Theses/Dissertations from 1988
Review of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy with Troubled Children: A Meta-Analysis, Teresa Fuhrman
Augustine and America: Five Contemporary Autobiographical Works, Dennis Gillespie
Meta-Analysis of Cognitive Strategies and Athletic Performance, Jody Meg Gold
Centuries of Tutoring: A Perspective on Childhood Education, Edward E. Gordon
MulCh: a Multi-layer Channel Router using One, Two, and Three Layer Partitions, Ronald I. Greenberg, Alex T. Ishii, and Alberto L. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli
A Compact Layout for the Three-Dimensional Tree of Meshes, Ronald I. Greenberg and Charles E. Leiserson
Erratum to a Compact Layout for the Three-Dimensional Tree of Meshes, Ronald I. Greenberg and Charles E. Leiserson
Supervision for Psychologists in Peer Groups: A Descriptive Study, David B. Hatch
Today's Allied Health Deans: A National Study of Deans in Academic Health Centers, Muriel A. Hawkins
Shāh Walī Allāh's Theory of the Subtle Spiritual Centers (Laṭāʾif): A Sufi Model of Personhood and Self-Transformation, Marcia K. Hermansen
The Effects of Oral and Written Context as a Function of Number and Distribution of Presentations of Vocabulary Acquisition, Ernie J. Hill
Differential Effects of Avoidant and Attentional Coping Strategies on Adaptation to Chronic and Recent Onset Pain, Judith A. Holmes
Aids and Methadone Treatment, Diana Hoover
An Analysis of Public Relations Programs in Selected Chicago Public Elementary Schools in the Context of Systems Theory, Steven Lawrence Horowitz
Construct Validity of the Slip: Measuring Moral Maturity Based on Jungian Typology, Holly O. Houston
The Effect of Fluoride on Treponema denticola, Carrie A. Norton Hughes
The Role of the Constitution in the Evolution of the Polish Communist System, Tomasz. Inglot
The Postmodern Kantianism of Arendt and Lyotard, David Ingram
Deviance in Large Organizations: Case Studies of the Use of Drug Testing in Corporations, Darrell D. Irwin
A Study of State Mandated Educational Change, Kathleen Jensen
Effective Performance Appraisal: A Review, Implications, Recommendations and Case Study, Brenda P. Johnson
Samuel Johnson's Sermons: Consolations for the Vacuity of Life, Thomas George Kass
St. Mary's Training School (1882-1930): The Function of Education in Society as Reflected in a Catholic Institution, Geraldine Augustyn Kearns
P. Cair. Masp. II 67135, James G. Keenan
The "Selective Catholicism" Thesis: A Critical Review of Literature, James William Kelly
Attributional Style, Depression, and Their Relationship to Gender and Gender Role Orientation, Karen M. Latza
Attributional Style, Depression, and Their Relationship to Gender and Gender Role Orientation, Karen M. Latza
The Relationships between Gender, Length of Stay, Host Country Culture and the Adjustment Experienced by Minor U.S. Sojourners, Timothy Lawler
An Analysis of the Functions of the Director of Medical Education in the Teaching Hospital, Elaine Lee
Female Clients in Substance Abuse Treatment: An Updated Review, Theresa Ann Lescher
Bond Strength of the Ceramic Orthodontic Bracket-Adhesive Interface, Moon Woo Limb
A Computer-Assisted, Base-Line Description of the Frequency of Occurrence of Process Science Skills in an Exemplary, Elementary Science Program: Shaumberg Elementary District 54, Shelley Ann Lipowich
A New Solidus of Julian Caesar, Jacqueline Long
Loyola University Rome Center Yearbook 1987-1988, Loyola University Rome Center
Gendered Reading Communities: The Feminization of Reader Response Criticism and a Dialogics of Reading, Patricia Lorimer Lundberg
The Effect of a Remedial Reading Program on the Self-Concepts of Disadvantaged Primary Grade Students, Steve Macuk
An Examination of Resident Assistant Burnout in Higher Education, Mark William Magis
Influence of Synaptic Membrane Cholesterol Content on Dopaminergic Function, Patricia A. Maguire
Review: Seneca: Moral Epistles, John F. Makowski
The Initiation of Change by Principals in Selected Elementary Schools in Northern Cook County, Winifred Makowski
Dimensions of Causality and Success in a High School Program for Students with Severe Behavior Disorders: A Field Study, Georgia Mankowski
Pulpotomies Utilizing Povidone-Iodine in Primary Teeth, Ramon Marti
The Role of Neuropsychological Deficits in the Comparative Inability of Schizophrenics to Decode Facial Expressions of Emotion, William George McCown
Carleton W. Washburne: His Administrative and Curricular Contributions in the Winnetka Public Schools, 1919 Through 1943, William G. Meuer
Heidegger, Ontology, Metontology, and the Turn, Kelly Edward Mink
The Parabrachial Nucleus in the Rat: An Immunhistochemical Study of Its Forebrain Neural Input, Margaret M. Moga
School Architecture in Chicago during the Progressive Era: The Career of Dwight H. Perkins, Donna R. Nelson
Lateralization on the Basis of Interaural Envelope Delays: The Effect of Component Starting Phase, jAndrew J. Niemiec
A Response to John P. Meier, Jon Nilson
Seminar on the American Catholic Experience, Jon Nilson
Child Abuse: The Long-Term Effects on Patterns of Attachment and Mechanisms of Defense, Nancy A. Norton
An Interpretive History of the Sister Formation Conference, 1954-1964, Patrice M. Noterman
Characterizing Variants of the Human Alphoid Sequence Family, Eleni Palamidis-Bourtsos
Neurokinin Regulation of Midbrain Raphe Neurons: A Behavioral and Anatomical Study, Joseph Paris
A Study of the Effects of an Industrially Used Training Program for Quality on an Educational Setting, Lucille A. Phillip
The Chinese Minority in Thailand: Social and Educational Perspective, Supha Phinaitrup
An Analysis of the Role of School District Management Participants in the Collective Bargaining Process in Selected School District, Lynne B. Pierson
Gilbert Burnet: A Case-Study in the Genesis and Development of Revolutionary Consciousness and Activism in Late Stuart England, Paul Peter Pocus
Childhood Depression Resulting from Parental Loss: Subsequent Obstacles to Maturation and Developmental Treatment Implications, Elizabeth M. Prokof
An Analysis of Staff Development Activities for Elementary School Principals in Suburban Cook County, Illinois, Roger D. Prosise
Regioselectivity in the Cyclization of Delta, Epsilon-Epoxy Esters, William F. Prout
Self-Esteem in Adolescent Children of Alcoholic Parents: An Examination of the Problem and Applicable Group Therapies, Daniel Reim
A Study of Corticospinal Tract Remodelling in Adult Rats That Sustained Unilateral Cortical Ablation at Birth, Blesilda Reinoso
Psychological Distress Among Mexican American Women as a Reaction to the New Immigration Law, Rogelio Rodriguez
An Educational Comparison of Selected Groups of Norwegian Saami and North Amerindians, Grete Roland
An Anatomical and Physiological Investigation of Hippocampal Connections Involved in Cardiovascular Control, Kenneth Gary Ruit
An Exploratory Investigation of Loneliness and Types of Coping Behavior among Roman Catholic Priests, Sunil A. Rupesinghe
A Study of School District #100 Fourth and Fifth Grade Computer Literacy Curriculum, Charles S. Saunders
The Relationship Among the Conflict Management Styles Utilized by the Elementary School Administrators, the Organizational Climate of an Elementary School, and the Pupil Control Orientation of the Elementary Teachers, Karen Johnson Schilling
Misconceptions in the Earth and Space Sciences: A Cross-Age Study, Kenneth J. Schoon
Selecting the Right Employee: Examining the General Validity of Employee Testing can Lead to Solid Recruitment, Dow Scott, Robert M. Madigan, and Diana L. Deadrick
A New Job for the '90s: The Productivity-Gainsharing Coordinator May be the Answer to Improved Employee Productivity, Dow Scott and Steve Markham
Reciprocal Teaching: An Instructional Model Applied to Improve Written Language Performance and to Enhance Critical Thinking Skills among Sixth Grade Students, Virginia Serrano Sison
The Use of Cognitive Heuristics in College Choice, Kelly Smith
Teachers' Perceptions of the Effectiveness of the Post Observation Conference, Kenneth Sorrick
On Gender Issues as They Pertain to the Training of Psychotherapists Who Work with Women, Linda R. Stob
The Relationship of College Loan Debt to Career and Educational Choices of College Students / by Gregory Ethan Stone., Gregory Ethan Stone
Caduceus 1988, Stritch School of Medicine
Viewpoint and Vision in George Eliot: The Novelist and Her Major Fiction, Patricia Ward Svec
The Psychological Impact of Maternal History of Breast Cancer, Bonnie M. Taylor
A Meta-Analysis of Eighteen Clinical Studies Related to the Comparative Nephrotoxicity of Gentamicin and Tobramycin, J Russell Teagarden
Descriptive Analysis of Precollege Educational Activities at the Department of Energy Facilities, Juanita Thomas
Stressors of Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery as Perceived by Patients and Nurses, Jennifer Troutman
Psychological Functioning in Gay Men with Aids and HIV Seropositivity, Richard M. Volden
Collective Bargaining: The Quest for Power in the Chicago Public Schools, Stewart Weinstein
An Analysis of Desired Student Outcomes of Catholic Elementary Schools as Perceived by Principals, Teachers, Parents, and Board Members, Mary Leanne Welch
Skeletal Muscle Sugar Transport Alterations in Bacteremia, Margaret V. Westfall
Coping with Administrative Pressures in the Chicago Schools' Superintendency: An Analysis of William Henry Johnson, 1936-1946, Theresa Mary White
An Analysis of the Educational Impact of the 1987 Iowa Department of Education School Standards upon Schools as Viewed by Public School Superintendents of Northeast Iowa, Thomas J. Wickham
An Analysis of Strategies Utilized by High School Department Heads in Initiating or Implementing Change, John R. Wilkerson
Temporal Stability of Earliest Childhood Memories in Relation to Naturally Occurring Mood States, Peggy Wingo
Big Ben the Builder: School Construction -- 1953-66, Cynthia A. Wnek
A Victorian Arabian Nights Adventure: A Study in Intertextuality, Nancy Victoria Workman
Theses/Dissertations from 1987
Structures of the Self: A Study of the Female Life Cycle through Autobiographies of Representative French Women Authors, Sonia Aladjem
Personality Styles in Affective Disorder: Trait Components of a State Disorder, Gene E. Alexander
The Role of the Phillipine Education System in National Development During and After the New Society 1972-1986, Loudres Rayla Baluga
Legislators' Perceptions of Communications between Superintendents and Other Educational Sources Regarding Educationally-Related Legislation, Charlene Bennett