Theses/Dissertations from 1973
The Journey and the Voyage Motif in Selected Major Poems, Clusters, and Short Lyrics of the Final Edition (1891-92) of Walt Whitman's Leaves of Grass, Donald Norman Schweda
The Status of Relations in William James, Charlene Haddock Seigfried
Prostaglandin F2αAND Aspirin Effect on the Ovaries and Adrenal Glands of the Immature Female Rat, Martin A. Sidor
The Greater Official Priests of Rome Under the Flavian-Antonine Emperors, Stephen J. Simon
Suicide in the Plays of Arthur Miller: A View from Glory Mountain, Sonia Wandruff Slavensky
Serological Methods for the Identification of Corynebacterium vaginale, Mary Frances Smaron
Grievance Handling at International Harvester Company: The "New Look", Alfred J. Smith
Flynn: A Study of A.E. Coppard and His Short Fiction, Frank Edmund Smith
Choice Shifts as a Function of Confidence in the Communicator and Risk Level of Message, Gerald James Smith
The Comparative Uptake and Metabolism of Tritiated Cortisol by Specific Tissues of Maternal and Fetal a/Jax Mice with Thin-Layer Chromatography and Liquid Scintillation, Kenneth Michael Spain
The Relationship of Central Monoamines to Drug-Induced Sleep in the Rat, Examined on a 24-Hour Basis, Samuel Gene Speciale
A Comparative Study of Isozyme Patterns in Gampanularia Flexuosa and Cordylophora Lacustris, Carol Jean. Stancher
Fixation and Stimulus Control of Behavior, David S. Stark
An Assessment of the Role of the State Supervisor in Illinois, Michael F. Stramaglia
King James I, Parliament and the Great Contract, 1603-1610, Raymond J. Teichman
Aspects of the Economic Motivation Behind the Marshall Plan, Neils. Thorsen
Effects of Prostaglandin F2α on the Thyroid, Pituitary, Uterus, Vaginal Canalization, and Ovarian Progesterone Biosynthesis of Immature Rats, Farol N. Tomson
Tort Liability of Public School Districts in Selected States, as Affected by Either a Common Law Or Statutory Immunity, Antonio Ignatio Torres
Implications for the Leadership Role of Secondary School Department Chairmen Included in the Teachers' Bargaining Unit, John G. Vanko
The Social Role of the Christian Colleges in India, Arul M. Varaprasadam S.J.
A Sequential Electron Microscopic Healing Study of Grafted Palatal Mucosa, Robert Alan Weinstein
The Affective Economy, Geoffrey P. West
Seasonal Change in Density of Benthic Chaoborus Populations, Daniel L. Wetzel
Lipogenin and Fatty Acid Biosynthesis, Paul Barrington Wieser
A Comparison of the Effects of Chronic Gamma and Neutron Irradiation on the Submandibular Gland of the Mouse, John Peter Wortel
Germination of Trichophyton Mentagrophytes Microconidia, Christine Da-Ruh Wu
Immunofluorescent Study of the Distribution of Plasma Cells in Human Gingiva, Dennis John. Zbylut
Theses/Dissertations from 1972
Aristotle's Relation to Democritus Reconsidered and Vindicated as Against the Criticism of Harold Cherniss, Richard W. Baldes
A Historical Case Study of the 45-15 Continuous Year Round School Plan, Allan W. Barnes
Community Pressures and Their Implications for the Leadership Role of Certain School Superintendents in Lake County, Illinois, Oscar Thomas Bedrosian
A Microbiological Investigation of Root Dentin in Pulpless Teeth, Richard Bence
A Morphological and Histochemical Study of the Petromyzon Marinus Heart, Theodore Michael Beringer
Gas Chromatography and Electron Capture Detection of Tetrahydroisoquinolines and Related Catecholamines, Mostafa G. Bigdeli
The Chicago Teacher Corps Program as a Factor in Recruiting and Training Qualified Tachers for Inner-City Schhols, Ernest C. Billups
Coriolanus: In Shakespeare and the Historians, Robert Blackwood
Edward Austin Sheldon and the Oswego Movement: A Model of Innovative Administration, Mary W. Boyle
The Binding Characteristics of Diphenylhydantoin Sodium to Serum Albumin in Relation to Its Pharmacological Implications, Ronald K. Browne
The Explorer, the United States Government, and the Approaches to Santa Fe: A Study of American Policy Relative to the Spanish Southwest, 1800-1819, Lee Francis Brown
The Ecology of Insanity, Dominic F. Burke
Camille Barrere and Franco-Italian Rapprochement: 1898-1902, Catherine T. Burnikel
Eugene O'Neill's Use of Symbolism in Eight Major Experimental Plays, F. Jay. Butler
A Study of the Periodontium Following Orthodontic Closure of Extraction Sites in the Macaca Nemestrina, Billy Abb Cannon
Capsulized Mastery Learning: An Experimental and a Correlational Study of a Mastery Learning Strategy, Rocco S. Caponigri
A Comparison of Varied Reading Instructional Program as Interrelated with Modes of Learning, Paul William Cates
Biochemical Effects of Chronic Alcohol Ingestion on Cardiac Muscle of the Rat, Daniel Yue-King Chan
The Effect of Intermittent Electric Shock on the Consumption of Alcohol in Rats, James P. Choca
Students from India in the United States: An Exploratory Study of Some Cultural and Religious Attitudes, Victor Anthony Coelho
An Evaluation of Programmed Instruction in a Management Development Program, Leroy G. Cougle
Osseous Coagulum: A Histologic Study, Leon Keith Coverly
Hemerythrin: Reactivity of the Sulfhydryl Group and Protein Association-Dissociation, Michael Charles Cress
Writer's Book by Sherwood Anderson: A Critical Edition, Martha M. Curry
The Effect of the Sex Steroids on the Rate of Tooth Eruption in the Rat Maxillary Incisor, Charles Richard de Lorimier
The Effect of Changed List 2 Functional Stimuli on Retroactive Inhibition in the A-B, A-D Paradigm, Martin J. Doherty
An Exploratory Study of Black Americans' (in Chicago) Perception of African Culture, Emman Ejidike Nwoko Egorugwu
3B-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase Activity in the Adrenal Gland of the Chick Embryo, Grover Charles Ericson
Histochemical and Gravimetric Analyses of the Pineal Gland of the Albino Rat During the Estrous Cycle, Pregnancy and Pseudopregnancy, Anthony V. Fasano
Prophet -- a Symbol of Protest a Study of the Leaders of Cargo Cults in Papua New Guinea, Paul Finnane
An Analysis of the Facilitatory Action of Catechol and Phenol at the Neuromuscular Junction of the Cat, Joel P. Gallagher
Transduction in Mycobacterium Phlei, Sheldon Mark Gelbart
A Factor Analytic Study of Anxiety Inducing Situations, Anthony Paul Gillette
The Equivalence of the Religious and the Existential in Kierkegaard, David Goicoechea
A Comparative Study of Taxonomic Methods for the Classification of Personality, James W. Graham
Dissonant Symphony: Multilevel Duality in the Fiction of John Steinbeck, Raymond Griffith
Comparative Parental Perceptions of a Mentally Retarded Child, Edward Gumz and Jaber F. Gubrium
Politicalization of the Student at a Catholic University, Phyllis J. Handelman
The Effects of Isolation on Aggressive Display in Siamese Fighting Fish (Betta splendens), Thomas J. Hinkel
The Relationship between Level of Contractual Behavior and Subjects' Evaluation of Their Experience in a Contract Sensitivity Group, Harvey Hilbert Honig
The American Dream and Its Culmination in Walt Whitman, Matthew F. Ignoffo
A Comparison of Three Role-Simulation Brief Interviews with Three Counseling Brief Interviews, Joseph Thomas Rolland Janisse
A Partial Analysis of a Religious Missionary Community as an Agency of Directed Culture Change, Jennifer Sister Johnson S.Sp.S.
Teacher's Opinions of Their Role in Guidance in Selected Community Lutheran High Schools, John D. Jungemann
Chaucer and Fourteenth-Century English Thought, Gertrude Jurschak
Impulsivity and Intelligence in Young Children, Allan Norbert Kaczala
A Surface Exploration in Search of Mycenean Roads in Nomos Fokidhos and Nomos Fthiatidhos, Edward W. Kase
Flavius John, Scholasticus: A Note on PSI 963, James G. Keenan
An Ultrastructural Study of Palatal Fusion in Rat Embryos, William Michael Kelly
Propagating the Pestalozzian: The Story of William Mcclure's Involvement in Efforts to Affect Educational and Social Reforms in the Early Nineteenth Century, William F. Kipnis
Three Small Pivotal States in the Crucible: The Foreign Relations of Austria, Hungary, and Yugoslavia with France, Anthony Tihamer Komjathy
Preservation of Human Gingiva, Michael Harry Korman
Histochemical Semi-Quantitative Analyses of the Ovary of the Albino Rat During the Estrous Cycle, Pregnancy and Two Types of Pseudopregnancy, Frances A. Kovarik
A Comparative Study of Three Mycobacteriophages, James P. Kraiss
Preliminary Investigation of Negative Emotion and Insight Function in the Counseling Process, Robert C. Kramer
A Two-Part Approach to the Education of Mothers of Potentially Environmentally Disadvantaged Children Regarding a Stimulating Early Childhood Environment, Barbara Schaller Kuczen
Religious Liberalism-Conservatism and Psychological Health in a Study of the Roman Catholic Priesthood, Mary Jo Kupst
Peter Semenenko and His Triologism as a Basis for a Resurrection Philosophy of Education, Lenore V. Kusek
Pharmacological and Anatomical Studies of the Testicular Capsule, George A. Langford
Some Linguistic Correlations in the Demographic Distributions of the Italians in the Near West Side Community of Chicago, Sandra Louise Lazarz
A Comparison of Clinical Versus Statistical Judgment of Asocial Psychopathy, Ernest John Lenz
Sex Differences in Autonomic Responses (Heart Rate, Respiration and Blood Pressure) to Electric Shock, Cathryn Walters Liberson
The Loyolan 1972, Loyola University Chicago
Loyola University Rome Center Yearbook 1971-1972, Loyola University Rome Center
Lethe, by David Garrick: A Critical Edition, James A. Luotto
A New Allotypic Specificity Found on Rabbit Aa Locus Negative IgG-immunoglobulins, Michael I. Luster