community Composition, Family Structures, and the Juvenile Justice System, David J. Ross
The Effect of Diagnostic Labeling on Perception of Behavioral Abnormalities, Clifton J. Saper
The Relation of Organizational Structure and Personal Attributes to Work Satisfaction Among Public School Teachers, Thomas G. Schackmuth
Reconstruction of a Belief Index: Modern Values and Pre-vatican Belief, David F. Schwartz
Use of a Short Form of the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory with Alcoholics, Patrick E. Shields
Lipid and Protein Energy Utilization in Starved Bluegill Sunfish (Lepomis Macrochirus), Nancy H. Siemon
Collagen and Chondroitin Sulfate Xenogeneic Implants in Primates: A Sequential Histopathologic Study, Raymond Alister Skinner
Perceptions of Southwest College Personnel Services by Feeder High School Guidance Personnel, Donald Byron Smith
A Comparison of Parent-teacher Ratings on Like Items for the Behavioral Traits of Hyperkinetic Children on Ritalin, Joseph F. Smoley
A Study of Acetyl Cholinesterase Synthesis in Developing Rat Brain Following Diisopropylphosphofluoridate Treatment as a Model System to Evaluate Macromolecular Synthesis at the Synapse, Rajammal Srinivasan
The Effectiveness of Pattern Homogeneity as a Cue in Subcortical Pattern Vision, David. Strachan
The Nature of Archaeological Fieldwork: Implications and Limitations for Research Procedure and Organization, Mary B. Struever
The Histochemical Characterization of Rat Masseter Muscle Fiber Types, Robert George Thomas
Comparison of Molar Size Sequence between Four Different Population Sub-Groups, J. Nevin Thompson
Attribution of Responsibility to Victims of Sex Crimes and Victims of Non-Sexual Aggressive Crimes, Carla A. Tomino
Letter Frequency and Versatility Retrieval Constraints on Thinking of a Word, Gene E. Topper
The Effect of Nematode Age on Trap Formation in the Nematophagous Fungus Arthrobotrys Conoides, Mary Lou Tortorello
The Effects of Tape Assisted Parent Education Discussions on Fifth Grade Children's Self-esteem and Achievement Levels, Stephen Frederick Uhl
Respiratory Carriage of Pseudomonas Aeruginosa by Cystic Fibrosis Patients: Use of the Nitroblue Tetrozolium Test as a Means of Monitoring Patient Status, Gorder Paul Van
The Effect of Calcium Sulfide on the Hactchability of Chironomous Riparius Meigen Eggs, Gerald S. Wegner
Social Identification and Drugs: An Exploration of the Socia Basis of Suburban High School Student Drug-using Behavior, Yvon Yangyuoru
Transcendental Method and the Crisis of Historicism, William Joseph Zanardi
A Study to Examine the Role Perception of Selected Principals of Nongraded Schools in DuPage County, Illinois, Dale F. Zorn
Nasopharyngeal Dimensions and Tongue Position in Enlarged Tonsil Patients, Richard Lee Zussman
Theses/Dissertations from 1974
A Study of Common Competencies for Developing Occupational Teachers, William K. Appelgate
Faking Good on the Thematic Appreception Test, Roger S. Arnold
The Educational Ideas of Irving Babbitt: Critical Humanism and American Higher Education, Joseph Aldo Barney
A Study of the Role of the Director of Financial Aid in His Own Institution in Selected Colleges and Universities in the Midwest, James Francis Barry
A Study of the Effect of Using Fiction, Selected Case Studies and Autobiographies on the Cognitive and Affective Responses of Teachers of Mentally Retarded Children, Mary Harding Bell
The Impact of Psychiatric Ward Programming on Patient Habilitation: The Relative Merits of Systematic Contingency Management, Noncontingent Milieu, and No Formal Ward Programs, Victor J. Bernstein
Catecholamine - Derived Tetrahydroisoquinoline Formation in Rats During Alcohol Metabolism, Mostafa G. Bigdeli
Cognitive Concreteness-Abstractness and Social Competence, Dale A. Brounstein
Studies on Delta-Aminolevulinic Acid (ALA) in Lead-Poisoned and Tumor Bearing Animals, Robert W. Buckman
Active Avoidance Conditioning in Certain Anura, Frank James Cann
Selected Visual Abilities and Correlates to Reading Achievement, Robert Cajetan Cienkus
Lipid Metabolism of Neurons and Neuroglia, Steven Roger Cohen
An Analysis of Selected Racial Issues in Public Education as Perceived by Black School Administrators in the State of Indiana, Norman David Comer
Historical Development of Educational Decentralization in Selected Midwestern Urban Centers, Thomas Francis Connelly
Invisibility: A Study of the Works of Toomer, Wright and Ellison, Arlene Joan Crewdson
A Religious Elite: A Study of the Social Origins of the American Catholic Hierarchy, Emil DC̓ruz
Effect of Cortisone on the Periodontal Ligament of the Maxillary Rat Incisor, Donald Ralph DeMatteis
LAS Effects on the Developing Zebra Fish (Branchydanio rerio), Casimira M. Dewese
An Analysis of the Effect of the Stage of Ego Development Life Position, and Goals on Factors of Achievement for Female Freshmen Students at a Small Liberal Arts College, Gary Michael Durst
Regeneration in Zebrafish, Brachydanio rerio, Gabriel J. Ekandem
The American Congress Woman from 1850-1970: A Study in Role Perception, Eleanor V. Fails
Roraschach O Responses and the Concept of Originality, Joseph Federico
The Development of a Systematic Human Relations Training Program for Use in a College Curriculum, Frances Diane Ferder FSPA
A TST-Based Study of Self Disclosure in Voluntary Primary Relationships Among Middle Class Young Adults, Clarence Leslie Fewer
Adrenal Involvement in Determining the Time of Onset of Puberty in the Rat, Marianne Gorski Firlit
Time Perspective in Suicidal Patients: Transient State Or Trait?, Michael F. Flynn
The Theatrical Career of John O'Keeffe, Muriel Sanderow Friedman
Effect of a Stable First List on Transfer and "Fate" of First-List Associations, Madeline Fronke