Theses/Dissertations from 1983
Examining Criminals' Decisions: A Look at Shoplifting Behavior, Frances M. Weaver
The Behavioral Display of Power and Intimacy Motivation, Jeffrey Robert Wilbert
Rorschach Content Elaboration: An Exploratory Study, Mary Angela Yerkes
Interactional Processes in Heterosexual Dyads Based on Gender and Defense Style, Rachelle Joan Zalman
The Relationship of Alcoholism Chronicity to the Specificity of Expectations for Reinforcement from Alcohol Use and Measures of Expectancy Change, Matthew Zarantonello
Alteration of Eupnea and Apneusis Reversal Induced by Constant Intravenous Morphine Sulfate Infusion in Decerebrate Cats, Andrea M. Zardetto-Smith
Theses/Dissertations from 1982
Students' Attitudes Toward Utilization of Counseling Service in a Nigerian University, Christian Adeyemi Akiwowo
An Analysis of Consultation in the Field of Guidance and Counseling 1964-1979, Arnold C. Bacigalupo
Metacommunication Abilities in Schizophrenia: An Empirical Investigation of the Double Bind Theory, Keith A. Baird
Economics as a Cultural System, Raymond Benton Jr.
Behavior of Depressed Subjects in Impersonal and Interpersonal Situations, Linda. Brownell
The Uptake and Release of Label from Endocytosed 35SO4-Labeled Proteins in Cultured Mouse Peritoneal Macrophages, Susan Patterson Buktenica
The Use of Strategy in the Solution of Anagrams, Cathleen M. Campbell
Effects of Cognitive State, Cognitive Trait, and Subliminal Psychodynamic Activation upon Competitive Performance, Robert C. Casas
Yinger's Substructure of Religion: A Chinese Replication, Peter Chao
The Non-Teleological Progression from Hell to Purgatory in the Poetry of T.S. Eliot, Dianne R. Costanzo
Elastin Content of the Aorta from the Quantitation of the Desmosines, H. Patrick Covault
Rescuer Exertion from the Performance of One-Man Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Technique, Daryl J. Detwiler
Agesilaos II and the Politics of Sparta, 404-377 B.C., James G.. DeVoto
An Analysis of Assistant Principals' Role in the Administrative Process as Identified by Tasks in Five Selected Areas, Patricia K. Doherty
A Study of the Relationship between Syntactic Development and Concrete Operations in Deaf Children, David Dolman
Effects of Rewards on Quality and Interest in Initially High Or Low Interest Preschoolers, Naomi Sobel Eisenstein
A Buberian Critique of Four Curriculum Theorists, Paul R. Feinberg
Fertility Patterns in Kerala, India: An Assessment of the Role of Modernization and Family Planning in Determining Fertility Norms and Behavior, Marilyn Fernandez
Effectiveness of Some Irrigants in the Elimination of Bacteroides Melaninogenicus from the Root Canal System: An In Vitro Study, David Beacom Foley
The Effect of Orally Administered Minocycline Hydrochloride (Minocin) on Moderate Periodontitis in Humans: A Clinical and Microbiological Study, Stephen Alan Folson
The Educational Views of Lyndon Baines Johnson Prior to His Presidency, Janet Patricia Fredericks
An Analysis of the Evaluation Process Used by School Boards to Evaluate Superintendents in Selected Public School Districts of Will County, Illinois, Sandra Lazarz Gould
The Impact of Federal Programs on the Assigned Responsibilities of Selected Elementary School Principals, McNair Grant
Reentry Shock Experienced by American College Students Returning Home from Study Abroad, Heidi Gregori-Gahan
A History of the Due Process Procedure in Special Education, Nancy Hablutzel
Admiral Hyman G. Rickover, USN: A Decade of Educational Criticism, 1955-64, William J. Haran
Psycho-Social Stress and the Use of Coping Responses in University Students, George Hartwein
Shah Wali Allah's Arrangement of the Subtle Spiritual Centers, Marcia K. Hermansen
Cerebral Laterality in the Perception of Facial Expression of Human Emotion, Joseph G. Hermes
Consultant Training in Counselor Education: North Central Region, John Jurowicz
Papyrology and Roman History: 1956–1980, James G. Keenan
Relationships Among Dream Content, TAT Stories and Self-Reports and Effects of Pre-Sleep Instructions on Home Dreams, Ross E. Keiser
The Leadership Role of the Principal in the Selection of Staff for Implementation of Educational Programs, Raymond T. Kelly
Cooptation, Strategy and Resource in Local Politics, Sheryl L. Knight
The Role of Hypoglycemia in the Development of Cardiovascular Failure Following Escherichia coli Endotoxin Administration in the Dog, Philip M. Kober
Somato-Autonomic Reflexes in Conscious and Anesthetized Dogs, James W. Kozelka
John Ford's Theatre of Ceremony: A Formal Study of His Five Major Plays, Chikako D. Kumamoto
BK Virus Transformation of BHK-21 Cells, Martha A. Lampert
Yves Bonnefoy, Selected Prose Works in Translation, Susanna Lang
The Relationship of Religiosity to the Sexual Attitudes, Perceived Sexual Attitudes, and Sexual Behavior of Single Undergaduate Students, Michael Donald Lastoria
Client Commitment to the Helping Relationship, J. P. Lemkau, Fred B. Bryant, and P. Brickman
Patient Gender, Therapist Gender, and Therapist Experience Level as Influences of Psychotherapy Outcome, Ileen Patrice Liss
Systematic Philosophy and Theology in an English Novelist: The Survival of the Franciscan Tradition in Charles Williams, Arthur Livingston
A Construct Validity Study of the Adience-Abience Scale, Loretta E. Lobbia
The Loyolan 1982, Loyola University Chicago
Loyola University Rome Center Yearbook 1981-1982, Loyola University Rome Center
Assessing a Management Change in Mental Health Screening Using a Switching Replications Time-Series Design, Susan Ann Borkowski Lueger
An Analysis of the Decision-Making Process Among Selected Suburban Chicago High School Principals and Selected Middle Management Executives, Margaret Boyian Lundquist
Selected Characteristics of Two Levels of Students in Occupational Therapy, M. Jeanne Madigan
Regional Differences in Central Cholinergic Activity in Aggressive and Non-Aggressive Mice, Gary Clarence Magistrelli
Need-Press Congruence and Attitudes Toward Job Satisfaction and the Alcoholic in Staff of Residential Treatment Programs, Ernest MaÌrquez
Marx' [Sic] Theory of Social Classes in View of the Polish Workers' Movement After World War II, Wladyslaw Majkowski
Attendance Control Techniques: Union vs. Non-Union Differences in the Southeast United States, S E. Markham and Dow Scott
The Relationship between a Principal's Leadership Style and the Activities Engaged in During the Implementation of a New District Program, Joseph J. Matula
Ideals and Centralizing Mappings in Prime Rings, Joseph H. Mayne
An Intensive Case Study of a Candidate's Experience, Richard F. McGourty
Histologic Evaluation of the Effect of Formocresol on the Furcation Area of Dog Molars, Richard Albert Munaretta
An Evaluation of the Depressive Attributional Style in a Clinically Depressed and Nondepressed Sample, Donna Munic
A Comparison of Periapical Healing After Induced Apical Periodontitis, Charles R. Neach
Dilemma for the 1980s and Beyond: U.S. Diplomacy and the Palestinian Problem, George C. Nelson
The Importance of the Item Difficulty Model in Adjusting the Observed Scores in Relationship to the Cut-Score for Mastery Tests, William Ernest Nordbrock
An Analysis of Program Plans for Staff Development in the Unit School Districts of DuPage County, Illinois, Richard B. Olson
Sir Henry Wotton, Jacobean Diplomat: The Early Career to 1612, James Joseph O'Neil
Underdevelopment and the Crisis of a Religious Utopia: Implications of Secularization for the Catholic Church in Kerala, India, Paul V. Parathazham
Characteristics and Mechanisms of Norepinephrine Depletion from the Myocardium and Spleen of Endotoxic Rats, Benet J. Pardini
A Cephalometric Study of Korean Adults, In-Chool Park
Chemical and Ultrastructural Characterization of Trichophyton Mentagrophytes Arthrospore Walls and Septa, Jordan H. Pollack
A Study of Social Adjustment Education in Chicago, 1929-1981, Mary Ann Pollett
Iodothyronine 5'-Deiodinase: Solubilization, Partial Purification, and Characterization of a Thyroxine Deiodinase Extracted from Rat Liver Membranes, Samuel C. Powell
Information Processing of the Cerebral Hemispheres in Schizophrenia and Mania, Aurelio Prifitera
The Problem of Learning Disabilities Students of Limited English Speaking Background: A Descriptive Study, Raymond Rodriguez
An Investigation of a Slosson Intelligence Test Classification Schema as an Aid in Diagnostic-Educational Hypothesis Formulation, Andrea Rolsky
Assessing Psychopathology in Children's Bender Gestalt Performance: A Comparison of Two Objective Systems, Edward D. Rossini
The Effects of Repeated Reading Practice on Reading Strategies of First Grade Readers, John Rowan
Ego Identification of the Preschool Child in the Divorced Single-Parent Family (1960-1980), Frances Ryan
Midbrain Benzodiazepine-GABA-Serotonin Interactions: Effects on Locomotor Activity in the Rat, Stephen Mitchell Sainati
The Relationship between Women's Self-Esteem and Their Affiliation Need, M. Judith Ann Schaeffer
Perceived Body Image of Pregnant Women Experiencing Lamaze Childbirth Preparation, Virginia Schelbert
Power, Politics and Public Policy: Bureaucratic Power in the Policy Process, Donald L. Schultz
Module to Increase Communication Skills of Nurses, Mary Kay Schultz
Cultural Change in the Moche Valley, Peru Considered Within an Environmental Framework, Margaret M. Sciscento
A Human Resource Planning Approach for Reducing the Cost of Absenteeism, Dow Scott
Trust Differences Between Blacks and Whites in an Organizational Setting, Dow Scott
Absenteeism Control Methods: A Survey of Practices and Results, Dow Scott and Steve Markham
An Application of Information Theory in the Development of a Reliability Coefficient for Criterion-Referenced Mastery Tests, Richard E. Sherman
Gavin Stevens, Faulkner's "Good Man", Carl Singleton
The Effects of Maternal Protein Deficiency on the Development of Synaptic Plasma Membranes in Rat Offspring, Duane M. Smith
A Histologic Evaluation of One Versus Two Intracanal Preparation Appointments with Residual Sodium Hypochlorite, Brent C. Sonnenberg
An Analysis of Orientation for New Board of Education Members in Selected School Districts of DuPage County, Illinois, Drew J. Starsiak