Theses/Dissertations from 1984
Ferritin, a Possible Cancer Marker for Breast Cancer, Dah-Jieh Dora Hsu
A Description of the Practices of High School Principals in Designing Staff Development Programs in DuPage County, Robert F. Jerrick
Product Identification of Normal Oral Mucosa and Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma by Immunohistochemical Techniques, Ying-Tai Jin
Political Moderation in the French Restoration: Chateaubriand's Political Thought, 1814-1820, Daniel T. Keefe
The Aphrodite Papyri and Village Life in Byzantine Egypt, James G. Keenan
An Analysis of the Major Activities and Corresponding Competencies of Administrators of Training, John J. Kerrigan
Modernity and Traditional Religious Affirmation: An Empirical Study of Berger's Heretical Imperative, Gertrud Y. Kim
The Insulin-Like Activity of Human Serum, Melvin E. Klegerman
The Distribution of Dorsal Column Nuclear Efferents to the Basilar Pontine Gray in Normal and Neonatally Brain Damaged Rats, Ross Kosinski
Socioeconomic Change and Deviance: Homicide and Suicide, Conrad M. Kozak
Perceived Training Needs of Basic and Applied Social Psychology Graduate Students, Monica M. Kuchera
Copper and Barium as Dietary Discriminants: the Effects of Diagenesis, J B. Lambert, S V. Simpson, Carole B. Szpunar, and J E. Buikstra
Loyola University Rome Center Yearbook 1983-1984, Loyola University Rome Center
Development of a DNA Probe for the Rapid Detection of Cytomegalovirus, Nell Lurain
Marriage Encounter: Participant Characteristics Ii, Patricia Arlene Mackin
Number of Sessions and Psychotherapy Outcome: Impact on Community Mental Health Center Services, Joanne M. May
Foreign Study: An Analysis of the Short Term Effect, Randy P. McCombie
Predicting Interpersonal Effectiveness: The Effects of Masculinity, Femininity and Intimacy Motivation, Anne Margaret Slocum McEneaney
A Typology for Couples Using the Ego Identity Status Construct, Richard F. McGourty
A Study of Collective Bargaining in Catholic High Schools in Illinois, Richard J. McGrath
The Self in the Poetry of Anne Sexton, Katherine Frances McSpadden
Selected Psychological Characteristics of a Veterans Population Seeking Prosthetic Surgery for Sexual Dysfunction, Marilyn A. Mendoza
The Professionalization of the Roman Army in the Second Century B.C., Martin C. J. Miller
A Sociological Analysis of the New Christian Right, Wesley E. Miller
The Effect of Visible Light on Carotenogenesis of Arthrosporulating Trichophyton Mentagrophytes, Ruth C. Mock
The Effects of Real versus Simulated Context on Recall, Laura Anne Monti
A Study in the Use of the Question: An Autodidactic Aid, William Thomas Mooney
Early Psychotherapy Dropout Characteristics at Time of Intake and Follow-Up, Mary Catherine Moore
Enhancement of the Candidacidal Activity of Cultured Peritoneal Exudate Cells by SM-1213, a Synthetic Immunomodulator, Christine Joy Morrison
Changes in the Process Needed for Marital Adjustment from 1938-Present, Terrence J. Neary
A Direct, Two-Dimensional Scaling of the Items from Selected Measures of Psychological Masculinity-Femininity, Steven P. Nestler
A Comparative Morphometric and Biochemical Study of the Superficial and Deep Pineal Gland of the Golden Hamster, Teresa D. Niiro
Local Theologies for a Global Church: Report from Midwest Members' Group, Jon Nilson
Age Mix, Physical Design, and Fear of Crime Among the Elderly Public Housing Residents, Janice. Normoyle
The Impact of School Resources on Elementary Students' Achievement in Reading and Mathematics in a Selected Wisconsin School District, Susan. O'Brien
Analysis of Forelimb Motor Cortical Projections After Neonatal Hemicerebellectomy in Rats, Daniel L. O'Donoghue
Ovid's Epyllia: Genres within a Genre, Marilyn Pechillo
Personnel Evaluation and the Military Manager: Contrasts in Performance Appraisal Systems, John P. Pelissero
State Aid and City Needs: An Examination of Residual State Aid to Large Cities, John P. Pelissero
The Effect of Personal Theories about the Causes of Crime on Discretionary Responses to Criminals, William Thomas Perkowitz
An Analysis of the Implementation of Title IX in Secondary Schools of Cook County, Fredessa Mary Piper
An Investigation of the Reliability of Decision-Making in Educational Planning Teams, Larry J. Powitz
Achievement Motivation and Fear of Success in Women: Implications for Success in Non-Traditional Careers, Beverly Allgaier Pulaski
An Analysis of 1 Samuel 9-31: Is Saul a Tragic Hero?, Rosemary Reedy
An Analysis of Parent Involvement Practices Which Are Designed to Promote Successful Academic Performance by Students in Catholic Secondary Schools, Michael N. Riley
The Intimacy Motive and Its Relationship to Interpersonal Perception in the Dating Couple, Rogelio Rodriguez
A Psychological Investigation of the Relationship among Maternal Self-Concept, Maternal-Child Attitudes, and the Social-Emotional Functioning and Self-Concept of Children, Nancy Dort Rossow
The Effectiveness of Study Skills Training for Students of Different Personality Types and Achievement Levels, Kathleen M. Rusch
The Relationship of Fetal Movement Records to Non-Stress Tests in High Risk Antepartum Patients, Deborah S. Schy
The Job Satisfaction/Absenteeism Relationship: Gender as a Moderating Variable, Dow Scott and Dennis A. Mabes
Adolescent Liberals' and Conservatives' Visions of Morality, Charles M. Shelton
The Role of the Academic Dean in the City Colleges of Chicago: A Comparative Study, Mary D. Sherman
An Anatomical, Electrophysiological, and Behavioral Comparison of the Primary and Supplementary Motor Areas of the Rat, Carl F. Sievert
The Human Relations Area Files as a Source for Ethnographic Use of Field Data, Flemming Sorensen
Neuroregulation of the Autophosphorylatable Regulatory Subunit of Adenosine Cyclic 3':5' Monophosphate-Dependent Protein Kinase Type II, Stephen P. Squinto
Allied Health Clinical Education Affiliations: A Study of Medical Technology, Occupational Therapy and Physical Therapy Programs, Karina S. Srugys
Determination of an Enzyme Deficiency in the Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Mutant mod5-1, Lacking Isopentenylated tRNAs, Sopiah Suid
Language Production by Normals under Conditions of Personalized Distraction, Penelope Thrasher
Metastases in Lymph Nodes of Hamster Buccal Pouch Carcinomas, Kostas Tsiklakis
Identifying Precipitating Events Leading to Rehospitalization among the Psychiatrically Disabled: A Levels Model of Social Perception, Robin S. Turpin
Personality and Emotional Factors in Learning Disabled Children, Richard M. Volden
The Relationship between Acculturation and Illness Referral Systems among Urban Mexican-Americans, Heidi Vyhmeister
Italian Philosophers of Education, 1945-1965, Charles Robert Wolf
Determinants of Compliance to Ocular Occlusion Therapy Among Pediatric Amblyopia Patients, Hans Joachim Wolff
A Research-Based Model District Administrative Internship Program, Lancie V. Wright
An Observational Study of the Self-Perceptions of Clinical Competency in New and Experienced Pediatric Staff Nurses, Roseann M. Zahara-Such
An Investigation of Factors Affecting Placement Decisions of Multidisciplinary Teams, Mark M. Zebrowski
Theses/Dissertations from 1983
A Systematic Investigation of Two Programs for Improving Seventh Graders Study Skills, Nelson Armour
The Identification of the Operating Personality Construct of Learning Disability Teachers, Patricia A. Atherton
The Effect of Maternal Personality on the Personality Inventory for Children, Claudia DeVries Beversluis
Compensation Management Related to Non-Certificated Employees in Selected Illinois Public School Districts, Susan L. S. Bisinger
Investigation of Several Procedural Modifications to Delta Plot Methodology, Rita Karwacki Bode
Assessment of Erectile Dysfunction: Isolating Measures of High Discriminant Ability, Paul Marc Camic
Psychological Adjustment Over Time to the Successful Treatment of Early Versus Late Stage Hodgkin's Disease in Young Adult Men, David F. Cella
The Dhema Pass and Its Early Byzantine Fortifications, William Joseph Cherf
Dentos 1983, Chicago College of Dental Surgery
Carmina Priapea, Richard E. Clairmont
Affect Fluctuation During the Menstrual Cycle in Depressed and Nondepressed Women, Marlys Ann Conrad
Responsibilities of Staff Development Directors in Nursing Service as Perceived by Staff Development Directors in Illinois Hospitals: Evolution of Role, Maria Christina Pilola Redoña Couper
The Missouri Children's Picture Series: The Development of a Two-Point Configurational Analysis System, Elida Cristina Cox
The Relationships Among Occupational Stress, Life Stress, Social Support and the Burnout Experienced by Staff Nurses Working in Diverse Hospital-Based Specialty Areas, Diane Cronin-Stubbs
An Analysis of Evaluation Techniques and Procedures Implemented in Chicago Area Schools, Blondean Y. Day
Identification of Langerhans Cells in Human Gingival Epithelium, Charles Frank DeFranco
A Histologic Bioassay of the Effect of Endotoxin of Escherichia coli 0111:B4 Strain Injected Into Guinea Pig Oral Mucosa, Juan Jose de Obarrio
Research on Health Promotion: Evaluation of a Health Seminar, Christine Ovcharchyn Devitt
Continuity and Change: Childrearing Practices and Values of Filipino Parents in Metropolitan Chicago, Heda K. Dimasuay
Religious Orientation and Death Attitude Factors: A Correlational Study, Margaret R. Dorsher
Classroom Orientation to the Use of the Public Library and Its Effect on Fifth and Sixth Grade Students, Leslie Edmonds
Middle-Class Delinquency: A Study of White Suburban Boys, Kenneth B. Ehrensaft
An Ultrastructural Study of the Encapsulation Response of the American Cockroach, Periplaneta Americana, Candace Ann Ennesser
Depression and Neuropsychological Impairment, Diane Goulet Fisher
A Study of the Relationship of Efficacy and Outcome Expectations, Depression, Insecurity, and Psychotherapeutic Change, Ronald Craig Fish
Psychiatric Diagnosis and Length of Illness as Predictions of Outcome, Judith Lechert Fudala
Relationship of Affect to Immediate Recall and Associations in a Clinical Population, Karen Eggen Gundersen
The Relationship between State and Prandial Condition in High-Risk and Healthy Infants, Lorraine M. Hall
The Neurochemical Effects of Several Carboxylated Tetrahydroisoquinolines, Jerome James Hannigan