Theses/Dissertations from 1978
A Short-Term Histopathologic Study of the Effect of Gly-Oxide on Periapical Tissues in the Rhesus Monkey, John William Gillan
Sex Differences in Reactance and Learned Helplessness, Dale Susan Gody
Relationships of Screening and Diagnostic Preschool Measures to Later School Adjustment and Achievement Measures, Dorothea S. Goldenberg
Aluminum Metabolism in Health and Disease, Jay Eliot Gorsky
Characterization of the Nonfermentative Gram Negative Rods of Group IIK Utilizing Biochemical, Serological, and Antibiotic Susceptibility Tests, Donna S. Granstrom
Psychological Determinants of Points of View of the American Zionist With Regard to Aliyah, Eleanor Levitansky Greenberg
An Investigation of Montmort's "Probleme de Recontres" and Generalizations, Ronald I. Greenberg
Review of the Literature on the Treatment of Sexual Dysfunction and a Study of Couples Who Received Treatment at Loyola University Hospital, Catherine Green
An Analysis of the School Public Relations Programs in Kane County, Illinois, Jeffrey Michael Gruber
A Comparison of Two Models of Stimulus Set and Response Set in Selective Attention, James Keith Habinek
Insulin and Altered Reticuloendothelial System Function, Angela M. Hadbavny
In Vivo and In Vitro Interactions between Bacteroides fragilis and Escherichia coli: Their Role in Intra-Abdominal Abscess Formation, James Carl Hagen
Alloplastic Implant in Primates: Culture Medium 199 -- a Sequential Histopathologic Study, Peter Haupers
Tumor Induction Through Varying Lengths of Carcinogen Exposure, Kent A. Heideman
An Analysis of Specific Content Areas in Professional Negotiations Agreements in Selected School Districts in Northeastern Illinois, William Charles Hitzeman
Glial Changes in the Facial Motor Nucleus of the Hamster During Development and After Axotomy, Susan Kay Jacob
Utilization of a Selected Multiple Criteria Decision Analytic Framework to Aid Health Care Consumers in Making Educated, Objective Choices Between Health Care Delivery Alternatives, Jill Ann Kammermeyer
The Inhibitory Effect of Saliva on the Adherence of Streptococcus Mutans and Streptococcus Sanguis, Elliot H. Kimmel
Selected Results of Participation in a Human Sexuality Course at an Urban University, Rena Krizmis
Psychophysical Tuning Curves in Vibrotaction, Sharon Marie Labs
A Case Study Analysis of the Problems Associated with Declining Enrollment in Selected School Districts of Cook County, Il., Donald L. Lambert
Community College Student Opinions Regarding Student Participation in Selected Academic Collective Bargaining Issues, Larry Joseph Larvick
Parameters of the Attached Epithelial Reformation Following Gingivectomy, Carl J. Laudando
Educational Legislation in Illinois: An Analysis of the Activities of School Superintendents in Cook County, Lloyd W. Lehman
A Study of the Nature of the Relationship of Selected Administrative Policies of the State Board of Trustee's of Indiana Vocational Technical College on Regional Administration Practices, Alois Leo Lewandoski
Educative/Psychotherapeutic Rehabilitation Groups Following Myocardial Infarction: A Study of Denial and Depression in the Post Infarct Patient, Lynn Dee Feldman Lindgren
The Effect of Isoproterenol and Alpha- and Beta-Adrenoreceptor Blockade on Renin Release and Cyclic-35ì-Adenosine Monophosphate Content in Rat Renal Cortical Slices, Louis Michael Lissuzzo
Implications of the Transcendental Meditation Program for Counseling: The Possibility of a Paradigm Shift, Peter Vincent Lourdes
The Loyolan 1978, Loyola University Chicago
Loyola University Rome Center Yearbook 1977-1978, Loyola University Rome Center
Interorganizational Influences: A Multi-Dimensional Approach, James Lucas
Children as Eyewitnesses, Barbara VanOss Marin
Tip or Treat: A Study of Factors Affecting Tipping Behavior, Joanne Margaret May
Perceived Self-Presentation of Institutionalized Adolescents as Evaluated by Significant Others, Larry Wayne McCauley
Pre-Stretching of Elastic Modules, Robert Leroy McClurg
The Effect of a Psychology of Personal Growth Course on Levels of Self-Actualization and Psychological Androgyny in Mature Women Students, Mary Cheryl McKinley
An Analysis of Merit Compensation and the Relationship to Teacher Organizations of Elementary School Teachers in Selected Illinois School Districts and the Implications for Administration and Supervision, Edward Stephen McNally
A Study of the Relationship of Perceptual and Judgmental Preferences with Academic Predictors in Medical School Success, Madhavi Mehta
Effects of Bilingual Education on the Cognitive Characteristics of the Spanish Speaking Children in Chicago Public Schools, Ramon Luis Merlos
Characterization of Pseudomonas Cepacia Using Biochemical, Antibiotic Susceptibility and Serological Tests, Beatrice Grazina Miceika
High Blood Pressure and Interpersonal "Disengagement": A Study of Maladaptive Coping Styles and Ameliorative Treatments, Paul J. Minsky
Obesity and Restraint in Relationship to Externality and Food Consumption, Donna Munic
The Effect of Dextranase on Dextran Production by Streptococcus Mutans 6715 S-19 Glucosyltransferase, Jamie D. Nonnenmann
Effect of Five-Minute Exercise Induced Activation on the Cognitive Performance of Normal, Mentally Retarded and Schizophrenic Children, Dorothy C. Nene Ogundu
Rescue of Infectious BK Virus from a T-Antigen Negative BKV Transformed BHK-21 Cell Line, David Michael Olive
An Analysis of the Art of Evaluating Public School Principals between 1968 and 1978 in Selected Public School Districts in Lake County, Illinois, Albert James Palucci
Self-Esteem as it Relates to Reading Facility and Bilingual Schooling of Puerto Rican Students, Alice Perez Peters
The Effects of Self Focused Attention on the MMPI Validity Scales, Bruce Pfau
Insulin I₋p1₋s₋p2₋s₋p5₋s Distribution within Oral Tissues, Bahram Pourdeihimi
The Effectiveness of the Educational Game as a Method of Skill Building in the Junior High School Language Arts Area, Mary E. Quinlan
A Study of the Nymphal Stages of Trichocorixa Verticalis Verticalis (Fieber) Under Laboratory Conditions, Sharon R. Raczynski
Angular Rotation of Rectangular Wire in Rectangular Buccal Tubes, Eliezer Raphael
Effects of Distraction, Introversion-Extraversion and Sex Type upon Performance, Norman Reed
The History of Loyola University of Chicago's Rome Center of Liberal Arts, 1962-1977, Gregory John Riccio
An Analysis of the Decision Making Process in Illinois Public School Closings, David S. Robert
The Non-Teratogenic Effects in Mice Progeny by Maternal Treatment with Amygdalin, Victoria Ann Rowe
The Desmond Rebellions, 1569-1573 and 1579-1583, Claude Ronald Sasso
The Effect of Interpersonal Skills Training on the Levels of Accurate Empathy and Self Esteem in Preadolescents, Thomas Schevers
The Catholic Bishop in the United States: A Psychological Profile, James J. Schroeder
The Effect of Variation of the Water/Powder Ratio on the Physical Properties of Improved Dental Stone, Louis R. Sertich
Effects of Race of Examiner on a Projective Test, Oliver W. Slaughter
The Relationship Between Factors Which Influence Adolescent Sexual Decisions, Locus of Control, and Selected Personality Dimensions, Mary Frances Sonnenshein-Schneider
Effects of Moisture on Polyether Impression Materials, Fabian Stepensky
Electric Versus Furnace Heat Treatment of Cobalt Chromium Wire, Greg William Sutherland
Susceptibility of Different Embryonic Stages of the Fathead Minnow, Pimephales promelas (rafinnesque), to Linear Alkyl Sulfonate Toxicity, Don L. Thompson
Analysis of Observed Critical Task Performance of Title I - ESEA Principals, State of Illinois, Salvatore A. Vallina
Tune in and Help Out?: Empathy, Modeling, Dependency, Perspective Taking, and Television and Their Relationship to Altruism in Children., William Edward Van Ornum
Tune in and Help Out?: Empathy, Modeling, Dependency, Perspective Taking, and Television and Their Relationship to Altruism in Children., William Edward Van Ornum
The Effects of Tissue Culture Medium of Different Concentrations in Sutural Growth, Angel H. Vargas
Peirce's Concept of Habit and Its Value for Modern Educators, James John Velasco
The Loyola Seminarian Completion Test: Use with Protestant Seminarians, Barbara E. Walhout
An Elucidation of the Arboreal Theory of Primate Evolution: A Behavioral Comparison of the Manus of the Squirrel Monkey, the Tree Shrew, and the Gray Squirrel, Catherine Anne Walla-Murphy
Types of Belief and Racial Prejudice: Assessing Various Measures at a Catholic University, Barry Joseph Weber
Career Determinants Within a Denominational Organization: The Missouri Lutheran Minister, James Bernard Wirth
The Relationship of Levels of Moral Development with Personality Variables of Autonomy, Socialization, and Empathy at Two Critical Age Periods, Peter Charles Zavadowsky
The Effect of Fixed Prosthodontics on Crevicular Fluid Volume, Clifford A. Zmick
Theses/Dissertations from 1977
An Investigation of the Activity of Specific Antibody Isolated Using Immunoadsorbents, Guy Joseph Agostino
Use of Cattell's Music Preferences Test with Alcoholics Before and After Treatment, Lisa Anne Aiken
Incidence of Dirofilaria immitis and Dipetalonema reconditum in Illinois and a Study of Potential Mosquito Vectors of Dirofilaria immitis, Bolaji Nelson Akande
Patterns of Error in College Students Resulting from Semantic Generalization on Two Measures of Word Association, Helen Appleton
Cell Density and Labelling Index of the Periosteum of Rat Skull Treated with Tissue Culture Medium, Ruben Bayardo
Evidence for Chromium-insulin Interaction, Ronald Belusko
Personality and Smoking: A Complex Multivariate Problem, Dale A. Bespalec
The Psychodiagnostic Test Battery: The Effects of Sequence of Administration on Rorschach Variables, Dale Anthony Bespalec
A Comparison of Mathematical Models of Multiple Cued Recall, Kathleen K. Biersdorff
Roles, Functions, and Training in Psychology: A Survey of Psychologists Graduated from Loyola University of Chicago, Janet Kamer Bleier
Description of the Educational System for the Disadvantaged Indian Population in Mexico, Perla K. Blejer
From Friendly Visitor to Professional: The Development of University-Based Social Work Education in Great Britain (1880 to 1930), Rosemarie Bridget Bogal
Determination of Mean Crevicular Fluid Volumes of Males and Females of Different Ages, Gary William Brankin
Endotoxic Lipopolysaccharide Activation of Complement: A Role for the Alternate Pathway, Blase Brown
The Indian Policy of Porfirio Diaz in the State of Yucatan, 1876-1910, Carol L. Carbine
A Validation Study of Millon's Theory and Measure, Michael E. Carney