Theses/Dissertations from 1986
The Origins and Development of the Fabian Society, 1884-1900, Stephen J. O'Neil
Inhibition of Proteolytic Enzymes in an In Vivo Model of Metastasis, Lawrence E. Ostrowski
Characterization and Modulation of Central Apnea Occurring During Cluster Breathing in the Cat, Linda Mae Oyer
Polymorphic Arrangement of 5s DNA Orphons in Xenopus laevis, Brenda A. Peculis
State-City Revenue Sharing policy: Local Need versus State System Explanations, John P. Pelissero
A Study of the Relationship between Personality Traits as Measured by Cattel’s 16 Personality Factors and Aspirations for Leadership, Diane Pressel
An Examination of the Organizational Effectiveness of High Schools Who Have Model Microcomputer Instructional Programs, Chester A. Pulaski
A Descriptive and Explanatory Case Study of the Expansion of the Educational System in Jordan 1950-1980, Rushdi Yousef Qawasmeh
Accelerated Thinking: Its Relation to Manic Pathology, Phase of Illness and Psychosis among Psychiatric Patients, Elizabeth Ann Rice
Rate of Occurrence Judgments by Recovering Alcoholics Using Self-Relevant Stimuli, Henry Jay Richards
The Influence of Infant Crying on the Developing Mother-Infant Relationship, Nancy A. Ruble
Validation of a Selection Test Battery through Use of a Task Analysis, Joseph August Saccaro
The Relationships between School District Characteristics and Microcomputer Use, Theodore L. Sanders
Physical Properties of Dental Base Materials Containing Calcium Hydroxide, Thomas Sarna
The Prediction of Psychotherapy Dropout Using Select Client Variables: A Multivariable Analysis, Ann Marie Saver
Use of the Relaxation Response in Cardiac Rehabilitation of Post-Acute Myocardial Infarction Patients, Ruth Higgins Schleyer
An Analysis of Teacher Absenteeism in Secondary School Districts in the Chicago, Illinois Metropolitan Area, David Joseph Schusteff
Academic Branch Libraries, Robert A. Seal
Arthropod Species Diversity, Composition and Trophic Structure at the Soil Level Biotope of Three Northeastern Illinois Prairie Remnants, with Botanical Characterization for Each Site, Dean George Stathakis
Personnel/Human Resources Management Issues Between 1927-1981: A Replication, G. Stephen Taylor, K. Dow Scott, and Diana Deadrick
Selected Aspects of Early Social History of De Kalb County, Illinois, Otto John Tinzmann
The Clinical Appraisal Method of Evaluating Candidates for Management Positions: A Construct Validity Study, Loretta Postillion Van der Plas
Metabolism of N⁶- Δ ²-Isopentenyladenine in Saccharomyces Cerevisiae, Kast Carol Anne Van
Civil Military Relations in Lithuania Under President Antanas Smetona 1926-1940, Robert A. Vitas
A Functional, Morphological and Histochemical Characterization of Cells Adjacent to Ectopic Bone Implants, Linda M. Walters
The Theological Anthropology Developed in Origen's Interpretations of Genesis 1:26-30 and Genesis 2:4-9, Margaret M. Watzek
Theses/Dissertations from 1985
Cephalometric Soft Tissue Profile Analysis of Young Adult Koreans and Comparison with Caucasians, Joong-Chul Ahn
Anti-Judaism, Anti-Semitism, Anti-Zionism: A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis of the Anti-Jewish Phenomenon throughout Its History to the Present, Benzion. Allswang
The Educational Potential of Traditional Agriculture in Building a New Nigeria: A Philosophical Analysis, Laurence Momoh. Balogun
A Survey of Counseling Interventions for Treatment of Underachievement in Cook County High Schools, Laura Jill Balson
The Effects of Norfloxacin on Pseudomonas Aeruginosa and Its DNA Gyrase, Doris M. Benbrook
The Relationship of Gender and Personality to Fantasy Patterns, Eileen F. Bernat
Honest Questions in the Classroom, Katherine Besser
The Role of the Joint Chiefs of Staff in National Security Policy Making: Professionalism and Self-Perceptions, 1942-1961, John Charles Binkley
The Neuroanatomical Connections and Somatotopic Organization of the Posterior Nuclear Complex of the Rat Thalamus, E. Luke Bold
Factor Analysis of Nursing Role Conceptions of Three Groups, Sarah E. Brotherton
A Comparison of Student Achievement and Cost Effectiveness in Two Inservice Teacher Education Models, Margaret Carroll
Mood-Congruent Retrieval and Circumplexity between Emotions in Early Childhood Memories, Robert C. Casas
Sir Thomas Browne and Orlando, Pamela L. Caughie
Pediatric Nurses' Attitudes toward Parent Participation in the Care of the Hospitalized Child, Kathleen M. Cesafsky
Mood and Behavior Changes During the Menstrual Cycle in Depressed and Nondepressed Women: An Unaware Study, Marlys Ann Conrad
Race and Criminal Sentencing: A Review of the Literature and an Empirical Study of the Relationship between Race and Sentence Outcome, Keith W. Cooprider
Configurational Analysis with the Missouri Children's Picture Series: Assessment of Personality Style, Elida Cristina Cox
Confrontation Assessment by Therapist Trainees: An Analogue Study of Attitudinal and Personality Factors, Edwin Ben Crawford
An Experimental Investigation of the Differential Verification Times Related to Negation, Falsification, and Sentence Voice in the Spanish Language, Ruth Riley Crockett
Regulation of Nitrate Reductase Activity in Soybeans, Luke Curtis
Implementation of the Leu-Candoli Report for Educational Change in Lincoln Park and Near North, Chicago, 1968 to 1973, Ralph J. Cusick
The Effects of in Utero Chlordecone Exposure on Receptor-Coupled Phosphatidylinositol Turnover in Developing Rat Brain, Kristine D. Dahl
An Investigation Into the Relationship between Identity and Intimacy in Young Married Adults, Rock Edward Doddridge
The Biological Role of Sialosyl Transferase Activity in Rat Brain, Robert Paul Durrie
An Investigation of Attitudes Toward the Handicapped Learner, Ann Marie Farrell
The Radiant, Ron Felber
Memory for Frequency of Hearing Popular Music: An Investigation of an Automatic Processing Theory, James Robert Fidler
An Analysis of Role Responsibilities of Selected Elementary School Principals in the Delivery of Special Education Services, Dorothea Rinella Fitzgerald
How Women Cope with a Spontaneous Abortion Occurring in Early Pregnancy, Ann Applewhite Flandermeyer
KL−KS Mass Difference and Supersymmetric Left-Right-Symmetric Theories, Asim Gangopadhyaya
The Effect of Prostaglandin E₂ Applied to an Extraction Site, on Orthodontically Induced Tooth Movement in Cats, Reuven Gitter
The Effectiveness of Perinatal Behavioral Assessments in Predicting Preschool Intelligence, James S. Gyurke
The Comparative Effectiveness of a Science Anxiety Group and a Stress Management Program in the Treatment of Science Anxious College Students, Joseph G. Hermes
Discovery and the Rationality of Science, William S. Hill
A Macrofaunal Survey of Three Contrasting Habitats of the Littoral Zone in Cedar Lake, Illinois, Laura L. Holt
The Relative Effects of Acute and Chronic Beta-Blockage on Infarct Size and Hemodynamics After Coronary Occlusion in Canine Hearts, Patrick Hughes
Hegel on Leibniz and Individuation, David Ingram
Religious Organizational Socialization in the Evangelical Free Church of America, Kenneth W. Inskeep
Comparison of WAIS-R Subtest Scores in MBTI Sensing Types and Intuitive Types, Gary Mitchell Jaworski
Content Analysis of Teacher Dismissal Cases for Incompetence under the Illinois Tenure Teacher Hearing Officer Act: 1975-1983, Alan Charles Jones
Notes on Absentee Landlordism at Aphrodito, James G. Keenan
P.Laur. IV 169: Fragmentary Constitution of Constantine?, James G. Keenan
Relationships Among Nuclear Episodes in the Life Story, Current Identity Status, and Ego Stage in Young Adult Women, Carol E. Kirshnit
Child Guidance Outcome as a Function of Focus of Treatment, Michael T. Klinger
Electrophysiologic Study of the Effect of phospholipase-C (Clostridium welchii-type) on Neuromuscular Transmission in the Mouse, Lukasz M. Konopka-Egan
The Infant-Mother Relationship: An Examination of the Antecedents of Attachment, Janice M. Kowalski
The Role of the Father in the Development of the Young Child's Sociability with Unfamiliar Adults and Peers, Susan Dale Kromelow
Sociopolitical Orientation and Self-Presentation in the Measurement of Moral Judgement, Jeffrey M. Kunka
Role of Extracellular ATP in Hepatic Hemodynamics and Glucoregulation, Joong-Woo Lee
The Use of Parent Data in Measuring the Outcome of Child Psychotherapy, Barry Richard Lindstrom
Psychological Factors in the Development of Ulcerative Colitis: Stress, Coping, and Ego Maturity, Ileen Patrice Liss
Trends in Rorschach Content Production Over Time, Mary Esther Locke
The Loyolan 1985, Loyola University Chicago
Loyola University Rome Center Yearbook 1984-1990, Loyola University Rome Center
Georgic 3.41: A Vergilian Wordplay at the Expense of Maecenas, John F. Makowski
Persephone, Psyche, and the Mother-Maiden Archetype, John F. Makowski
The Effectiveness of Individual Counseling, Group Therapy, and Self Help as Treatment Methodologies in Working with the Widowed, Patricia F. Martin
Observations on the Adherence of Bacteroides Bivius to Female Genital Tract and Oral Epithelial Cells, Susan V. Meade
An Investigation of the Impact of Public Law 94-142 on Selected Administrative Functions of Directors of Special Education Cooperatives in the Greater Chicago Metropolitan Area, Eugenie R. Mirelowitz
Burglary Targets: A Spatial Perspective in the Hyde Park-Kenwood Community Area, George Henry Myers
Product Identification of Ameloblastoma, Hasan Nadimi
A Comparative Morphological Study of the Intrarenal and Intrahepatic Lymph Systems of the Rat, George K. Niiro
An Examination of Critical Behaviors and Functions Exhibited by Teacher-Coordinators in Cooperative Work Training Programs, Loretta F. Nolan
Managing Decline: Practices Recommended and Used by Selected Public School Superintendents in Illinois, Anita M. Pankake