Theses/Dissertations from 1987
Comparative Extracellular Killing of Candida and Tumor Cells by Macrophages at Varying Stages of Activation, David W. A. Beno
Work, Consumption, and the Joyless Consumer, Raymond Benton Jr.
The Relationship between Self-Perceived and Observed Coaching Behavior among Inner-City High School Coaches, Sherman Blade
Toward a General Understanding of Nursing Education: A Critical Analysis of the Work of Myra Estrin Levine, Marie Blasage
Job Stressors as a Function of Role Identity Conflict in Women Managers, Katherine Borchardt
Tryptidase: A Novel Trypsin-Like Enzyme from Rat Skin. Isolation and Characterization, Vincent J. Braganza
A Comparison of Two Career Development Treatments on the Organizational Entry Process, Barbara Przywara Brooks
Client Organization Preference for Employee Assisstance Program and Counselor Selection, Gerard A. Butzen
Individual Differences in Strategy Shift on a Perceptual Classification Task, Cathleen Campbell-Raufer
A Repertory Grid Investigation of Similarities and Differences in Work Values and Interpersonal Perceptions Among Nursing Students, Nursing Faculty and Staff Nurse Role Models, Bette Barbara Case
Stou's Distance Teaching: Its Contribution to Higher Education and to National Development in Thailand, Visutsri Chanprasert
Life (Zōḗ) in Plotinus' Explanation of Reality, Roman T. Ciapalo
The Design of a Palatal Expansion Appliance, Kelly R. Conway
Probable Interpretations of Selected Sections of the Illinois Educational Labor Educational Labor Relations Act, G. Robb Cooper
Moral Judgment Making: A Philosophical Analysis, Robert P. Craig
History of Childhood Loss, Recent Life Events and Depression in an Undergraduate Population, Kim M. DellAÌngela
The Anticoagulant, Antiprotease and Antithrombotic Actions of Various Heparin Fractions, R. Martin Emanuele
A High Molecular Weight Sulfhydryl Dependent Proteinase from Bovine Spleen, Thomas J. Farrell
Thomas Hobbes' Theory of Obligation: A Modern Interpretation, Ralph P. Forsberg
Four Charismatic Thinkers on Violence and Non-Violence: Analysis and Evaluation, Thomas Forsthoefel
The Development of Maternal-Fetal Attachment, Eileen R. Fowles
Medical Students' Self-Reports of Reactions to the Malpractice Crisis, Kevin J. Franke
Faith and the Perception of Philosophical Error: A Study of the Dynamism of the Thought of Gregory of Nyssa, Mark E. Frisby
Variables Related to Utilization of Mental Health Care Services by Hispanic Adolescents, Mary Ann H. Garcia
Character Revelation in Hawthorne: A Study of Inappropriate Laughter and the Deceptive Quality of Appearance and Reality, Helen Garvey
Administering a Promotional Examination in the Fire Department of a Large Midwestern City, Joseph W. Giganti
The Urban Geography of Commercial Sex: Prostitution in New York City, 1790-1860, Timothy J. Gilfoyle
Psychological Factors in the Development of Breast Cancer: A Review of the Literature, Monique A. Gillis
Some Aspects of the Life and Work of John Ellis, King's Agent for West Florida 1763 to 1776, Julius Groner
College Shock: Adjusting to the University Experience, David George Guon
The Effectiveness of Early Intervention for Premature Infants, James S. Gyurke
"Art for Art's Sake in the Paleolithic" by J. Halverson and Comments and Reply, John Halverson, Levon H. Abrahamian, Kathleen M. Adams, Paul G. Bahn, Lydia T. Black, Whitney Davis, Robin Frost, Robert Layton, David Lewis-Williams, Ana Maria Llamazares, Patrick Maynard, and David Stenhouse
Character Revelation in Hawthorne: A Study of Inappropriate Laughter and the Deceptive Quality of Appearance and Reality, V. Garvey Helen
Differences between Reports of Former Adolescent Psychiatric Patients and Their Parents with Regard to Post-Discharge Behavior, Michael C. Helford
Caring, Curing, and Coordinating in Hospital Nursing: Three Decades of Technical Change, Karole Schafer heyrman
Tracking the Merit of Merit Pay, Frederick S. Hills, Dow Scott, Steve Markham, and Robert M. Madigan
Merit Pay: Just or Unjust Desserts, Frederick S. Hills, Dow Scott, Steve Markham, and Michael J. Vest
Behavioral Confirmation in the Assessment Process: The Effects of Clinicians' Expectancies on Tat Card Selection and Perceptions of Tat Protocols, Robert Jeffrey Jackson
The Effects of Depression on Expectancies and Perceptions of Health Risk in Male Alcoholics, Margaret Kasimatis
Tacitus, Roman Wills and Political Freedom, James G. Keenan
Cooperation with Treatment in Adolescents with Cancer, Joanna Kentes
Teaching Social Problem-Solving Skills to Children, James Keyes
The Effect of the Absence of a Coronal Seal on Periapical Tissues Following Endodontic Therapy, Richard Alan Kohn
Role of the Pseudomonas Aeruginosa reca Analogue in Lysogeny and Recombination, Tyler Alan. Kokjohn
Physically Disabled Women: A Study of Perceptions of Social Support and Experiences Affecting the Transition Through Parenthood, Beverly Kopala
Measurement of Parents of High-Risk Newborns: Beliefs, Attitudes, and Intentions, Margaret M. Kurtz
Mood-Congruent Retrieval: A Methodological Comparison, Claudia Lampman-Petraitis
Immunological Mechanism of Action of an Experimental Nucleoside Drug, Gr1784: Effects on Hematopoiesis and Lymphocyte Mitogenesis, Robert Clive Landis
Metabolite Control of Nitrate Reductase Synthesis in Cucurbita Maxima Var. Buttercup, Randall L. Langendorfer
Authoritarianism and Political Socialization in Voluntary Organizations: The Case of Koreans in the Chicago Area, Yoon M. Lee
Cognitive Appraisals and Motive Patterns in Depressed and Nondepressed College Students, Denise B. Lensky
The Relationship between Achievement and Achievement Beliefs: A Path Analysis of a Cognitive Model Or Achievement, Carla M. Leone
Bond Strength and Accuracy of the Combined Agar-Alginate Impression System, Xavier Lepe
Religiosity, Ego Development and Concept of God, Diane Lin
Confidential Business: P. Col. Inv. 316, Jacqueline Long
The Predictive Validity of Adaptive Behavior and Aptitude on Achievement, Julia A. Long
Loyola University Rome Center Yearbook 25th Anniversary 1962 -1987, Loyola University Rome Center
The Administrative Organization Structure of the Chicago Public Schools, 1837-1949, Frank Lucente
The Administrative Organization Structure of the Chicago Public Schools, 1837-1949, Frank Lucente
Stereospecific Dicobalt Octacarbonyl Mediated Enyne Cyclization for the Enantiospecific Synthesis of a 6a-Carbocycline Analogue, Philip Magnus and Daniel Becker
Special Care Nursery Intervention with Preterm Infant-Parent Dyads, Kathleen Malee
Measuring Job Satisfaction: A Note on the Within and Between Problem, Steven E. Markham and Dow Scott
Transcriptional Control of Nitrate Reductase Synthesis in Squash, Cucurbita Maxima, Susan Martino
Foreign Study: An Analysis of the Long Term Impact, Randy McCombie
Analysis of the Benefits of Being a Mentor in a Formal Induction Program, Georgiann Fina McKenna
The Comparison and Convergence of the Structures of Affect and Personality, Gregory J. Meyer
The Social World of Athletes: Social and Psychological Distinguishable Characteristics of Four Collectives of Athletes, Ellen Jeanne Meyers
Exclusion Bias, Todd Q. Miller
Role Conflict, Role Ambiguity, and Burnout among Medical-Surgical Staff Nurses, Wendy Miller
Characteristics of Story Production and Recall: A Propositional and Psycholinguistic Analysis of Author's and Readers' Written Discourse, Laura Anne Monti
The Training and Supervision of Family Therapists in the Republic of Ireland, James William Moran
Ultrastructural Study of the Purkinje Cells of Hamster Cerebellar Cortex after Chronic Alcohol Administration, Mohamed Hisham Atwa Mostafa
The Transformation: The Puritan Past and Language in Hawthorne's Novels, Joan A. Mullin
Molecular Properties of Cetiedil and Its Interactions with Human Erythrocytes, Chakravarthy Narasimhan
Seminar on the American Catholic Experience, Jon Nilson and Robert Kress
Peer Knowledge of and Reactions to Adolescent Suicide, Eileen Norton
Isolation of the Nitrate Reductase Structural Gene in Cucurbita Maxima, Joyce Ostberg
Exploitation, Unequal Exchange and Dependency: A Philosophical Analysis, Paul Olabisi Otubusin
An Investigation of Leadership Behavior of International Nurses after Completing American/Canadian Graduate Nursing Education Program, Jane E. Parker-Conrad
State Aid to Public Schools: An Analysis of State Responsiveness to School District Needs, John P. Pelissero and David R. Morgan
The Influence of Sex Role Stereotypes on Coping with Depression: Are There Perceptions of Gender Appropriate Ways to Cope?, Mary M. Pfeiffer
Analysis of Factors Affecting Germ Tube Formation in Candida albicans, Jordan H. Pollack
Counselor and Black Student Perceptions of the Skills, Knowledge and Practical Experiences Needed by Counselors Who Advise Black College Students, Richard L. Pullin
The Biology of Two Species of Crayfish in Southwestern Lake Michigan, John P. Quinn
The Social Bases of Obedience of the Untouchables in India, Antony Raj
Physiological and Psychological Variables Contributing to Sexual Dysfunction in Female Insulin Dependent Diabetic Patients, Linda D. Rice
Depression as a Mediator of Memory Biases in Alcoholics, Henry Jay Richards
Necessity of Theoretical Knowledge for Personnel Dealing with Sophisticated Technology in Rail Vehicle Maintenance, Betty-Maria Richman
Parents' Affective Experience: A Study of the Influences over Time of Infant Gestational Maturity and Maternal Perinatal Illness, Karin A. Ruetzel
Education for Self-Reliance and the Inclusion of Manual Work in the Secondary School Curriculum: A Case Study of Six Tanzanian Schools, Peter M. Rutayongororwa
John Fitzgerald Kennedy, the Catholic Issue and Presidential Politics, 1959-1960, Timothy J. Sarbaugh
Employee Attendance Policies: The Foundation for Successful Absenteeism Control, Dow Scott, Steve Markham, and G Stephen Taylor