Theses/Dissertations from 1985
An Investigation of the Effects of Student Awareness and Understanding of Cognitive Style on Academic Achievement, Jeanne V. Panuncialman
Psychotherapy Dropouts View Their Treatment: A Followup Study, Linda Joy Papach-Goodsitt
A Field Test of Hersey and Blanchard's Situational Leadership Theory, Salvatore Vincent Pascarella
Transition-State Analog Affinity Purification of Proteases, Arunbhai Patel
Depression and Identity in Women, Laura Lynn Pauly
The Eating Disorder Continuum: A Comparison of Depression and Personality Organization in Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia, and Weight Preoccupation, Elizabeth Anne Pfaelzer-Smith
Development of Effective Chromosomal Gene Transfer Systems and Mapping of Agrobacterium tumefaciens 15955 Chromosomal Loci, Diane L. Pischl
Lectin-Mediated Effects on Bone Resorption in Vitro: A Morphological and Functional Study, Steven N. Popoff
A Vietnamese Family in the United States from 1975-1985: A Case Study in Education and Culture, Nancy Prendergast
Retrospective Data Filter, Richard J. Prengaman, Robert E. Thurber, Joe Phipps, Ronald I. Greenberg, Wai L. Hom, James F. Jaworski, and Guy W. Riffle
Ex Patre Filioque: Saint-Riquier in the Carolingian Age, Susan A. Rabe
The Outcomes of Hospitalized and Incarcerated Sex Offenders: A Study of Offender Types, Recidivism Rates, and Identifying Characteristics of the Repeat Offender, Francine R. Rattenbury
The Effects of Ethnic Identification, Sex, and Type of Problem on the Counselor Choices of Puerto Rican University Students, María de la Luz Reyes
Attrition in Applied Social Research: A Methodological Study, David William Rivers
Cellular Mechanisms of Decreased Myocardial Responsiveness to Catecholamines during Endotoxicosis in the Rat, Fred Daniel Romano
Studies on Plasma Lipoprotein-Cholesterol Metabolism of the Rat Employing Cellulose Acetate Electrophoresis, Isaac Bruce Rosenzweig
The Role and Functions of the Elementary School Principal in Illinois, Harry P. Rossi
Alternate Models of Wisc-R Psychodiagnostics, Edward D. Rossini
A Historical Study of Mental Health Programming in Commercial and Public Television from 1975 to 1980, Jan Jones Sarpa
Discordant Twins: Personality and Cognitive Development, Cynthia Schroeder
Controlling Absenteeism: A National Study of Union and Non-Union Differences, Dow Scott and Steve Markham
Rewarding Good Attendance: A Comparative Study of Positive Ways to Reduce Absenteeism, Dow Scott, Steve Markham, and Richard W. Robers
An Examination of Conflicting Findings Between Job Satisfaction and Absenteeism: A Meta Analysis, Dow Scott and G Stephen Taylor
Causes and Prevention of Juvenile Delinquent Behavior, Brian E. Scruggs
Teachers and Stress: An Investigation of Stressors, Strain, and Methods of Coping, Kerry Smith-Bandy
An Analysis of Leonard Koos' Concept of the Junior College, Katherine A. Smith
A Survey of the Occupational Concepts of Day Care Center Directors, Margye Smith
The School Principal: Sources of Organizational Stress and the Motivation-Hygiene Theory, George F. Steffen
Racial and Gender Differences in Self-Efficacy Among Black and White Urban College Students, Sidney C. St. Leger
Ralph W. Tyler's Principles of Curriculum, Instruction and Evaluation: Past Influences and Present Effects, Marie Kirchner Stone
Politics and Educational Policy: The Control of the Chicago Public Schools during the Administration of Mayor Anton J. Cermak, Kip Sullivan
Secondary Education in Thailand: Its Growth and Development, Timtiampet Sunisa
Reference and Intentions to Refer: An Analysis of the Role of Intentions to Refer in a Theory of Reference, Corliss Gayda Swain
Frequency of Use as a Measure of Word Difficulty in Bilingual Vocabulary Test Construction and Translation, José Miguel Tamayo
Factors Affecting Germ Tube Formation in Candida albicans, Walter A. Tatarowicz
An Anatomical and Physiological Investigation of the Infralimbic Region of the Rat Medial Frontal Cortex, Robert T. Terreberry
Imbalance of Educational Opportunity and Quality in Thailand: A Descriptive and Historical Analysis of Urban and Rural Differences, Uraivan R. Tisnower
An Investigation of the Effects of EMG Biofeedback Training and Relaxation Training on Dimensions of Attention and Learning of Hyperactive Children, John T. Tomassetti
Leader Behaviors of the Special Education Technical Assistance Supervisor, Adrian William Ton
The De Novo Biosynthesis of Cytokinins by Cell-Free Extracts of Baker's Yeast, Debra A. Tonetti
Anna Peck Sill and the Rise of Women's Collegiate Curriculum, Lucy Townsend
An Analysis of Principals' Centers in the United States: Their Organization and Operation, Barbara W. Unikel
A Study of the Congruency between Teacher Evaluation Practices Preferred by Teachers and Teacher Evaluation Practices in Use by Elementary Principals, Kenneth E. Upshaw
Crisis in Middle Management: A Study of the Catholic Church in Chicago, Anthony J. Vader
A Radiographic Study of Artificially Created Bone Defects in the Mandibles of Human Cadavers, Paul S. Valasek
An Empirical Study of Student Compositions and Their Improvement, Donna Van de Water
Comparison of Standard MMPI and MMPI-168 Scores in a Non-Psychiatric Population, Ramon Verdaguer
An Evaluation of an Organizational Training Program: Assessing Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Outcomes, Thomas L. Watson
R. Freeman Butts and His Concept of International Education: Selected Aspects, Yolande Marie. Wersching
Dysfunctional Attitudes, Social Skill Deficits, and Loneliness Among College Students: The Process of Social Adjustment, Jeffrey Robert Wilbert
The Impact of Desegregation on the Curricula of the Secondary Schools of Nashville Tennessee, Ada Willoughby
Theses/Dissertations from 1984
Assyrian Ethnicity in Chicago, May Abraham
New Faculty Offices: An Evaluation, Laurie Anderson
An Investigation Into Problem-Solving in Physical Therapy Education: Prerequisites and Curriculum, Judith Utz Arand
The Holistic Depth Psychology of Ira Progoff, James P. Armstrong
Sex Differences as Determinants of Initial Response to Biofeedback and Passive Relaxation Training, Robert John Arnone
Clinical Management of Confidentiality: A Survey of Professional Psychologists in Seven States, Keith A. Baird
The Quality of Stainless Steel Crowns Related to Crevicular Fluid Flow, Renee Balthazar
The Longitudinal Impact of a Small, Religiously Oriented, Liberal Arts College on the Dogmatism and Selected Value Related Attitudes and Behaviors of Its Graduates, James Hume Barnes
The Effect of Body Position and Head Rotation on Intracranial Pressure Readings in Premature Infants with Ladd Monitoring, Martha J. Barthel
A Study of the Practices and Procedures Utilized to Determine Elementary Principals' Salaries in Selected School Districts of Lake County, Illinois, Lawrence M. Baskin
A Signal Detection Theory Analysis of Several Psychophysical Procedures Used in Lateralization Tasks, Joseph N. Baumann
A Comparative Investigation of Two Adaptive Behavior Scales (CABS-SV and ABS-SE Part One) Across Three Educational Program Classifications (Regular, Learning Disabled, and Mildly Retarded) Using a Sample of Hispanic Children, Rafael Dannessy BeltraÌn-DussaÌn
Rate of Flow and PH of Parotid Fluid Stimulated by Various Combinations of Mechanical and Chemical Elements, Raymond J. Bielinski
A Sentence Completion Measure for the Intimacy Motive, Theodore Constantine Bililies
Catholic Men's and Women's Discriminations between Morality and Convention, Jean Marie Bradt
Problem Resolution in Psychotherapy Supervision: Students vs. Supervisors, Linda Brownell Bresolin
A Comparative Study of Computer Administration of the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory in an Inpatient Psychiatric Setting, Michael J. Bresolin
A Histological Evaluation of Experimentally Produced Periapical Pathosis in the Adult Beagle Dog, Ronald Brown
Education, Job Complexity and Income in Segmented Labor Markets, Stephen F. Brusko
An Analysis of the Impact of Formalized Staff Development Programs on Staff Morale in Selected Cook County, Illinois, Public School Districts, Thomas Keith Buell
Analysis of Management and Professional Jobs for Systematic Career Planning and Development, Patrick Calby
Central Neural Organization of the Respiratory Modulation of Sympathetic Nerve Activity, Caroline Ann Connolly
A Survey of the Living Hermatypic Corals on the West Fore Reef of Discovery Bay, Jamaica After the Occurence of Hurricane Allen, James Arthur Crawford
A Comparative Analysis of Faculty Perceptions of Institutional Goals and Environments at Two Campuses of a State University, Sarah A. Crawford
Polymorphonuclear Leukocyte Count Within Healing Wound Sites in Non-Diabetic and Diabetic Rat Oral Mucosa, James L. Discipio
Re-Creation, Ritual Process and the N-Town Cycle, Elizabeth J. El Itreby
Parental Presence and Pain Perception in the School-Age Child, Sandra Baran Englert
John Baptist DeLaSalle's the Conduct of Schools: A Guide to Teacher Education, Dominic E. Everett
Lipogenin, James William. Fitzsimons
Establishing a Profile of First-Line Managers: Job Reactions, Values and Needs for Head Nurses, Missy Fleming
Life Experiences Influencing Attitudes Toward Personal Death, Kevin J. Franke
The Supplemental Ability of "Thinking-Aloud" Data in the Psychometric Assessment of Aptitude Measures, Ann Reed Gaines
Superspace Ward Identities in Supersymmetric Gauge Theories, Asim Gangopadhyaya and Darwin Chang
Three Theoretical Frameworks for Grief Counseling of a Bereaved Spouse: Psychoanalytic, Humanistic, and Behavioristic, Nancy Giblin
The Effect of Benzodiazepines on the Stress Response to Drug-Induced Hypotension and Surgical Trauma, Gail Elizabeth Gillenwater
Hispanic Subgroup Utilization Patterns at an Inner-City Community Mental Health Center, Silas Gregory Gilliam
Effects of Maternal Ethanol Consumption on CNS Myelin and Axolemma Development in Rat Offspring, Jean Mary Gnaedinger
WISC-R Performance in a Clinical Population Classified as Overcontrolled and Undercontrolled, Mary M. Gonzalez
Long-Term Follow Up of Marriage Encounter Participants, Irene Gram
The Educational Views of Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. Du Bois: A Critical Comparison, Rose D. Greco
Normal Hysterical and Normal Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Styles: A Rerospective Study of Developmental Correlates, Mark Joseph Groberski
Energeia in the Enneads of Plotinus: A Reaction to Plato and Aristotle, Curtis L. Hancock
Group Career Counseling for Adults: The Relationship between Participant Involvement and Subsequent Level of Job Satisfaction and Career/Educational Plans, David P. Helfand
Non-Visual Feeding Behavior of the Mottled Sculpin Cottus bairdi: Ecological and Evolutionary Implications, Denise Maxine Denham Hoekstra
Frequency Encoding: An Examination of the Roles of Age and Depression, Holly O. Houston