Submissions from 1983
An Interval Newton Method, E R. Hansen and R I. Greenberg
A Proposed Format for Mandibular Displacement Analysis in Fixed Prosthodontics, Timothy O. Hart
A Study of Effective and Ineffective Supervisory Behavior in Special Education, Elizabeth A. Hebert
Young Adult Women's Contraceptive Decisions: A Comparison of Two Predictive Models of Choice, Elicia J. Herz
An Investigation Into the Cellular and Humoral Organization of the Thymic Microenvironment, Howard R. Higley
Selected Properties of Hard Setting Calcium Hydroxide, Mohamed S. Hwas
The Relationship of Gender and Level of Depression to Perceptions of Therapist Nonverbal Behavior, Robert Jeffrey Jackson
The Metabolic Response to Natural Diets Containing Variable Amounts of Sucrose in Hypertriglyceridemia Prone Diabetics, Walter S. Jellish
Influence of Stress Due to Circumcision on Sleep State Organization in the Neonate, Dalma Kalogjera
Staff Nurses' Knowledge of Diabetes Mellitus and Their Confidence in That Knowledge, Melanie Kay Karl
An Anatomical, Electrophysiological, and Behavioral Analysis of Cortical Efferent Plasticity in the Rat, Gwendolyn Kartje-Tillotson
A Schedule for Rating Lifetime Psychopathology and Course of Illness, Carol Fuchs Kaufman
An Afterthought on the Names Flavius and Aurelius, James G. Keenan
Victor, Son of Psaios, and Three Aphrodito Rent Receipts, James G. Keenan
Adults' Responses to Infant State Patterns, Linda Vest Klein
A Comparison of Two Methods for Detecting Test Item Bias, Elaine Kopera
The Relationship of Perceptual-Cognitive, Affective and Bio-Social Factors to Artistic Success, Michael D. Kovar
A Study of the Relationship between Neonatal Characteristics and Attachment Behavior in Infants at Twelve Months, Janice M. Kowalski
Ethics and Science in Psychotherapy, Jeffrey M. Kunka
Death Anxiety and Fear of Death Attitudes: A Death Education Program for Student Nurses, M. Terrance Lally
The Changing American Catholic University, Donald R. LaMagdeleine
Attitude and Psychophysiological Response Changes of Female Social Work Students Following Human Sexuality Training, Joseph Lassner
An Investigation of the Effects of Vestibular Stimulation on Object Permanence in Infants with Sensorimotor Dysfunction, Sandra Benzies Levine
Correlates of Role Choice Among High School Senior Females: Family Variables, Sex-Role Orientation, Self-Esteem, and Academic Success, Loretta E. Lobbia
Development and Initial Application of a Rorschach Content Scoring System, Mary Esther Locke
The Loyolan 1983, Loyola University Chicago
Loyola University Rome Center Yearbook 1982-1983, Loyola University Rome Center
A Schematic Approach to Understanding Probation Officers' Judgments of Criminals, Arthur J. Lurigio
The Role of LH Pulses on in Vitro Follicular Development in the Metestrous Rat Ovary, Shirley Jane Luttmer
A Study of the Preparation of the Assistant Principal for the Building Principalship, Thomas J. Madden
The Analysis of the Relationship of the Superintendent's Satisfaction with the Principal's Leadership Behavior and the Organizational Climate, Robert J. Madonia
The Relationship between Perceived Attractiveness and Infant Facial Features of Premature and Full-Term Infants, Richard A. Maier
R. Mayer, Lucan Civil War VIII, John F. Makowski
An Analysis of the Profile, Roles, Functions, and Behavior of Women on Boards of Education in DuPage County, Illinois, Stephanie Anne Pace Marshall
Erratum to "Ideals and Centralizing Mappings in Prime Rings", Joseph H. Mayne
A Review of Outcome Studies of Rational-Emotive Therapy, 1977-1981, Terrance E. McGovern
Cross-Validation of a Sentence Completion Test for Protestant Seminarians, David J. McKay
Inhibition of RNA Synthesis by Anthracycline Analogs, Daniel Meng
Assessment of Parenting Attitudes of Spanish Surnamed Adolescents, Their Perception of Their Parents' Attitudes, and Four Constructs Found in Abusive Parents, Olga. Meza-Lehman
Course Integrated and Related Bibliographic Instruction: A Study of Effects on College Students' Academic Indicators, Larry A. Miller
A Study of the Unionization of School Principals in Chicago and Detroit from 1961-1981, Kenneth F. Misquitta
The Effects of Parents' Marital Status, Intrafamilial Conflict, and Developmental Phase on Attitudes Towards Marriage, Nancy K. Moersch
The Shimer College Presidency: 1930 to 1980, Patrick H. Moorhead
The Jamesian Self: A Phenomenology of Selfhood, James Mullane
Electrophysiology of Coronary Reperfusion: A Mechanism for Reperfusion Arrhythmias, David Kent. Murdock
Effects of "Occupational Titles" on the "Occupational Perceptions" of College Men and Women, Stuart Joel Nathan
Comparison of Facial Patterns and Extraction Versus Non-Extraction Treatment Mechanics on Growth During Orthodontic Treatment, Sergio Francisco Navarro
An Analysis of Local Ongoing Inservice Programs and Practices of Pennsylvania School Board Members, Antonia Rose Neubauer
A Meta-Analytic Review of Therapeutic Intervention Methods for the Treatment of Child Abusing Parents, Denise Cafaro Noell
Maternal Ethanol Consumption: Glycoproteins and Gangliosides of the Central Nervous System in the Rat Offspring, Antonio Blavatsky Caesar Noronha
The Effect of Tissue Culture Medium (T199) on the Local Condylar Growth of the Rabbit in Vivo, Nouraddin Ali Nuseir
Nursing Care Priorities of Patients: A Comparison of Methodological Approaches, Carol A. Patsdaughter
A Study of the Actual and Ideal Role Responsibilities of the Special Education Principal, Lawrence C. Pekoe
The Imaginary Audience and Its Relationship to Cognitive Development, Grade Level, and Gender, Rosario C. Pesce
Christology and the Marian Kontakia of Saint Romanos the Melodist, Andrew. Plishka
Uptake of ³H-Cortisone in the Rat Incisor a Frozen Tissue Autoradiographic Study, Mohammed Mohammed Rahima
Interpersonal Attraction as a Function of Belief Similarity and Caste, Pramod Raikar
Associative Disturbance in Schizophrenia, Schizoaffective Disorders, and Major Affective Disorders: Comparisons between Hospitalization and One-Year Followup, Francine R. Rattenbury
Causal Patterns in Depression, William P. Reich
An Ecological Succession Model Applied to Environmental Management, Diane Rosenberg
Need Satisfaction of Families of Emergency Department Clients, Patricia Marie Rovelli
Preterm Infants: Neonatal Behavior and Later Attachment to the Mother, Nancy A. Ruble
A Psychological Study of Working Mothers Who Share Child Care with Their Spouses, Karin A. Ruetzel
Incisisonal Biopsy and Seeding in Hamster Buccal Pouch Carcinoma, Ibrahim M. Safour
Self-Esteem and Purpose in Life: A Comparative Study of Women Alcoholics, Susana Jimenez Schlesinger
The Construction and Evaluation of a Workbook to Facilitate Productive Self-Understanding, Allan H. Schnarr
The Relationship Between Employee Age and Interpersonal Trust Within an Organizational Context, Dow Scott and Brian Cook
Revolution in Africa: The Case of Zimbabwe (1965-1980), Annette Seegers
Some Effects of Naturally Occurring Amygdalin on Female C3H/HeJ Mice, Gareth Eli Shemesh
An Evaluation of Retirement Preparation: The Needs Program Considerations, Modes and Models, and Program Effectiveness, Sara Krause Shevitz
From Realism to Rapprochement: The Autobiographical Interpretation of Collingwood's Philosophy, Glenn C. Shipley
From Realism to Rapprochement: The Autobiographical Interpretation of Collingwood's Philosophy, Glenn C. Shipley
The Long-Term Impact of School Closings Due to Declining Enrollment on Elementary School Districts in Illinois, Ann Elledge Shortt
Early Recollections Reveal the Effect of Birth Order on the Style of Life: An Examination of Some Adlerian Hypotheses, Norman N. Silverman
Synaptic Transmission in the Inferior Mesenteric Ganglion of the Rabbit: An Electrophysiological and Immunohistochemical Study, Mark Alan Simmons
A Comparative Study of Value Orientations in American Society, Mexican Society, and High School Students, Stanley A. Sliwiak
The Distribution of Recreational Facilities in Chicago: An Empirical Analysis of the Public Policy of the Chicago Park District, Greg Slusarczyk
A Study of the Education and Experience Mixture of a Nursing Staff and the Relationship to Quality Patient Care, Carolyn Hope Smeltzer
Nonintellectual Characteristics of Mathematically Gifted Young Adolescents, Elizabeth A. Smith
An Investigation of a Circular Scaling Model Applied to Selected Scales from the MMPI, Joseph F. Smoley
The Effects of Asphyxia Neonatorum on Infant State Patterns, Richard J. Sosnowski
The Political Agenda of Big and Small Business for the 1980s: A Content Analysis of Selected Publications, Carol Spielman
Christina Stead's Fiction and the Changing Sense of Decorum, Kate Macomber Stern
The Experience of Grace and Suffering in Selected Writings of Mother Maria Kaupas, Linda Strozdas
Prevalence of Baylisascaris procyonis in Northern Illinois and Larval Migration in the Mongolian Gerbil (Meriones unguiculatus), Diane Mary Sudduth
Force Measurement and Design of a Torquing Highpull Headgear, John William Tabash
Cerestore Alumina Ceramic: Intra-Coronal Cavity Design and Efficacy, Nasreddin A. Takally
An Analysis of the Role of Secondary School Supervisors in Bangkok, Thailand, Suganda Tapaneeyangkul
Sex of Subject and Cognitive Style as Predictors of Successful Biofeedback Performance, Michael Wallace Tetkowski
Cuban-Americans and Mental Health: Cultural Framework and Theoretical Bases of a Preventive/Educational Model, Blanca-Rosa de la Torre Plazas
An Attempt to Provide Higher Educational Opportunity to Hispanics: The Evolution of Proyecto Pa'lante at Northeastern Illinois University--1971-1976, Maximino Torres
The Speech of Ambush: A Study of the Symbolism of the Consonant Sound in the Prose Art of Nathaniel Hawthorne, Asta K. VelicÌŒka
The Choice of Vocation to the Priesthood as a Function of Parental Religious Attitudes, Philip Viegas
Postwar American Liberalism and the Welfare State, William J. Voegeli
Sex-Role Stereotyping as a Factor Influencing Counselors' Advising of Black Male Students to Investigate Selected Allied Health Professions, Patricia Wade Walker