Theses/Dissertations from 1987
The Effectiveness of the Sq3r Study Strategy for Recall and Recognition Tests, Jocelyn Mand Shaughnessy
The New Class and Evangelicalism: The Culture of Critical Discourse and Its Relation to Traditional Authority, David G. Sheagley
A Neuropsychological Investigation of Prefrontal Dysfunction among Conduct Disordered Adolescents, Robin Shear
A Psychological Study of Adolescent Everyday Morality, Charles M. Shelton
An Analysis of Selected Aspects of Leadership Skills among Selected Principals of Catholic Secondary Schools in the Archdiocese of Chicago, John Michael Shields
Caduceus 1987, Stritch School of Medicine
Reproductive Competence in the Golden Hamster Following Prenatal Alcohol Exposure, Jennifer Jayne Swiatek
The Muses in Academe: A Survey of Faculty Attitudes Regarding the Role of Fine Arts in General Education Programs, David F. Unumb
Neuroendocrine Regulation of Renin Secretion, Janice Urban
Present and Future in Generativity, Donna A. Van de Water
Personal Growth and Therapy as a Component of Graduate Training in Counseling Psychology Programs, Eric Visokey
Two Educational Comparisons of Linear and Circular Statistics, Robert E. Watson
Decision Making in Long-Term Health Care Planning, Frances M. Weaver
Interaffectivity in the Mother-Infant Relationship, Lenore R. Weissmann
A History of the Formation of the Loyola University School of Nursing: 1917 to 1935, Linda J. White
Knowledge and Utilization of Knowledge of Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Women over Age Sixty, Darline J. Wilke
Cooperation Democracy, and Worker Ownership: The Iron Molders' Union and the Mondragon Experiment, Jonathan Lee Witt
The Coparental Relationship of Divorced Spouses: Its Effect on Children's School Adjustment, Joan Wood
Issues in Counseling Hispanics, Ralph A. Yaniz
Predicting Success in a Vocational Rehabilitation Program for Chronic Psychiatric Patients, Mary A. Yerkes
Theses/Dissertations from 1986
Maternal Tasks of the Puerperium Reidentified, Lynette A. Ament
Is Hindsight a Fair Judge of Foresight?: An Experimental Investigation of Second-Guessing, Laurie Anderson
Psychological Factors Associated with Patients' Negative Assessment of Treatment for Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Pain and Dysfunction, Ronni M. Barnes
Social Role Importance: The Interplay of Experience and Expectation in the Lives of Chicago Area Women, Debra Barnewolt
Past Participant Assessment of a Short-Term Premarital Institute, Mary Sheila Barrett
A Survey of Changes in Teacher Preservice: Five Years After Implementation of Illinois HB 150, Randal L. Becker
An ethnographic investigation of the self-esteem and occupational aspirations of Hispanic students within the context of an urban junior college, Ines M. Bocanegra Gordon
A Comparative Investigation of the Effects of Companion Animals During Conjugal Bereavement/, Sharon E. Bolin
Perceptions of Readiness for Hospital Discharge between the Registered Nurse Staff and Adult Cardiovascular Patients, Cheryl L. Brandi
Forensic Social Work: Practice and Vision, Thomas P. Brennan, Amy E. Gedrich, Michael J. Tardy, and Katherine Tyson McCrea
Instead of Contempt: Philosophical Complementarity, Christopher John Broniak
Recent Life Events and Subsequent Reports of Illness in an Undergraduate Population: An Examination of Hardiness, Daniel James Bruining
Characterization of Collagenase Production by Subspecies of Black Pigment Producing Bacteroides, Anthony Budzinski
A Study of the Administrative Role of Directors of Education Departments in Non-School Cultural Organizations, Albertine N. Burget
The Evolving Biology Textbook in Chicago Secondary Schools: From the Progressive Era to the Present, Addie Beatrice Cain
Dentos 1986, Chicago College of Dental Surgery
Human Factors in Computerized Medical Systems, Carol L. Curt
The Role of the Family Dog in the Preadolescent's Psychosocial Development Relative to Selected Dimensions of the Self-Concept, Sex and Age, Janet Haggerty Davis
The Minimum Competency Testing Program of the Gary, Indiana Community School Corporation: A Case Study, William S. Demby
The Impact of Formal Services to the Homebound Elderly on Informal Caregivers and the Level and Types of Services They Provide, Perry Edelman
Analyses of Mutations Affecting Recombination and Meiosis in Saccharomyces Cerevisiae, Charles W. Edwards
Influences of Captivity on Gorilla and Orang-Utan Behavior, Coquette Elliott
Development and Assessment of a Computer-Managed Instruction System for Self-Paced Training Programs, Marc F. Ellis
Sex Differences in Mathematical Ability: An Application of Attribution Theory of Achievement Motivation, Suzanne Fechner-Bates
An Analysis of the Similarities and Differences in Secondary School Provisions of Contracts Negotiated by the NEA and Those Negotiated by the AFT, Dolores Ann Fittanto
An Analysis of the Nazi Holocaust: Sociological Treatment of Intergenerational Effects, Michael S. Fleischer
Renormalization Group Equations in Broken Supersymmetric Theories Using Superspace Methods, Asim Gangopadhyaya and Darwin Chang
Parent Perceptions, Gender, and Maturity in College Students, Ruth Cliffer Greenthal
The Psychosocial Variables in Accidents: A Process Model, Denise Diazadji Guastello
Predictors of Educational Aspiration and Achievement Among Asian, Black, Hispanic, and Caucasian Adolescents, Yanghui Kim Han
Endotoxicosis During Liver Injury and Regeneration, James M. Harig
Stress and Burnout Among Direct Care Service Providers in Illinois Juvenile Detention Facilities, Lawrence J. Heinrich
Decentralization, Redistribution and Community Development: A Reassessment of the Small Cities CDBG Program, Eric B. Herzik and John P. Pelissero
Mitotic Recombination and DNA Metabolismn in Saccharomyces Cerevisiae, Merl F. Hoekstra
An Investigation of the Adolescent Sibling Bereavement Process and Adaptation, Nancy Schildberg Hogan
Resocialization of Registered Nurse Students in Selected BSN Programs: Changes in Role Strain and Nursing Role Perspective, Edith L. Hogle
A Validation Study for Comparison of Safety Climate Perceptions of Safe and Unsafe Workers, Harold J. Holmes
Modulation of the Tumor Immune Response by Interleukin 1 in the C57bl/6 Murine Model, Ronald L. Hornung
A survey of management trainee programs at savings associations having more than {dollar}400 million in assets, Catherine M. Izor
A Study of the Background Characteristics, Current Lifestyles, and Career Patterns of High Achieving Women, Gahan Ann Jacobs
The Effects of Cardiac Sympathetic Nerve Stimulation on Coronary Blood Flow During Myocardial Ischemia, Kathleen A. Joyce
Psychological Themes in Chronic Insomnia, Dalma Kalogjera
The Relationship between Alterations in Skeletal Muscle Amino Acid Transport and NA+/K+-Pump Activity in Endotoxic Rats, Michael Donald Karlstad
A Study of the Evaluation Procedures Used with Tenured Special Education Teachers and Tenured Speech and Language Pathologists in the Public Schools of Suburban Cook County, Illinois, M. Bernadette Kissel
Tensile and Shear Bond Strengths of bis-GMA Adhesives to Cast Etched Alloy, James J. Koelbl
The Influence of Institutional Culture on Presidential Selection at Catholic Colleges Sponsored by Women's Religious Communities, Eileen M. Kolman
An Analysis of Multiple Work Roles and Identities of Adjunct Faculty in American Two-Year Colleges, Michael E. Kuchera
The Caregiver-Infant Dialogue: Examining Maternal and Infant Responsivity in a Face to-Face Interaction Sequence at 2, 4 and 6 Months of Age, Barbara Foster Lauesen
Religiosity, Rituals and Patterns in Anorexic and Bulimic Families, Patricia A. Lavallee
An Investigation of the Differential Effects of Evidential and Reputational Cues on Counselee Selection of a Counselor, David Martin Lewandowski
Assessment and Characteristics of Adult Development of Male Filipino College Professors, Candido Ortega Lim
Factors Related to Discontinuation at Several Phases of Clinic Contact, Barry Richard Lindstrom
Identification of Lactoferrin in the Saliva of Patients with Gingivitis, Hwu-Rang Lin
The Loyolan 1986, Loyola University Chicago
Loyola University Rome Center Yearbook 1986, Loyola University Rome Center
The Grammars of the Old Age Problem: From Activity Theory to Alzheimer's Disease, Robert Joseph Lynott
A Study to Determine the Relationship between Learning Style, Leadership Style, and Leadership Effectiveness, Thomas J. Madden
Employment Testing: The U.S. Job Service is Spearheading a Revolution, Robert M. Madigan, Dow Scott, Diana L. Deadrick, and Jil A. Stoddard
Personal Growth Following the Diagnosis of Cancer: Interviews with Mastectomy Patients, Nancy L. Mahoney
Review: Ancient Fiction: The Novel in the Graeco-Roman World, John F. Makowski
Metacognition and Aging: The Effect of Monetary Incentive on Confidence Ratings, Kathryn A. Markell
An Investigation of School Climate, Context, and Composition Variables on the Achievement of Hispanic High School Students of Limited-English Ability, Pedro L. Martinez-Addarich
Identity Diffusion, Moral Conflict, and Low Self-Esteem as Contributing Factors to the Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms in Vietnam Combat Veterans, Leland Karl Martin
An Experimental Investigation of Some Hypothesized Behaviors of College Student Procrastinators, William George McCown
An Investigation of Two Methods for Improving Problem Solving Performance of Fifth Grade Students, Leah Melnik
Darkness Visible: The Moral Dilemma of Americans as Portrayed in the Early Short Fictions and Later Novels of John Steinbeck, Michael Meyer
The Arabs in Israel: A National Minority and Cheap Labor Force, a Split Labor Market Analysis, Samir M. Miari
The Effects of Adrenalectomy on the Onset of Puberty in the Female Golden Hamster, Gina Micaletti
Dyslexia, Theories of Causation and Methods of Management: An Historical Perspective, Nancy M. Millichap
Two Determinants of Parenting Behavior: Conceptual Understanding of Child Development, Adelaide Molaro
Measurement and Description of Chronic Pain in Rheumatoid Arthritis, Linda E. Muzio
Synthesis and Spectroscopic Probing of Novel Derivatives of Polyethylenimine, a Matrix for Catalytic Groups, Elizabeth Ondeck Myatt
An Analysis of Us Population Control Policy in the Third World: The Role of Economic and Developmental Aid and Private Interest, Rise T. Nigro
International Studies and Foreign Language Study in the State of Illinois: An Assessment of Current Status, Leonore C. Nillissen
The Relations Among Moral Orientation, Sex, Motive, and Ego Development, Cindy Joan Nowinski
A Study of Administrative Decisions Made in Response to Problems Governed by the Negotiated Teacher Contract, Ronald J. O'Brien
The Effects of Adding a Somatic Intervention to the Gestalt Two-Chair Technique on Career Decision-Making, Daniel F. O'Grady
First-, Second-, and Third-Grade Children's Picture Preference of Caldecott Award Winners and Runners-Up 1972-1984 in Selected Schools, Joan K. Oksas