Theses/Dissertations from 1981
The Role of Suppressor T Lymphocytes in Renal Allograft Rejection, Fred Barry Pearlman
An Analysis of Student Suspension Factors in Relationship to School Board Policies and Other Selected Variables, Dorothy Petak
Profile of the Female President in Higher Education, Patricia A. Phagan
An Interpretation of Structural Features of the Cayson Site in Northwest Florida, Regina M. Pitaro
An Analysis of Factors Which Interfere with the Full Implementation of Archdiocesan Policies by Local Schoolboards in the Archdiocese of Chicago, Joanne M. Planek
The Great Name of God: A Study of the Element of Kabbalah in Samuel Taylor Coleridge's Theogony and Its Influence on the Theodicy and Cosmogony of His Major Poetry, William Richard Ploplis
Bidimensional Rule Difficulty and Problem Solving Strategy as a Function of Intelligence and Conceptual Task Type, Donald E. Raney
The Katun Prophecies of the Paris Codex, James V. Rauff
Depression and Irrational Thinking: A Vicious Circle, William P. Reich
The Effect of Local Tetracycline Therapy on the Subgingival Microflora and Various Clinical Parameters in Juvenile Periodontitis, Frank Anthony Riccoboni
Men's Sex-Role Attitudes as a Function of Maturity, Trust, and Experience of Women, Carl Robinson
Cross Sectional Geometry and Dimensions of Orthodontic Rectangular Wire, Mauricio A. Molina Rodriguez
Changes in Cognitive Appraisal of Mood State in Psychiatrically Hospitalized Adolescents, Margaret J. Rohde
An Analysis of Pacemaker Activity in the Canine Right Atrium, George John Rozanski
Analysis of the Effect of Principal Leader Behavior on the Principal's Influence, John Arthur Ruskamp
Maternal Expectations and Perceptions of Newborns, Margery Salter
A Study of One Man's Conflict with Intimacy, Allan H. Schnarr
A Neuropsychological Investigation with Adult Downs Syndrome Subjects, Nancy Beard Scholle
A Study of Item Bias Detection: An Application of the Rasch Model to the Dental Aptitude Test, Dipti Shah
The Effect of a Social Skills Training Program on the Level of Self-Awareness in Early Adolescence, Dennis J. Simon
In Search of Evidence of Cultural Occupation of the Most Northerly Point in Ireland: Focus on Contemporary Irish Archaeology, Walter Smithe
The Historical Development of the Far Northwest Counselling Center, John F. Smith
An Analysis of the Practice of Educational Program Evaluation in Terms of the CIPP Evaluation Model, Kay M. Smith
Differential Personal Orientation of Bereaved and Non-Bereaved Aged, Ellen Sobo
The Relationship of Anxiety to Achievement in Community College Remedial Algebra Classes with Differing Levels of Student Participation, Jean P. Stark
The Effects of Using Eighth Grade High-Achievers Versus Eighth Grade Low-Achievers as Tutors on Reading Achievement and Attitude of Urban Fourth Grade Students, Thomas J. Stewart
The Effect of Field Corn (Zea mays) Residues on the Germination and Growth of Field Corn, Alice J. Stubblefield
A WATFIV Implementation and Evaluation of a Rubric for the Reduction of Extraneous Variability in the Observed Frequency of Infant State Transitions, James A. Swartz
The Effect of Lamaze and Traditional Childbirth Preparation on the Perception of Childbirth Pains in Multiparas, Patricia M. Sweeney
Processing of Unattended Information: An Evaluation of Current Explanations, Susan Gelmini Tammaro
An Initial Application of the Circumplex Model to Several Self-Esteem Scales, Julia Anne Thomas
Foundations of Kerala Education: An Investigation Into Selected Historical Roots, Kurian Cherian Thottupuram
Satire on Mankind: The Nature of the Beast, Thomas Patrick Tierney
Pretherapy Expectations, Situational Factors, Perception of the Initial Interview and Premature Termination of Outpatient Psycho-Therapy: A Multivariate Study, Ann Marie Timothy
The Effect of Leisure Awareness on Attitude and Behavior of the Substance Abuser, Agnes M. Tom
An Evaluation of a Volunteer Tutorial Program for Primary School Children from Low Income Families, Robin S. Turpin
The Effect of Values Clarification on the Level of Self-Actualization in Nurses, Sharon M. Van Lanen
An Analysis of the Performance Appraisal Plan for Principals of the Chicago Public Schools, Charles Vietzen
Non-Suppressible Insulin-Like Activity, Glucose Hypercatabolism, and Hypoglycemia in Sepsis, Rico E. Viray
F. A. Hayek's Defense of the Market Distribution of Income, William Voegeli
The Effects of Testing Temperatures on Elastomeric Impression Materials, Charles J. Wagener
Cognitive Processing Style and Relaxation Training: A Comparison of EMG Biofeedback Versus Directed Imagery as a Relaxation Technique, David J. Wakely
Electron Spin Resonance Studies of Membrane Fluidity of Normal and Malignant Human Neural Tissues, Robert P. Wersto
Shared-Caregiving Fathers in Intact Families: An Exploration of Personality Characteristics, Motivations, and Antecedents, Charles Wolfson
The Development of a Needs Analysis Inventory for Job Corps Utilizing a Signal Detection Model, Edward J. Wygonik
Relationships Among Gender, Casual Attribution and Depression, Joseph C. Yount
Defense Mechanisms and Their Modifiability in Mixed-Sex Interacting Pairs, Rachelle Joan Zalman
Theses/Dissertations from 1980
American Influence in Shaping Philippine Secondary Education: An Historical Perspective, 1898-1978, Maria Guillen Acierto
The Chemical, Physical, and Immunological Characterization of Soluble Components Extracted from Group A, Type 12 Streptococcal Cell Membrane, Guy Joseph Agostino
Shear Loading of Three Orthodontic Adhesives, Paul Alexandre
Comparison of the Levels of Political and Economic Development in Latin America, Carolyn Hostetler Anderson
A Non-Computer Method Used to Determine a Structural Analog Associated with Xerostomia Among Diverse Species of Drugs: Speculation Based on Molecular Models, Patrick J. Angelo Jr.
Attitudes of Psychologists, Mental Health Clients and State's Attorneys in Illinois Towards Confidentiality and Third Party Disclosure, Helen Pugacz Appleton
Runaway Adolescents' Perception of Their Parental Behavior and Environment, Saleth John Arulanandam
The Politics of Education in Illinois: A Study of Political Action Programs of Major Educational Organizations, Elaine Sikokis Athas
An Analysis of the Reactions of Elementary Teachers and Principals to the Role of Disciplinarian as Conducted Within a Selected Chicago Public School District, Floyd Malone Banks
Samuel Taylor Coleridge's Biographia Literaria: The Authorial Presence, M. Sheila Bartle-Harrod
Personal Protective Behaviors and the Threat of Crime: A Comparative Analysis, Terry L. Baumer
Bennett Movement: The Effect of Increased Vertical Dimension and Posterior Reference Location, Raymond Berlin
Role-Taking Abilities and Intellectual Level in Disturbed and Normal Adolescent Girls, Claudia Devries Beversluis
Idealized Partner Preference in Homosexual Males, Tom Boyden
The Effects of Reward on Tutor's Behaviors in a Cross-Age Tutoring Context, Carol Szynal Brown
Developmental Progress in Premature Infants as a Function of Oscillating Waterbed and Auditory Stimulation, Kayreen Ann Burns
The Relationship between Nursing Care Activities and the Opportunity for Sleep for Patients in a Medical Intensive Care Unit, Sharon M. Burns-Stewart
Identity Status and Its Relationship to Identifcation [Sic] and Decision-Making Style in College Students, David F. Cella
The Histochemical Features of Mononuclear Phagocyte Population During Human Periodontal Disease, Jacques Andre Charon
Fund Raising in Private Higher Education: An Analysis of the Role of the Development Officer as Administrator at Selected Institutions, Louis Samuel Coloia
Housing Deterioration and the Maintenance Decision, Peter J. Conlin
Acoustic Trauma Potential from Exposure to High Speed Drills in the Guinea Pig, Peter J. Couri Jr.
Stereotypic Motor Behavior and Language Ability in Severely Developmentally Disordered Children, Lorraine D. Wukitsch D'Asta
The Wheaton Graduate School (1936-1971): Its History and Contributions, Randall Thomas Dattoli
An Investigation of Guilt, Loss and the Separation-Individuation Process in Depression, Richard Brian Dauber
The Effect of Sex, Need for Achievement, Women's Role Orientation and Normative Information upon Causal Attribution of Success, Eliza Taggart Davies
Prevalence of Middle Ear Effusion in Auditory-Learning-Disabled Children and Its Association with Reduced Auditory Learning, Rita Mae Denk-Glass
Developing an Administrative Matrix for Implementation of the Push for Excellence Program, Howard L. Denton
Images of Hope for Immortality Pervading the Patterns of Doubt in Emily Dickinson's Death Poetry, Nicholas Desmond
Effects of Sodium Deoxycholate on Selected Gram-Negative Bacteria, Anthony Paul D'Mello
Isolation and Characterization of a Vulvar Carcinoma in Tissue Culture: Studies of the Tumor Biology and Tumor-Host Interaction, Melvin G. Dodson
Alloplastic Implant in Primates: Calscorbate-Culture Medium 199 - a Sequential Histopathologic Study, Lindsay B. Eastman
The Presence of Immunoglobulin IgG and Complement Factor C3 in Inflammatory Papillary Hyperplasia, Ilze Irene Eglitis
The Effect of Prenatal Fluoride on Tooth Eruption and Calcification in the Rat Molar, Daniel G. Ellenz
Sequential Ultrastructural and Histochemical Alterations Associated with Atresia of the Preovulatory Follicle in the Rat, Mary Cristine England-Charlesworth
The Effect of Autonomic Mediators Released by Electrical Stimulation of the Ventricles on Contractile Force and Vulnerability to Fibrillation, David Emerson Euler
Client Characteristics Related to Retention in a Drug Abuse Inpatient Program, Paul Fedirka
Teacher Inservice Education to Ease the Mainstreaming Process and Enhance Student Development, Therese Elizabeth Finn
Charter Reform in Chicago, 1890-1915: Community and Government in the Progressive Era, Maureen A. Flanagan
Social and Political Perspectives in the Thought of Søren Kierkegaard, David Bruce Fletcher
Patient Self-Reports of Nursing Care Received Preoperatively in the Operating Room, Karla M. Fogel
Effect of Experimental Glomerulonephritis on the Cells in Canine Renal Lymph, Sandra L. Garber
Determination of the Gingival Crevicular Fluid Volumes Associated with Restored (Fixed and Removable Prosthodontics) and Non-Restored Teeth, Pamela Denise Golasz
The Concept of Self in Role of Nurses Working on the Critical Care Unit as Compared to Nurses Working on the General Unit, Cheryl Mae Goldberg
An investigation of the relationship of infant educational treatment programs and parental intervention strategies and their effect on the parental assessment of temperament, Lynne Rooth Golomb
The Effects of an Interpersonal Skills Training Course on Interviewing Skills, Empathy, and Assertion in Fourth-Year Optometry Students, Sharon Louise Greenburg
A Comparison of the Leadership Styles of Principals and Factors of Organizational Climates of Selected Open Space Suburban Elementary Schools, Theodore E. Hagensee