Theses/Dissertations from 1980
Behavior Modification and Intensive Interpersonal Involvement in the Treatment of an Autistic Child, David P. Helm
Predicting Success on a Minimum Competency Examination, Donald Joseph Henderson
Point of View in the Narrative Poetry of Wordsworth, Coleridge, and Byron, Helen Herber
An Investigation of Two Criterion-Referencing Scoring Procedures for National Board Dental Examinations, Maribeth Hladis
Immuno- and Bioassayable Extrapituitary Growth Hormone and Thyroid Stimulating Hormone from Discrete Areas of the Central Nervous System, Sally Ann Hojvat
An Analysis of Procedures and Practices: Utilized to Determine Elementary School Principals' Salaries in Selected School Districts of DuPage County, Illinois, Darrell A. Holsteen
The Use of Corona Discharge Patterns in the Diagnosis of State Depression and State Anxiety, William Hovsepian
Ethnicity and Level of Occupational Aspiration Among High School Seniors, Jeannine Michele Hucklenbroich-Riotto
Aging Effects on Ova Maturation and RNA and Protein Synthesis In Vitro, Reinhold Joseph Hutz
The Effect of Daily Exercise on Regional Myocardial Flow of Proximal Coronary Constriction Dogs and Its Mechanism, Ming Hsiung Hwang
A Study of Bereavement in the Elderly, Marilyn Johnson-Arbor
Epilepsy and the Menstrual Cycle: The Contribution of Stressful Life Experiences and the Menstrual Cycle to Epileptic Seizures, Janet Marie Kamer
The Last Divide: The Fur Trade and the Exploration of the Far Northwest 1821-1852, Theodore J. Karamanski
The Short and Long Term Effects of Opiates on Myenteric Neurons, Peter J. Karras
Aurelius Phoibammon, Son of Triadelphus: A Byzantine Egyptian Land Entrepreneur, James G. Keenan
Jung's Word Association Test: Response Norms Annd Patterns of Disturbances, Ross E. Keiser
Associations of N-acyl Amino Aldehyde Analogs of Specific Substrates to the Active Site of Chymotrypsin, William P. Kennedy
Black Population Distribution and Racial Change in Major American Cities: A Modified Sector Model of Black Neighborhood Growth, Timothy J. Kenny
Justification of Civil Disobedience by Groups and Individuals, Gregory Kepferle
The Prevalence of Childhood Depression Among 6-11 Year Old Boys Seen by a Community Mental Health Center, Fred M. Kerman
The Effect of Extrinsic Contingencies on a Person's Intrinsic and Continuing Motivation to Help Others and on the Frequency of Such Behavior, Gerald Kicanas
The Relationship of Caries Incidence to Caries Activity in Pre-School Children, Maria Virginia Solis Kitsu
Diisopropyl Phosphofluoridate-Induced Antinociception, Gary Lee Koehn
Urban Community College Unionism: A Descriptive Survey and Case Study of the American Federation of Teachers, Local 1600, City Colleges Division, Casimir Kotowski
Studies on the Mechanism of Reaction of Papain with N-Acetyl-L-Phenylalanyl Glycinal, a Model for an Elementary Step in Catalysis, Thresiamma Kuppy
Rotational Limits of Rectangular Wire in Pretorqued Buccal Tubes, Richard Lewis Lang
An Investigation of the Relationship Among Birth Order, Intelligence, Sex, Biorhythm and Academic Achievement, Nancy Iles Lavizzo
The Use of Conceptual Models in Loss Counseling, Jean Lawrence
The Role of the Central Office Instructional Leader in Selected Public Elementary School Districts, William J. Loftus
Racial Differences in Reactance and Learned Helplessness, Sandra Elveta Lowe
Situational and Generalized Expectancies for a Success as a Function of Race, Gender, and Experience in Helplessness Training, Sandra Elveta Lowe
The Loyolan 1980, Loyola University Chicago
Loyola University Rome Center Yearbook 1980, Loyola University Rome Center
An Analytical Survey of Principal Evaluation in Large Secondary Public School Districts in Cook County, Illinois, Ann E. Ludwig
Student Perceptions and Use of a University Health Service, Susan A. Lueger
Comparison of a Holistic and a Social Skills Training Program for Schizophrenics, David Lukoff
Effects of Seed Extracts of Pisum sativum on Tobacco Mosaic Virus Infectivity, Douglas G. Mack
Accuracy of Responses to a Hospital Patient Questionnaire Designed for Use in Administrative Decision Making, Barbara VanOss. Marin
Some Properties of a New Temporal Illusion, Kathryn A. Markell
The Role of Skin Temperature in the Control of Sweating in Man, Thomas V. McCaffrey
Willingness to Accept the Sick Role in Men and Women Professionals, Kimberly Evans Merrill
The Effect of Prostaglandin F₋b2₋sa and Prostaglandin E₋b2₋s upon the Endometrium of the Mature Oöphorectomized Rat, Marilyn Mavis Miller
Religious Experience, Personality Style, Moral Character, and Social Intelligence in Relation to Performance on Interpersonal Helping Skills, Donald Joseph Miro
A Roentgeno Cephalometric Study of Seventeen-Year Old Japanese Using Several Analyses, Seiji Mitani
The Use of Immunoperoxidase Method for the Identification and Distribution of I G, I A, I M and C3 in Human Inflamed Gingiva, Cesar Ruiz Morales
Urban Policy: Does Political Structure Matter?, David R. Morgan and John P. Pelissero
The in Vitro and in Vivo Effects of SM-1213 Drug Therapy on Pathogenesis and Host Defense in Experimentally Induced Candidiasis, Christine Joy Morrison
Locus of Control Beliefs, Territoriality and Feeling of Safety in Elderly Urban Women, Janice Normoyle
An Analysis of the Background Characteristics and Management Styles of the Mobile Superintendents in the Counties of Cook and DuPage, Edward S. Noyes
The Problems of Nigerian Education and National Unity, Osilama Thomas Obozuwa
Variation in Mood and 3-methoxy-4-hydroxyphenylglycol (MHPG) During the Menstrual Cycle of Normal Women, Merrily O'Connor-Miller
An Analysis of Procedures and Methods of Educational Planning Utilized in Ogun State, Nigeria, Olusegun Akanji Ogunsaju
The Relationship of Authoritarianism and Dogmatism to Cognitive Style Among American and Third World Foreign Students, Bernadette Ego Opara-Nadi
Cognitive Effects of Birth Order and Parental Absence, Joy A. Moss O'Shields
A History of the American Historical Association's Commission on the Social Studies, 1926-1934, Eben O. Palmquist
The Effects of Gender of Respondent, Nature of Assault, Severity of Assault, and Resistance of Victim on Respondents' Perceptions of Assault Victims, Glenn N. Paule-Carres
Parent Education as a Means of Fostering Moral Development in Beginning Primary Age Children, Eileen Pembroke
Type of Schizophrenic Thought Disorder as a Function of Level and Duration of Cortical Arousal Abnormality, Bruce Pfau
A Repertory Grid Investigation of the Development of Self Definition and Identity Status in Adolescence, David Platt
Misunderstood Mystic: An Analysis of Alfred Loisy's Un Mythe Apologetique, Patricia Prendergast
Inter-Racial Attitudes, Friendship Choices and Preferences in a Desegregated School, Pramod Raikar
A Systematic Presentation of Development of Dogma in the Theology of Karl Rahner, Linda Rasinski
Psychopathic Delinquency, Empathy, and Helping Behavior, Norman Reed
An Analysis of the Educational Ideas of August C. Stellhorn: 1921-1963, William C. Reitschel
Stress, Neurotransmitters and Avoidance Acquisition, Daniel Leo Richardson
Dromotropic Influences of the Individual Cardiac Nerves at the Atrioventricular Junction of the Canine Heart, Lynn E. Rinkema
A Psychometric Study of an Evaluation Instrument Designed to Measure Adults' Health Knowledge and Attitudes, David William Rivers
Effects of Feedback of Psychological Results on Parental Attitudes Toward Their Child Referred for a Psychological Evaluation, Deidra Genelle Roberson
An Investigation Into the Dynamics Underlying Men's Attitudes Toward the Social Role of Women, Carl Robinson
Acetoacetate Decarboxylase Activity of Fraction V Human Serum Albumin, Robert Richard Rosecrans
Victim Blame as a Strategy for Coping with Criminal Victimization: An Analysis of Victim, Community, and Police Reactions, Dennis P. Rosenbaum
Werrett Wallace Charters, Sr. (1875-1952): His Life, Career and Influence upon Pharmaceutical Education, John Charters Russell
Pregnant Women's Expectations of Newborns, Margery Salter
Isolated Frog Brainstem Technique: Analysis of Neural Correlates of Mating Calling and Possible Use in Drug Studies, David Douglas Schaffer
Differential Characteristics of Users and Non-Users of a Community College Counseling Center, Michael Eugene Schnur
A Sequential Histologic Healing Study Following Gingivectomy in Streptozotocin Induced Diabetic and Non-Diabetic Rats, Steven Walter Segall
The Somatotopic Organization of the Rat Trigeminal Ganglion, Scott Brian Shellhammer
In Vitro Renin Secretory Responses to PG₂, PGF₂α, Indomethacin and Adrenergic-Receptor Blocker Administration, Brett C. Sheppard
An Analysis of Students' Semantic Space: Implications for Admissions in Optometry School, Sheldon Lloyd Siegel
A Comparison of the Importance of Selected Dental Assisting Functions as Rated by Educators, Graduates and Employers, Joyce Elizabeth Sigmon
Birth Order Effects on Style of Life as Revealed by Thematic Apperception Test Stories of Adolescents: An Examination of Some Adlerian Hypotheses, Norman N. Silverman
The Effects of Hydrocortisone and Parathyroid Hormone on Bone in the Lead-Intoxicated Albino Rat, Paul Steven Simmons
Effects of Chemoreceptor and Baroreceptor Inputs on the Termination of Inspiration, Dexter Franklin Speck
An Analysis of the High School Divisional Coordinator's Job Dimensions, James D. Steckel
An Examination of Faculty Attitudes Toward Adult College Students, Joan M. Steinbrecher
A Comparison of the Attitudes of Educators and Their Parents as Measured by Four Constructs Associated with Child Abuse, Judith M. Stone
An Analysis of the Long Range Planning Processes Being Used in Selected Institutions of Higher Education, E. Arthur Stunard
Detente: The Great Foreign Policy Debate, George Allen Sufana
Comparison of the Systemic Effects of Local Anesthesia with and without Epinephrine in Children, Robert A. Swanson
The Effects of Oedipally-Related Stimuli in the Subliminal Psychodynamic Activation Paradigm: A Replication and an Extension, Robert J. Swanson
Connectivity of the Inferior Olivary Complex in Normal and Neonatally Hemicerebellectomized Rats, Rand S. Swenson
Characterization of a Multiple Antibiotic Resistance Plasmid from Proteus mirabilis, Camille Talanda-Fath
Alterations in the Dimensions of the Dentogingival Junction in Marmosets as a Result of Occlusal Trauma, Lloyd V. Tilt
Teaching Peer-Tutoring Behaviors to Severely Emotionally Disturbed Children, Ann Marie Timothy