Theses/Dissertations from 1976
Las Inhibition of Diffusion and Uptake of Tritiated Uridine During Teleost Embryogenesis, Carol Muehleman
Sex-Role Identity in the Aged, Dana McDermott Murphy
A Study to Assess Career Choice Certainty Among Community College Students, James Murray
An Analysis and Comparison of the Actual and the Expected Role of Secondary School Assistant Principals, Jerry Neumann
An Examination of Relationships of Superintendent's Role Perception, School District Population Size and School District Wealth to Central Office Administrative Staff Size, Organizational Structure, and Staff Utilization, Morven Simon Welton Ngaiyaye
Assay of Desmosines in the Study of Elastin, William P. Nijm
Presidential Leadership in Education: 1961-1963, Cheryl Nuzbach
Influence of Pre-Induction Instructions, Induction Format, Sex, and Locus of Control Expectancies upon Hypnotizability, Robert O'Connor
Costa Rica in the World Community of Nations, 1919-1939: A Case Study in Latin American Internationalism, Suzanne O'Connor
The Teratogenic Potential of Intraperitoneally Administered 11.8 Linear Alkylbenzene Sulfonate upon the ICR-CD1 Strain of Mice, Victoria Ostrowski
The Judgment of Knowing as Related to Practice, Ease of Learning Judgments, and Individual Differences, Stanley J. Pasko
The America-theme: A Twentieth Century View of the United States in German Literature, Especially Represented by Uwe Johnson, Walter Pasulka
A Critical Text of the Epigrammata of D. Magnus of Ausonius, Pauline Pate
Education and Modernization in Montenegro, 1831-1918, Helen A. Pavichevich
Rabindranath Tagore's Philosophy of International Education, Asirvatham Periaswamy
Characteristics of an Aftercare Population in a Therapeutic Social Club, Lorrie Peterson
A Quantitative Analysis of Microleakage in Endodontic Reverse Fills, Jerome Pisano
A Study of the Relationships between Self-actualization and Job Satisfaction in Teaching, Paul Pusateri
The Relative Efficacy of Three Short-term Analogues in the Reduction of Anxiety, Michael Rabin
The Effects of Hypophysectomy upon Dna Synthesis in Rat Oral Epithelium, Olivia Ramirez
Short Term Histological Changes in the Palatal Sutures and the Periodontal Ligaments Resulting from Rapid Palatal Expansion in the Rhesus Monkey, Timothy Reardon
A History of the Amherst Project: Revising the Teaching of American History 1959 to 1972, Charles Samec
The Effect of Diagnostic Labeling on the Clinician's Perception of Behavioral Abnormalities, Clifton Joseph Saper
Early Socio-Psychological Factors Related to the Development Level of Catholic Priests, James J. Schroeder
Changes in Personality Characteristics and Values During the Early Formation Period in Religious Vocation, Julie C. Shainauskas
Marital Interaction, Drinking Behavior, and Life Adjustment Following Treatment for Alcoholism, Patrick Shields
The Catholic Pentacostal Prayer Meeting: A Dramatistic Perspective on a Contemporary Religious Awakening and Ritual, Melissa Siebert
Kin Relations of the Aged: Possible Impact on Social Service Planning, Maria Siemaszko
The Short Term Histological Changes in the Sutures of the Facioskeletal Complex Resulting from Rapid Palatal Expansion in the Rhesus Monkey, Craig Sinclair
The Ontological Status of the Cartesian Simple Natures, Michael D. Smith
The Occupational Reengagement of Widows in the Chicago Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area, Frank Steinhart
Fear-of-success in Male and Female College Students: Sex-Role Identification and Self-Esteem as Factors, Anne Stericker
"Honor in Oblivion": The Motif of Heroic Isolation in the Works of John Ford, Rudolph Stoeckel
The Kasten Mound Group, Fred K. Stuebe
The Development of Occlusal Patterns for Orthodontically Treated Extraction Cases, Gerald Tarsitano
Plato's Notion of Justice in the Republic: Its Authoritarianism Frustrates Happiness, Robert Tarsitano
A Histopathologic Study of the Periapex of Monkey Teeth Intentionally Contaminated Prior to Root Canal Filling, Edward Peter Theiss
An Evaluation of Affective Outcomes of a Community College Human Relations Course, Philip C. Theodorou
The Impact of Minority Status on Self Esteem and Cultural Values of Preadolescent Puerto Ricans, Walter L. Thiel
Trends in Accountability and Educational Assessment Through State Legislative Action, William Bernard Thiel
The Role of Methionine-192 in the Activation and Catalytic Mechanism of Chymotrypsin, William J. Treadway
Early School Experiences and the Development of Self-Esteem, Anita S. Ugent
The Effects of Las on the Ultrastructure of the Teleost Chorion, Mark Xavier VanCura
Attitude Change as a Function of Varying Media Presentation, Thomas Arthur Watkins
The Influence of the Goshgarian Palatal Bar on the Anterior-posterior Positioning of the Tongue, Mark Weisenberg
Barbadian Cross-currents: Church-State Confrontation with Quaker and Negro, 1660-1689, Winnifred Winkelman
Ultrastructure and Chemical Composition of Microconidial Walls of Trichophyton Mentagrophytes, Christine Da-Ruh Wu
Attitudinal Differences between High School Students and Their Parents: A Case Study of Generation Gap, Frank Ping-yu Yen
Man, the Image of God: The Theological Anthropology of Thomas Merton, Michael A. Yonkers
Arthur Bestor's Rationale for the Intellectual Disciplines, Robert J. Zimney
Theses/Dissertations from 1975
Brook Farm's Educational Philosophy (1841-1846): A Study Into Its Methods, Axiology and Epistemology, Charles Edward Alberti
Study on the Efferent Innervation of the Body Wall Musculature of Lumbricus Terrestris (L), Carol A. Aslam
A History of the National Association of Christian Schools During the Period of 1947-1972, Warren S. Benson
Isozyme Patterns in the Life-Cycle of the Free-Living Nematode, Panagrellus silusiae, Mary Ilze Brokans
José Ortega y Gasset and the Dilemma of Modern Man, Thomas Bucaro
Insulin and Host Resistance to Endotoxemia, Bernard J. Buchanan
Problem Solving Processes as a Function of the Organization of the Problem Situation and Its Relation to the Task Requirements, John Robert Buri
Parasitic Copepods of Chinook, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha (Walbaum), and Coho, Oncorhynchus kisutch (Walbaum), Salmon of Lake Michigan, Joseph K. Buttner
The Effects of False Feedback, Sex, and Personality on Learning, Retention, and the Zeigarnik Effect in Programmed Instruction, Edward J. Carels
The Roman Catholic Catechesis in the United States 1784-1930: A Study of Its Theory, Development, and Materials, Charles J. Carmody
To Teach as Jesus Did: A Model in Catechetics Adolescent Involvement in Educating the Young Church, Ann Therese Chaput
The Professional Self-images of American Baptist and United Presbyterian Pastors, David Chesebrough
Relative Densities of Sympathetic Nerve Terminals in Dog Right Atrium, Caryl Jean Coglianese
Goa's History of Education: A Case Study of Portuguese Colonialism, Verissimo Coutinho
Myocardial and Splenic Catecholamine Alterations in Burn Shock, Reno R. Cova
Thermal and Hypoxic Induced Alterations of Selected Red Cell Organophosphates in the Female Fresh-Water Turtle, Pseudymys scripta elegans, Daniel Culking
A Descriptive and Exploratory Study of the Correspondence Study Division of a Privately Based Institution in a Large Metropolitan Area, Donald Matthew Cunningham S.J.
Microsomal Sulfhydryl Disulfide Interchange Enzyme in Regenerating Cutaneous Tissue, James Custod
The Effects of Two Types of Supervision on High and Low Functioning Counselor Trainees, Jean DA̓guiar
The Effects of Putative Equipment Bias and Previous Success and Failure on Competitive Performance, Level of Aspiration and Causal Attribution, John E. Dalton
The Teratogenic Potential of Sodium Dodecylbenzene Sulfonate upon ICR CD-1 Strain of Mice, Raymond M. David
Toddler Role in the Family: A Culturally Comparative Study, Orathai Dejthamrong
The Development of an Electron Capture Gas Chromatographic Method for the Assay of Catecholaldehydes in Tissues, Balbir Kaur Dhaliwal
A Study of Quantitative and Qualitative Factors in School Media Programs in 137 Selected School Districts in Illinois, Valerie Jean Downes
The Effects of Language on the Mediation of Temporally Based Concepts with Deaf and Blind Children, Gregory Doyle
Relationships Among Therapist Empathy and Authoritarianism and a Therapist's Prognosis, Carol Dubnicki
Some Environmental Factors Affecting the Morphology of Streptococcus mutans 10449, Ruth Gail Emyanitoff
Academic Achievement in Intact and Non-Intact Households, Jackie S. Feigon
An Analysis of the Educational Ideas of Henry Clinton Morrison, 1895-1945, Joan M. Ferris
The Jones Act for Puerto Rico, Bonnie D. Fors
Alternatives for Bilingual Education in Thailand: Theory and Practice, Charles K. Frederickson
Attribution and Its Effects on the Reinforcing Behavior of Mothers, Constance A. Fullilove
A Study of the Use of Leisure by College Women, Joyce Eileen Gallagher
The Function of Retrieval Cues in the Release from the Pi Paradigm, Donna J. Goetz
Effect of Glucose and Phosphate on Growth of the Dermatophyte Trichophyton Mentagrophytes, Miriam L. Greenberg
An Investigation of the Kibbutz Collective Socialization, Elisheva Green
Causal Attribution of Emotion and Its Relationship to Role Taking and Helping Behavior in Children, Susan K. Green
Associative and Relational Responding and Personality and Parental Variables, Glenn Growe
Selected Personality Variables and Associative and Relational Responding in Children, Glenn Growe
Mechanisms and Regulation of Macrophage Glycogen Metabolism, Paul Gudewicz
Neurally Induced Cardiac Dysrhythmias, Gilbert Hageman
An Analysis of Impasse Resolution Strategies in Public Education Bargaining Disputes: A Study of Seven Illinois School Systems Where Strikes Occurred in 1972, Larry Lee Halter