Theses/Dissertations from 1979
Selected Variables as Predictors of Illinois School Building Bond Bids and Interest Rates, William P. Cote
The Effects of Subliminal Stimulation on the Affect of Depressively Prone College Students, Richard Brian Dauber
An Analysis of the Managerial Functions of the Elementary School Principal as Reflected in the Professional Literature and as Stated in the Professional Negotiations Agreements of Selected Districts, Therese Nijole Daugirdas
The Gross Morphology of the Central and Visceral Nervous Systems of Haplorhynchites Aeneus (Boheman) (Coleptera: Curculionoidea: Rhynchitidae), Theresa Droste
Role Conflict and the Teacher: An Empirical Study of Role Conflict and its Relationship to Classroom Organizational Patterns and Selected Teacher Characteristics, Elizabeth Drugan
An Analysis of the Supervisory Activities of Elementary Principals in Selected Districts of Dupage County in Illnois, Dolores M. Eder
The Development of Impression Formation Processes, Robert C. Ernest
Clinical Evaluation of the Accuracy of Interocclusal Recording Materials, LaDeane Fattore-Bruno
Presence of Paradoxical Patterns of Response in Alcoholism Counseling, Don Joseph Feeney
Evaluation and Prediction of Integumental Profile Changes Resulting from Orthognathic Surgery to Correct Mandibular Prognathism, Parley Jack Feller
Development of Three Central Nervous System Myelin Subfractions in Normal and Pathological Rodent Brain, Denise Anne Figlewicz
The Role of the Sunday School Conventions in the Preparation of Protestant Sunday School Teachers, 1832-1903, Doris Freese
Effect of Self-Curing Acrylic Treatment Restorations on the Crevicular Fluid Volume, Patrick Harold Garvin
An Analysis of Intra-School Pressures on the Leadership of Selected Secondary School Principals, Donald L. Gassett
American Civil Religion: The History and Evolution of a Sociological Concept, Gail Gehrig
Central Organization of the Cardiac Vagus, G. Steven Geis
Philip Roth's Confessional Narrators: The Growth of Consciousness., Alexander George
Effects of Training and Practice on the Inductive Reasoning of Older Adults, Donna J. Goetz
An Analysis of Intra-School Pressures on the Leadership of Selected Secondary School Principals, Donald L. Gossett
The Relationship of Selected Cognitive Style Dimensions and Piagetian Levels of Cognitive Development, Luisa B. Gutierrez
A Philosophical Study of John Henry Newman's the Idea of a University, Discourses I-IX, Mark William Haley
Relatedness of Strains of the B6 Group of Agrobacterium Tumefaciens Showing Altered Host Specificity, Suzanne E. Hamada
An Examination of the Relationship Between Psychological Androgyny and Group Problem-Solving Behavior, Judith Ann Hansen
Agency Structure, Target Populations, and Funding: An Analysis of Chicago's Private Social Services, Karen Hansen
Icelandic Education: Tradition and Modernization in a Cultural Perspective, George Hanson
A Comparison of the Accuracy and Dimensional Stability of Four Interocclusal Registration Materials, Yvonne Balthazar Hart
Comparison of Management Development Programs in Industry and Education in Cook County, Illinois, Charles H. Hayes
Global Meditative Effects of Tai Chi Chuan, Brad R. Heinz
Interview Intake Procedures: A Client Satisfaction and Cost-Effectiveness Evaluation, Elicia J. Herz
The Effect of Educational Structures on Professional Socialization, Karole Schafer Heyrman
Studies on Acid Phosphatase in Staphylococci, Charoen Hirunmitnakorn
A Validation Study of Blatt's Concepts of Anaclitic and Introjective Depression, John Robert Hoeppel
Chicago Area Ethnic Weekend Schools: Goals and Achievements, Wilma M. Hoffmann
John Stuart Mill--Individuality or Utility?, William Hoffman
Metabolism of Three Subfractions of Central Nervous System Myelin in Developing Rat Brain, John Haldor Hofteig
Cognitive, Social, and Emotional Behaviors Exhibited by Kindergarten Boys and Girls: In Mixed-Gender Versus Same-Gender Classrooms, Doris A. Hollander
A Psychobiographical Study of Camilla Hall, Harvey Hilbert Honig
Effect of Age, Temperature and Hypoxia on the Response of the Testicular Capsule to Neurohumoral Agents, Arthur M. Horowitz
Mental Health Professionals, Counselor Educators, and Counselors In-Training: A Comparative Study of Sex-Role Stereotypic Attitudes Toward Women, Judith Yonover Housos
Localization and Properties of Arginase in the Developing Quail Embryo, Coturnix Coturnix Japonica, Peter Houtman
The Effects of Certain Factors upon Third Grade Children's Ability to Solve Written Verbal Arithmetic Problems, Susan Cesaro Ireland
A Histologic Evaluation of Periodontal Tissues Adjacent to Root Perforations Filled With Cavities, Ronald C. K. Jew
Cognition and the Acquisition of Selected Syntactic Structures in Children from Six to Ten, Linda DenBesten Jones
Torquing Forces Coincident to Archwire Dimension and Composition in the Straight Wire Appliance, John Katsis
Identifying Successful College Volunteers Working With Emotionally Disturbed Children, M. Jean Keeley
Knowledge of Spouses' Real and Ideal Family Concept and Family Adjustment, Patrick J. Kennelly
The Incidence and Nature of Orofacial Injuries in Child Abuse Cases Reported by Selected Hospitals in Cook County, Illinois, John Patrick Kenney
The Effects of Task and Stimulus Manipulations on Judgement of Knowing Accuracy, Joseph F. King
A Causal Model of Selected Work Orientation Factors in the Elderly, Diane Sorenson Kjos
Industrialization and National Integration: A Cross-Cultural Comparison of Brazil, Chile, and the United States, Phyllis Diane Knights
International and Domestic Politics in Greece During the Crimean Warby Jon V. Kofas., Jon V. Kofas
An Analysis of the Process of Evaluating Elementary School Principals in Selected School Districts, Cook County, Illinois, Tom P. Kostes
A Multiple Regression Prediction Analysis of Preadmission and Postadmission Testing for Dental School, James Nicholas Kouracos
Counseling the Opiate Addict: Theory and Process, Larry J. Kroll
Fat-Mobilizing Substance (FMS), Dorothy A. Krupa
Illich'S "Learning Web Theory" and its Implications for Development: For the Rural Regions of Malaysia, Colette Frances Kung
The Immature Stages of the Rose Curculio meryhynchites Bicolor (Fabricius) (Coleoptera: Rhynchitidae): With Notes on Its Biology in Northern Illinois, Sheila S. Kuritsky
Melvil Dewey (1851-1931): His Educational Contributions and Reforms, Michael Min-song Lee
The Loyolan 1979, Loyola University Chicago
Loyola University Rome Center Yearbook 1978-1979, Loyola University Rome Center
Measurement of the 2F1-F2 Cubic Difference Tone with the Binaural Masking Level Difference, Robert Alan Lutfi
A Neuropharmacological Analysis of Retinal Function in the Isolated Perfused Frog Eye, Anthony Louis Marchese
A Booke of the Travaile and Lief of Me Thomas Hoby, with Diverse Thinges Woorth the Notinge, 1547-1564: A Modern Edition with Introduction and Notes, Steven J. Masello
A Perceptual Measure of Approach and Avoidance in Process and Reactive Schizophrenics, Vickie M. Mays
A Study of Factors Affecting Healing of Developing Periapical Lesions in Immature Teeth of Dogs, James Edward McCormick
The Relationship between Dental Students' Perception of Basic Science Knowledge and the Clinical Practice of Dentistry, Kathlyn Coan McElliott
An Investigation Into the Relationship between Sex Role Attitudes and Sex-Typed Behaviors, Kimberly Evans Merrill
Microelectrophoresis as a Means of Comparing Acid Phosphatase Isoenzymes in Aging Campanularia flexuosa, Paul Joseph Meus
A Monte Carlo Study of Pearson and Log-Linear Chi-Square One Sample Tests with Small N, Adam James Miller
Social and Cognitive Play of Young Handicapped Children in a Special Education Preschool Center, Gayle Dean. Mindes
Renal Peritubular Capillary Permeability, Michael Patrick Moore
Citizen Satisfaction with Local Public Services in a Southwestern State, David R. Morgan and John P. Pelissero
The Effects of Feedback and Knowledge of Response on the Voluntary Acceleration of Heart Rate, Sharon A. Moskowitz
Comparison of the Physical Exertion of Two-Man Alternating and Two-Man Simultaneous Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) Techniques, Ronald Myczek
Effect of Traumatic Injury on Sensitivity to Insulin, Karl M. Nelson
Hans Hofmann: Master Teacher of Painting, Diane S. Newbury
Variations in Mood During the Menstrual Cycle in Relation to the Personality Factors of Trait-Anxiety and Androgyny, Mary Leslie Smith O'Connor
Auditory Frequency Analysis in Infancy, Lynne Werner Olsho
Quantitative Measures of Subjective Contours, Gregory John Ozog
The Biocompatibility of Copper Enriched Amalgam, Richard A. Pasiewicz
The Role of Selected Suburban Cook County Superintendents in Providing Ways for Improving the Professional Skills of Principals, James Alexander Paziotopoulos
Holistic Essay Scoring: An Application of the Model for the Evaluation of Writing Ability and the Measurement of Growth in Writing Ability Over Time, Judith A. Powills
Observations on the Biology of Phyllobaenus Humeralis (Say) (Coleoptera, Cleridae) with Descriptions of its Immature Stages, Clifford Pulaski
Parameters of the Dento-Gingival Junction: A Post Operative Healing Study in Humans, Richard J. Rizzo
Cimarron Revolts and Pacification in New Spain, the Isthmus of Panama, and Colonial Columbia, 1503-1800, Frederick Marshall RodriÌguez
Symptom Presence and Resolution in Psychiatrically Hospitalized Adolescents, Margaret J. Rohde
Actions of l-methyl-3-isobutyl Xanthine on the Cat Neuromuscular Junction, Alan C. Roman
Gastrotricha of Kettle Moraine State Park, Garry J. Rossino
Measurement Competencies of Educators Defined Through Task Analysis and Differentiated By Teaching Area, Grade Level, and Vocation, William Mark Sack
The Relationship of Empathic Behavior and Selected Predisposing Personality Factors in Adolescents, Thomas Schevers
The Effect of Fire on a Prairie in Northeastern Illinois, Thomas Kevin Shaughnessy
The Chicago Catholic Worker Movement 1936 to the Present, Francis J. Sicius
Cell Density and Labeling Index of the Mandibular Condyle, Intermaxillary Suture and Periodontal Ligament in Rats Birth to 6 Weeks, Guillermo Silva
The City as Metaphor in Selected Novels of James Purdy and Saul Bellow, Yashoda Nandan Singh
The Effect of Maternal Administration of Pilocarpine on the Maturation of the Rabbit Fetal Lung, Dennis M. Smith