Theses/Dissertations from 1977
The Presidential Years of Sister Ann Ida Gannon, BVM, Mundelein College, 1957-1975, Carole Zucco Chambers
Ascending Spinal Pathways for the Somatosympathetic Reflex, Jin Mo Chung
A New Role for Linguistic Philosophy in Education with an Application to the Field of Learning Disability, Robert Clinkert
Paul Reynaud and French National Defense, 1933-1939, Joseph David Connors
Adolescent TAT Responses: Normative and Developmental Approaches, Aaron Cooper
The Orientation of Asplanchna Brightwelli in a Weak Horizontal Magnetic Field, Priscilla Kathleen Dale
Hostility, Gender and the Learning of Interpersonal Communication Skills, John E. Dalton
A Study of Field Dependence-Independence, Selected Curricular Choices and Preferred Guidance Strategies of Adult, Evening College Students, Richard Donald DeCosmo
Studies of Aging Patterns and Phosphatase Isozymes in the Life Cycle of the Nematode Panagrellus silusiae, Glenn Nicholas Doering
An Examination of Client-Therapist Matching on Locus of Control and Its Effect in Therapy, Carol Dubnicki
Changes in Morphology and Protein Content of Neurons and Glia of the Developing Hamster Cerebral Cortex, Thomas E. Durica
The Biosynthesis of Mannitol and Mannitol 1-phosphate in Staphylococci, Kenneth Edwards
Making Rewards Work: Refining the Overjustification Hypothesis, Naomi Eisenstein
Observation of Long and Short Term Effects of Capsicum (Red Pepper) and Capsaicine on the Morphology and the Biochemistry of the Albino Rat Stomach, Gabriel John Ekandem
Palestine: The Third Arab-Israeli War, 1967, Leila. Enayat-Seraj
An Evaluation of Perspective-Taking Ability: Its Effects on Television-Mediated Prosocial Behaviors, Mary Doheny Feczko
Histopathologic Comparison of Two Commonly Used Root Canal Sealers, Henry Bruce Feinberg
Circulation of B and T Lymphocytes Through the Canine Kidney in Control and Hydronephrotic States, John P. Ferron
Glucose Hypercatabolism in Endotoxic Adipose Tissue, Dianne Figlewicz
Living with Life-Threatening Illness, Teresa Foreman
Numerical Taxonomy and Analysis of Sociological Theory: An Empirical Approach to Evaluating and Reformulating Sociological Theory, Elizabeth A. Freidheim
The Relationship between Maternal Reinforcement Behavior for High and Low Achieving Children, Constance Anita Fullilove
The Gross Morphology of the Internal Tendons of the Muscles of the Human Lower Extremity, Nadhi Gagnantadilok
The Effects of Tissue Culture Medium (T199) on the Sutural Growth in Albino Mice, Eliezer Garcia
Childhood Behavior Disorders and Parental Background Variables, Dale Susan. Gody
Locus of Control in Relationship to Moral Judgement, Ethical Behavior, and Religious Motivation, Simcha Goldman
The Relationship of Selected Perceptual, Cognitive, and Personality Variables to Moral Judgment, Simcha Goldman
Histopathologic Evaluation of Conventional and Giromatic Methods of Canal Preparation on Pulp Stump and Periapical Tissues, Gerald Daniel Gray
Is There a Significant Gain in Language Development for Children Attending Summer Head Start Programs Beyond the Ten Month Session?, Evelyn A. Green
Word Identification Processes for Children and Adults: The Role Syllables and Phonemic Recoding, Christopher Gude
Student Characteristics Predictive of Performance in Self-Directed Study in an Introductory Psychology Course, Joseph Anthony Gutenson
The Relationship of Temporal and Spatial Parameters in Backward Masking, Darlene Cacciato Habinek
Spatial Factors in Backward Visual Masking, James Keith Habinek
An Exploratory Study of Seven Procedures to Encourage College Student Studying Behavior, Calvin Edward Hainzinger
Crevicular Fluid in Children, Rafik Ferdinand Hakim
Periodontal Ligament Reaction Associated with Two Methods of Dowel Space Preparation, Eugene Charles Hanson
Teaching Critical Life Issues in Nursing: A Philosophical Analysis, Evelyn G. Hartigan
Faking on the Zung Self-Rating Depression Scale, John Robert Hoeppel
Accumulation of fructose-1,6-diphosphate in Non-Growing Staphylococcus aureus, Charles Frederick Huettner
An Exploratory Assessment of the Effects of Specified Cultural and Environmental Factors on the Performance of Nigerian Students on Selected Verbal and Nonverbal Aptitude Tests Developed for Use in Western Countries, Victoria Belle Chigoziri Iwuji
Calscorbate Alloplastic Implants in Primates: A Sequential Histopathologic Study, Lawrence William Jenkins
Simulated Patient Situations in a Continuing Education Course for Practical Nurses, Faith Mahleah Jones
Differences between Guilt Proneness and Anxiety Proneness on Field Independence, Locus of Control, Empathy, and Religiousity, Gerald P. Joyce
Westward to the Mountains: Preliminary Hudson's Bay Company Exploration of the Northern Rocky Mountains, 1789-1824, Theodore J. Karamanski
Personality Correlates (CPI & I-E) of Vocational Satisfaction and Commitment for Professional Religious Women, M. Jean Keeley
A Papyrus Letter about Epicurean Philosophy Books, James G. Keenan
Detroit in the 1970's a Preview of the Coming American Racial Crisis, Timothy J. Kenny
Topographica Cretica: Topoi of Classical Crete with Testimonia, Kenneth Francis Kitchell
A Comparison of Crevicular Fluid Volume: Pre and Post Periodontal Surgery, David L. Koth
The Autonomic Control of the Canine Left Ventricle, David B. Lippincott
The Influence of Dionysius the Areopagite on John Colet, Daniel T. Lochman
The Loyolan 1977, Loyola University Chicago
Loyola University Rome Center Yearbook 1976-1977, Loyola University Rome Center
The Social Role of the Grandmother Among Puerto Ricans on the Mainland, Constance E. Ludwig
F.M. Ahl, Lucan: An Introduction, John F. Makowski
Oracula Mortis in the Pharsalia, John F. Makowski
Effects of Two Human Development Course Models at a Community College, Michael Joseph Patrick Maloney
Education of Ethnic Leadership: A Case Study of the Ukranian Ethnic Group in the United States (1970-1974), Daria Markus
A Study of a Procedure for the Scaling and Calibration of Personality Test Items Applicable to the Circumplex Model, Clarence C. McCormick
Attitudes Concerning Fire Preparedness in a Midwestern City: A Survey and Reverse Records Check, Michael A. McDaniel
Aristotle's Attitude Towards Homer, Donald J. McGuire
Shifts in Self-Concept and Locus of Control in College Students as a Function of Volunteering with Emotionally Disturbed Children, Patrick Joseph McKian
Alumni and Giving: A Study of Student Personnel Services and Alumni Philanthropy, John William McNulty
The Effect of Amygdalin on the Process of Regeneration in the Adult Newt, Notopthalmus Viridescens viridescens (rafinesque), Mary Therese Micaletti
Achievement Motivation in Women: A Developmental Perspective, Elizabeth Suzanne Miller
Pulpal Circulation Following Replantation of Teeth in Monkeys, Ronald M. Milnarik
A Morphological and Histological Study of the Hepatitis B Antigen Treated Nicotiana sylvestris and Nicotiana tabaccum Variety Xanthi, Jeanne Elisabeth Moldenhauer
Desegregation in Catholic Schools in the Archdiocese of Chicago, 1964-1974, Including a Case Study of a Catholic High School, James Charles Moses
Religion in the Family: A Typology of Family Religious Environment, Gerald Edward Mucha
An Examination of Executive Development Programs in Private Illinois Colleges and Universities, Thomas E. Murray
Red Cell Velocities in the Mesenteric Microvessels of Streptozotocin-Diabetic Rats, Karl M. Nelson
A Construct Validity Inquiry of the Mosak-Shulman Theory of Neurosis, Maria Pappas Nikolas
The Effect of Colchicine on Ergot Alkaloid Content of Seeds of Ipomoea violacea, Joseph F. Noferi
The Dialectic of Master and Slave: Laclos' Les Liaisons Dangereuses and Hegel's Phenomenology of Mind, Patrick J. O'Brien
A New Slant on the Development of Orientation Perception, Lynne Werner Olsho
A Functional Analysis of a Public Agency, the City of Chicago, Department of Human Resources, Hugh S. Osborne
Labeling Arousal as Depression According to Internal and Situational Cues, Letitia Paula Owens
Studies on the Mechanism of Inhibition of RNA Synthesis by Template Inactivators, Nikos Panayotatos
The Fluorescence Microscopic Study of the Infection of Saccharomyces cerevisae (Yeast) Protoplasts with Tobacco Mosaic Virus, Madhubhai. Patel
An Ultrastructural Study of the Early Embryogenesis of the Zebrafish, Brachydanio Rerio, Eleanore Paunovich
The Accuracy of Elastic Impression Materials, Manuel Perez-Alvarez
The Effectiveness of Career Awareness Workshops with Fifth Grade Girls, Jane M. Podall
The Activity of the Enzyme Rhodanese in Normal and Malignant Mouse Tissue, Mary Poletti
The German Socialist Emigration in the United States, 1933 to 1945, Albrecht Ragg
Impact of Age-Segregated Public Housing upon Self-Actualization and Other Personal-Adjustment Variables Among the Aged, Gerald Raymond Rak
Impact of Age-Segregated Public Housing upon Self-Actualization and Other Personal-Adjustment Variables Among the Aged: A Ten Month Follow-Up, Gerald Raymond Rak
Influence of Pre-Induction Instructions, Induction Format, Sex of Experimenter, and Sex of Subject upon Hypnotizability, Cheryl R. Rampage
Personality Correlates of Hypnotizability in College Students, Cheryl R. Rampage
Experimental Gingivitis in the Albino Hamster, John Anthony Ranieri
A Measurement Study of Assertive Behavior in Elementary School Boys, Richard Crawford Reardon
An Analysis of Systems Utilized in the Evaluation of School Superintendents, Robert J. Roelle
Analysis of Student and Teacher Variables Among Students Referred for Psychological Testing, David M. Rosen
Education and Social Mobility in Tamil Nadu, India: An Empirical Study of Intergenerational Occupational Mobility and Occupational Aspiration, Savarimuthu Savarimuthu
Factors Associated with Intellectual Development: Birth Order and Family Size Effects for a Select Population, William Maurice Schaefer
Developmental Logic, Harvey Jack Schiller
Prediction of Industrial Rate in Handicapped Workers Using Subject Variables, Psychometric Data, Evaluator Ratings, and Work Samples, Joseph Schreiner
Restriction Endonuclease Analysis of Bacteriophage P1 DNA and Its Derivative Hybrid DNAs, Gregory Alan Schulz
Convergent and Discriminant Validity of the Koppitz Scales and a Hiler-Nesvig Formula with Children's Human Figure Drawings, Roger William Semyck